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This paper presents the results of the adsorption of heavy rare earth ions (Gd(III), Tb(III), Dy(III), Ho(III), Er(III), Tm(III), Yb(III), Lu(III) and Y(III)) from hydrochloric acid solutions at 30 degreesC by the extraction resin containing 1-hexyl-4-ethyloctyl isopropylphosphonic acid (HEOPPA), which has higher steric hindrance, higher selectivities and lower extraction and stripping acidity than di(2-ethylhexyl)phosphoric acid (DERPA) or 2-ethylhexyl phosphonic acid mono-2-ethylhexyl ester (HEH/EHP). The dependence of acid concentration, flow rate and amounts of rare earth ions sorbed on the separation of Er-Tm, Tm-Yb and Er-Tm-Yb mixtures has been studied. The baseline chromatographic separation of Er-Tm-Yb mixture has been observed. Satisfactory results with purity and yield of Tm2O3>99.71% and >71.25%, Er2O3>99-81% and >94.17%, and Yb2O3>99.74% and >89.83%, respectively, have been obtained. The parameters such,as resolution, separation factors and efficiencies have been determined as a function of acidity, loading of rare earth elements and flow rates. The stoichiometry of the extraction of rare earth ions has been suggested as well.
The spectroscopic feature of divalent Sm2+, Eu2+, Tm2+ and Yb2+ is discussed in this paper. Especially the spectroscopic properties of some berates containing tetrahedral BO4 group such as SrB4O7, SrB6O10 and BaB8O13 doped with these divalent ions are reported. When the divalent alkaline earth ion in these berates is replaced partially by the above trivalent rare earth ion, the charge carried in the produced defects can be used as reductant to reduce the doped rare earth ion into divalent state at high temperature even in air. Therefore, a convenient and safe method is provided to prepared phosphors doped with these divalent rare earths.
本文讨论了Sm2 + 、Eu2 + 、Tm2 + 、Yb2 + 等二价稀土离子的光谱特征 ,特别是在一些含四面体硼酸根的硼酸盐如SrB4 O7、SrB6 O10 和BaB8O13中它们的光谱性质。当以三价稀土离子取代化合物中的二价碱土离子时 ,利用不等价取代而产生的缺陷所带的电荷 ,可在高温的空气下使上述的稀土离子还原成二价 ,不需加入化学还原剂 ,从而提出了一个简便、安全的制备含二价稀土离子发光材料的方法
采用溶胶 -凝胶方法合成了系列化合物 (Y1 -x- yTbxTmy) 3Al5O1 2 ,研究了Tb3+在该化合物中的发光及其浓度对发光性质的影响 ,以及Tb3+与Tm3+间的能量传递现象。
Chemical bond parameters in RBa2Cu4O8(R = Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb) and Y2Ba4Cu7O14.3 were calculated by using complex chemical bond theory. The results indicated that the bond covalency in CuO chain was larger than that in CuO2 plane. For metal atoms, the bond covalency of five coordinated case was larger than that of six coordinated case.
使用复杂晶体上化学键理论计算了 RBa2 Cu4 O8(R=Dy,Ho,Er,Tm ,Yb)和 Y2 Ba4 Cu7O14 .3 的化学键参数 .结果表明 ,Cu O链上的 Cu O键共价性大于它们在 Cu O2 面的共价性 .当金属元素与氧形成五配位时 ,其共价性的数值大于这些元素在六配位时的情形
The reduction of RE3+ to RE2+ (RE=Eu, Sm and Tm) in SrB6O10 prepared in air by high-temperature solid state reaction was observed. The luminescent properties of Eu2+ and Tm2+ show f-d transition and Sm2+ shows f-f transition at room temperature. Three crystallographic sites for Sm2+ in matrix are available. Vibronic transition of D-5(0)-F-7(0) of Sm2+ was studied. The coupled phonon energy about 108 cm(-1), was determined: from the vibronic transition. Due to the thermal population from D-5(0) level, (D1-FJ)-D-5-F-7 (J=0, 1, 2) transitions of Sm2+ were observed at room temperature. A charge compensation mechanism is proposed as a possible explanation.
