176 resultados para cyclic K48-linked di-ubiquitin


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In this work the radiation-induced structural changes in F-46 were studied by XPS. In carbon-1s spectra of a highly crosslinked F-46 sheet, the slight increase observed in relative area under the peak due to CF3 was explained by the radiation-induced scission of polymer chains. The peak at 287.6 eV appearing in the spectra caused by ionizing radiation was attributed to carbon structures without primary fluorine substituents, in both branching and unsaturated structures, while that at 289.3 eV was assigned to = CF groups in mid-chain double bonds.


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The behaviour of the electroplated copper film electrode on tin oxide/glass or glassy carbon surface was studied in potassium hydroxide medium by cyclic voltammetry and in situ transmission spectroelectrochemistry. The results indicate that the electroplated copper film electrode is similar to a copper electrode and cyclic voltammetry with this electrode affords more resolution. The anodic peaks were found to correspond successively to the adsorption of oxygen, the formation of a surface layer of Cu2O, the formation of a surface layer of Cu(OH)2 or CuO and formation of a thick multilayer film of CuO. This is the first time it has been proposed that a surface layer of Cu(OH)2 or CuO is formed from the oxidation of the surface layer of Cu2O. Similarly, a clear interpretation is presented that the cathodic peaks correspond successively to the reduction of CuO to Cu2O, the reductions of Cu2O to Cu and the soluble Cu(II) species to Cu. On the other hand, a shoulder peak related to the chemical transformation of Cu(OH)2 to CuO was first observed.


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The crystal structure of [Mn(thiamine)Cl2(H2O)]2[thiamine]2Cl4.2H2O has been determined by X-ray diffraction methods. The compound contains a cyclic dimer of a complex cation with two thiamine ligands bridged by two Mn(II) ions across a crystallographic center of symmetry. Each Mn(II) is coordinated by two chloride atoms, a water molecule, a N(1') atom of the pyrimidine from a thiamine and an O(53) atom of the hydroxyethyl side chain from another thiamine. There are two free-base thiamine molecules related by a center of symmetry in the unit cell, which form a base-pair through the hydrogen bonds. Both the independent thiamine molecules in the asymmetric unit assume the common F conformation with phi-T = 10.0(9) and 3.6(10) and phi-P = 85.6(7) and 79.6(7), respectively. The compound provides a possible model for a metal-bridged enzyme-coenzyme complex in thiamine catalysis. Crystallographic data: triclinic, space group P1BAR, a = 12.441(4), b = 13.572(4), c = 11.267(3) angstrom, alpha = 103.15(2), beta 89.03(3), gamma = 115.64(2)-degrees, Z = 1, D(calc) = 1.524 g cm-3, and R = 0.050 for 3019 observed reflections with I > 3-sigma(I).


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Polyoxypropylene glycol (PPG) (or castor oil) and toluene diisocyanate (TDI) were mixed, and the prepolymer polyurethane (PU) (I) was formed. Vinyl-terminated polyurethane (II) was prepared from (I), and hydroxyethyl acrylate, AB crosslinked polymers (ABCPs) were synthesized from (II) and vinyl monomers such as styrene, methyl methacrylate, vinyl acetate, etc. The dynamic mechanical properties and morphology of ABCPs were measured. The ABCPs based on PPG have double glass transition temperatures (T(g)) on the sigma-vs. temperature curves. They display a two-phase morphology with plastic components forming the continous phase and PU-rich domains forming the separated phase on the electron micrographs. Irregular shapes and a highly polydisperse distribution of PU-rich domain sizes were observed. The crosslink density of ABCPs has a notable effect on the morphology and properties. The average diameter of the PU-rich domains depends on the molecular weight of prepolymer PPG. The highly crosslinked structures will produce large numbers of very small domains. ABCPs based on castor oil show a single T(g) relaxation on the dynamic mechanical spectra. The compatibility between the two components is much better in ABCPs based on castor oil than in those based on PPG, because there is a high crosslink density in the former. Comparison of the dynamic mechanical spectra of ABCP and interpenetrating networks (IPN) based on castor oil with similar crosslink density and composition imply that the two components in ABCP are compatible whereas microphase separation occurs in IPN. An improvement in the compatibility is achieved by the crosslinking between the two networks.


