94 resultados para Shallow Seagrass


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Juvenile tiger prawns (Penaeus semisulcatus De Haan and P. esculentus Haswell) show a strong association with vegetated habitats and are rarely caught on non-vegetated areas. This pattern of distribution may be caused by postlarvae selecting vegetation when they settle, or to differences in post-settlement mortality in different habitats. In this study, we examined whether the postlarvae and early juvenile stages of P. semisulcatus would distinguish between seagrass (Zostera capricorni Aschers) without epiphytes, artificial seagrass and bare substratum in the laboratory. The responses of prawns reared from the egg to different stages of postlarval and juvenile development were tested to determine whether, and when, each size class showed a response to a particular habitat. Five size classes of postlarvae (average carapace lengths [CL] of 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 1.7 and 2.0 mm) were offered a choice between Z. capricorni and bare sand. Small size classes of postlarvae either did not respond to Z. capricorni (1.2 and 1.6 mm CL), or were more abundant on bare substratum than Z. capricorni. In contrast, the largest size classes of postlarvae (1.7 and 2.0 mm CL) were more abundant on Z. capricorni during the day but not at night. The behaviour of postlarvae changed markedly at a size of 1.7 mm CL (22 days from the first nauplius): smaller postlarvae frequently swam in the water column; 1.7 and 2.0 mm CL postlarvae spent much more. time resting on the substrate and perched on seagrass leaves. This size at which postlarvae first respond to seagrass during the day, and show mainly benthic behaviour, is similar to the size at which they are found on shallow seagrass beds in northern Australia. Large postlarvae (2.7 mm CL) and juveniles (4.1 mm CL) both were more abundant on artificial seagrass than bare sand during the day but not at night, indicating that they respond to structured habitats. When large postlarvae (2.4 mm CL) and juveniles (3.5 mm CL) were offered a choice between Z. capricorni without epiphytes and artificial seagrass, they were more abundant on the Z. capricorni, which suggests that chemical cues from seagrass may explain some of the responses of P. semisulcatus to seagrass. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.


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The coupling between patch dynamics - described by the patch growth (horizontal and vertical), patch mortality, and life-history of Cymodocea nodosa (Ucria) Aschers., and the disturbance caused by the migration of subaqueous dunes over the plants was examined in a shallow NW Mediterranean bay (Alfacs Bay) where this species maintains a patchy cover. C. nodosa shoots survived substantial burial rates (up to 2.4 mm/day) by growing vertically at rates proportional to, albeit four-fold slower than, burial rates. Patch death was caused by erosion as large subaqueous dunes migrated pass the plant patch. Patch growth was fastest over the progressing slope of the dunes ( similar to 2.5 m year super(-1)) and flowering was also stimulated by sand accretion. The time interval between the passage of consecutive dunes, which sets the time window available for patch development, ranged between 2 and 6 years. This time interval allowed C. nodosa to recolonize bare substrata, with patch formation occurring about half a year after the disturbance, and also allowed established shoots to complete their life-cycle and produce seeds and thus enable subsequent recolonization. The time windows available for patch development also set an upper limit to patch size of about 26 m. Significant cross correlations between dune topography and patch dynamics and plant flowering frequency provide evidence that the spatial heterogeneity in the vegetation is closely associated with the disturbance imposed by the migration of sand dunes. The migration of subaqueous dunes maintains C. nodosa in a continuous state of colonization involving spatially asynchronous patch growth and subsequent mortality, which is ultimately responsible for the characteristic patchy landscape of this Bay. 


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The oscillatory thermocapillary convection and hydrothermal wave in a shallow liquid layer, where a temperature difference is applied between two parallel sidewalls, have been numerically investigated in a two-dimensional model. The oscillatory thermocapillary convection and hydrothermal wave appear if the Marangoni number is larger than a critical value. The critical phase speed and critical wave number of the hydrothermal wave agree with the ones given analytically by Smith and Davis in the microgravity environment, and it travels in the direction opposed to the surface flow. Another wave traveled downstream in addition to the hydrothermal wave traveled upstream was observed in the case of earth gravity condition.


