190 resultados para absolute cross sections
本工作应用Visual Fortran编写了ECPSSR理论计算程序,修正了ISICS程序中的错误,本程序可以对各种入射离子与靶原子的组合进行计算,给出K,L,M的壳层及次壳层电离截面以及相应的x-射线产生截面,并根据需要选择是否对入射离子运动进行相对论修正。采用所编写的程序计算了一些碰撞体系的电离截面和x-射线产生截面,并与其他程序的计算结果和实验数据分别进行了比较。对于低能离子入射, ECPSSR计算的x-射线产生截面值明显低于实验值。考虑到低能入射离子可能会与靶原子形成准分子,本工作采用联合分离原子(USA, united and separated atom)模型替代ECPSSR中的PSS模型,考虑分子轨道(M)效应得到了基于联合分离原子模型的电离模型-MECUSAR。编写了相应的程序并对部分碰撞系统进行了计算,将计算得到的碰撞截面与实验进行比较,发现对于较低能量重离子碰撞,MECUSAR计算值好于ECPSSR计算值,对于轻离子入射,MECUSAR计算值与ECPSSR值基本相符,而计算K壳层x-射线产生截面时,ECPSSR计算值好于MECUSAR计算值
本实验工作是在中国原子能科学研究院的HI-13串列加速器国家实验室第二测量厅原子物理实验平台上完成。本工作采用能量为20-50MeV的高电荷态O5+离子去轰击Au, 测量了不同能量下Au的L1、Lα、Lβ、Lγ的X射线谱,计算了不同能量下各条X射线的产生截面,并与ECPSSR理论计算结果进行了比较。实验结果表明σ(Ll)/σ(Lα) 和σ(Lγ)/σ(Lα)与ECPSSR理论计算结果符合比较好,而对于σ(Lβ)/σ(Lα),在较低能区实验值略高于理论值。在中国科学院近代物理研究所320kV高电荷态离子实验研究平台上测量了Xeq+ (q=17-29)入射Al、Ti和Ni等表面诱发的可见光和红外光。通过对靶原子光谱线的研究,实验发现,随着入射离子的电荷态增高,原子和离子的各种光谱线可得到有效地激发。低速高电荷态离子入射金属固体表面,靶原子的特征谱线的激发强度,与入射离子的电荷态q密切相关。qc的实验测量值和理论计算值符合的较好
本论文介绍了放射性核束物理研究的现状以及当前常用的几种同位旋相关的重离子微观输运理论,对传统的 Boltzmann-Langevin 方程(BLE)考虑了同位旋相关的平均场、核子-核子碰撞截面和泡里阻塞,面且在初始化相空间的抽样中区分了中子和质子,并合模型也考虑了同位旋效应,建立了同位旋相关的 Boltzmann-Langevin 方程(IBLE)。利用IBLE对放射性核引起反应中的同位素分布,~(19)Na 的产生截面,以及中能重离子碰撞中的径向膨胀流进行了系统的研究,并对超重核的合成进行了一些初步的讨论。利用 IBLE 分别研究了不同弹核 ~(14)O,~(16)O 和 ~(18)O 在入射能量为 28.7MeV/u 下轰击不同靶核~7Be 和 ~9Be的反应,计算生成碎片的产生截面,发现用丰中子(缺中子)炮弹或丰中子(缺中子)靶进行反应,所得到的产物均有丰中子(缺中子)的碎片出现。同位素分布宽度和峰位入射体系密切相关,产生碎片的电荷数越接近于入射弹核的电荷数,则同位素分布的宽度越大,峰位偏离β稳定线值越远,其同位旋效应越明显。在28.7 MeV/u入射能量下,对反应系统 ~(17-20,22)Ne + ~(12)C 和 ~(20)Ne + ~9 进行了研究。对核素 ~(19)Na 产生截面进行计算和比较后,发现缺中子核引起的反应,具有更大~(19)Na的产生截面。通过研究反应系统 ~(40)Ca + ~(58)Ni 和 ~(40)Ca + ~(58)Fe 的径向膨胀流随入射能量的变化关系,发现径向膨胀流存在着强烈的同位旋相关性。利用径向膨胀流随入射能量的变化关系和拟和结果,从理论上证实了存在使径向膨胀流为零的特定入射能量,发现对于不同的反应体系这个能量是不同的,它随同位旋自由度的变化而变化。
核反应总截面是表征原子核反应基本特征的一个基本量,从实验测得的核反应总截面中可以得到有关核反应、核结构和核内核子分布的信息。在由放射性束流所产生奇异核的结构与各种反应机制研究中,反应总截面的测量更是具有特殊的重要性,具有奇异晕核结构的核的一个典型的物理现象就是其反应总截面要比稳定核大很多,I.Tanihata等人最早就是通过对放射性束流的相互作用截面的测量发现了具有奇异结构的核,即中子晕核。这次实验结果得出的跟放射性奇异核性质等有关的一些有趣现象,为放射性束核物理的研究注入了新的活力。我们采用能量为80MeV/u的初级束~(20)Ne轰击3 mm厚的Be靶,在RIBLL上测量了由初级靶上产生碎裂反应所得到的次级~(12)N,~(17)F和~(17)Ne等质子滴线核在Si靶上的中能核反应总截面σ_R,从而补充了现有的中能区放射性核反应总截面的实验数据。由于~(12)N,~(17)F和~(17)Ne都是理论预言可能具有奇异质子结构(质子晕或质子皮)的核,测量它们在中能区的核反应总截面,可以对上述预言提供实验上的检验。在与相邻同位素核的反应截面测量结果的比较中,发现,~(12)N,~(17)F反应截面值明显偏大,~(17)Ne的截面值没有异常。利用基于库仑修正和有限程修正后的微观Glauber模型拟合实验数据,我们发现:对于~(12)N,理论计算反应截面曲线同实验数据明显偏离,因此,它可能具有奇异结构;对于~(17)F,曲线与实验数据符合,没有给出奇异结构特征;对于~(17)Ne,实验和理论分析都没有发现奇异结构。对核反应总截面进行研究的一个有用的理论就是G1auber模型,该模型是一种基于自由核子-核子(N-N)碰撞的与核物质密度有关的理论,因而能够从实验测量到的反应总截面中提取核物质分布的信息。但现有的理论模型不能正确描述中能下核反应总截面。为了改变这一现象,我们对其进行了有限程的修正,并引入一种能够正确描述核物质密度分布的双参数的费米分布,使得实验结果与理论计算在中、高能下都符合的很好。对于奇异核的描述,我们采用核芯加奇异核子的方法,并带入Glauber模型中进行计算,结果与实验值完全重合。这也说明了我们采用的形式正确描述了奇异核的存在方式。
