183 resultados para liquid-gas phase transition


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A reversibly tunable colloidal photonic crystal between two stop bands was realized by a liquid-solid phase transition of liquid infiltrated into the air voids of silica opals. The difference of the peak wavelengths of the two stop bands was dependent on the diameter of the silica opals and the difference of the refractive index of the filled solvent between the solid and liquid state. The reversibly tunable photonic crystals have good stability and reproducibility.


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The effects of metal ions and lanthanide complexes on the gel-to-liquid crystal phase transition temperature T-m of dipalmitoylphosphatidylethanolamine liposomes have been studied by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) method. The results show that the addition of metal ions to the dipalmitoylphosphatidylethanolamine (DPPE) liposomes dispersions increases the main phase transition temperature T-m in the order of monovalent< divalent< trivalent cations. The enhancement of T-m is not large as increasing the lanthanide ions concentration. The enhancement of Pr3+ is larger than that of La3+. Remarkable differences were observed between La-citrate and La-lactate complexes at different pH solutions. At pH 7.0, La-citrate complex has no effect on the T-m, La-lactate complex, however, increases the T-m value, and the increase is larger than that of free lanthanide ions at the same concentration. The decrease of pH of complexes solutions lowers the phase transition temperature. We have preliminarily discussed the mechanism of the enhancements of lanthanide ions and the synergism of lanthanide ion and lactate ligand follow the ion induced dehydration of lipid and the potential effects of ion-lipid interaction.


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The differential isospin-fractionation (IsoF) during the liquid-gas phase transition in dilute asymmetric nuclear matter is studied as a function of nucleon momentum. Within a self-consistent thermal model it is shown that the neutron/proton ratio of the gas phase becomes smaller than that of the liquid phase for energetic nucleons, although the gas phase is overall more neutron-rich. Clear indications of the differential IsoF consistent with the thermal model predictions are demonstrated within a transport model for heavy-ion reactions. Future comparisons with experimental data will allow us to extract critical information about the momentum dependence of the isovector strong interaction.


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本论文介绍了原子核多重碎裂中的同位旋效应、液气相变研究的意义和现状以及当前常用的几种描述原子核液气相变的理论模型,基于同位旋相关的量子分子动力学(IQMD)模型和唯象静态模型,系统研究了有限核多重碎裂中的同位旋效应和液气相变。利用非对称核物质状态方程、IQMD模型和静态模型,研究了有限核112Sn和132Sn多重碎裂的同位旋效应以及它们对温度的依赖性。给出了在一定温度下不同密度对产生中等质量碎片和平均自由中子数/平均自由质子数的影响,发现温度较低时(5MeV),低密区(0.01-0.04fm-3)对中等质量碎片产生的贡献大。随着温度的升高(10MeV,15MeV),高密区域(>0.04fm-3)对中等质量碎片的产生的贡献增加。不论是在低密度区(0.01-0.04fm-3)或是在较高密度区(>0.04fm-3),如果考察自由的中子与质子的比例,则可以看出,它们与系统的同位旋有密切的关系,即在同位旋大的系统中自由中子/自由质子的比值要大于同位旋小的系统中的比值。为了寻找出核多重碎裂的临界行为信号,分析了条件矩、折合矩和组合矩及提取临界指数。采用唯象的同位旋非对称核物质状态方程和静态模型来研究热核液-气相变的临界行为,通过对核碎片的条件矩、折合矩和组合矩分析,指出了中高能重离子碰撞中形成的高温高密核在膨胀阶段存在明显的临界现象。寻找出了临界行为的信号,发现通过Zmax与S2在自然对数的对数坐标下的等高图,可以做为核发生临界现象的信号,这种现象对较重的体系会更加明显。通过线性拟合提取了临界指数,并跟其它模型提取的进行了对比,结果表明与在3D Percolation系统、Fluid系统、Au+C Fragmentation系统提取的临界指数是一致的


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The Electrical Resistance Tomography (ERT) technique possesses great potential in monitoring widely exiting industrial two/multi-phase flow. For vertical pipe flow and inclined pipe flow, some application studies with exciting results have been reported, but there is rarely a paper regarding the application of ERT to horizontal gas/liquid pipe flow. This paper addresses this issue and proposes a smart method, Liquid Level Detection method, to conventional ERT system. The enhanced ERT system using the new method can monitor horizontal pipe flow effectively and its application is no longer restricted by the flow conditions. Some experimental results from monitoring an air/water slug pipe flow are presented.


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The measurement of void fraction is of importance to the oil industry and chemical industry. In this article, the principle and mathematical method of determining the void fraction of horizontal gas-liquid flow by using a single-energy gamma-ray system is described. The gamma-ray source is the radioactive isotope of Am-241 with gamma-ray energy of 59.5 keV. The time-averaged value of the void fraction in a 50.0-mm i.d. transparent horizontal pipeline is measured under various combinations of the liquid flow and gas flow. It is found that increasing the gas flow rate at a fixed liquid flow rate would increase the void fraction. Test data are compared with the predictions of the correlations and a good agreement is found. The result shows that the designed gamma-ray system can be used for measuring the void fraction in a horizontal gas-liquid two-phase flow with high accuracy.


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The phase transition behaviors and corresponding structures of 6-{[(4'-([(undecyl)carbonyl]oxy)biphenyl-4yl)carbonyl]oxyl-l-hexyne (A4EE11) were investigated using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), polarizing optical microscopy (POM) and wide angle X-ray diffraction (WAXD). In comparison with the published homologues, 5- [(4'-heptoxy-biphenyl-4-yl)carbonyl]oxyl-1-pentyne (A3EO7) which shows a monotropic smectic A (SmA) phase and a metastable monotropic smectic C (SmC) phase; 5-{ [(4'-heptoxybiphenyl-4-yl)oxy]carbonyl)- I-pentyne (A3E'O7) that exhibits three enantiotropic stable liquid crystalline (LC) phases, SmA phase, SmC phase and smectic X (SmX) phase; 5-{[(4'-heptoxy-biphenyl-4-yl)carbonyl]oxy}-1-undecyne (A9EO7) which has a monotropic SmA phase and a metastable crystal phase, A4EE11 integrates the enantiotropy, monotropy and metastability of the LC phases of those three compounds. Upon cooling from isotropic state to room temperature, in the temperature range of 62.0 to 58.5 degrees C, A4EE11 shows an enantiotropic smectic A (SmA) phase with a layer spacing d=32.69 angstrom.


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In this paper, phase transition temperatures of side chain liquid crystal polymer were predicted by molecular dynamics simulation. We analyzed the change of energy and the degree of similarity(S) with the temperature varying. The simulated phase transition temperatures agree with the experimental values in a proper deviation.


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On the basis of a brief review of the continuum theory for macroscopic descriptions and the kinetic theory for microscopic descriptions in solid/liquid two-phase flows, some suggestions are presented, i.e. the solid phase may be described by the Boltzmann equation and the liquid phase still be described by conservation laws in the continuum theory. Among them the action force on the particles by the liquid fluid is a coupling factor which connects the phases. For dilute steady solid/liquid two-phase flows, the particle velocity distribution function can be derived by analogy with the procedures in the kinetic theory of gas molecules for the equilibrium state instead of being assumed, as previous investigators did. This done, more detailed information, such as the velocity probability density distribution, mean velocity distribution and fluctuating intensity etc. can be obtained directly from the particle velocity distribution function or from its integration. Experiments have been performed for dilute solid/liquid two-phase flow in a 4 x 6 cm2 sized circulating square pipe system by means of laser Doppler anemometry so that the theories can be examined. The comparisons show that the theories agree very well with all the measured data.