147 resultados para 2,4-DICHLOROPHENOXYACETIC ACID 2,4-D


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本文选取麻痹性贝毒产毒藻塔玛亚历山大(Alexandrium tamarense)以及双壳类为研究对象,进行了塔玛亚历山大藻对双壳类生命活动的影响,麻痹性贝毒在紫贻贝体内累积、转化与排出动力学过程的初步研究。实验证实,塔玛亚历山大藻能对栉孔扇贝受精卵至早期D型幼虫的整个发育阶段产生不利影响,抑制受精卵的孵化。经多方验证,我们推测这一抑制作用主要是由塔玛亚历山大藻藻细胞表面物质引起的。通过塔玛亚历大藻对栉孔扇贝和墨西哥湾贝早期发育的影响研究发现:产毒藻对其受精卵、早期D形幼虫、眼点幼虫、仔贝都有明显的影响。(1)两株塔玛亚历山大藻(ATHK、ATCI02)都能抑制栉孔扇贝受精卵的孵化,EC50分别是(1010、1580cells/mL)。指数生长期的藻作用最强,并发现毒性作用可能来源于细胞表面一种不同于PSP的毒性物质。(2)ATHK对D形幼虫有致死作用,死亡率随作用时间的延长和藻密度的增加而增加。栉孔扇贝的早期D形幼虫暴露于细胞密度为10,000/cells/mL的ATHK中14天,死亡就率达100%;在实验密度10,000cells/mL的48小时急性致毒实验中,墨西哥湾扇贝的早期D形幼虫的游泳能力受到了一定程度的抑制。(3)实验条件下未发现ATHK对墨西哥湾扇贝眼点幼虫的变态、存活产生明显影响,但变态后稚贝的个体大小与对照组相比有明显差异,表明有毒藻对变态过程幼体的生长有影响。(4)在1小时、5小时的急性致毒实验中ATHK对墨西哥湾扇贝仔贝(壳高:5mm)的爬升能力产生了明显的抑制(1hEC50 = 1,000cells/mL)。作用5小时后仔贝的附着率与对照组相比显著降低。两次48小时急性实验的结果都显示高密度的塔玛亚历山大藻(ATHK)能抑制紫贻贝成体的滤水率,平均EC50为6000cells/mL。以(产麻痹性贝毒)的塔玛亚历山大藻(ATHK)投喂紫贻贝(Mytilus edulis),研究了麻痹性贝毒在紫贻贝体内的累积、转化与排出规律。结果表明,在八天的累积实验阶段,紫贻贝消化腺和肌肉组织中的毒素含量均随实验时间的延长而逐渐增加;累积实验结束时,平均每只贝体内的毒素量为13.40nmol,累积率为12.45%(以每只贝的总染毒量为107.67nmol计),毒性水平为12.24μgSTXeq/100g,还未达到国际上公认的贝类食用卫生标准(80μgSTXeq/100g);贻贝消化腺的累积能力远远高于肌肉组织,累积实验结束时,消化腺中的毒素含量为13.07nmol,累积率为12.14%,而肌肉组织中的毒素量只有0.33nmol,累积率只有0.31%。消化腺中累积的毒素占贝体内毒素总量的97.5%。在八天的排出实验阶段贝体内的毒素总量有下降的趋势,只有进一步延长自净的时间,才能得到更明了的排出规律。


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1植物名称青藏苔草(Carex moorcroftii Falc ex Boott)。2材料类别种子。3培养条件(1)诱导培养基:MS+NAA 0.5 mg•L~(-1) (单位下同)+6-BA 1+2,4-D 0.5;(2)继代培养基:MS+NAA 0.5+6-BA 0.5+2,4-D 2;(3)芽分化培养基:MS+6-BA 1+NAA 1;(4)生根培养基:1/2MS+ IAA 3。以上培养基中均附加3%蔗糖和0.7%琼脂,pH5.8。


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以2-(2-(10-蒽基)-萘[2,3-d]咪唑)-乙基-对甲苯磺酸酯(ANITS)作为柱前衍生化试剂,在Eclipse XDB-C8色谱柱上,梯度洗脱实现了20种游离脂肪酸(FFA)衍生物的完全基线分离.90℃下在DMF溶剂中以K2CO3作催化剂,选取衍生试剂摩尔数为脂肪酸的7倍,衍生反应40 min可获得稳定的荧光产物.激发和发射波长分别为250 nm和512 nm.采用大气压化学电离源(APCI)正离子模式,实现了油菜蜂花粉中游离脂肪酸的质谱鉴定.所有脂肪酸的线性相关系数均大于0.9999, 检出限为24.76~98.79 fmol.


