249 resultados para 163-989A
The structures, properties and electron transfer reactivity of the ClO/ClO+ coupling system are studied in this paper at ab initio (HF and MP2) levels and the density functional theory (DFT: B3LYP, B3P86, B3PW91) levels employing 6311 + G(3df) basis set and on the basis of the golden-rule of the time-dependent perturbation theory. Investigations indicate that the results got from the B3LYP method employing 6-311 + G(3df) basis set is in excellent agreement with the experiment. The activation energies, the stabilization energies and the electronic coupling matrix elements have also been calculated by using the B3LYP/6-311 + G(3df) method, and then the electron transfer rates are determined at this level. The electronic coupling matrix element of EC.6 is very small, only 0.03 kcal/mol, while that of EC.7 is the biggest, being 12.41 kcal/mol, the corresponding electron transfer rate is also the fastest among these seven encounter complexes. The averaged electron transfer rate is about 1.672 X 10(11) M-1 s(-1). It is indicated that the structures optimized by B3LYP method are more reliable than the results got from the other four methods. It also testified that the electronic coupling matrix element is the vital factor that significantly affects the electron transfer rate. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Colloidal alumina was used to improve the activity of an In/HZSM-5 catalyst for the selective reduction of NO with CH4 in the excess of oxygen. Compared with In/HZSM-5, the In/HZSM-5/Al2O3 catalyst showed higher activity in a wide range of reaction temperatures. It is visualized that a synergetic effect between In/HZSM-5 and Al2O3 enhances the conversion of NOx. The addition of Al2O3 improved the conversion of NO to NO2 and facilitated the activation of methane. An In/HZSM-5/Al2O3 pre-treated with steam for 15 h at 700 degreesC still showed a high activity for the removal of NOx with methane, while an In/HZSM-5 similarly pre-treated with steam showed a lower activity than the fresh sample. The activity of the In/HZSM-5/Al2O3 catalyst could be restored completely after water vapor was removed from the feed gas. Furthermore, it was found that the In/HZSM-5/Al2O3 remained fairly active under high GHSV and O-2 concentration conditions. It was also interesting to find that an increase in NO content could enhance the conversion of methane, and this illustrates that the existence of NO is beneficial for the activation of methane. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
本试验以采自中国东北3个地点的4种土壤,即棕色针叶林土、暗棕壤、黑土与黑钙土为材料,对根系分泌的两种有机酸及水在活化根际矿质养分方面的作用进行了模拟与比较。结果表明:有机酸能够活化养分,其程度主要取决于有机酸的数量和类型以及供试土壤的理化和生物化学性质;对于所有土壤类型,柠檬酸对Fe, Mn, Cu和Zn的活化效率明显高于苹果酸,而对于P, K, Ca 和Mg的活化效率并不是很高,有时甚至较苹果酸为低;所有元素的溶液浓度均随所加柠檬酸数量的增加而增加。图2表3参9。
The broad acceptance and collective commitment of countries to the tasks involved in the implementation of Agenda 21, Chapter 17, have profound implications vis-à-vis the interplay between coastal zone management (CZM) and national development planning (NDP). It appears that in many countries, CZM has evolved in isolation from the mainstream of national development processes. The paper examines various forms and elements for the effective integration of CZM into NDP.