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Using a low angle laser light scattering photometer, the second virial coefficients (A2) of both cyclic and linear polystyrene were determined in cyclohexane, toluene and methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) solutions. From the data obtained in cyclohexane solution the theta-temperature of cyclic polystyrene was determined to be 30-degrees-C. In toluene solution A2 of cyclic polystyrene is smaller than that of linear polystyrene with the same molecular weight, but in MEK the values are similar.


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The glass transition temperature (T(g)) of cyclic polystyrene was measured by differential scanning calorimetry. There was a marked difference in the glass transition behaviour between cyclic and linear polystyrene. In the low molecular weight region (M(n) < 5 x 10(3)), the T(g) of the cyclic polystyrene increased with decreasing M(n), contrary to that of linear polystyrene. With M(n) higher than 5 x 10(3), the T(g) of cyclic polystyrene increased with increasing M(n). The T(g) of cyclic and linear polystyrene approached the same constant value when the M(n) was high enough (M(n) > 10(5)). Combining the results of specific volume, it is believed that the variation of T(g) with molecular weight does not depend only on free volume effects but that configurational entropy is also an important factor.


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The transfer behavior of alkali motal ions K~+ and Na~+ across the interfaces of water/nitrobenzene and water/1, 2-dichloroethane facilitated by Triton X-100 is investigated by cyclic voltammetry with four electrodes. The equations of interfacial half-wave potential derived in terms of the mechanism proposed isverified by the experimental data and consistent with the practical △_0~wφ_p-pM curves.


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The effect of gamma-radlatlon on plain crystalline polymers and crystalline polymers containing different amounts of difunctional monomer both in vacuum and in air at room temperature has been investigated with DSC. It was found that the crystallization temperature T_c of crosslinked sample measured on DSC at a constant cooling rate decreases with increasing radiation dose. The difference between T_c before and after crosslinking (T_(c_0)-T_(c_R)) is linearly related to the radiation dose for plain polymer....


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P>In our microsatellite analysis of three male and three female gametophytes of Undaria pinnatifida (Harv.) Suringar, a microsatellite marker (part of the locus Up-AC-2A8, GenBank accession no. AY738602.1) was only polymerase chain reaction-amplified in three female gametophytes. This putative female-specific marker was further tested by the use of 32 male and 21 female gametophytes maintained in the Marine Biological Culture Collection Centre, China. In addition, three sporophytes were included for confirmation. Results showed that the marker was present in all of the female gametophytes and sporophyte cultures, but absent in all of the male gametophytes. To our knowledge, this is the first sex-related marker ever reported in U. pinnatifida. The discovery of this marker will accelerate gender identification and shed light on our understanding of the mechanisms of sex determination at a molecular level in this commercially important seaweed.


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The consequence of activation status or gain/loss of an X-chromosome in terms of the expression of tumor suppressor genes or oncogenes in breast cancer has not been clearly addressed. In this study, we investigated the activation status of the X-chromosomes in a panel of human breast cancer cell lines, human breast carcinoma, and adjacent mammary tissues and a panel of murine mammary epithelial sublines ranging from low to high invasive potentials. Results show that most human breast cancer cell lines were homozygous, but both benign cell lines were heterozygous for highly polymorphic X-loci (IDS and G6PD). On the other hand, 60% of human breast carcinoma cases were heterozygous for either IDS or G6PD markers. Investigation of the activation status of heterozygous cell lines revealed the presence of only one active X-chromosome, whereas most heterozygous human breast carcinoma cases had two active X-chromosomes. Furthermore, we determined whether or not an additional active X-chromosome affects expression levels of tumor suppressor genes and oncogenes. Reverse transcription-PCR data show high expression of putative tumor suppressor genes Rsk4 and RbAp46 in 47% and 79% of breast carcinoma cases, respectively, whereas Cldn2 was down-regulated in 52% of breast cancer cases compared with normal adjacent tissues. Consistent with mRNA expression, immunostaining for these proteins also showed a similar pattern. In conclusion, our data suggest that high expression of RbAp46 is likely to have a role in the development or progression of human breast cancer. The activation status of the X-chromosome may influence the expression levels of X-linked oncogenes or tumor suppressor genes.