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The hydrothermal wave was investigated numerically for large-Prandtl-number fluid (Pr = 105.6) in a shallow cavity with different heated sidewalls. The traveling wave appears and propagates in the direction opposite to the surface flow (upstream) in the case of zero gravity when the applied temperature difference grows and over the critical value. The phase relationships of the disturbed velocity, temperature and pressure demonstrate that the traveling wave is driven by the disturbed temperature, which is named hydrothermal wave. The hydrothermal wave is so weak that the oscillatory flow field and temperature distribution can hardly be observed in the liquid layer. The exciting mechanism of hydrothermal wave is analyzed and discussed in the present paper.


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A numerical model for shallow-water equations has been built and tested on the Yin-Yang overset spherical grid. A high-order multimoment finite-volume method is used for the spatial discretization in which two kinds of so-called moments of the physical field [i.e., the volume integrated average ( VIA) and the point value (PV)] are treated as the model variables and updated separately in time. In the present model, the PV is computed by the semi-implicit semi-Lagrangian formulation, whereas the VIA is predicted in time via a flux-based finite-volume method and is numerically conserved on each component grid. The concept of including an extra moment (i.e., the volume-integrated value) to enforce the numerical conservativeness provides a general methodology and applies to the existing semi-implicit semi-Lagrangian formulations. Based on both VIA and PV, the high-order interpolation reconstruction can only be done over a single grid cell, which then minimizes the overlapping zone between the Yin and Yang components and effectively reduces the numerical errors introduced in the interpolation required to communicate the data between the two components. The present model completely gets around the singularity and grid convergence in the polar regions of the conventional longitude-latitude grid. Being an issue demanding further investigation, the high-order interpolation across the overlapping region of the Yin-Yang grid in the current model does not rigorously guarantee the numerical conservativeness. Nevertheless, these numerical tests show that the global conservation error in the present model is negligibly small. The model has competitive accuracy and efficiency.


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A global numerical model for shallow water flows on the cubed-sphere grid is proposed in this paper. The model is constructed by using the constrained interpolation profile/multi-moment finite volume method (CIP/MM FVM). Two kinds of moments, i.e. the point value (PV) and the volume-integrated average (VIA) are defined and independently updated in the present model by different numerical formulations. The Lax-Friedrichs upwind splitting is used to update the PV moment in terms of a derivative Riemann problem, and a finite volume formulation derived by integrating the governing equations over each mesh element is used to predict the VIA moment. The cubed-sphere grid is applied to get around the polar singularity and to obtain uniform grid spacing for a spherical geometry. Highly localized reconstruction in CIP/MM FVM is well suited for the cubed-sphere grid, especially in dealing with the discontinuity in the coordinates between different patches. The mass conservation is completely achieved over the whole globe. The numerical model has been verified by Williamson's standard test set for shallow water equation model on sphere. The results reveal that the present model is competitive to most existing ones. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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A novel finite volume method has been presented to solve the shallow water equations. In addition to the volume-integrated average (VIA) for each mesh cell, the surface-integrated average (SIA) is also treated as the model variable and is independently predicted. The numerical reconstruction is conducted based on both the VIA and the SIA. Different approaches are used to update VIA and SIA separately. The SIA is updated by a semi-Lagrangian scheme in terms of the Riemann invariants of the shallow water equations, while the VIA is computed by a flux-based finite volume formulation and is thus exactly conserved. Numerical oscillation can be effectively avoided through the use of a non-oscillatory interpolation function. The numerical formulations for both SIA and VIA moments maintain exactly the balance between the fluxes and the source terms. 1D and 2D numerical formulations are validated with numerical experiments. Copyright (c) 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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To characterize the contamination of anthropogenic organic contaminants in the aquatic environment of Chaohu Lake, China, 7 samples for both water and surface sediment were collected in the lake. Organic contaminants were extracted by solid phase extraction (SPE) and Soxhlet extraction from the water and surface sediment samples, respectively, and then analyzed by GC-MS. One hundred and twenty kinds of organic chemicals were detected in these samples including phenol, benzene series, benzaldehydes, ethanol, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), sulfur compounds, alcoholic halides, amines, ketones, esters, alkenes and alkanes. Among them, 13 kinds of chemicals were identified as priority pollutants listed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), such as phthalate esters (PAEs) and PAHs. Besides, the concentrations of 19 of PAEs and PAHs including, priority pollutants identified were also determined. Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate, the predominant component of the analyzed pollutants, was in the range from 72.34 ng g(-1) DW to 613.71 ng g(-1) DW, 14.80 ng L-1 to 47.05 ng L-1 in sediment and water, respectively. The results indicated that the northwest part of the lake was heavily polluted by domestic and industrial wastewater.


