16 resultados para Vaughan--Col


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The microgravity research, as a branch of the advanced sciences and a spe- cialized field of high technology, has been made in China since the late 1980's. The research group investigating microgravity fluid physics consisted of our col- leagues and the authors in the Institute of Mechanics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), and we pay special attention to the floating zone convection as our first research priority. Now, the research group has expanded and is a part of the National Microgravity Laboratory of the CAS, and the research fields have been extended to include more subjects related to microgravity science. Howev- er, the floating zone convection is still an important topic that greatly holds our research interests.


1. models of floating zone convection
1.1 floating-zone crystal growth
1.2 physical model
1.3 hydrodynamic model
1.4 mathematical model
2. basic features of floating zone convection
2.1 equations and boundary conditions
2.2 simple solutions of fz convection
2.3 solution for two-layers flow
2.4 numerical simulation
2.5 onset of oscillation
3. experimental method of fz convection
3.1 ground-based simulation experiments for pr≥1
3.2 temperature and velocity oscillations
3.3 optical diagnostics of free surface oscillation
3.4 critical parameters
3.5 microgravity experiments
3.6 ground-based simulation experiment for pr《1
4. mechanism on the onset of oscillatory convection
4.1 order of magnitude analysis
4.2 mechanism of hydrothermal instability
4.3 linear stability analysis
4.4 energy instability of thermocapillary convection
4.5 unsteady numerical simulation of 2d and 3d
4.6 two bifurcation transitions in the case of small pr number fluid
4.7 two bifurcation transitions in the case of large pr number fluid
4.8 transition to turbulence
5. liquid bridge volume as a critical geometrical parameter
5.1 critical geometrical parameters
5.2 ground-based and mierogravity experiments
5.3 instability analyses of a large prandtl number (pr≥1)fluid
5.4 instability analyses of a small prandtl number (pr《1)fluid
5.5 numerical simulation on two bifurcation process
6. theoretical model of crystal growth by the floating zone method
6.1 concentration distribution in a pure diffusion process
6.2 solutal capillary convection and diffusion
6.3 coupling with phase change convection
6.4 engineering model of floating zone technique
7. influence of applied magnetic field on the fz convection
7.1 striation due to the time-dependent convection
7.2 applied steady magnetic field and rotational magnetic field
7.3 magnetic field design for floating half zone
7.4 influence of magnetic field on segregation
8. influence of residual acceleration and g-jitter
8.1 residual acceleration in microgravity experiments
8.2 order of magnitude analyses (oma)
8.3 rayleigh instability due to residual acceleration
8.4 ground-based experiment affected by a vibration field
8.5 numerical simulation of a low frequency g-jitter
8.6 numerical simulation of a high frequency g-jitter


