228 resultados para Plasma enhanced chemical vapour depositions (PECVD)


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Femtosecond explosive processes of argon clusters irradiated by linearly chirped ultraintense laser pulses have been investigated by 90 degrees side spectral scattering. The spectral redshift and blueshift, which correlate with the cluster explosion processes have been measured for negatively and positively chirped driving laser pulses, respectively. The evolution of the heated-cluster polarizability indicates that the core of the cluster is shielded from the laser field in the beginning of the explosion and enhanced scattering occurs after the fast explosion initiates. Evidence of resonant heating is found from the coincidence of enhanced scattering with enhanced absorption measured using the transmitted spectra. Anomalously large-size clusters with very low gas density have been observed in this way and can be used as clean and important cluster targets.


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Proton trapping and acceleration by an electron bubble-channel structure in laser interaction with high-density plasma is investigated by using three-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations. It is shown that protons can be trapped, bunched, and efficiently accelerated for appropriate laser and plasma parameters, and the proton acceleration is enhanced if the plasma consists mainly of heavier ions such as tritium. The observed results are analyzed and discussed in terms of a one-dimensional analytical three-component-plasma wake model.


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Many unicellular green algae can become yellow or red in various natural habitats due to mass accumulation of a secondary carotenoid, such as lutein, or astaxanthin. The accumulation of secondary carotenoids is generally thought to be a survival strategy of the algae under photo-oxidative stress or other adverse environmental conditions. The physiological role of the carotenoids in stress response is less well understood at the subcellular or molecular level. In this study, a stable astaxanthin overproduction mutant (MT 2877) was isolated by chemical mutagenesis of a wild type (WT) of the green microalga Haematococcus pluvialis Flotow NIES-144. MT 2877 was identical to the WT with respect to morphology, pigment composition, and growth kinetics during the early vegetative stage of the life cycle. However, it had the ability to synthesize and accumulate about twice the astaxanthin content of the WT under high light, or under high light in the presence of excess amounts of ferrous sulphate and sodium acetate. Under stress, the mutant exhibited higher photosynthetic activities than the WT, based on considerably higher chlorophyll fluorescence induction, chlorophyll autofluorescence intensities, and oxygen evolution rates. Cell mortality caused by stress was reduced by half in the mutant culture compared with the WT. Enhanced protection of the mutant against stress is attributed to its accelerated carotenogenesis and accumulation of astaxanthin. Our results suggest that MT 2877, or other astaxanthin overproduction Haematococcus mutants, may offer dual benefits, as compared with the wild type, by increasing cellular astaxanthin content while reducing cell mortality during stress-induced carotenogenesis.


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Hall effect, Raman scattering, photoluminescence spectroscopy (PL), optical absorption (OA), mass spectroscopy, and X-ray diffraction have been used to study bulk ZnO single crystal grown by a closed chemical vapor transport method. The results indicate that shallow donor impurities (Ga and Al) are the dominant native defects responsible for n-type conduction of the ZnO single crystal. PL and OA results suggest that the as-grown and annealed ZnO samples with poor lattice perfection exhibit strong deep level green photoluminescence and weak ultraviolet luminescence. The deep level defect in as-grown ZnO is identified to be oxygen vacancy. After high-temperature annealing, the deep level photoluminescence is suppressed in ZnO crystal with good lattice perfection. In contrast, the photoluminescence is nearly unchanged or even enhanced in ZnO crystal with grain boundary or mosaic structure. This result indicates that a trapping effect of the defect exists at the grain boundary in ZnO single crystal. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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It is studied whether there is any regular relationship between the yellow luminescence band and electron mobility of n-type GaN. For a series of GaN samples grown with the same Si doping, it is found that the electron mobility decreases with an increase of relative intensity of yellow luminescence, accompanied by an increase of edge dislocation density. Further research indicates that it is acceptors introduced by edge dislocations which lead to the concomitant changes of yellow luminescence and electron mobility. Similar changes are induced by Si doping in the n-type GaN samples with relatively low edge dislocation density. However, the relationship between the yellow luminescence and electron mobility of n-type GaN is not a simple one. A light Si doping may simultaneously increase yellow luminescence and electron mobility when Si doping plays a dominant role in reducing the carrier scattering. This means that even the intensity of yellow luminescence is often used as an indicator of material quality for GaN, it does not have any monotonous correlation with the electron mobility of GaN. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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In this work, the influences of CCl4 on the metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) growth of InN were studied for the first time. It was found that the addition of CCl4 can effectively suppress the formation of metal indium (In) droplets during InN growth, which was ascribed to the etching effect of Cl to In. However, with increasing of CCl4 flow, the InN growth rate decreased but the lateral growth of InN islands was enhanced. This provides a possibility of promoting islands coalescence toward a smooth surface of the InN film by MOCVD. The influence of addition of CCl4 on the electrical properties was also investigated.


