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The receiver function method applied in researching the discontinuities in upper mantle was systematically studied in this paper. Using the theoretical receiver functions, the characteristics of P410S and P660S phases were analyzed, and the influencing factors for detection of these phases were discussed. The stability of receiver function was studied, and a new computational method of receiver function, RFSSMS (Receiver Function of Stack and Smooth of Multi seismic-records at a Single station), was put forward. We built initial reference velocity model for the media beneath each of 18 seismic stations respectively; then estimated the buried depths of 410-km and 660-km discontinuities(simply marked as '410' and '660') under the stations by using the arrive time differences of P410S and P660S with P. We developed a new receiver function inversion method -PGARFI (Peeling-Genetic Algorithm of Receiver Function Inversion), to obtain the whole crust and upper mantle velocity structure and the depths of discontinuities beneath a station. The major works and results could be summarized as follows: (1) By analysis of the theoretical receiver functions with different velocity models and different ray parameters, we obtain the knowledge: The amplitudes of P410S and P660S phases are decreasing with the increasing of epicentral distance A , and the arrival time differences of these phases with P are shorter as A is longer. The multiple refracted and/or reflected waves yielded on Moho and the discontinuities in the crust interfere the identification of P410S. If existing LVZ under the lithosphere, some multiple waves caused by LVZ will interfere the identification of P410S. The multiple waves produced by discontinuity lied near 120km depth will mix with P410s phase in some range of epicentral distance; and the multiple waves concerned with the discontinuity lied near 210km depth will interfere the identification of P660S. The epicentral distance for P4i0s identification is limited, the upper limit is 80° . The identification of P660S is not restricted by the epicenter distance obviously. The identification of P410S and P6gos in the theoretical receiver functions is interfered weakly from the seismic wave attenuation caused by the media absorption if the Q value in a reasonable range. (2) The stability of receiver function was studied by using synthetic seismograms with different kind of noise. The results show that on the condition of high signal-noise-ratio of seismic records, the high frequency background noise and the low frequency microseism noise do not influence the calculating result of receiver function. But the media "scattering noise" influence the stability of receiver function. When the scattering effect reach some level, the identification of P4iOs and P66os is difficult in single receiver function which is yielded from only one seismic record. We provided a new method to calculate receiver function, that is, with a group of earthquake records, stacking the R and Z components respectively in the frequency domain, and weighted smooth the stacked Z component, then compute the complex spectrum ratio of R to Z. This method can improve the stability of receiver function and protrude the P4i0s and P66os in the receiver function curves. (3) 263 receiver functions were provided from 1364 three component broadband seismograms recorded at 18 stations in China and adjacent areas for the tele-earthquakes. The observed arrival time differences of P410S and P660S with P were obtained in these receiver functions. The initial velocity model for every station was built according to the prior research results. The buried depths of '410' and '660' under a station were acquired by the way of adjusting the depths of these two discontinuities in the initial velocity model until the theoretical arrival time differences of P410S and P660S with P well conformed to the observed. The results show an obvious lateral heterogeneity of buried depths of ' 410' and (660' . The depth of '410' is shallower beneath BJI, XAN, LZH and ENH, but deeper under QIZ and CHTO, and the average is 403km . The average depth of '660' is 663km, deeper under MDJ and MAJO, but shallower under QIZ and HYB. (4) For inversing the whole crust and upper mantle velocity structure, a new inversion method -PGARFI (Peeling-Genetic Algorithm of Receiver Function Inversion) has- been developed here. The media beneath a station is divided into segments, then the velocity structure is inversed from receiver function from surface to deep successively. Using PGARFI, the multi reflection / refraction phases of shallower discontinuities are isolated from the first order refraction transform phase of deep discontinuity. The genetic algorithm with floating-point coding was used hi the inversion of every segment, and arithmetical crossover and non-uniform mutation technologies were employed in the genetic optimization. 10 independent inversions are completed for every segment, and 50 most excellent velocity models are selected according to the priority of fitness from all models produced in the inversion process. The final velocity structure of every segment is obtained from the weighted average of these 50 models. Before inversion, a wide range of velocity variation with depth and depth range of the main discontinuities are given according to priori knowledge. PGARFI was verified with numerical test and applied in the inversion of the velocity structure beneath HIA station down to 700km depth.
基于稳定碳同位素方法, 通过对贵州凉风洞洞穴综合体系的逐项分析, 表明洞穴滴水较好地继承了土壤水所携带的地表气候与生态环境信息.