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Zhikong scallop (Chlamys farreri) is an economically important aquaculture species in China; however, frequent mass mortality seriously affects the development of its industry. Genetic linkage map is useful for genetic improvement and selective breeding of C. farreri. Linkage maps were constructed using an intraspecific F-1 cross and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers. Thirty-two selected AFLP primer combinations produced 545 AFLP markers that were polymorphic in either of the parents and segregated in the progeny. Of these segregating markers, 166 were mapped to 19 linkage groups of the female framework map, covering a total of 1503.9 cM, with an average marker spacing of 10.2 cM; and 197 markers were assigned to 20 linkage groups of the male map, covering a total of 1630.7 cM, with 9.2 cM per marker. A sex-linked marker was mapped on the female map with zero recombination and a LOD of 27.3. The genetic length of C farreri genome was estimated as 1889.0 cM for the female and 1995.9 cM for the male. The coverage of the framework map was calculated as 79.6% for the female and 81.7% for the male. When the triplets and doublets were considered, the observed length of the map was calculated as 1610.2 cM with coverage of 85.2% for the female, and 1880.5 cM with coverage of 94.2% for the male. The genetic maps presented here will serve as a basis for the construction of a high-resolution genetic map and mapping of economically important genes. (C) 2004 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Dot enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (dot-ELISA), indirect ELISA and Western blot were performed to detect the virulent protease secreted by Vibrio anguillarum which was isolated from the diseased left-eyed flounder, Paralichthys olivaceous. Sensitivity results showed that dot-ELISA is a more sensitive, rapid and simple technique for the protease detection. The minimal detectable amount of protease is about 7 pg in the dot-ELISA test, while 7.8 ng in the indirect ELISA and 6.25 ng in the Western blot respectively. Protease could be detected 2 h after incubation of V. anguillarum in the 2216E liquid medium but enzyme activity was very low at that period. From 6 to 12 h, the amount and enzyme activity of protease increased markedly and reached maximum at stationary phase. Analysis of serum samples periodically collected from the infected flounders showed that after 2 h of infection by V. anguillarum, the pathogenic bacteria could be detected in the blood of the infected flounders but no protease was found. It was 5 similar to 6 h after infection that the protease was detected in blood and then the amount increased as infection advanced. Quantitative detection of protease either incubation in the medium or from the blood of infected flounders could be accomplished in virtue of positive controls of quantificational protease standards ("marker") so that the alterations of protease secretion both in vitro and in vivo could be understood generally. In addition, the indirect ELISA and dot-ELISA were also performed to detect V. anguillarum cells. Results indicated that the sensitivity of indirect ELISA to bacteria cells is higher than that of the dot-ELISA, and that the minimal detectable amount is approximately 10(4) cell/mL in the indirect ELISA, while 10(5) cell/mL in the dot-ELISA.


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Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) is the leading species farmed in the Western Hemisphere and an economically important aquaculture species in China. In this project, a genetic linkage map was constructed using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and microsatellite markers. One hundred and eight select AFLP primer combinations and 30 polymorphic microsatellite markers produced 2071 markers that were polymorphic in either of the parents and segregated in the progeny. Of these segregating markers, 319 were mapped to 45 linkage groups of the female framework map, covering a total of 4134.4 cM; and 267 markers were assigned to 45 linkage groups of the male map, covering a total of 3220.9 cM. High recombination rates were found in both parental maps. A sex-linked microsatellite marker was mapped on the female map with 6.6 cM to sex and a LOD of 17.8, two other microsatellite markers were also linked with both 8.6 cM to sex and LOD score of 14.3 and 16.4. The genetic maps presented here will serve as a basis for the construction of a high-resolution genetic map, quantitative trait loci (QTLs) detection, marker-assisted selection (MAS) and comparative genome mapping.