Bond covalencies in R2BaCuO5 (R = Sm, Gd, Dy, Ho, Y, Er, Tm, Yb, Lu) were calculated by means of a semiempirical method. This method is the generalization of the dielectric description theory of Phillips-Van Vechten-Levine-Tanaka scheme. The present paper presents the formula concerning the decomposing of complex crystals which are usually anisotropic systems into the sum of binary crystals which are isotropic systems. It can be seen that although the bond covalency is related to many physical quantities, it is mainly influenced by bond valence or bond charge, and a higher bond valence will produce higher bond covalency.
RBa2Cu3O7 (R = Pr, Sm, Eu, Gd, Dy, Y, Ho, Er, Tm) has been studied using complex chemical bond theory. The results indicated that with the decreasing of R radius, the ionicities for all considered types of bond decrease. This is in good agreement with the experimental fact that T-c decreases with the decreasing of R radius. PrBa2Cu3O7 with no Ba-site Pr in this calculation is also predicted to be a superconductor. This supports the conclusion obtained by Blackstead et al. The ionicity for each bond obeys the following order: Ba-O > R-O > Cu(2)-O(1) > Cu(2)-O(2,3) > Cu(1)-O(4) similar to Cu(1)-O(1).
近二十多年来,在异成二烯的络合催化聚合中,由Ni、Co、Ti及稀土等过渡金属元素络合物组成的催化体系,研究报道得很多,有些已投入工业生产。但由最常见的过渡金属元素铁络合物组成的催化体系,对异成二烯聚的聚合却不多见。本工作研究了三乙酰基丙酮铁为主催化剂,烷基铝为助催化剂,添加含氮类给电子试剂组成三元体系,对异成二烯聚合的催化作用。Fe(a cac)_3 - Al(i-Bu)_3二元体系不能引起异成二烯聚合,而加入少量的含氮类给电子试剂如邻菲啰啉、α,α'-联吡啶等,催化活性显著提高。聚合活性与含氮类给电子试剂的性质有关,并随着下列顺序依次递减:邻菲啰啉、α,α'-联吡啶、对苯二胺、邻苯二胺,对硝基苯胺、邻硝基苯胺;吡啶和已二胺对催化活性的提高几乎没有贡献。烷基铝的不同对催化活性也有明显的影响。其活性顺序为:Al(i-Bu)_3 approx Al Eτ_3 > Al(i-Bu)_2H。首次合成了结晶的3,4-聚异成二烯,3,4-链节含量为70%左右时,Tm为121 ℃左右, Tc为65 ℃左右,透射电镜下观察到结晶的3,4-聚异成二烯具有球晶状结构。初步研究了铁系三元催化体系的反应机理,设想铁化合物和烷基铝生成的烷基铁必须与含氮类给电子试剂作用才能形成活性中心;可见光谱和催化活性实验数据证实了含氮类给电子试剂参与活性中心的形成,并起着稳定活性中心的作用。本文详细地研究了Fe(a cac)_3 - phen - Al(i-Bu)_3催化体系对异成二烯的聚合,考察了起始单体浓度、聚合温度,催化剂总用量以及催化剂各组分配比对聚合速率、聚合物的特性粘数和链节结构的影响,从实验结果讨论了Fe(a cac)_3 - phen - Al(i-Bu)_3体系催化异成二烯的聚合机理,并进行了一些动力学的基本计算,得到了与实验结果基本相符的结果,解释了一些实验现象。铁系聚异成二烯橡胶的表征工作未见诸文献,本工作对铁系聚异成二烯生胶的结晶、力学、流变及阻尼性能作了较系统的研究,并对硫化胶的物理机械性能,弹性及阻尼性能作了初步的表征。铁系聚异成二烯橡胶在室温具有较好的阻尼性能,并且生热值和冲击弹性均较低,可作为室温阻尼材料使用。
报道标题化合物的合成、鉴定和单晶结构.晶体中含有数量相同的两种独立的阳离子,互为对映异构体,而且这两种八面体构型阳离子的畸变程度各不相同.晶胞中还存在三种独立的阴离子.不同阳离子中的四个平面型 Phen 配体之间通过π-π相互作用发生联系,形成四聚单元,每两个四聚单元又通过与平面共轭型的阴离子之间的π-π相互作用而相连,形成一种特殊的、准一维的链状结构.