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1植物名称麻花艽(Gentiana straminea Maxim.),又名麻花秦艽,藏药中称为"解吉嘎保".2材料类别幼嫩叶子.3培养条件愈伤组织诱导培养基:(1)MS+2,4-D3.0 mg•L-1(单位下同);(2)MS+2,4-D 3.0+KT 1.0.继代培养基:(3)MS+2,4-D 1.0+6-BA 0.5+NAA 0.5.分化培养基:(4)MS+NAA 1.0+6-BA 2.0+ZT 3.0.以上培养基均附加CH(水解酪蛋白)300、肌醇200、3%蔗糖、5 g•L-1琼脂粉,pH 5.8.培养温度为(25±1)℃,光源为日光灯,光强为30~60μmol•m-2•s-1,光照时间12 h•d-1.


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以肯塔基草地早熟禾成熟种子为外植体,研究了影响愈伤组织诱导、分化以及再生苗生根、移栽的主要因素,建立了肯塔基草地早熟禾高频再生体系.结果表明,在MS培养基上,低浓度的BA(0.1mg/L)配合2,4-D(3.0 mg/L)诱导肯塔基草地早熟禾种子出愈率达到74.9士7.35%;0.1mg/L 2,4-D在SH培养基上诱导愈伤组织分化成芽,分化率平均每块愈伤可达8.1土0.36个芽;最适生根条件为1/2MS+1.0mg/L NAA.


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以玉米面、小米面和绿豆粉(质量比为5:3:2)的混合食物饲喂青藏高原地区特有种高原鼠兔,40 d后断头杀死,取其后腿肌肉测定稳定性碳和氮同位素组成。结果表明,用混合食物饲喂后,高原鼠兔的稳定性碳同位素比值显著升高,由对照的(一24.660.25)‰上升为(一19.050.09)%。;稳定性氮同位素的组成变化较小,仅由对照的(3 280.13)‰增加为饲喂后的(3.6l0.32)‰。经人工食物饲喂后,高原鼠兔与其食物间稳定性碳同位素的分馏效应为4.73‰o,稳定性氮同位素的分馏效应为2.79%e。c。组分食物的加入影响高原鼠兔的稳定性同位素(特别是氮同位素)代谢模式,其稳定性同位素代谢周转率可能高于原来预测的40 d。


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1植物名称唐古特大黄(Rheum tanguticum),又名鸡爪大黄.2材料类别无菌种子苗.3培养条件种子萌发培养基:(1)MS无激素培养基.前期分化培养基:(2)MS+2,4-D 1 mg?L-1(单位下同)+KT 1+ZT 0.5+6-BA 0.5.后期分化培养基:(3)MS+2,4-D 1+KT 2+ZT 0.5+6-BA 1.以上3种培养基均附加CH 300、肌醇200、3%蔗糖、5 g?L-1琼脂粉.生根培养基:(4)MS+NAA 1+3%蔗糖;(5)1/2MS+NAA 1+3%蔗糖;(6)1/2MS+NAA0.5+1.5%蔗糖;(7)1/2MS+NAA 0.5+3%蔗糖;(8)1/2MS+NAA 1+1.5%蔗糖.pH 5.8.培养温度为(25±1)℃,光源为日光灯,光照度为2 000~3 000 lx,光照时间12 h?-1


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试验选用唐古特大黄(Rheum tanguticum Maxim.ex Regel.)种子萌发的无菌苗及无菌苗子叶、下胚轴、胚根和幼根作为材料,研究唐古特大黄不同外植体的离体培养技术.结果表明,唐古特大黄的无菌苗和无菌苗子叶、下胚轴、胚根和幼根都可以作为离体培养的良好外植体.唐古特大黄的最适分化培养基是:B5+NAA 0.1mg/L+6-BA 3 mg/L;最适生根培养基是:1/2 MS+NAA 1 mg/L+3%蔗糖或1/2 MS+NAA 0.5 mg/L+3%蔗糖;愈伤组织诱导培养基是:MS+2,4-D 1 mg/L+NAA 1 mg/L+6-BA 1 mg/L.