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Proton-conducting membranes were prepared by polymerization of microemulsions consisting of surfactant-stabilized protic ionic liquid (PIL) nanodomains dispersed in a polymerizable oil, a mixture of styrene and acrylonitrile. The obtained PIL-based polymer composite membranes are transparent and flexible even though the resulting vinyl polymers are immiscible with PIL cores. This type of composite membranes have quite a good thermal stability, chemical stability, tunability, and good mechanical properties. Under nonhumidifying conditions, PIL-based membranes show a conductivity up to the order of 1 x 10(-1) S/cm at 160 degrees C, due to the well-connected PIL nanochannels preserved in the membrane. This type of polymer conducting membranes have potential application in high-temperature polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells.


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To improve the photoelectrochemical activity of TiO2 for hydrogen production through water splitting, the band edges of TiO2 should be tailored to match with visible light absorption and the hydrogen or oxygen production levels. By analyzing the band structure of TiO2 and the chemical potentials of the dopants, we propose that the band edges of TiO2 can be modified by passivated codopants such as (Mo+C) to shift the valence band edge up significantly, while leaving the conduction band edge almost unchanged, thus satisfying the stringent requirements. The design principle for the band-edge modification should be applicable to other wide-band-gap semiconductors.


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This paper reports on the preparation and characterization of hydrogenated amorphous silicon carbide films prepared by H-2 diluted silane-methane plasma. Carbon-rich a-SiC:H film with band gap of up to 3.3 eV has been achieved. IR and UV Vis spectra were employed to characterize the chemical bonding and optical properties of as-prepared films. It is shown that hydrogen dilution is crucial in obtaining these wide band gap carbon-rich films. Raman and PL measurements were performed to probe the microstructure and photoelectronic properties of these films before and after annealing. Films with intermediate carbon concentration seem more defective and exhibit stronger photoluminescence and subband absorption than others. Films with different compositions exhibit different annealing behaviours. For silicon rich and carbon rich films, high temperature annealing results in the formation of silicon crystallites and graphite clusters, respectively. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, we developed a new kind of substrate, the silver-coated anodic aluminum oxide (AAO), to investigate the characters of surface-enhanced resonant Raman scattering (SERRS) of the dilute single-walled carbon nanotubes. Homogeneous Ag-coated AAO substrate was obtained by decomposing the AgNO3 on the surface of AAO. single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) were directly grown onto this substrate through floating catalyst chemical vapor deposition method (CVD). SERRS of SWNTs was carried out using several different wavelength lasers. The bands coming from metallic SWNTs were significantly enhanced. The two SERRS mechanisms, the "electromagnetic" and "chemical" mechanism, were mainly responsible for the experiment results. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Six-period 4 nm GaN/10 nm AlxGa1-xN superlattices with different Al mole fractions x were prepared on (0001) sapphire substrates by low-temperature metal-organic chemical vapor deposition. The linear electro-optic (Pockels) effect was studied by a polarization-maintaining fiber-optical Mach-Zehnder interferometer system with an incident light wavelength of 1.55 mu m. The measured electro-optic coefficients, gamma(13)=5.60 +/- 0.18 pm/V, gamma(33)=19.24 +/- 1.21 pm/V (for sample 1, x=0.3), and gamma(13)=3.09 +/- 0.48 pm/V, gamma(33)=8.94 +/- 0.36 pm/V (for sample 2, x=0.1), respectively, are about ten times larger than those of GaN bulk material. The enhancement effect in GaN/AlxGa1-xN superlattice can be attributed to the large built-in field at the interfaces, depending on the mole fraction of Al. (C) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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The