258 resultados para La_(2-x)Sr_xCuO_4


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High homogeneity of the CR (collector ring) dipole magnet for FAIR (Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research) project at GSI is essential. The two optimized and analysis methods are introduced in detail. In order to obtain an ideal integral magnetic field distribution, the complicated end chamfer has been designed. By chamfering the removable pole, the distribution tolerance of high magnetic field is optimized to +/- 2 x 10(-4). The method of adding a mirror plane is suitable for the high magnetic field and it doesn't fit the low one. The OPERA is used to optimize the dipole magnetic field.


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Amorphous SiO2 thin films with about 400-500 nm in thickness were thermally grown on single crystalline silicon. These SiO2/Si samples were firstly implanted at room temperature (RT) with 100 keV carbon ions to 2.0 x 10(17),5.0 X 10(17) or 1.2 x 10(18) ions/cm(2), then irradiated at RT by 853 MeV Pb ions to 5.0 x 10(11), 1.0 X.10(12) 2.0 x 10(12) or 5.0 x 10(12) ions/cm(2), respectively. The variation of photoluminescence (PL) properties of these samples was analyzed at RT using a fluorescent spectroscopy. The obtained results showed that Pb-ion irradiations led to significant changes of the PL properties of the carbon ion implanted SiO2 films. For examples, 5.0 x 10(12) Pb-ions/cm(2) irradiation produced huge blue and green light-emitters in 2.0 x 10(17) C-ions/cm(2) implanted samples, which resulted in the appearance of two intense PL peaks at about 2.64 and 2.19 eV. For 5.0 x 10(17) carbon-ions/cm(2) implanted samples, 2.0 x 10(12) Pb-ions/cm(2) irradiation could induce the formation of a strong and wide violet band at about 2.90 eV, whereas 5.0 x 10(12) Pb-ionS/cm(2) irradiation could,create double peaks of light emissions at about 2.23 and 2.83 eV. There is no observable PL peak in the 1.2 x 10(18) carbon-ions/cm(2) implanted samples whether it was irradiated with Pb ions or not. All these results implied that special light emitters could be achieved by using proper ion implantation and irradiation conditions, and it will be very useful for the synthesis of new type Of SiO2-based light-emission materials.


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Spectra of the ionized oxygen atom were researched with the Pro-500i monochromator equipped with CCD. The beam foil method was used at energy of 2 MeV in a 2 x 1.7 Tandem accelerator. In this work, we report 201 spectral lines determined in the region 250-350 nm, and most spectral lines were attributed to n, l energy level transitions from O II to O IV atoms. Our experimental results are in good agreement with existing theoretical calculations. Many lines reported in this paper have not been measured in past experiments, and a majority of them are week transitional lines.


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The dissociative recombination of the acetaldehyde cation, CH3CHO+, has been investigated at the heavy ion storage ring CRYRING at the Manne Siegbahn Laboratory in Stockholm, Sweden. The dependence of the absolute cross section of the reaction on the relative kinetic energy has been determined and a thermal rate coefficient of k(T) = (1.5 +/- 0.2) x 10(-6) (T/300)(-0.70 +/- 0.02) cm(3) s(-1) has been deduced, which is valid for electron temperatures between similar to 10 and 1000 K. The branching fractions of the reaction were studied at similar to 0 eV relative kinetic energy and we found that breaking one of the bonds between two of the heavy atoms occurs in 72 +/- 2% of the reactions. In the remaining events the three heavy atoms stay in the same product fragment. While the branching fractions are fairly similar to the results from an earlier investigation into the dissociative recombination of the fully deuterated acetaldehyde cation, CD3CDO+, the thermal rate coefficient is somewhat larger for CH3CHO+. Astrochemical implications of the results are discussed.


