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The crystallization behavior of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) on highly oriented isotactic polypropylene (iPP) at elevated temperatures (e.g., from 125 to 128 degrees C), was studied using transmission electron microscopy and electron diffraction. The results show that epitaxial crystallization of HDPE on the highly oriented iPP substrates occurs only in a thin layer which is in direct contact with the iPP substrate, when the HDPE is crystallized from the melt on the oriented iPP substrates at 125 degrees C. The critical layer thickness of the epitaxially crystallized HDPE is not more than 30 nm when the HDPE is isothermally crystallized on the oriented iPP substrates at 125 degrees C. When the crystallization temperature is above 125 degrees C, the HDPE crystallizes in the form of crystalline aggregates and a few individual crystalline lamellae. But both the crystalline aggregates and the individual crystalline lamellae have no epitaxial orientation relationship with the iPP substrate. This means that there exists a critical crystallization temperature for the occurrence of epitaxial crystallization of HDPE on the melt-drawn oriented iPP substrates (i.e., 125 degrees C). (C) 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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The recrystallization behavior of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) on the highly oriented isotactic polypropylene (iPP) substrates at temperatures below the melting temperature of HDPE has been investigated by means of transmission electron microscopy. The results obtained by the bright-field observation and the electron diffraction show that upon annealing the HDPE-quenched films on the oriented iPP substrates at temperatures below 125 degrees C, only a small amount of HDPE recrystallizes on the iPP substrate with [001](HDPE)//[001](iPP), while annealing the HDPE-quenched films at temperatures above 125 degrees C, all of the HDPE crystallites recrystallize epitaxially on the iPP substrate with [001](HDPE)//[101](iPP). (C) 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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The crystal structure, morphology and polymorphism induced by uniaxial drawing of poly(ether ether ketone ketone) [PEEKK] have been studied by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), electron diffraction (ED) and wide angle X-ray diffraction (WAXD). On the basis of WAXD and ED patterns,the crystal structure of unoriented PEEKK is determined to have two-chain orthorhombic packing with unit cell parameters of a 0.772 nm, b = 0.600 nm, c = 1.004 nm (form I), A stress-induced crystal modification (form II) is identified and found to possess a two-chain orthorhombic lattice with unit cell dimensions of a = 0.461 nm, b = 1.074 nm, c = 1.080 nm. The 7.5% increase in c-axis dimension for form II is attributed to an overextended chain conformation, arising from extensional deformation during uniaxial drawing and fixed ''in-situ'' through strain-induced crystallization. The average ether-ketone bridge bond angles in form II crystal are determined to be 148.9 degrees by using standard bond lengths. The crystal morphology of PEEKK bears a great similarity to that of PEEK. The crystals grow in the form of spherulites and have the b-axis of unit cell radial. The effects of draw rate on strain-induced crystallization and induction of form II structure are also discussed.


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Single-chain single crystals of gutta-percha have been observed by transmission electron microscopy of atomizer-sprayed particles deposited from a very dilute solution in chloroform onto a carbon film which had a filter paper wetted with ethanol in contact with its under side. Selected-area electron diffraction patterns of crystals having no definite crystal profiles showed that the crystals were of the low-melting crystalline form and that the chain segments in the single crystals were standing up from the substrate during crystallization. In cases of single crystals showing sharply defined crystal profiles, electron diffraction patterns showed that they were neither of the low-melting form nor the high-melting form. The structure of this new crystalline modification needs further studies.


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The crystallization process and morphology of poly(aryl ether ether ketone ketone) containing meta-phenyl links (PEEKmK) have been investigated by transmission electron microscopy and electron diffraction. The results indicate that the thin films of PEEKmK isothermally crystallized from both the glassy state and the melt at the temperature range of 180 similar to 250 degrees C consist of two kinds of morphological forms, i. e. large (order of mu m), flat-on single crystals and narrow, lath-like, edge-on lamellae, The latter consists of the spherulites. Meanwhile, the growing process of the two kinds of morphological forms has been discussed.


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The influence of the syndiotacticity on the crystallization behaviour of syndiotactic polypropylene (sPP) has been investigated. The syndiotacticity has been measured by C-13-NMR spectroscopy and the phase formation has been observed by electron diffraction of oriented samples. It is shown that the crystal phase formation depends strongly on the perfection of the tacticity of the macromolecules.


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The effects of lamellar thickness on the epitaxial crystallization of polyethylene on the oriented isotatic polypropylene have been studied by means of transmission electron microscopy. The results obtained from the bright field electron microscopy and electron diffraction show that the epitaxial orientation of the PE crystals on the iPP substrate depends not only on the thickness of the oriented iPP lamellae, but also on the lamellar thickness of PE crystals. No epitaxial orientation relationship between PE crystal and iPP substrate can be found, when the PE crystals are thicker than the lamellar thickness of iPP along the matching direction. This suggests, that the epitaxial nucleation of PE in the PE/iPP epitaxial system is controlled not only by the chain-row matching, but also by a secondary nucleation process.


