310 resultados para amperometric biosensor


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围绕论文题目“电化学SPR生物传感器的研究及应用”,我们将SPR传感金膜同时用作电化学研究的界面,在自行组建的电化学SPR (EC-SPR)池中进行了相关的EC-SPR研究。 本论文研究工作的主要内容包括以下几个方面: 1. 发展了一种电化学薄化控制SPR金膜厚度,优化SPR信号的方法。这种方法主要是利用在较高电位下金与氯离子发生络合反应使SPR金膜表面的金部分溶解进入溶液从而达到薄化金基底的目的。通过调节溶液中氯离子的浓度和电化学扫描的次数,可以现场调控SPR基底的金膜厚度。我们用这种处理过的金膜进行了生物分子的吸附试验,结果证明了这种处理过的金膜适用于一般的SPR分析。 2. 采用湿化学镀膜法结合光刻法制备SPR金膜微阵列,拟将用于SPR成像分析。这种方法属于湿化学法制备SPR金膜微阵列,主要是在胶体金纳米粒子的自组装膜上刻蚀出金纳米粒子的微阵列,然后用湿化学法生长出合适的金微阵列。这种方法对制备条件要求比较简单,在制备纳米金微阵列的过程中腐蚀时间比较好控制,同时催化生长出新的金面。重复试验证实了这种方法能够制备出稳定的,尺寸可控的金微阵列,有望用于SPR成像系统研究生物分子相互作用。 3. 在SPR金膜表面利用电沉积法制备了超薄的壳聚糖薄膜,并将之应用于生物分子相互作用的研究。通过一步电沉积的方法制备了超薄的壳聚糖修饰的SPR金基片,并研究了几种常见蛋白与壳聚糖薄膜的非特异性作用,进一步用鼠IgG和抗鼠IgG作为一个典型的例子研究了壳聚糖修饰膜的生物相容性。试验表明壳聚糖修饰膜有好的生物相容性。 4. 首次提出利用生物催化沉积金属纳米粒子放大SPR信号测定小分子的方法。生物小分子抗坏血酸能够还原银离子,使其在金纳米表面沉积形成金属银原子。银原子的沉积将会极大地增强SPR信号,从而实现SPR光谱对小分子抗坏血酸浓度的放大测定。每次测定后,通过电化学剥脱Ag原子,SPR芯片的表面能够完全再生。同时,剥脱的银原子的量也能够被电化学测定,这也实现了抗坏血酸的间接电化学测定。 5. 结合电化学和SPR技术表征了DNA/Zr4+多层膜在金膜表面的生长过程,并研究了这种多层膜与细胞色素c的相互作用。SPR技术被用于测定 (DNA/ Zr4+)1双层中DNA单层的有效膜厚,及其表面覆盖率。利用红外反射光谱和X-射线光电子能谱表征这种多层膜的组成。通过EC-SPR方法,这种多层膜和细胞色素c的相互作用被进一步分析。结果表明这种多层膜不仅增强了细胞色素c的固定量,而且保持了细胞色素c的生物活性。 6. 利用EC-SPR技术测定了聚苯胺支撑的双层磷脂膜中的酶促反应。通过泡囊融合法在聚苯胺表面形成HRP掺杂的磷脂双层膜。这种磷脂双层膜能够很好的保存膜内的辣根过氧化酶(HRP)的活性,同时,这种膜允许质子的跨膜传输,能够提供聚苯胺和HRP在双氧水存在下反应所需的质子,实现酶促开关控制聚苯胺氧化还原态的变化,通过SPR检测这种聚苯胺膜的氧化还原态的变化,从而达到利用SPR测定酶底物小分子的目的。 7. 开展了适配子(aptamer)的EC-SPR研究。利用亚甲基兰为外在电化学探针分子,我们设计了一种简单的、可再生的电化学方法测定小分子腺苷。结果表明这种方法对腺苷的检测具有较高的灵敏性和选择性。这种设计思路有望进一步用于构建一个可再生的SPR传感器平台,用于研究适配子与蛋白质相互作用。