In this review, a few examples of state-to-state dynamics studies of both unimolecular and bimolecular reactions using the H-atom Rydberg tagging TOF technique were presented. From the H2O photodissociation at 157 nm, a direction dissociation example is provided, while photodissociation of H2O at 121.6 has provided an excellent dynamical case of complicated, yet direct dissociation process through conical intersections. The studies of the O(D-1) + H-2 --> OH+H reaction has also been reviewed here. A prototype example of state-to-state dynamics of pure insertion chemical reaction is provided. Effect of the reagent rotational excitation and the isotope effect on the dynamics of this reaction have also been investigated. The detailed mechanism for abstraction channel in this reaction has also been closely studied. The experimental investigations of the simplest chemical reaction, the H-3 system, have also been described here. Through extensive collaborations between theory and experiment, the mechanism for forward scattering product at high collision energies for the H+HD reaction was clarified, which is attributed to a slow down mechanism on the top of a quantized barrier transition state. Oscillations in the product quantum state resolved different cross sections have also been observed in the H+D-2 reaction, and were attributed to the interference of adiabatic transition state pathways from detailed theoretical analysis. The results reviewed here clearly show the significant advances we have made in the studies of the state-to-state molecular reaction dynamics.
The paper presents a theoretical study of the dynamics of the H + HCl system on the potential energy surface (PES) of Bian and Werner (Bian, W.; Werner, H. -J., J. Chem. Phys. 2000, 112, 220). A time-dependent wave packet approach was employed to calculate state-to-state reaction probabilities for the exchanged and abstraction channels. The most recent PES for the system has been used in the calculations. Reaction probabilities have also been calculated for several values of the total angular momentum J > 0. Those have then been used to estimate cross sections and rate constants for both channels. The calculated cross sections can be compared with the results of previous quasiclassical trajectory calculations and reaction dynamics experimental on the abstraction channel. In addition, the calculated rate constants are in the reasonably good agreement with experimental measurement.