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The effects of organic matter in sediment on phosphorus release were studied by field investigations in eight Chinese shallow freshwater lakes with different trophic status and a laboratory experiment. The sediment organic matter content paralleled the trophic status, ranging from 6.1 to 173.0 g kg(-1) (dry weight), with the mean value of 63.1 g kg(-1) (dry weight). It was positively proportional to Soluble reactive phosphorus concentration in the interstitial water in a form of exponential function, but inversely related to the sediment Fe/P ratio. The sediment alkaline phosphatase activity was significantly related not only to the organic matter content (r = 0.829, P < 0.01, n = 120), but also to the soluble reactive phosphorus concentration in interstitial water (r = 0.454, P < 0.01, n = 42). In the laboratory experiment, the addition of organic matter (dry materials of an aquatic macrophyte) into the sediment significantly enhanced alkaline phosphatase activity and soluble reactive phosphorus release. However, in the treatment with organic matter added and aeration, this release was generally prevented in spite of an increase in APA. Hence, sediment organic matter can effectively accelerate phosphorus release by enzymatic hydrolysis and anaerobic desorption. The latter mechanism seems to be more important.


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The relationship between chlorophyll a and fractionation of sediment phosphorus, inorganic phosphate-solubilizing bacteria (IPB), and organic phosphate-mineralizing bacteria (OPB) was evaluated in a large Chinese shallow eutrophic lake (Lake Taihu) and its embayment (Wuli Bay). At the three study sites, the increase of chlorophyll a concentrations in April paralleled those of the iron bound phosphate accounting for major portion of sediment inorganic phosphate, and in June significantly higher OPB and IPB numbers (especially OPB) in sediment were main contributors to the peaks of chlorophyll a concentration. Even though IPB peaked from February to June, it should serve as an unimportant P source due to the irrelevancy with chlorophyll a and soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP). By contrast, at the other site in the embayment, the calcium-bound phosphate was predominant and solid, which was difficult to be released, and neither IPB nor OPB were detectable in the sediment, indicating weak potential for phosphorus release from the sediment, which was reflected in the small seasonal variation in SRP concentration in water column. Hence, the extents to which the three general mechanisms behind phosphate release from sediment (desorption of iron bound phosphate, solubilization by IPB and enzymatic hydrolysis by OPB) operated were different depending on seasons and sites in Lake Taihu, they may jointly drive phosphate release and accelerate the eutrophication processes.


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Extracellular phosphatases are an important part of the phosphorus cycle in aquatic environments. Phosphatase activity (PA) in plankton was studied in seven subtropical shallow lakes of different exploitation management and trophic status in the urban area of Wuhan City. Bulk PA was rather high (range 1.1-11 mu mol l(-1) h(-1)), although concentrations of soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) were also high (range 27 mu g P l(-1) to similar to 1.5 mg P l(-1)) in all lakes. Cell-associated extracellular PA in phytoplankton was detected using the fluorescence-labelled enzyme activity technique. Phytoplankton species partly contributed to the bulk PA. We found explicit differences in the presence of cell-associated phosphatase within the main phytoplankton groups; species belonging to Chlorophyta and Dinophyta were regularly phosphatase-positive, while Cyanophyta and Bacillariophyceae were phosphatase-negative in all but one case. Furthermore, there is a certain potential of extracellular phosphatases produced by heterotrophic nanoflagellates in most of the lakes. This new finding compromises the 'traditional' interpretation of bulk phosphatase data as being due to overall phytoplankton or bacterial P regeneration.