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稻属(OryzaL.)是禾本科稻族(Oryzeae)中最大,也是分布最广的属,由于其包括亚洲栽培稻这一世界第一大粮食作物,对该属各方面的研究都相当多,系统与进化植物学研究也是如此。然而,由于该属分布跨及亚、非、美、澳各洲热带、亚热带地区,材料不易得到,故研究常缺乏系统性,属和属内一些种的界限仍然存在争议,属下组间特别是几个孤立类群间的系统发育关系也一直不很清楚,稻属与近缘类群间系统发育关系研究也很有限。为此,本文在以前学者研究的基础上,综合评述了目前稻属各分类系统,指出了目前普遍接受的观点和存在分歧,同时对稻属系统作了一些必要的修订;通过l7种野生稻的核型分析和通过原位杂交技术在稻属尝试性的应用,从染色体水平探讨了稻属与近缘类群间的关系以及稻属内物种间的关系;通过对lO个属28种稻族植物cp DNA上的trnK基因的限制性内切酶位点的分析,并综合其它证据,对稻属与近缘属间关系进行初步的探讨。主要的结论如下: 一、 17种野生稻核型研究表明: 1)所有种的间期核属染色中心型(chromocentertype),染色中心较少或多,形状规则或不规则,散布于全核;前期染色体固缩特性属于近基型(proximal type),2)Sect.Oryza所有种的核型很相似,均为n=5m+5sm+2t,其中第四对和第十对为st染色体,第十对为随体染色体,Sect. Brachyantha和SeCt. Padia的核型与前者有一定的差异,表现在随体染色体的位置和染色体的大小。0. brachyantha的核型特点并不支持将该种置于Sect. Oryza的观点。 对携带BC和CD基因组的四个种的核型分析表明,其染色体组成并非是二倍体染色体组成的叠加,说明其形成后发生了二倍化的分化,综合各方面证据, 我们支持携带BC基因组的两个四倍体种属双系起源, 而携带CD基因组的四倍体之起源与亚洲携带C基因组的物种有关的观点。3)对国内8个居群的药用野生稻(0.officinalis)核型研究表明,所有居群均为二倍体,未发现以前学者所报道的四倍体类型。药用野生稻为一多型种,通过初步的形态学比较分析,我们认为斯里兰卡分布的根茎野生稻O.rhizomatis很可能是药用野生稻这一多型种适应于季节性干旱环境的一个生态型。4)以前学者认为稻属可能源于x一5的次级多倍化,我们不支持这一观点,从整个稻族所有属以及近缘的稻亚科其它三族的染色体基数来考虑,我们认为其祖先类群更可能的染色体基数为x-6。 二、原位杂交结果:1)确定了13个种的45s rDNA的位点数,其中所有携带A基因组的物种除亚洲栽培稻和O_ rufipogon之位点数有1和2的分化外,其余种皆为一个位点;B基因组也含一个位点,C基因组的两个种各含3个位点, BC基因组的两个种均具三个位点,E基因组含二个位点,携带CD基因组的稻种分别携带3和5个位点,其中位点有大小之分;2)利用C基因组作探针,B基因组作封阻DNA,在四倍体CD(O.latifolia)的染色体制片中确立了带C基因组的染色体。 三、用PCR-RFLP技术对稻族lO个属28个种的trnK基因的酶切位点变异进行了分析,发现:(1) trnK基因PCR扩增产物长度约为2575bp,没有明显的长度变异,l7种内切酶处理,共得到72个酶切位点,占整个trnk基因全长的13.98%,72个酶切位点中52个为突变位点,33个为信息位点,利用52个突变位点,构建了28个种的树系图。(2)分支分析表明,稻族的lO个属共分为两组,一组为O.ryza和Porteresia,一组为其余的8个属;该结果明显不同于经典的族内划分。根据稻族各属现在的分布格局,认为稻族是禾本科早期分化过程中产生的类群,由于生境的相似,趋同演化和网状进化事件可能比较频繁,稻族的亚族划分可能存在一些不合理的成分。Porteresia coarctata, Rhynchoryza subulata,Leersia perieri三种以前曾被置于稻属,根据分支图,后两种位于分枝图的第二支,与稻属各种分化较大,而P.coarctata与稻属聚在一起,说明两者在锻汰基因的变异式样是相似的。综合各方面资料,我们认为P. coarctata可能是稻属适应于海滩耐盐环境的一个特化的类群。 (3)稻属的Sect. Oryza所包括的两个系Ser.Oryza与Ser.Latifolia仅在一个酶切位点上有差异,说明其间关系非常密切,Sect. Padia中的两个系Ser. Meyerianae和Ser.Ridleyianae与Sect.Oryza所包括的两个系Ser. Oryza与Ser. Latifolia有明显分化,两个孤立类群O brachytrntha f770.scl71echteri与Ser. Ridleyi聚在一起。 这一结果与Vaughan(1994)将两孤立种和O.ridteyi复合体同置于其系统中的Sect. Ridleyanae是吻合的。