本文通过文献检索对90年代期间景观生态学文献及论著进行了分析。分析结果表明,景观生态学研究在过去十年中获得了突飞猛进的发展。通过不完全统计,中国研究人员在国内外发表有关文献619篇以及中、英文著作13部,其中90% 以上是在国内发表的。基础理论方面和应用方法的文献分别占39.6% (245篇)和23.6% (146篇)。依据不同的研究内容,中国90年代景观生态学研究文献被分为9类。城市景观生态学的文献数量排列第一,占全部统计文献的13.4%;其次是区域、流域景观,寒区、旱区景观,森林景观,生境与生物多样性,农业景观,湿地景观,城郊景观以及植物景观。根据分析结果,作者对中国的景观生态学研究目前存在的问题和发展趋势进行了讨论。表3参42。
本文研究了中国吉林省长白山区阔叶红松林倒木贮量的动态变化规律。阔叶红松林倒木贮量包括其现有倒木及其年输入量等贮量的变化规律。阔叶红松林现有倒木贮量开始为16.25 t·hm-2,以后随时间减少,到100年分解掉其干重的85%左右,300年后所剩无几。倒木年输入量平均约为0.6 t·hm-2,其贮量是随时间而增加,200年后稳定在31 t·hm-2,可保持到该群落的顶级时期。倒木总贮量的变化在初期呈增加趋势,而后随着现有倒木的完全分解,倒木贮量就与其倒木的年输入趋于一致,最后稳定在上述水平上。图4表2参9。
延安燕沟流域属于水土流失治理的重点区,退耕还林(草)措施引起的生态环境改善和经济发展带动的山区道路建设压力对本地区侵蚀环境和侵蚀动力机制产生了巨大影响,坡面水土流失与道路水土流失对比关系发生了新变化。在坡面侵蚀得到初步治理的新环境下,道路侵蚀则上升为主要地位。依据燕沟流域2005年7月2日的5年一遇暴雨引起的不同土地利用类型下的侵蚀产沙监测结果,结合流域卡口站测得的流域产沙总量,分析各土地利用类型产沙量对流域总产沙量的贡献,并依据流域土地利用的演变,反演林草植被恢复与道路建设对流域泥沙来源的作用。研究结果表明:在次降雨条件下,道路的产沙强度为支道山路500 t/km2、干道山路3 163 t/km2、运油道路1万3500 t/km2,而农、林、草地的产沙强度为6~184 t/km2;道路产沙强度远大于农、林、草地的产沙强度:占流域面积1%的道路产沙量占总产沙量的42.3%,占流域面积70.5%的草地、灌木林地产沙量仅占流域的26.7%。退耕还林(草)措施使流域坡面产沙量大为降低,流域产沙量减少41.2%,但由于道路产沙量增加,抵消了减沙效益的58.0%,因此,黄土丘陵区植被恢复后,应将水土流失治理重点放在防止...
通过分析黄土高原生态环境和生态建设的现状 ,进一步理解在中央决定实施西部大开发战略的新形势下 ,朱钅容基总理有关加强生态环境建设指示的重要意义。并以延安 6 5 0 km2 山川秀美示范区建设为例 ,探讨了生态环境建设的阶段、目标、模式及科技试验示范的主要任务
用理论分析和典型观测的方法研究了人工油松林系统水土保持功能的叠加效应。结果表明 :与荒坡灌草小流域相比 ,人工油松林系统减小净雨作用明显 ;对两次次降水而言 ,人工油松林系统对径流时间的滞后效应各为荒坡灌草的 2 .5倍和 4 .3倍 ;对径流动能的减小效应分别为 2 5 .0倍和 166.4倍 ;对挟沙能力的减小效应分别为 2 4 .4倍和 163 .3倍。人工油松林系统能改良土壤 ,使其抗冲、抗蚀性能提高 ,此种双向作用使人工油松林发挥了良好的水土保持作用。
用样方调查方法对沈阳市建成区163.5km2范围的树木进行实地调查,并建立了基于Arc View 3.2以及CITYgreen模型的城市森林信息管理系统。应用该系统分析了沈阳市土地利用及树木分布的格局、树种柏成、树木密度、树高等级分布、胸径等级分布、健康状况等指标。
以基于GIS为基础的城市植被分析软件———CITYgreen的要求对沈阳市建成区进行调查,并统计分析,获得沈阳市建成区绿色覆盖现状,各用地类型植被的环境效益以及沈阳市建成区的总体环境效益。结果表明,沈阳市建成区的绿色覆盖(树冠与草地之和)率以绿化类用地最高;植被净化效益的主体为树木覆盖,植被环境效益与树冠覆盖比呈现正相关关系,单位面积的净化效益以绿化用地最高,商业金融用地最低;建成区总碳贮存为199 485.4t,每年的碳存留为879.6478t,O3的去除量为71 283.89kg,SO2的去除量为22 163.97kg,NO2的去除量为40 876.3kg,PM10的去除量为61 494.02kg,CO的去除量为8 149.331kg。该文还对提高环境质量提出建议。
文中在利用 Richards函数对湿地松生长进行拟合和利用动态规划方法在计算机上直接模拟抚育间伐的基础上 ,初步确定了江西省丘陵区湿地松多效益经营模式林分的采伐技术。研究结果表明 :湿地松多效益经营模式林分始伐年龄为 81 0年 ,主伐年龄为 2 5年 ,最优抚育间伐方案为间伐 3次 (含始伐 ) ,时间分别为第 8、1 2及 1 6年 ,间伐强度分别为 95 0、70 0、30 0株·hm2 ,最后保留株数为 5 5 0株·hm2 。