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The dissociative recombination of protonated propionitrile, CH3CH2CNH+, has been investigated at the heavy ion storage ring, CRYRING, at the Manne Siegbahn Laboratory, Stockholm University, Sweden. The thermal rate coefficient has been deduced to follow k(T) = (1.5 +/- 0.2) x 10(-6) (T/300)(-0.76) (+/-) (0.02) cm(3) s(-1) for electron temperatures ranging from similar to 10 to similar to 1000 K. Measurements of the branching fractions were performed at similar to 0 eV relative kinetic energy. It has been found that in 43% +/- 2% of the reactions the four heavy atoms remain in the same product fragment. An equal portion of the reactions leads to products where one of the heavy atoms is split off from the other three and 14% +/- 1% result in a breakup into two heavy fragments containing two heavy atoms each. We discuss the significance of the data to Titan's upper atmosphere.


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环境样品中的低水平放射性测量在环境放射性现状调查和探矿中有广泛的应用。本论文对CSR环境水样品的放射性利用γ能谱方法进行了测量;对铀矿坑水样铀电沉积层用红外谱图和扫描电镜进行了表征,并且对其进行了α能谱测量;对便携式钾40探测器样机在不同条件下进行了测试。 CSR环境水样品经过采集,静置,预处理和封装,用高纯锗探测器在低本底大铅室内对水样品进行了测量,每个样品测量86400秒。标准源由中国原子能科学研究院提供,用相对比较的方法,给出样品中天然铀、钍、镭和钾的放射性活度。测量结果表明,CSR环境水样品中的放射性处于兰州地区本底水平,在样品中没有发现人工放射性核素。 对铀矿坑水样中的铀进行离子交换化学分离,在0.8M的硫酸铵溶液中进行电沉积,电流密度为0.6A cm-2,pH值为2.5;和同样条件下电沉积的硝酸铀酰进行对比,并对二者分别作了红外光谱、扫描电镜、元素分析以及α能谱测量,红外谱上铀酰离子的反对称伸缩振动峰在887cm-1附近,电沉积在不锈钢片上的铀主要以铀酰离子水合物的形式存在,电沉积层中铀化合物形式为UO2(OH)2•xNH3•yH2O或者UO2(OH)2-x•(ONH4)x•yH2O。扫描电镜照片显示电沉积层均匀,没有成团现象出现。α谱表明电沉积层中铀的同位素主要是238U和234U,相应的α能量峰分别为4198keV和4773keV。 对研制的40K探测器样机在屏蔽和未加屏蔽的条件下进行了测试,测量配制的40K标准源,绘出标准曲线,在同样的条件下测量未知钾含量的样品,根据峰面积计算40K的含量。研制的40K探测器样机基本满足样品中钾含量测量的需要,在野外测量时,在一定程度上受本底的影响


