346 resultados para conduction band electrons


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The shear-deformation-potential constant XI-u of the conduction-band minima of Si has been measured by a method which we called deep-level capacitance transient under uniaxial stress. The uniaxial-stress (F) dependence of the electron emission rate e(n) from deep levels to the split conduction-band minima of Si has been analyzed. Theoretical curves are in good agreement with experimental data for the S0 and S+ deep levels in Si. The values of XI-u obtained by the method are 11.1 +/- 0.3 eV at 148.9 K and 11.3 +/- 0.3 eV at 223.6 K. The analysis and the XI-u values obtained are also valuable for symmetry determination of deep electron traps in Si.


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By comparing the results of some well-controlled calculation methods, we analyze the relative importance of bulk band structure, multi-bulk-band coupling, and boundary conditions in determining colloidal quantum dot conduction band eigenenergies. We find that while the bulk band structure and correct boundary conditions are important, the effects of multi-bulk-band coupling are small.


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We have investigated the optical transitions in Ga1-yInyNxAs1-x/GaAs single and multiple quantum wells using photovoltaic measurements at room temperature. From a theoretical fit to the experimental data, the conduction band offset Q(c), electron effective mass m(e)*, and band gap energy E-g were estimated. It was found that the Q(c) is dependent on the indium concentration, but independent on the nitrogen concentration over the range x=(0-1)%. The m(e)* of GaInNAs is much greater than that of InGaAs with the same concentration of indium, and increases as the nitrogen concentration increases up to 1%. Our experimental results for the m(e)* and E-g of GaInNAs are quantitatively explained by the two-band model based on the strong interaction of the conduction band minimum with the localized N states. (C) 2001 American Institute of Physics.


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The conduction-band offset Delta E-C has been determined for a molecular beam epitaxy grown GaAs/In0.2Ga0.8As single quantum-well structure, by measuring the capacitance-voltage (C - V) profiling, taking into account a correction for the interface charge density, and the capacitance transient resulting from thermal emission of carriers from the quantum well, respectively. We found that Delta E-C = 0.227 eV, corresponding to about 89% Delta E-g, from the C - V profiling; and Delta E-C = 0.229eV, corresponding to about 89.9% Delta E-g, from the deep-level transient spectroscopy (DLTS) technique. The results suggest that the conduction-band discontinuity Delta E-C obtained from the C-V profiling is in good agreement with that obtained from the DLTS technique. (C) 1998 American Institute of Physics.


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The tunneling from an AlGaAs confined thin layer to a GaAs layer in the GaAs/Al0.33Ga0.67As/GaAs structure during the trapped electron emission from deep level in the AlGaAs to its conduction band has been observed by deep level transient spectroscopy. With the aid of the tunneling effect, the conduction-band offset DELTAE(c) was determined to be 0.260 eV, corresponding to 63% of DELTAE(g). A calculation was also carried out based on this tunneling model by using the experimental value of DELTAE(c) = E2 - E1 = 0. 260 eV, and good agreement between the experimental and calculated curves is obtained.


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We have investigated the damage for ZrO2/SiO2 800 nm 45 degrees high-reflection mirror with femtosecond pulses. The damage morphologies and the evolution of ablation crater depths with laser fluences are dramatically different from that with pulse longer than a few tens of picoseconds. The ablation in multilayers occurs layer by layer, and not continuously as in the case of bulk single crystalline or amorphous materials. The weak point in damage is the interface between two layers. We also report its single-short damage thresholds for pulse durations ranging from 50 to 900 fs, which departs from the diffusion-dominated tau(1/2)(p) scaling. A developed avalanche model, including the production of conduction band electrons (CBE) and laser energy deposition, is applied to study the damage mechanisms. The theoretical results agree well with our measurements. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A new pump and probe experimental system was developed, the pump pulse duration of which is stretched and is much longer than that of the probe pulse. Using this system, time-resolved electronic excitation processes and damage mechanisms in CaF2 crystals were studied. The measured reflectivity of the probe pulse begins to increase at the peak of the pump pulse and increases rapidly in the latter half of the pump pulse, when the pump pulse duration is stretched to 580fs. Our experimental results indicate that both multiphoton ionization and impact ionization play important roles in the generation of conduction band electrons, at least they do so when the pump pulse durations are equal to or longer than 580fs.


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Single-shot laser damage threshold of MgO for 40-986 fs, 800 nm laser pulses is reported. The pump-probe measurements with femtosecond pulses were carried out to investigate the time-resolved electronic excitation processes. A theoretical model including conduction band electrons (CBE) production and laser energy deposition was applied to discuss the roles of multiphoton ionization (MPI) and avalanche ionization in femtosecond laser-induced dielectric breakdown. The results indicate that avalanche ionization plays the dominant role in the femtosecond laser-induced breakdown in MgO near the damage threshold. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We report on the damage threshold in CaF2 crystals induced by femtosecond laser at wavelengths of 800 nm and 400 nm, respectively. The dependences of ablation depths and ablation volumes on laser fluences are also presented. We investigate theoretically the coupling constants between phonon and conduction band electrons (CBE), and calculate the rates of CBE absorbing laser energy. A theoretical model including CBE production, laser energy deposition, and CBE diffusion is applied to study the damage mechanisms. Our results indicate that energy diffusion greatly influences damage threshold and ablation depth.


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A pump and probe system is developed, where the probe pulse duration tau is less than 60 fs while the pump pulse is stretched up to 150-670 fs. The time-resolved excitation processes and damage mechanisms in the omnidirectional reflectors SiO2/TiO2 and ZnS/MgF2 are studied. It is found that as the pump pulse energy is higher than the threshold value, the reflectivity of the probe pulse decreases rapidly during the former half, rather than around the peak of the pump pulse. A coupled dynamic model based on the avalanche ionization (AI) theory is used to study the excitation processes in the sample and its inverse influences on the pump pulse. The results indicate that as pulse duration is longer than 150 fs, photoionization (PI) and AI both play important roles in the generation of conduction band electrons (CBEs); the CBE density generated via AI is higher than that via PI by a factor of 10(2)-10(4). The theory explains well the experimental results about the ultrafast excitation processes and the threshold fluences. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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The damage in fused silica and CaF2 crystals induced by wavelength tunable femtosecond lasers is studied. The threshold fluence is observed to increase rapidly with laser wavelength lambda in the region of 250-800 nm, while it is nearly a constant for 800 conduction band electrons (CBEs). We study the CBEs absorption via subconduction-band (sub-CB) transition, and develop a coupled avalanche model. Our results indicate that the CBEs absorption via sub-CB transition plays an important role in the damage in dielectrics irradiated by the visible and near ultraviolet femtosecond lasers. Our theory explains well the experiments.