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稻属(Oryza L)属于禾本科的稻族,主要分布于世界的热带和亚热带地区。一般认为稻属包括20个左右的野生种和2个栽培种,我国有4-5种。迄今为止,对于稻属中种的数目和划分;稻属中所包括的种类是否为一单系类群;各基因组之闻的关系和起源以及稻属的起源等等,学术界仍然存有争议。本文评述了稻属分子系统学研究的进展,研究中存在的问题以及对未来稻属系统学研究的展望。针对稻属的分子系统学研究中所存在的问题,运用核糖体DNA转录间隔区序列测定、随机扩增多态性DNA(RAD)和SSR-anchoredPCR等分子生物学的手段对稻属中全部23个种的来自中国和世界不同地区的材料开展了分子系统学的研究。所得主要结果如下: 1.对产于中国的三种野生稻和栽培稻的二个亚种的核糖体DNA第一转录间隔区进行了序列测定。 DNA序列分别用PAUP程序进行分支分析和用MEGA程序中的UPGMA和Neighbor-joining进行聚类分析,结果表明核糖体DNA转录间隔区序列适合于进行稻属的分子系统学研究。 2.用荧光自动测序法和人工同位素测序法测定了稻属23个种和4个外类群的转录间隔区的序列。所有的DNA序列用Clustal V程序排阵后,再用PAUP程序进行分支分析。结果表明: A.稻属中的23个种组成四个主要分支,分别相当于Vaughan(1989)的四个种复合体。 B.所有AA基因组的种都在一个分支中。除了O.meridionalis与其它种的关系相对较远外,AA基因组种间有一定程度的分化,但不大。 C.尽管BB、BBCC、CC、CCDD和EE基因组的种都在一个分支中,但它们之间的分化是较为明显的。O.australiensis与该分支中的其它种的关系相对较远。以上两个分支的关系较为密切,它们组成一个自然类群,是稻属的核心部分。 D.O.ridleyi与O.longiglumis非常近缘,它们组成一个分支。 E.O.meyeriana与O.granulata有非常密切的关系。O.brachyantha与O.meyeriana近缘,而与AA基因组的关系较远。O,schlechter/与Leersia hexandra近缘,而与稻属中其它种的关系较远。作为外类群的Porteresia coarctata与稻属的a brachyantha非常近缘,这有可能说明将它作稻属中的一员的观点是正确的。 3.用RAPD和ISSR技术对稻属23介种的36份材料以及Porteresia coar ctata和Leersia hexandra各1份材料进行PCR扩增。16个10-mer RAPD随机引物共扩增出368个多态条带,5个锚定SSR引物共扩增出1 16个多态条带。RAPD和ISSR扩增出的多态条带合在同一数据矩阵中,用NTSYS-pc程序进行聚类分析。得出的结果与ITS序列分支分析的结果相似。 A.从表征图上亦可区分出四个群。所有的AA基因组的种聚在一起,O.nivara与O.rufipogon的关系密切,两个种的界限不清楚,所以认为它们是一个种:O.rufipogon.。 B.分布于中国的O.officinalis与O.minuta非常近缘,而菲律宾的四倍体O.officinalis则与同是基因组的O.eichingeri和O.rhizomatis关系密切。EE基因组的O.australiensis与Officinalis群保持一种松散的联系。 C。具FF基因组的O.brachyantha与O.schlechteri近缘,它们与Porteresiacoarctata和Leersia hexandra关系的密切程度要大于它们与稻属其它种的关系。 D。最后讨论了RAPD和ISSR用予植物属内的系统发育研究存在的问题。本研究结果说明RAPD和ISSR适合于进行属内近缘种亲缘关系的研究。


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茉莉酸(JA)以及茉莉酸甲醋(MeJA)统称为茉莉素(jasmonates),是由 亚麻酸起始合成的一类具环戊酮基的广泛存在于植物界的类激素,它们对于植物 的发育和抗逆性等都起着重要的作用。为了进一步的了解茉莉酸的生物合成以及 功能,我们对”冬小麦中的茉莉酸生物合成、低温环境中的作用及对拟南芥开花时 间的影响等方面进行了研究。 为了方便分离茉莉酸诱导的基因,我们构建了一个高质量的小麦茉莉酸诱导 文库。未扩增时滴度为3一4xlo6pfu/ml,平均插入的长度为1.2kb。TaJIP是一个 JA诱导的基因,进一步的Northern分析发现它亦可以被低温诱导表达,这给了 我们一个提示,JA信号系统可能参与了植物对低温反应的过程。当外源施加JA于拟南芥时,无论是春化处理或者没有春化处理,无论是C24 还是Col生态型,开花时间都有所增加,而且进一步的NOrthern实验证明,这 种外源的JA的处理延迟开花的现象是与开花抑制基因FLC表达水平的增加相平 行,与长日促进途径中的主效基因CO的表达水平无关。这种JA处理延迟开花的 现象与FLC表达水平增加相平行的现象,表明了JA有可能是通过作用于FLC, 使它的表达水平增加来延迟开花。 Aos(Allene oxide synthase)是茉莉酸合成的脂氧合酶途径中的第一个关 键酶。我们克隆了小麦中的该基因并作了表达分析。它的开放阅读框(ORF)约 1410 bp,编码的多肤长约470个氨基酸,推测其蛋白分子量为51.9 kDa,pI为 9.39。Southern分析表明其在基因组中的拷贝数为3个。其mRNA表达可被外源 的JA强烈的诱导。处理10小时达到高峰。RNA原位杂交表明,该基因在幼苗 中组织特异表达,主要集中在幼叶,特别是在维管束区域,与大麦中的AOS不 同的是,它还在胚芽鞘和茎尖的维管束区域有强烈的表达信号。原位杂交还显示 La3十并不能阻断JA对它的诱导表达