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近年来,放射治疗在肿瘤治疗中的作用受到了越来越多的重视,放疗技术和手段的迅速发展为人们选择放疗创造了更多的机会[1]。放疗是利用电离辐射对细胞,特别是细胞中的遗传物质DNA的损伤作用,诱发病灶部位不正常细胞的凋亡和坏死来治疗肿瘤的。即使制定了周密的放疗方案和计划,放疗过程中难免也会对正常组织和细胞造成一定程度的损伤,而且辐射的远后效应和旁效应的发现,也使得放射治疗肿瘤的安全性受到了很大的关注。要想充分发挥放疗的优势,而又使其对人体正常组织的毒副作用尽可能降低,就必须搞清楚电离辐射对细胞造成的各种损伤的类型及其分子机理。自从电离辐射的远后效应和旁效应被发现以来就一直是辐射生物医学领域的研究热点,国内外的科研人员进行了大量的实验试图解释它们的本质,可是几十年来相关领域的研究一直局限于细胞学的水平,在向分子水平前进的道路上遇到了巨大的困难[2,3]。目前对于电离辐射远后效应和旁效应的研究是相对独立进行的,很少有探讨二者相互关系的论文发表。本文试图在总结前人科研成果并结合对自己所取得的实验数据进行分析的基础上对电离辐射的远后效应、旁效应、基因不稳定性与电离辐射所产生的活性氧自由基的关系进行初步的探讨。实验方法与结果: 1.用X射线辐照人正常肝细胞系HL-7702细胞,运用胞质分离阻滞微核实验检测细胞微核率,AnnexinV-FITC细胞凋亡检测试剂盒检测细胞凋亡率,细胞微核率和凋亡率随着辐照剂量的增加而显著增加。X射线照射后细胞继续传代培养,第七代时不同剂量辐照后子代细胞微核率和凋亡率同未辐照细胞的微核率和凋亡率相比已经没有明显区别。对不同剂量辐照后传代七代的细胞再次照射2.5Gy相同的剂量,发现受初次不同剂量辐照的细胞其微核率和凋亡率再次出现明显差异,初次辐照剂量高的细胞再次相同剂量辐照后的微核率和凋亡率也高。 2.对不同剂量X射线辐照后的细胞继续传代到第十五代时用H2O2浓度为1ul/ml的培养基处理15min,发现受初次不同剂量辐照的细胞其微核率再次出现比较明显差异,初次辐照剂量高的细胞H2O2处理后的微核率也高。 3.对受到不同剂量X射线辐照的人正常肝细胞存活后代进行二次辐照,分两组分别给予1.5GyX射线和1Gy碳离子束辐照,并检测二次辐照后细胞的微核率,发现重离子束二次辐照后并不像X射线一样可以诱发初次X射线辐照造成的损伤信息的表达,而只是表现出二次重离子辐照所造成的损伤。结论: 1.X射线辐照导致了HL-7702细胞基因组不稳定性这一辐射远后效应,X射线二次辐照辐照存活细胞的子代细胞可以诱发辐射的远后效应(如基因组不稳定性)明显的表现; 2.X射线辐照导致的HL-7702细胞后代基因组不稳定性,可以通过H2O2处理而得以诱发,揭示电离辐射过程中产生的氧自由基可能与辐射的远后效应存在密切的联系; 3.电离辐射产生的ROS在诱发细胞产生微核中具有重要的作用,但是并非唯一的影响因素。 4.X射线和12C6+重离子束辐照后存活细胞的后代中的细胞损伤类型可能存在着本质上的区别