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由于生物传感器在临床、环境、食品等领域具有广阔的应用前景,近年来发展迅速。本论文以“十五”国家科技攻关重大项目《科学仪器研制与开发》的子课题《有机-无机杂化材料膜BOD生物传感器及BOD快速测定仪的研制与开发》为契机,进行了高稳定的BOD生物传感器的研究与开发;将自组装技术和纳米技术相结合,探索了一种制备性能稳定的酶生物传感器的新方法。主要结果如下:目前水污染经常必测的水质监测指标之一的生化需氧量(BOD)存在着测量时间长、不能及时反映水质变化、不能有效地进行信息反馈等缺点,为了解决这些问题,展开了快速、稳定的BOD生物传感器方面的研究:通过对微生物进行筛选,选择性能稳定的、对有机物降解能力强的微生物制备微生物膜;通过对各种固定化材料的比较,筛选出以硅的溶胶掺杂聚乙烯醇接枝聚乙烯毗睫的有机-无机杂化材料固定微生物制备微生物膜,该新型有机-无机掺杂材料不仅有效地防止了薄膜的开裂,而且由于其含有大量的轻基而具有良好的生物相容性。选择适当的溶液作标准溶液,能够改进生物传感器法与传统的五天法结果的一致性,可以进一步拓宽BOD生物传感器的应用范围。所研制的BOD生物传感器能在10 min左右测定BoD含量,稳定性和重现性良好;用于实际样品的测走,所得结果与标准稀释法一致;该传感器保存12个月经活化后至少具有80%以上的活性,可连续使用90天以上。通过对流路系统、恒温系统等的研究,与江苏江分电分析仪器厂的研究人员一起制备了XSF-1型在线BOD监测仪样机三台,并顺利通过了中国科学院院级鉴定。首先将金电极或玻碳电极表面功能化,再依次组装金纳米粒子和酶,制得性能稳定的生物传感器。这样制备的HRP生物传感器,实现了HRP的直接电化学,对H_2O_2还原具有很高的催化活性,响应速度快(<2.5s)、灵敏度高、重现性好,并且具有长期稳定性。由此提供了一种组装金纳米粒子固定生物大分子的方法,由于金纳米粒子与生物大分子之间有较强的相互作用,酶或蛋白质能被牢固地固定在电极表面,而且金纳米粒子能够促进电子转移,从而有助于实现酶或蛋白质的直接电化学;该方法可多层组装金纳米粒子,从而增加酶载量;此外,该传感器也可与产物含过氧化氢的氧化还原酶联用制备双酶或多酶生物传感器。


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Surface initiated polymerization (SIP) has become an attractive method for tailoring physical and chemical properties of surfaces for a broad range of applications. Most of those application relied on the merit of a high density coating. In this study we explored a long overlooked field of SIP. SIP from substrates of low initiator density. We combined ellipsometry with AFM to investigate the effect of initiatior density and polymerization time on the morphology of polymer coatings. In addition, we carefully adjusted the nanoscale separation of polymer chains to achieve a balance between nonfouling and immobilization capacities. We further tested the performance of those coating on various biosensors, such as quartz crystal microbalance, surface plasmon resonance, and protein microarrays. The optimized matrices enhanced the performance of those biosensors. This report shall encourage researches to explore new frontiers in SIP that go beyond polymer brushes.


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We have optimized the settings of evanescent wave imaging for the visualization of a protein adsorption layer. The enhancement of the evanescent wave at the interface brought by the incident angle, the polarized state of light beam as well as a gold layer is considered. In order to improve the image contrast of a protein monolayer in experiments, we have optimized three factors-the incident angle, the polarization of light beam, and the thickness of an introduced thin gold layer with a theoretical simulation.