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Amblycipitidae Day, 1873 is an Asian family of catfishes (Siluriformes) usually considered to contain 28 species placed in three genera: Amblyceps (14 spp.), Liobagrus (12 spp.) and Xiurenbagrus (2 spp.). Morphology-based systematics has supported the monophyly of this family, with some authors placing Amblycipitidae within a larger group including Akysidae, Sisoridae and Aspredinidae, termed the Sisoroidea. Here we investigate the phylogenetic relationships among four species of Amblyceps, six species of Liobagrus and the two species of Xiurenbagrus with respect to other sisoroid taxa as well as other catfish groups using 6100 aligned base pairs of DNA sequence data from the rag1 and rag2 genes of the nuclear genome and from three regions (cyt b, COL ND4 plus tRNA-His and tRNA-Ser) of the mitochondrial genome. Parsimony and Bayesian analyses of the data indicate strong support for a diphyletic Amblycipitidae in which the genus Amblyceps is the sister group to the Sisoridae and a clade formed by genera Liobagrus and Xiurenbagrus is the sister group to Akysidae. These taxa together form a well supported monophyletic group that assembles all Asian sisoroid taxa, but excludes the South American Aspredinidae. Results for aspredinids are consistent with previous molecular studies that indicate these catfishes are not sisoroids, but the sister group to the South American doradoid catfishes (Auchenipteridae + Doradidae). The redefined sisoroid clade plus Bagridae, Horabagridae and (Ailia + Laides) make up a larger monophyletic group informally termed "Big Asia." Likelihood-based SH tests and Bayes Factor comparisons of the rag and the mitochondrial data partitions considered separately and combined reject both the hypothesis of amblycipitid monophyly and the hypothesis of aspredinid inclusion within Sisoroidea. This result for amblycipitids conflicts with a number of well documented morphological synapomorphies that we briefly review. Possible nomenclatural changes for amblycipitid taxa are noted.


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The selective hydrogenation of cinnamaldehyde (CAL) was investigated using rice husk-based porous carbon (RHCs) supported platinum catalysts in supercritical carbon dioxide (SCCO2). The effects of surface chemistry treatment of the support and the reaction phase behavior have been examined. The Pt/H-RHCs (HNO3-pretreated) was more active for CAL hydrogenation compared with Pt/NH3 - RHCs (NH3 center dot H2O-pretreated). The Pt/RHCs catalyst exhibited a higher selectivity to cinnamyl alcohol (COL) compared with commercial catalyst of Pt/C, which is relative to the micro - mesoporosity structure of the RHCs.


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5,10,15,20-Tetra-[(p-alkoxy-m-ethyloxy)phenyl]porphyrin and [5-(p-alkoxy)phenyl-10,15,20-tri-phenyl]porphyrin and their holmium(III) complexes are reported. They display a hexagonal columnar discotic columnar Col(h)) liquid crystal phase and were studied by cyclic voltammetry, surface photovoltage spectroscopy (SPS), electric-field-induced surface photovoltage spectroscopy (EFISPS) and luminescence spectroscopy. Within the accessible potential window, all these compounds exhibit two one-electron reversible redox reactions. Quantum yields of Q band are in the region 0.0045-0.21 at room temperature. The SPS and EFISPS reveal that all the compounds are p-type semiconductors and exhibit photovoltaic response due to pi-pi* electron transitions.


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Two new compounds, [CoL2(H2O)(2)](NO3)(2). 8H(2)O (1) and [CoL(H2O)(2)(CH3CO2)(2)]. H2O (2), were obtained from self-assembly of the corresponding metal salts with 1,1'-(1,4-butanediyl)bis(benzimidazole) (L). In 1, each cobalt ion is coordinated to four nitrogen atoms from four molecules of L, and to two water molecules. Metal ions are bridged by L ligands to form infinite (4, 4) networks that contain 44-membered rings. The (4, 4) networks of 1 stack in a parallel fashion, resulting in the formation of large channels in the material. In 2, each cobalt ion is coordinated to two N atoms from two L molecules, two water molecules and two carboxylate O atoms from two acetate anions. Each L molecule is coordinated to two cobalt ions, acting as a bridging ligand as in 1. The bridged cobalt ions form an infinite zigzag chain structure.


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Blends of HDPE in more LDPE, with appropriate heat treatment, produce a dispersion of separate entities of HDPE in a matrix of LDPE. The system offered an especially favourable means of studying the deformation of melt-crystallized lamellae. It has been found that sheaf-like spherulites are transformed under tensile deformation into hourglass shapes i.e. a double cone aligned along the drawing direction with origin in the center of the object. This is a consequence of different modes of deformation according to the relation of an individual lamella to the tensile axis. The work shows that the lamellae have not undergone melting and recrystallization in the deformation process at room temperature.


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