47 resultados para asteroids: individual: (153591) 2001 SN263


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A theoretical model is presented to describe electrical transport through individual DNA molecules. By contacting the proposed model with the experimentally measured data, a variety of valuable quantities are identified. The partially decoherent nature on the guanine-cytosine (GC) pairs of DNA is also elaborated in contrast to the completely incoherent hopping mechanism discussed in the context of charge transfer experiments. (C) 2001 American Institute of Physics.


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We have investigated random telegraph noise in the photoluminescence from InGaAs quantum dots in GaAs. Dots switching among two and three levels have been measured. The experiments show that the switching InGaAs dots behave very similarly to switching InP dots in GaInP. but differently from the more commonly investigated colloidal dots. The switching is attributed to defects, and we show that the switching can be used as a monitor of the defect.


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The different resonant Raman scattering process of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) has been found between the Stokes and anti-Stokes sides of the radial breathing modes (RBMs), and this provides strong evidence that Raman spectra of some special diametric SWNTs are in resonance with their electronic transitions between the singularities in the one-dimensional electronic density of states in the valence and conduction bands, and other SWNTs axe beyond the resonant condition. Because of the coexistence of resonant and non-resonant Raman scattering processes for different diametric SWNTs, the relative intensity of each RBM does not reflect the proportion of a particular SWNT.


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The probability distribution of the four-phase invariants in the case of single isomorphous replacement has been developed to estimate some individual phases. An example of its application to obtain the phases having special values of 0, pi or +/-pi /2 is given for a known protein structure in space group P2(1)2(1)2(1). The phasing procedure includes the determination of starting phases and an iterative calculation. The initial values of starting phases, which are required by the formula, can be obtained from the estimate of one-phase seminvariants and by specifying the origin and enantiomorph. In addition, the calculations lead to two sets of possible phases for each type of reflection by assigning arbitrarily an initial phase value. The present method provides a possibility for the multisolution technique to increase greatly the number of known phases while keeping the number of the trials quite small.


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Classical fracture mechanics is based on the premise that small scale features could be averaged to give a larger scale property such that the assumption of material homogeneity would hold. Involvement of the material microstructure, however, necessitates different characteristic lengths for describing different geometric features. Macroscopic parameters could not be freely exchanged with those at the microscopic scale level. Such a practice could cause misinterpretation of test data. Ambiguities arising from the lack of a more precise range of limitations for the definitions of physical parameters are discussed in connection with material length scales. Physical events overlooked between the macroscopic and microscopic scale could be the link that is needed to bridge the gap. The classical models for the creation of free surface for a liquid and solid are oversimplified. They consider only the translational motion of individual atoms. Movements of groups or clusters of molecules deserve attention. Multiscale cracking behavior also requires the distinction of material damage involving at least two different scales in a single simulation. In this connection, special attention should be given to the use of asymptotic solution in contrast to the full field solution when applying fracture criteria. The former may leave out detail features that would have otherwise been included by the latter. Illustrations are provided for predicting the crack initiation sites of piezoceramics. No definite conclusions can be drawn from the atomistic simulation models such as those used in molecular dynamics until the non-equilibrium boundary conditions can be better understood. The specification of strain rates and temperatures should be synchronized as the specimen size is reduced to microns. Many of the results obtained at the atomic scale should be first identified with those at the mesoscale before they are assumed to be connected with macroscopic observations. Hopefully, "mesofracture mechanics" could serve as the link to bring macrofracture mechanics closer to microfracture mechanics.


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Specimens of the calanoid copepod, Leptodiaptomus minutus, collected in June 1994 in oligotrophic: north temperate Crystal Lake, were infested with the stalked ciliate Epistylis lacustris. E. lacustris was highly specific to L. minutus and no other coexisting zooplankters were infested. Excluding nauplii, nearly 70% of copepods carried 1-20 ciliates, although the maximum load was as high as 250 ciliates. A lower percentage of nauplii were infested by the ciliate; those that were infested had a lower ciliate load than other copepod stages. Infestation by ciliates had no significant influence on the average egg number of female copepods. In a field experiment, higher copepod densities in enclosures resulted in a significantly higher infestation rate, but the ciliate load per individual copepod did not differ significantly among treatments.


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The effect of food concentration on the life history of three types of Brachionus calciflorus females (amictic, unfertilized mictic and fertilized mictic female) was studied with replicated individual cultures at 25 degrees and at four food concentrations (1.5, 3.0, 6.0 and 9.0 x 10(6) cells mL(-1)) of Scenedesmus obliquus. There were highly significant effects of both food concentration and female type, independently and in interaction on the duration of juvenile period of the rotifer, but neither a;ere the effects on the duration of post-reproductive period and mean life-span. The duration of juvenile period of unfertilized mictic female at the food concentration of 9.0 x 10(6) cells mL(-1) was the longest among all the food concentration-female type combinations. Both food concentration and female type influenced significantly the duration of reproductive period and the number of eggs produced by each type of female per life cycle, respectively. There was, however, no significant interaction between food level and female type. Among the three types of females, the number of eggs produced by an unfertilized mictic female was the largest. and that of a fertilized mictic female was the smallest.


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The compensatory growth responses of individual juveniles of two co-existing species were compared after identical periods of starvation to determine inter-specific similarities and differences. The carnivorous stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus was compared with the omnivorous minnow Phoxinus phoxinus. Both species experienced 1 or 2 weeks of starvation before being re-fed ad libitum. The two species differed in their response to the starvation periods, with minnows showing a lower weight-specific loss. Both species showed compensatory responses in appetite, growth and to a lesser extent, growth efficiency. Minnows wholly compensated for 1 and 2 weeks of starvation. At the end of the experiment, sticklebacks starved For 2 weeks were still showing a compensatory response and had nut achieved full compensation. The compensatory responses of the sticklebacks showed a lag of a week before developing in the re-feeding phase, whereas the response of the minnows was immediate. Analysis of lipid and dry matter concentrations suggested that the compensatory response restored reserve lipids while also bringing the fish back to the growth trajectory of continuously fed fish. (C) 2001 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles.


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Echolocation click events of a free-ranging juvenile and an adult finless porpoise (Neophocaena phocaenoides) were recorded with an acoustic data logger. Additionally, dive depth and swim speed of the juvenile were recorded with a behavior data logger. Echoes of echolocation signals from the water surface were clearly detected in shallow dives approximately less than 2 m. The delay time between a surface echo and a direct signal corresponded with the two-way transmission time for the animal's depth, indicating that the signals originated from the animal wearing the data loggers. The finless porpoises produced echolocation signals frequently and were thought to be able to detect their depth by listening to echoes from the water surface. (C) 2000 Acoustical Society of America. [S0001-4966(00)01609-X].


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