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The temporal and vertical fluctuations of size fractionated alkaline phosphatase activity (APA) and kinetics parameters as well as orthophosphate (o-P) and chlorophyll concentrations were investigated after bloom disappearance in two shallow ponds A and B from 27 October 2001 to 15 April 2002. Pond A (Microcystis) bloomed seriously but pond B did not. The data of o-P and chlorophyll suggested that phosphorus was the principal limiting nutrimental element and its vertical flux should be regarded as an important driving factor for algal growth. In pond A, the accumulation of algae-derived detritus after bloom disappearance in overlying water stimulated excretion of algal fraction APA, mainly produced by attached bacteria responsible for detritus decomposition, whereas bacterial fraction APA preferred to function in surface water. Interestingly, completely contrary phenomena were observed in pond B. In season, even though no obvious difference for size-fractionated APA in both ponds, the total APA in pond A peaked earlier showing higher activity and efficiency (low K-m and high V-max values) as a result of algal-derived detritus input. In summary, it is suggested that the excretion of alkaline phosphatase with strongly catalyzing efficiency and high activity should be taken as important contributor to algal-derived detritus decomposition, further fueling nutrient recycle and accelerating algal development next year. Furthermore, some inhibitors and surfactants were testified to be good tools to identify the origin of dissolved alkaline phosphatase.


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Classical cultivation and molecular methods based on the ammonia monooxygenase gene (amoA) were used to study the abundance and diversity of beta-proteobacterial ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) in lake sediments. The eutrophic and oligotrophic basins of a Chinese shallow lake (Lake Donghu), in terms of ammonium (NH4+) concentrations, were sampled. The AOB number was significantly lower in the oligotrophic basin, but significantly higher in the eutrophic basin. In addition, using restriction fragment length polymorphism targeting the amoA, ten restriction patterns including six unique ones were found in the eutrophic basin, while five patterns were observed in the oligotrophic basin with only one unique restriction group. Phylogenetic analysis for AOB revealed that Nitrosomonas oligotropha- and Nitrosomonas ureae-related AOB and Nitrosospira-affiliated AOB were ubiquitous; the former dominated in the eutrophic basin (87.2%), while the latter dominated in the oligotrophic basin (65.5%). Furthermore, Nitrosomonas communis-related AOB was only detected in the eutrophic basin, at a small proportion (3.2%). These results indicate significant selection and adaptation of sediment AOB in lakes with differing trophic status. (C) 2009 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


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Nitrogen and phosphorus dynamics in relation to fallowing in a fish cage farm was investigated in a shallow lake in China. Four sampling sites were set: beneath the cages, at the cage sides, and 50 and 100 m east of the cage farm. Total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) in lake water and sediment were analyzed during a 2-year rearing cycle. The cage culture had a fish yield of 16.3-39.2 tonnes in the study period. Based on the mass balance equation, 1533-3084 kg TN and 339-697 kg TP were contributed to the lake environment. Nitrogen and phosphorous concentrations showed greater increase in the first culture period than in the second rearing cycle. No obvious changes were found at the sampling sites 50 and 100 m east of the cages during the study periods. Main impacts were found close to the cages (beneath the cages and at the cage side); the sampling points at the cage side showed relatively high TN and TP sedimentation. After 3 months of fallowing, water TN and TP decreased significantly but the sediment TN and TP contents remained high. Therefore, recovery seems to happen during fallowing but attention should be paid to whether the culture continues to operate in the future.


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This paper studied the seasonal changes of two common microcystins (MCs), MC-RR and -LR, in the commercially important mussel Corbicula fluminea in Lake Chaohu, where there occurred dense cyanobacteria. Occasional measurements were also made for MC in the mussel Arconaia lanceolat, the oligochaete Limnodilus hoffineisteri and the insect larva Chironomus sp. Mean MC of C. fluminea was much higher in hepatopancreas than in intestine and foot. Our study is the first to report accumulation of MCs in oligochaetes and aquatic insect larvae. The hi-h contents of MCs in the insect larvae suggest a great possibility for the transfer of MCs to benthos-feeding omnivores like common carp. According to the provisional standard by the WHO, 28.6% of the collected C. fluminea were harmful for human consumption, assuming a daily consumption of 300 by a person. It is recommended that edible mussels should not be collected for human consumption during toxic cyanobacterial blooms in Lake Chaohu.