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实验目的:随着科技的发展,人类活动范围已经逐渐向外太空扩展,对于人类太空探索的最大威胁是太空中的各种粒子辐射。这些辐射包括太阳辐射(质子和电子)和银河辐射(质子占85%,氦离子占14%,重离子占1%)。众所周知,重离子与常规X和γ射线相比有较高的传能线密度(linear energy transfer, LET)和相对生物学效应(relative biological effectiveness, RBE),对机体组织和器官有较强的影响。放射治疗是肿瘤治疗的重要手段之一,由于肿瘤细胞的异质性,其对放、化疗的反应相差悬殊。本研究的目的是: 1评估辐射对健康机体产生的生物学风险; 2研究抗氧化剂氮乙酰半胱氨酸(NAC)对机体辐射损伤的保护作用 3不同肿瘤细胞辐射敏感性的差异。实验方法: 1 X射线或12C6+离子对小鼠进行不同剂量的全身辐射。NAC处理组小鼠在照射前1小时腹腔注射200mg/kg的NAC,对照组注射等体积的生理盐水。照射后不同时间点取样,利用流式细胞仪检测小鼠免疫细胞周期和凋亡情况,单细胞电泳检测淋巴细胞DNA损伤,MTT法(3-(4, 5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2, 5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide)检测脾脏NK(natural killer,NK)细胞活性,微核法检测淋巴细胞染色体损伤情况,小鼠体内干扰素-γ(Interferon-γ,IFN-γ)由ELISA方法得到,小鼠血清中超氧化物岐化酶(Surperoxide dismutase SOD)由分光光度法测定,并观察胸腺和脾脏指数变化。 2 不同剂量X射线和12C6+离子辐射人肺腺癌细胞H1299和A549,用细胞克隆法检测照射后细胞存活曲线,流式细胞仪检测细胞周期和凋亡,Western-blot 检测A549 细胞P53蛋白表达。 结果: 1小鼠外周血淋巴细胞、胸腺细胞和脾脏淋巴细胞周期随着X射线照射剂量的增大而被阻滞在了G0/G1期,相同剂量的12C6+离子辐射时外周血淋巴细胞周期被阻滞在S期,分次连续X射线照射时,外周血淋巴细胞周期随着累积剂量的增加被阻滞在G2/M期;细胞凋亡比例随着照射剂量的增加而增加。小鼠血清中IFN-γ水平和脾脏中NK细胞活性在重离子照射剂量为0.05Gy时有显著增加,脾脏NK细胞活性随着照射剂量的增加而减弱。 2重离子照射后,小鼠淋巴细胞DNA和染色体的损伤随辐射剂量和照射后时间的延长而加剧。脾脏NK细胞活性在照射后各个时间点减弱,血清中IFN-γ水平和SOD酶活性随着重离子照射剂量的增加而降低。预防性给予NAC,12C6+离子辐射对淋巴细胞DNA和染色体所致损伤,胸腺细胞周期和凋亡,脾脏NK细胞活性,血清中IFN-γ的水平和SOD酶的活性的损伤与盐水组比较均有显著改善。 3 X射线照射对肺腺癌H1299细胞周期和凋亡率未产生明显影响,重离子照射后随着照射剂量的增加细胞周期被阻滞在G2/M期,细胞凋亡率也呈剂量依赖性;X射线和12C6+离子照射A549细胞后,细胞周期均被阻滞在G2/M期,凋亡率剂量依赖性增加。A549细胞P53蛋白的表达水平随着重离子照射剂量的增加而增加。结论: 1重离子辐射造成细胞DNA和染色体损伤随着照射剂量的增加和照射后时间的延长而增加,比X射线辐射损伤复杂和难以修复,产生这种现象的机理为辐射导致活性氧分子簇的产生,细胞因子和与细胞氧化反应有关的酶活性的变化,同时这种损伤对胸腺细胞周期、凋亡和胸腺、脾脏指数以及机体免疫系统都有影响;低剂量重离子辐射(0.05Gy)对小鼠机体的免疫力有刺激作用,机体免疫能力随着照射剂量增加和照射后时间的推移而减弱,不同的免疫器官对辐射的敏感性也不同; 2 200mg/kg 的NAC对辐射所致小鼠免疫系统损伤有很好的保护作用; 3 肺腺癌细胞H1299比同系A549具有较强的辐射敏感性,A549细胞凋亡的增加与P53蛋白表达水平升高有关


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目的: 肿瘤是当今人类生活中最危险的疾病之一。重离子和质子的Bragg峰,能使高吸收剂量区集中于肿瘤部位,从而有效地保护周围的健康组织,且在肿瘤照射区具有相对生物学效应高、修复效率低等特点,在放疗上比较理想。但是现有的离子束治疗模式仍是面向物理学对象的——即仅仅考虑离子的物理学特性和肿瘤的大小、形状等,很少从生物的有机整体考虑。本文依据生物学个体差异,进行了面向生物学对象的离子治疗模式必要性和可行性的基础研究。研究方法与结果: 1、不同剂量的重离子辐照肝癌SMMC-7721细胞后出现了细胞周期阻滞,细胞在低剂量区表现出明显的HRS/IRR 响应。 2、不同剂量重离子和X射线分别辐照小鼠全身后,其骨髓细胞周期表现出不同的分布,且等剂量重离子较X射线辐照对动物的影响更明显。 3、头部是一个重要的器官。重离子辐照小鼠头部后,小鼠骨髓、脾脏和外周淋巴细胞周期分布出现明显变化,这表明动物个体本身是一个有机统一整体,重离子辐照对动物非辐照部位具有直接的和间接的影响。 4、7.5c Gy重离子辐照正常小鼠后荷瘤,不仅没有能够抑制反而促进了肿瘤的生长,并且小鼠胸腺、脾脏、骨髓和外周淋巴细胞周期分布发生变化。另外发现雄性比雌性小鼠对低剂量重离子辐射更敏感。 5、以不同剂量重离子辐照荷瘤小鼠(S180肉瘤或H22肝癌)的实验中,随着剂量的增加,肿瘤细胞周期阻滞现象逐渐明显,同时出现免疫系统细胞周期的阻滞。这表明重离子辐照在杀死或引起肿瘤细胞凋亡的同时,在一定程度上也引起了正常组织和免疫系统的损伤。结论: 本研究通过一系列的细胞、动物学实验证明了面向生物学对象的离子治疗模式是可行的和必要的,这种模式将使离子治疗能够根据患者的个体差异,采取适合不同个体的最佳治疗方案,将可能极大的提高治愈率和患者的生存质量,是一种以人为本的治疗模式,有着很好的应用前景