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The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of tannic acid on the gworth and survival of small mammalian berbirvores. Measurements were conducted with weaned root voles fed with 3% or 6% tannic acid and 10% or 20% protein in their diets. The results indicated that the effect of tannic acid on growth rate of weaned root voles was greater when given a lower protein diet than a higher protein diet. After 20 d, with 10% protein diets, mean growth rates of the weaned voles fed with 3% or 6% tannic acid were -0.135 g/d and -0.25 g/d, respectively. When given 20% protein diet, mean growth rates of weaned root voles fed with 3% and 6% tannic acid for 20 d were 0.134 g/d and -0.116 g/d, respectively. Food utilization efficiencies of the voles fed with 3% and 6% tannic acid diets were significantly lower than that of the control diet at the level of 10% protein. When given the 20% protein diet, food utilization efficiencies of weaned voles fed with 6% tannic acid were significantly lower than that of the voles fed with 3% tannic acid diet or the control diet with the 10% protein diets, the average survival days of the weaned voles fed with 3% and 6% tannic acid diets decreased 26.23% and 49.36% compared to controls at the end of trial period, respectively. With 20% protein diets, the average survival of weaned voles given 6% tannic acid diet decreased 39.41% compared to controls at the end of trial period, although weaned voles given 3% tannic acid had a slight decrease of average survival days. The results of study suggested that tannins could substanitially affect the individual performance of weaned root voles.


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With the continuously proceeding of petroleum exploratory development in China, exploratory development becomes more and more difficult. For increasing reserve volume and production, lithologic hydrocarbon reservoir has been the most workable, potential and universality exploration targets. In the past, Dagang Oil Field use the complicated fault reservoir theory as the guide, develop and form a suit of matching construction and instrument in prospecting complicated fault reservoir that reach top of exploration industry in China. But the research of lithologic hydrocarbon reservoir is not much, which affects the exploitation progress of lithologic hydrocarbon reservoir. In this thesis, is object, through the depth study of lithologic deposition in Shasan segment of Zhouqingzhuang Oil Field, a suit of holographic fine reservoir bed forecasting techniques is built up and finally gets following main results: 1. Applying geology, seism, drilling, logging and other information to sensitivity preferences, geological model, inversion and integrated stratum evaluation, realizing the method and flow of refined multi-information stratum forecast. 2. Built up a full three dimensional fine structural interpretation method: in view of r problem of accurately demarcating 90% inclined well, propose a inclined well air space demarcating method, make bed demarcating more exactly; in view of problem of faults demarcating and combination in seismic interpretation, propose a computational method of seismic interference based on wavelet translation, make identify the fault in different level more dependable and reasonable; for exactly identifying structural attitude, propose a velocity modeling method under multi-well restriction, make structural attitude closer to the facts. 3. Built up a high accuracy reservoir bed inversion method: in view of problem in exactly identifying reservoir and nonreservoir with conventional wave impedance inversion method in this place, propose a reservoir log response characteristic analysis and sensible log parameter inversion method. ①analysis log response of reservoir and nonreservoir in region of interest, make definite the most sensible log parameter in identifying reservoir and nonreservoir in this region; ②make sensible log parameter inversion based on wave impedance inversion, to improve inversion accuracy, the thickness of recognizable reservoir bed reach 4-5m. 4. Built up a 4-D reservoir forcasting circuit: in view of difficulty that in lithologic hydrocarbon reservoir making reservoir space characteristic clear by using structural map and reservoir forecasting techniques once only, propose a 4-D reservoir forcasting circuit. In other words, based on development conceptual design, forcast reservoir of different time, namely multiple 3D reservoir forcasting in time queue, each time the accuracy degree of reservoir forcasting is improved since apply the new well material, thereby achieve high quality and highly efficient in exploratory development. During exploratory development lithologic depositin in Shasan segment of Zhouqingzhuang Oil Field, there are thirteen wells get 100% success rate, which sufficiently proves that this suit of method is scientific and effective.