姚安金矿床与富碱侵入岩体具有密切时空关系[1] 。本研究运用稀土元素地球化学示踪方法 ,探讨了富碱侵入岩与姚安金矿床之间可能的成因联系。1 地质背景我国滇西“三江”地区沿哀牢山—金沙江深大断裂及其附近 ,分布着一个总体呈这个北西走向的巨型富碱侵入岩带 ,带内分布着大量在第三纪时期的裂谷环境中由富集地幔部分熔融形成的富碱侵入体[1~ 4 ] 。姚安岩体属于这个富碱侵入岩带的一部分。姚安金矿床已探明金矿脉 19条 ,金品位为0 .4 5~ 2 9.95)g/t① 。矿区内的侵入体为姚安岩体 ,主要由正长斑岩和石英正长斑岩组成。矿体产于姚安岩体与侏罗系地层的内外接触带内。野外可见 ,姚安岩体形成后至金成矿前 ,区内再未有其它岩浆活动 ,这表明金成矿与姚安岩体具有密切的时空联系。矿区内出露的地层是侏罗系妥甸组 (J3t)灰黑色粉砂质泥岩 ,姚安岩体呈岩株状侵位于妥甸组地层中。区内的骨架构造为北西向的断裂 ,矿体呈脉状、豆荚状产于主断裂旁侧的次级断裂破碎带中。根据矿脉的穿插关系、矿石的结构构造和矿物组合 ,姚安金矿床可分为两个主要成矿阶段。早期硫化物阶段(阶段I) :矿石为细脉浸染型 ,主要矿石矿物有黄铁矿、黄铜矿、方..
四川力马河镍矿是峨眉山大火成岩省一个重要的岩浆硫化物矿床。本文通过对其主要岩、矿石类型Re、0s及其同位素组成的分析,综合探讨了成矿岩体原始岩浆性质、矿石硫化物成因、成矿机制及Re-Os同位素等时线年龄。结果表明,力马河镍不同类型岩矿石样品初始0s同位素组成是不均一的,富硫化物的网脉状矿石 及其选纯硫化物Os同位素组成初始值差异较小,其等时线年龄为265士35 Ma,与岩体错石SHRIMP年龄263士3Ma基本相当}硫化物含量较低的岩、矿石样品间初始Os同位素组成差异较大,其表观等时线年龄大于成矿年龄。分析认为。岩矿样品初始Os同位素组成的不均一是由含较高放射成因187Os丰度的硫化物熔体和含较低放射成因187Os丰度的硅酸盐熔体不同比例混合造成的。混合模型分析表明,硫化物含量超过3O% 的矿石样品初始187 Os/188Os基本接近,硫化物含量低于3O %的岩矿石样品初始 187Os/188Os随硫化物含量上的不同,差异很大,为岩浆硫化物矿床Re-Os等时线年龄出现多组年龄解的现象提供了一种可能的解释。成矿岩体中含放射成因187Os丰度最低的岩石样品 (t一260Ma)在5左右、Cu/Pd比值在7000左右,表明是基本没有受到地壳混染及硫化物熔离影响的原始岩浆结晶分异产物,估计原始岩浆Os含量在1×10 左右,为苦橄质岩浆。矿石硫化物Re/Os比值显著高于任何赋矿橄榄岩,7o,(£一260Ma)高达110左右,综合分析揭示了力马河镍矿硫化物为二次熔离成因,模式分析认为,矿石硫化物是由原始岩浆经历R一2000左右的硫化物熔离后,其亏损岩浆再经R一200左右的硫化物熔离形成,与二次熔离相对应,成矿岩浆也经历了两次混染作用,分别为上、下地壳7%左右的混染。
流域水环境是流域一切生态过程的基础,也是保障水资源发挥各项服务功能的必要条件。随着社会经济的发展,河流的自然性质和作用过程受到流域内不断加强的人文活动的强烈冲击。其中,水利大坝对河流的拦截调蓄可以算得上是对河流及流域生态系统的影响最为显著和重要。在河流上修筑水坝后,水库成为流域(河流)景观格局中重要的组成部分。目前对河流“水库效应”的研究主要集中在由水坝拦截引起的河流水文情势改变、泥砂淤积、地貌侵蚀以及鱼类迴游、水坝建设对生源要素的拦截、水库温室气体等方面,且大多数研究只针对单个水库或几个位于不同流域的独立水库,而对同一流域梯级开发形成的河流—水库体系中水环境演化的过程缺乏深入的了解,对单一水库中碳循环的生物地球化学作用研究不够。 碳是生命的核心元素,所有其它重要元素的生物循环过程都与碳密切相关。水体内生物活动与水库水环境变化之间的反馈、水体生态系统与营养元素载荷的相互作用关系以及响应过程是研究水环境变化的基础。其中,水体内部的元素循环、能量流动、CO2动力学与营养状况的关系等都是控制水环境变化的关键过程,碳作为这一切活动的核心元素,对它的研究对认识水环境变化、水生态过程、元素循环以及它们的相互作用具有重要的指示意义。 因此,本研究中选取中国西南喀斯特山区典型的梯级水库作为研究对象,以碳循环为研究主线,于2006年4月、7月、10月和2007年1月对乌江中上游干流已进行梯级开发的六个水库的入库水体、库区水体及出库水体进行一个水文年的采样,对溶解无机碳(DIC)、溶解有机碳(DOC)、颗粒有机碳(POC)、DIC同位素组成(δ13CDIC)和POC同位素组成(δ13CPOC)以及TN、TP、chla、和藻类种类和数量进行了分析,深入探讨了水电梯级开发对河流碳循环的影响,获得以下几点重要认识。这些认识将为我们理解和评价梯级开发对河流水环境的影响提供重要的科学依据: 1、河水化学的水库效应:河流梯级筑坝拦截使得水库水体基本水化学特征发生变化。