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束流储存寿命对于储存环的建造和内靶实验都是一个很重要的参数。由于重离子冷却储存环工程的优化,HIRFL-CSR主环将能提供2.SGev的质子束流,这为强子物理研究提供了一个很好的平台。设计并建立一套针对强子物理的内靶系统己经列入到计划当中,与内靶相关的束流储存寿命研究也随之展开。本论文首先分析了在内靶实验中束流储存寿命的影响因素,即真空管道中的残余气体分子、冷却电子束和内靶,以及束内散射和集体效应等,并用理论解析和数值计算的方法,对各种因素的影响程度进行估算。研究表明,内靶散射影响下的束流储存寿命比其他因素导致的短2~3个数量级,内靶是影响束流寿命的决定性因素。其次,对CSRm将来实验中主要用到的Pelle七内靶和碳薄膜靶做了简要介绍,并计算了它们的有效靶厚大约为lx10、切ms/cmZ和5火1017atoms/CmZ。再者,用理论推导方法,对内靶的多次库仑散射和束流能量损失扰动对束流的影响进行了研究,推导了束流的横向和纵向发射度增长与束流每次打靶产生的小库仑散射角均方值气s和相对动量分散气了:之间的关系,并通过数值计算的方法给出了CSRm内靶实验条件的发射度增长曲线。最后,建立了内靶散射的MOnte-Carlo模拟程序,在模拟数据的基础上,总结研究束流的发射度增长规律,以及束流存储寿命与内靶厚度和束流能量的关系。计算表明,当存在Pellet靶(1、1016atoms/cm2)和c膜(5*1017 atoms/cmZ)时,2800Mev质子束的束流储存寿命分别为397秒和0.7秒,将来的内靶实验亮度大约为2 x 1033cm-2·s-1。


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用600kev的kr~+对Cr/Al薄膜系统进行了离子束混合研究。实验样品是在单晶硅上蒸镀约5000 A厚的铝膜,相继再上所需不同厚度的铬膜。Kr~+注入剂量范围在2.0 * 10~(15)~2.5 * 10~(16) kr~+/cm~2之间。用2.0 Mev的α粒子对注入前后的样品进行了背散射分析,发现铝谱的前沿和铬谱的后沿有明显的展宽,且随剂量的增大而加宽,Cr/Al界面原子混合扩展量的平方α~2注入剂量φ成线性关系;当注入剂量大于1.0 * 10~(16) kr~+/cm~2时,铝谱前沿和铬谱的后沿出现有明显的平坦,经理论拟合计算,发现有化合物形成,x射线衍射实验结果证明化合物形式为Al_(13)Cr_2。本文还得到了混合量Q与剂量的线性关系。最后,对混合机制进行了讨论


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本工作用120Kev的He~+离子对非晶态Ni_(60)Nb_(40)、Fe_(40)Ni_(38)Mo_4B_(18)、Fe-Ni-B合金样品进行了辐照,辐照剂量为1.6、2.0、2.5,3.0 * 10~(18)/cm~2四种。借助X射线衍射扫描电子显微镜(SEM),内转换电子穆斯堡文谱(CEMS)等方法对辐照前后的样品进行了分析。X射线衍射结果表明在冷却靶的辐照条件下,样品辐照前后的非晶状态来改变,但辐照产生了原子的重排。SEM研究发现:表面发论的形成须一定的临界剂量对于Ni_(60)N_(240),所需临界剂量最高;随剂量的增加,在所研究的剂量范围内,发论大小增大且来观察到表面发论的破裂与剥学;对不同组织的非晶合金,其发论程度稍有不同;辗压减药不影响材料的发论性质;表面结构的粗糙有助于降低发论程度;晶化样品,发论程度的显加剂。CEMS分析指出;辐照使结构的天度增加,有效的平均原子间距减小;因辐照导致原子的重新溶合使CSRO降低;随辐照首先的缺陷周围自旋取向及急进的应力源的变化。磁各向异性发生了变化