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The Ordos Basin is a large-scale craton superimposed basin locating on the west of the North China platform, which was the hotspot of interior basin exploration and development. Qiaozhen oil field located in the Ganquan region of south-central of Ordos Basin. The paper is based on the existing research data, combined with the new theory and progress of the sedimentology, sequence stratigraphy, reservoir sedimentology, petroleum geology, etc, and analyzes systematically the sedimentary and reservoir characteristics in the chang2 and chang1 oil-bearing strata group of Yanchang formation On the basis of stratigraphic classification and comparison study, the strata chang2 and chang1 were divided into five intervals. Appling the method of cartography with single factor and dominance aspect, we have drawn contour line map of sand thickness, contour line map of ratio between sand thickness and stratum thickness. We discussed distribution characteristics of reservoir sand body and evolution of sedimentary facies and microfacies. And combining the field type section , lithologic characteristics, sedimentary structures, the sedimentary facies of single oil well and particle size analysis and according to the features of different sequence, the study area was divided into one sedimentary facies、three parfacies and ten microfacies. The author chew over the characteristics of every facies, parfacies and microfacies and spatial and temporal distribution. Comprehensive research on petrologic characteristics of reservoir , diagenesis types, pore types, distribution of sand bodies, physical properties, oiliness, reservoir heterogeneities, characteristics of interlayer, eventually research on synthetic classifying evaluation of reservoir.The reservoir is classified four types: Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ and pore type, fracture-porosity type. Take reservoir's average thickness, porosity, permeability, oil saturation and shale content as parameters, by using clustering analysis and discriminant analysis, the reservoir is classified three groups. Based on the evaluation, synthetizing the reservoir quality, the sealing ability of cap rock, trap types, reservoir-forming model ,in order to analyze the disciplinarian of accumulation oil&gas. Ultimately, many favorable zones were examined for chang23,chang223,chang222,chang221,chang212,chang12,chang11 intervals. There are twenty two favorable zones in the research area. Meanwhile deploy the next disposition scheme.


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萨瓦亚尔顿金矿床是我国90年代金矿地质工作者在新疆西南天山地区寻找穆龙套型金矿床的一个突破。本文通过对新疆萨瓦亚尔顿金矿床的矿石矿物组成、稀土元素地球化学、同位素地球化学以及流体包裹体特征等方面的研究,探讨了萨瓦亚尔顿金矿床地质地球化学特征、金的赋存状态及成矿流体特征、成矿流体来源,提出了该矿床的成矿机制,取得如下认识:1.流体包裹体岩相学研究表明,萨瓦亚尔顿金矿床的流体包裹体主要为V+L相和富CO_2相包裹体,前者为NaCl-H_2O体系,后者主要有L_(CO2)、L_(CO2)+L、V_(CO2)+L、V_(CO2)+L_(CO2)+L相包裹体;并发现极少量含子晶流体包裹体。2.通过流体包裹体显微测温学研究,表明金矿床的均一温度成矿早阶段为270~320 ℃,成矿主阶段为170~250 ℃,成矿晚阶段为110-250 ℃,呈逐渐降低的趋势,低温成矿作用明显。3.单个流体包裹体的激光拉曼分析表明,流体包裹体中除含有CO2之外,还含有一定量的N_2和CH_4。4.成矿物质来源的复杂性。萨瓦亚尔顿金矿床矿石中微量元素组成、稀土配分模式大都反映了成矿金属物质主要来自赋矿地层本身。金属硫化物的6345:-3.4‰~+2.6‰,西南天山地区下古生界地层中广泛存在各类火山岩可能是该矿床的主要硫源,部分可能有深部物质的参与。矿石中主要脉石矿物石英和菱铁矿 中包裹体水的氢氧同位素组成为δD = -72%~-62‰,δ~(18)O = -11.6‰~+5.4‰。成矿流体主要为大气降水补给的地下卤水,并有少量岩浆水的混合。5.Ar-Ar同位素地球化学研究表明,萨瓦亚尔顿金矿床的主要成矿时代为印支晚期,210 Ma。6. 对矿石中的流体包裹体进行了温度、压力、成分、pH、含盐度等的分要的,并系统的进行了矿床形成时的物理化学条件的理论计算,基中包括EH、PH、f_(O_2)、f_(S_2)等及金在矿液运移中的搬运形式。指出减压过程或伴生沸腾的减压过程,是矿床形成过程中矿质卸载的基本机制,此外,酸蚀变过程(如绢云母化等)中由于H~+的消耗促进了溶液中pH值的升高;含高炭质的围岩,降低了矿液的氧逸度以及含矿热液与地表下渗冷水的混合等诸多因素,则是矿订形成的辅助机制。