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8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine (8OHdG) has been widely used as a biomarker of oxidative DNA damage in both animal models and human studies. To evaluate the effect of cigarette smoking on oxidative stress, we studied the levels of urinary 8OHdG from smokers and non-smokers and investigated the association with cigarette smoking. The urinary 8OHdG concentrations were determinated by capillary electrophoresis with end-column amprometric detection (CE-AD) after a single-step solid phase extraction (SPE), and then quantitatively expressed as a function of creatinine excretion. To increase the concentration sensitivity, a dynamic pH junction was used and the focusing effect was obvious when using 30 mM phosphate (pH 6.50) as sample matrix. The limit of detection is 4.3 nM (signal-to-noise ratio S/N = 3). The relative standard deviation (R.S.D.) was 1.1% for peak current, and 2.3% for migration time. Based on the selected CE-AD method, it was found that the mean value of urinary 8OHdG levels in the smokers significantly higher than that in non-smokers (31.4 +/- 18.9 nM versus 14.4 +/- 7.6 nM, P = 0.0004; 23.5 +/- 21.3 mug g(-1) creatinine versus 12.6 +/- 13.2 mug g(-1) creatinine, P = 0.028). (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Increased oxidative stress induced by hyperglycemia may contribute to the pathogenesis of diabetic complications. Urinary 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) has been reported to serve as a sensitive biomarker of oxidative DNA damage and also of oxidative stress. This article studied oxidative DNA damage in patients with diabetic nephropathy and in healthy control subjects by urinary 8-OHdG evaluations. Contents of 8-OHdG in urine were analyzed by capillary electrophoresis with end-column amperometric detection (CE-AD) after a single-step solid-phase extraction (SPE). Levels of urinary 8-OHdG in diabetic nephropathy patients with macroalbuminuria was significant higher than in control subjects (5.72 +/- 6.89 mumol/mol creatinine versus 2.33 +/- 2.83 mumol/mol creatinine, P = 0.018). A significant difference of 24 h urinary 8-OHdG excretions exists between the patients with macroalbuminuria and the patients with nonnoalbuminuria (19.2 +/- 16.8 mug/24 h versus 8.1 +/- 1.7 mug/24 h, P = 0.015). There was a positive correlation between urinary excretion of 8-OHdG and glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA(1)c) (r = 0.287, P = 0.022). A weak correlation exists between the levels of 8-OHdG and triglyceride (r = 0.230, P = 0.074). However, the urinary 8-OHdG contents are not correlated with blood pressure and total cholesterol. The increased excretion of urinary 8-OHdG is seen as indicating an increased systemic level of oxidative DNA damage in diabetic nephropathy patients. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The determination of glucose is possible with the enzymatic reaction of glucose oxidase and potentiometric detection. The signal is proportional to the concentration up to 50 mg/dl. This value is fixed by the concentration of oxygen in the sample. By adding catalase, concentrations up to 2000 mg/dl are detectable. The steepness of the calibration curve is not affected by oxygen concentrations greater than 4 mg/l. In contrast to amperometric sensors, an influence of deposits on the electrodes surface on the signal cannot be found with potentiometric sensors


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Here, we report a sensitive amplified electrochemical impedimetric aptasensor for thrombin, a kind of serine protease that plays important role in thrombosis and haemostasis. For improving detection sensitivity, a sandwich sensing platform is fabricated, in which the thiolated aptamers are firstly immobilized on a gold substrate to capture the thrombin molecules, and then the aptamer functionalized Au nanoparticles (AuNPs) are used to amplify the impedimetric signals.


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It was found that Fe3O4 nanoparticles (Fe3O4 NPs) possess intrinsic enzyme mimetic activity similar to that found in natural peroxidase. Here, we applied Fe3O4 NPs to the construction of efficient electrochemical sensor to detect the concentration of hydrogen peroxide. The sensor was fabricated with layer-by-layer assembly of Fe3O4 NPs and poly(diallyldimethylammonium chloride) (PDDA) through the electrostatic interaction, and the multilayer film was characterized with UV-vis absorption spectra, atomic force microscopy, and cyclic voltammetry.


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Colorimetric assay based on the unique surface plasmon resonance properties of metallic nanoparticles has received considerable attention in bioassay due to its simplicity, high sensitivity, and low cost. Most of colorimetric methods previously reported employed gold nanoparticles (GNPs) as sensing elements. In this work, we develop a sensitive, selective, simple, and label-free colorimetric assay using unmodified silver nanoparticle (AgNP) probes to detect enzymatic reactions. Enzymatic reactions concerning adenosine triphosphate (ATP) dephosphorylation by calf intestine alkaline phosphatase (CLAP) and peptide phosphorylation by protein kinase A (PKA) were studied.


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Palladium nanoparticle-loaded carbon nanofibers (Pd/CNFs) were synthesized by the combination of electrospinning and thermal treatment processes. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images show that spherical Pd nanoparticles (NPs) are well-dispersed on the surfaces of CNFs or embedded in CNFs. X-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern indicates that cubic phase of Pd was formed during the reduction and carbonization processes, and the presence of Pd NPs promoted the graphitization of CNFs. This nanocomposite material exhibited high electric conductivity and accelerated the electron transfer, as verified by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and cyclic voltammetry (CV).