Accurate three-dimensional time-dependent quantum wave packet calculations for the N+OH reaction on the (3)A' potential energy surface [Guadagnini, Schatz, and Walch, J. Chem. Phys. 102, 774 (1995)] have been carried out. The calculations show for the first time that the initial state-selected reaction probabilities are dominated by resonance structures, and the lifetime of the resonance is generally in the subpicosecond time scale. The calculated reaction cross sections indicate that they are a decreasing function of the translational energy, which is in agreement qualitatively with the quasiclassical trajectory calculations. The rate constants obtained from the quantum mechanical calculations are consistent with the quasiclassical trajectory results and the experimental measurements. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.
Laser crystals of (Y1-xErx)(3)Al5O12, (YAG:Er) have been grown by the Czochralski method and the spectral properties have been studied for different Er3+ concentrations. The effects of various Er3+ concentrations on the structural distortions, luminescence quenching Of F-4(9/2), H-2(11/2), S-4(3/2) and red shift in laser wavelength have been discussed for the YAG:Er laser crystals. By using absorption spectra and Judd-Ofelt theory the experimental oscillator strengths, Omega(lambda), parameters and the excited state integrated absorption cross sections of Er3+ ion are reported and some variation regularities of these parameters have been observed. (C) 2000 Published by Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.
The stratigraphic architecture, structure and Cenozoic tectonic evolution of the Tan-Lu fault zone in Laizhou Bay, eastern China, are analyzed based on interpretations of 31 new 2D seismic lines across Laizhou Bay. Cenozoic strata in the study area are divided into two layers separated by a prominent and widespread unconformity. The upper sedimentary layer is made up of Neogene and Quaternary fluvial and marine sediments, while the lower layer consists of Paleogene lacustrine and fluvial facies. In terms of tectonics, the sediments beneath the unconformity can be divided into four main structural units: the west depression, central uplift, east depression and Ludong uplift. The two branches of the middle Tan-Lu fault zone differ in their geometry and offset: the east branch fault is a steeply dipping S-shaped strike-slip fault that cuts acoustic basement at depths greater than 8 km, whereas the west branch fault is a relatively shallow normal fault. The Tan-Lu fault zone is the key fault in the study area, having controlled its Cenozoic evolution. Based on balanced cross-sections constructed along transverse seismic line 99.8 and longitudinal seismic line 699.0, the Cenozoic evolution of the middle Tan-Lu fault zone is divided into three stages: Paleocene-Eocene transtension, Oligocene-Early Miocene transpression and Middle Miocene to present-day stable subsidence. The reasons for the contrasting tectonic features of the two branch faults and the timing of the change from transtension to transpression are discussed. Crown Copyright (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
C band RADARSAT-2 fully polarimetric (fine quad-polarization mode, HH+VV+HV+VH) synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images are used to validate ocean surface waves measurements using the polarimetric SAR wave retrieval algorithm, without estimating the complex hydrodynamic modulation transfer function, even under large radar incidence angles. The linearly polarized radar backscatter cross sections (RBCS) are first calculated with the copolarization (HH, VV) and cross-polarization (HV, VH) RBCS and the polarization orientation angle. Subsequently, in the azimuth direction, the vertically and linearly polarized RBCS are used to measure the wave slopes. In the range direction, we combine horizontally and vertically polarized RBCS to estimate wave slopes. Taken together, wave slope spectra can be derived using estimated wave slopes in azimuth and range directions. Wave parameters extracted from the resultant wave slope spectra are validated with colocated National Data Buoy Center (NDBC) buoy measurements (wave periods, wavelengths, wave directions, and significant wave heights) and are shown to be in good agreement.
Recent investigations show that normalized radar cross sections for C-band microwave sensors decrease under high wind conditions with certain incident angles instead of increase, as is the case for low to moderate wind speeds. This creates the problem of ambiguities in high wind speed retrievals from synthetic aperture radar (SAR). In the present work, four geophysical model functions (GMFs) are studied, namely the high wind C-band model 4 (CMOD4HW), C-band model 5 (CMOD5), the high wind vertical polarized GMF (HWGMF_VV), and the high wind horizontal polarized GMF (HWGMF_HH). Our focus is on model behaviours relative to wind speed ambiguities. We show that, except for CMOD4HW, the other GMFs exhibit the wind speed ambiguity problem. To consider this problem in high wind speed retrievals from SAR, we focus on hurricanes and propose a method to remove the speed ambiguity using the dominant hurricane wind structure.