effects of In doped low-temperature (LT) AlGaN interlayer on the properties of GaN/Si(111) by MOCVD have been investigated. Using In doping LT-interlayer can decrease the stress sufficiently for avoiding crack formation in a thick (2.0 mu m) GaN layer. Significant improvement in the crystal and optical properties of GaN layer is also achieved. In doping is observed to reduce the stress in AlGaN interlayer measured by high-resolution X-ray diffraction (HRXRD). It can provide more compressive stress to counteract tensile stress and reduce crack density in subsequent GaN layer. Moreover, as a surfactant, indium is observed to cause an enhanced PL intensity and the narrowed linewidths of PL and XRD spectra for the LT-interlayer. Additionally, the crystal quality of GaN layer is found to be dependent on the growth parameters of underneath In-doped LT-AlGaN interlayer. The optimal parameters, such as TMIn flow rate, TMAl flow rates and thickness, are achieved to obtain nearly 2.0 mu m thick crack free GaN film with advanced optical and crystal properties. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Er-Si-O (Er2SiO5) crystalline films are fabricated by the spin-coating and subsequent annealing process. The fraction of erbium is estimated to be 21.5 at% based on Rutherford backscattering measurement. X-ray diffraction pattern indicates that the Er-Si-O films are similar to Er2SiO5 compound in the crystal structure. The fine structure of room-temperature photoluminescence of Er3+-related transitions suggests that Er has a local environment similar to the Er-O-6 octahedron. Our preliminary results show that the intensity of 1.53 mu m emission is enhanced by a factor of seven after nitrogen plasma treatment by NH3 gas with subsequent post-annealing. The full-width at half-maximum of 1.53 pm emission peak increases from 7.5 to 12.9 nm compared with that of the untreated one. Nitrogen plasma treatment is assumed to tailor Er3+ local environment, increasing the oscillator strength of transitions and thus the excitation/emission cross-section. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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To heteroepitaxally grow the crystalline cubic-GaN (c-GaN) film on the substrates with large lattice mismatch is basically important for fabricating the blue or ultraviolet laser diodes based on cubic group III nitride materials. We have obtained the crystalline c-GaN film and the heteroepitaxial interface between c-Gan and GaAs (001) substrate by the ECR Plasma-Assisted Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition (PA-MOCVD) under low-pressure and low-temperature (similar to600degreesC) on a homemade ECR-plasma Semiconductor Processing Device (ESPD). In order to decrease the growth temperature, the ECR plasma source was adopted as the activated nitrogen source, therefore the working pressure of MOCVD was decreased down to the region less than 1 Pa. To eliminate the damages from energetic ions of current plasma source, a Multi-cusp cavity,coupling ECR Plasma source (MEP) was selected to use in our experiment. To decrease the strain and dislocations induced from the large lattice mismatch between c-GaN and GaAs substrate, the plasma pretreatment procedure i.e., the initial growth technique was investigated The experiment arrangements, the characteristics of plasma and the growth procedure, the characteristics on-GaN film and interface between c-GaN and GaAs(001), and the roles of ECR plasma are described in this contribution.


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A GaInNAs/GaAs multiple quantum well (MQW) resonant-cavity enhanced photodetector (RCF-PD) operated at a wavelength of 1.3 mum with the full width at half maximum of 4nm has been demonstrated. The GaInNAs RCE - PD was grown by molecular beam epitaxy using a homemade ion-removed dc plasma cell as a nitrogen source. GaInNAs/GaAs MQW shows a strong exciton peak at room temperature, which is very beneficial for applications in long-wavelength absorption devices. For a 100 mum diameter RCE-PD, the dark current is 20 and 32 pA at biases of 0 and 6 V, respectively, and the breakdown voltage is - 18 V. The measured 3 dB bandwidth is 308 MHz, which is limited by the resistance of p-type distributed Bragg reflector mirror. The tunable wavelength in a range of 18 nm with the angle of incident light was observed.