研究区水化学类型主要为重碳酸盐-碳酸盐Ca组Ⅱ型水。河流经水坝拦截后,库区水位抬升,水库水化学性质表现出随季节变化的特征。水库中水体在春季开始出现水温的分层结构,这种状况持续到夏季和秋季,有效地限制了上下层水体的垂直交换。河流水体经水库作用后,出库水体水温、pH值均降低。除冬季外,各水库出库水体水温均低于入库水体和库区表层水体。水体水化学组成因此出现较为明显的上下差异。Na+、K+、Mg2+、Cl-、SO42-经水库作用而部分被吸收或滞留;而Ca2+、HCO3-和NO3-经水库作用后增加。 2、生物作用的水库效应:研究区水库中,洪家渡水库、引子渡水库和索风营以绿藻为主,处于中营养状态;普定水库和东风水库以硅藻为主,处于轻度富营养状态;乌江渡水库以蓝藻为主,处于富营养状态。总体上表现为水库库龄与水库营养程度正相关,建库时间越长,水库营养程度越高。 3、碳循环的水库效应:水库作用过程使得出库水体中DIC浓度增加,DOC和POC浓度减少。梯级水库作用使得乌江中上游河流体系DIC输出量增加22.18%,而DOC和POC输出量则分别减少18.19%和70.09%。研究区梯级水库是河流—水库体系DIC的“源”、DOC和POC的“汇”。经梯级水库作用后,乌江中上游河流—水库体系经乌江渡水库每年向下游河流输送的DIC(以C计)、DOC、POC通量分别为263.64 kt、12.40 kt、13.86 kt。 总体上,研究区梯级水库是下游河流DIC的“源”,DOC、POC的“汇”。在水体垂直剖面上,DIC浓度随水深的增加而增加,而DOC、POC浓度则随着水深的增加而减小,但由于底部沉积物的再悬浮作用,使得部分剖面中底部水体中DOC、POC浓度增加。溶解无机碳同位素组成(δ13CDIC)对水库作用过程有良好的响应,水库出库水体中δ13CDIC值比入库水体和库区表层水体均偏负,在库区坝前垂直剖面上,δ13CDIC值随着水深的增加而偏负,δ13CPOC值变化规律性较差。从研究结果来看,δ13CDIC值可用于对水库作用过程对水环境的影响进行示踪。 4、水库的温室气体释放:总体上,入库水体中溶解CO2分压(pCO2)低于出库水体。河流经水库截留后,水体中pCO2增高,向大气中释放的CO2增加,成为大气CO2的“源”。在水库内部垂直剖面上,水体中CO2分压随着深度的增加而增大。由于水库为下层泄水,使得出库水体中CO2分压显著高于大气分压,CO2释放通量平均为水库库区表层水体的6.51倍。由此可见,在研究水库作用过程对大气中温室气体的影响时,水库泄水的CO2释放问题需引起极大的重视。
Various carbonaceous deposits are formed during the course of methane dehydro-aromatization (MDA) under non-oxidative conditions on Mo/MCM-22 catalysts. These carbon species were investigated by various temperature-programmed techniques such as TPH and TPCO2, combining with TPO and TGA results in order to reveal their chemical nature and determine their amounts. The TPO profiles recorded from coked Mo/MCM-22 catalysts show two temperature peaks: one at about 756 K and the other at about 876 K. The coke amounts related to these two peaks were determined on the basis of the corresponding corrected and deconvoluted TPO profiles, combining with the TGA profiles concerned.
Purely organic and catalytic systems of anthraquinones and N-hydroxyphthalimide efficiently promote oxygenation of hydrocarbons with dioxygen under mild conditions, e.g., fluorene can be converted completely to fluorenone with 85% yield at 80 degreesC.