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Crystal structure and polymorphism induced by uniaxial drawing of a poly(aryl ether ketone) [PEDEKmK] prepared from 1,3-bis(4-fluorobenzoyl)benzene and biphenyl-4,4'-diol have been investigated by means of transmission electron microscopy (TEM), electron diffraction (ED), wide-angle X-ray diffraction (WAXD), and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) techniques. The melting and recrystallization process in the temperature range of 250-260 degrees C, far below the next melting temperature (306 degrees C), was identified and found to be responsible for the remarkable changes in lamellar morphology. Based on WAXD and ED patterns, it was found that crystal structure of isotropic-crystalline PEDEKmK obtained under different crystallization conditions (melt-crystallization, cold-crystallization, solvent-induced crystallization, melting-recrystallization, and crystallization from solution) keeps the same mode of packing, i.e., a two-chain orthorhombic unit cell with the dimensions a = 0.784 nm, b = 0.600 nm, and c = 4.745 nm (form I). A second crystal modification (form II) can be induced by uniaxial drawing above the glass transition temperature, and always coexists with form I. This form also possesses an orthorhombic unit cell but with different dimensions, i.e., a = 0.470 nm, b = 1.054 nm, c = 5.064 nm. The 0.32 nm longer c-axis of form II as compared with form I is attributed to an overextended chain conformation due to the expansion of ether and ketone bridge bond angles during uniaxial drawing. The temperature dependence of WAXD patterns for the drawn PEDEKmK suggests that form II can be transformed into the more stable form I by relaxation of overextended chains and relief of internal stress at elevated temperature in absence of external tension.


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Epitaxial crystallization behavior of HDPE/iPP double layers under quenching and annealing conditions has been studied by means of transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The results obtained from bright field TEM observations indicate that in the as-quenched state the HDPE that is in direct contact with the surface of the oriented iPP substrate recrystallizes in the form of oriented crystallites dispersed on the iPP substrate. The electron diffraction results show that besides the two normally observed epitaxial orientations between HDPE and iPP, there is also a special orientation with [001](HDPE)parallel to[001](iPP). The HDPE which is in contact with the clean surface of a glass slide crystallizes in small lamellae with random orientation. In the boundary region, the epitaxially crystallized HDPE small lamellae stop right on the boundary of the oriented iPP film. If the quenched samples are annealed at 128 degrees C (below T-m of HDPE) for 2 h, the small HDPE crystals grow to thick lamellae in both areas. But only the epitaxial orientation of HDPE with [001](HDPE)parallel to[101](iPP) has been observed.


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The epitaxial crystallization behaviour of syndiotactic polypropylene (sPP) on highly oriented nylon-12 substrates has been investigated by means of transmission electron microscopy. The results obtained from bright field electron microscopy and electron diffraction indicate that sPP crystals grow epitaxially on the oriented nylon-12 substrate with their c-axes +/- 37 degrees apart from the chain axis of the nylon-12 substrate. The contact planes of the sPP crystals are the (100) lattice planes. Moreover, the epitaxial crystallization of nylon-12 on highly oriented sPP substrates from a dilute solution in cyclohexanone has also been studied using optical microscopy. The results show that the nylon-12 crystals grow epitaxially on the oriented sPP substrate with the oriented nylon-12 lamellae forming large, anisotropic domains. Copyright (C) 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd.


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The morphology of a novel poly(aryl ether ketone) [PEDEKmK] was investigated via polarizing optical microscopy (POM), TEM, DSC, SAXS and electron diffraction (ED). A distinct change in lamellar thickness, orientation, and spherulitic morphology was observed due to crystal melting and recrystallization. However, the crystal packing mode is found to be identical before and after the recrystallization process.


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In order to study the oriented (epitaxial) crystallization of thermoplastic polymers on oriented polymer substrates, generally the transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is used. With this instrument, the crystallized material can easily be resolved and orientation relationships can be monitored by electron diffraction. Disadvantages are the time consuming sample preparations and difficulties in the in-situ observations of the crystallization events, because of the radiation sensitivity of the polymer crystals. It is demonstrated that these disadvantages of the TEM can be eleminated by the use of different methods of light optical contrasts under specific preparation conditions of the samples and that the optical microscopy being a supplementary method to the TEM for investigations of epitaxial crystallization.


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Epitaxial crystallization of trans-1,4-polybutadiene (PBD) on highly oriented isotactic poly(propylene) (iPP) has been investigated at different crystallization temperatures and rates. From electron microscopy and electron diffraction, it is confirmed that epitactic growth of the low-temperature modification (monoclinic) with microcrystals of PBD on the iPP films takes place with their chain directions about +/- 50-degrees apart. No epitaxial relationship occurs between the high-temperature modification (hexagonal) of PBD and the iPP substrate. Thermal analyses of PBD-PP layered films indicate that the epitaxy has an important effect on the formation of the high-temperature modification of PBD.


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The epitaxial crystallization of syndiotactic polypropylene (sPP) on uniaxially oriented polyethylene (PE) has been investigated by electron microscopy and electron diffraction. It is found that the sPP lamellae grow epitaxially on the PE substrate film with the preference in sPP for the b axis as the fast growth direction. Instead of 50-degrees as in the system of isotactic polypropylene with PE, the molecular chains of the sPP crystals are approximately +/- 37-degrees inclined to the chain direction of PE.


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Unique crystalline morphologies of solution-cast films of HDPE/iPP blends were investigated by means of transmission electron microscopy (TEM), electron diffraction, metal shadowing and specimen-tilt techniques. The unique morphologies come from an epitaxial crystallization of HDPE on iPP. The contact planes of the two kinds of crystals are (100) of HDPE and (010) of iPP, while the intercrossing angle between their chain axes is about 50-degrees. The HDPE existed with different crystalline morphologies in the two kinds of crystalline regions of iPP spherulites, i.e. cross-hatched and single-crystal-type structures. Based on structural analysis, two models of epitaxial growth of HDPE on iPP are proposed.