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Methyl radicals are generated by pyrolysis of azomethane, and the condition for achieving neat adsorption on Cu(110) is described for studying their chemisorption and reaction characteristics. The radical-surface system is examined by X-ray photoemission spectroscopy, ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy, temperature-programmed desorption, low-energy electron diffraction (LEED), and high-resolution electron energy loss spectroscopy under ultrahigh vacuum conditions. It is observed that a small fraction of impinging CH3 radicals decompose into methylene possibly on surface defect sites. This type of CH2 radical has no apparent effect on CH3(ads) surface chemistry initiated by dehydrogenation to form active CH2(ads) followed by chain reactions to yield high-mass alkyl products. All thermal desorption products, such as H-2, CH4, C2H4, C2H6, and C3H6, are detected with a single desorption peak near 475 K. The product yields increase with surface coverage until saturation corresponding to 0.50 monolayer of CH3(ads). The mass distribution is, however, invariant with initial CH3(ads) coverage, and all desorbed species exhibit first-order reaction kinetics. LEED measurement reveals a c(2 x 2) adsorbate structure independent of the amount of gaseous exposure. This strongly suggests that the radicals aggregate into close-packed two-dimensional islands at any exposure. The islanding behavior can be correlated with the reaction kinetics and is deemed to be essential for the chain propagation reactions. Some relevant aspects of the CH3/Cu(111) system are also presented. The new results are compared with those of prior studies employing methyl halides as radical sources. Major differences are found in the product distribution and desorption kinetics, and these are attributed to the influence of surface halogen atoms present in those earlier investigations.


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Four cyclometalated Pt(II) complexes, i.e., [(L-2)PtCl] (1b), [(L-3)PtCl] (1c), [(L-2)PtC CC6H5] (2b) and [(L-3)PtC CC6H5] (2c) (HL2 = 4-[p-(N-butyl-N-phenyl)anilino]-6-phenyl-2,2'-bipyridine and HL3 = 4-[p(-N,N'-dibutyl-N'-phenyl)phenylene-diamino]-phenyl-6-phenyl-2,2'-bipyridine), have been synthesized and verified by H-1 NMR, C-13 NMR and X-ray crystallography. Unlike previously reported complexes [(L-1)PtCl] (1a) and [(L-1)PtC CC6H5] (2a) (HL1 = 4,6-diphenyl-2,2'-bipyridine), intense and continuous absorption bands in the region of 300-500 nm with strong metal-to-ligand charge transfer ((MLCT)-M-1) (d pi(Pt) -> pi*(L)) transitions (epsilon similar to 2 x 10(4) dm(3) mol (1) cm (1)) at 449-467 nm were observed in the UV-Vis absorption spectra of complexes 1b, 1c, 2b and 2c.


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A new fluorescent sensor for the sensitive and selective detection of cyanide (CN-) in aqueous media was developed herein. The sensing approach is based on CN--modulated quenching behavior of Cu2+ toward the photoluminescence (PL) of CdTe quantum dots (QDs). In the presence of CN-, the PL of QDs that have been quenched by Cu2+ was found to be efficiently recovered, which then allows the detection of CN- in a very simple approach. Experimental results showed that the pH of the buffer solution, concentration of copper ions, and size of CdTe QDs all influenced the response of the sensor to CN-. Under the optimal conditions, a good linear relationship between the PL intensity and the concentration of CN- can be obtained in the range of 3.0 x 10(-7) to 1.2 x 10(-5) M, with a detection limit as low as 1.5 x 10(-7) M. In addition, the present fluorescent sensor possesses remarkable selectivity for cyanide over other anions, and negligible influences were observed on the cyanide detection by the coexistence of other anions or biological species (such as albumin and typical blood constituents).