89 resultados para SYMMETRY BREAKDOWN


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It is shown that for the screened Coulomb potential and isotropic harmonic oscillator, there exists an infinite number of closed orbits for suitable angular momentum values. At the aphelion (perihelion) points of classical orbits, an extended Runge-Lenz vector for the screened Coulomb potential and an extended quadrupole tensor for the screened isotropic harmonic oscillator are still conserved. For the screened two-dimensional (2D) Coulomb potential and isotropic harmonic oscillator, the dynamical symmetries SO3 and SU(2) are still preserved at the aphelion (perihelion) points of classical orbits, respectively. For the screened 3D Coulomb potential, the dynamical symmetry SO4 is also preserved at the aphelion (perihelion) points of classical orbits. But for the screened 3D isotropic harmonic oscillator, the dynamical symmetry SU(2) is only preserved at the aphelion (perihelion) points of classical orbits in the eigencoordinate system. For the screened Coulomb potential and isotropic harmonic oscillator, only the energy (but not angular momentum) raising and lowering operators can be constructed from a factorization of the radial Schrodinger equation.


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For a n-dimensional vector fields preserving some n-form, the following conclusion is reached by the method of Lie group. That is, if it admits an one-parameter, n-form preserving symmetry group, a transformation independent of the vector field is constructed explicitly, which can reduce not only dimesion of the vector field by one, but also make the reduced vector field preserve the corresponding ( n - 1)-form. In partic ular, while n = 3, an important result can be directly got which is given by Me,ie and Wiggins in 1994.


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The flow field with vortex breakdown in wide spherical gaps was studied numerically by a finite difference method under the axisymmetric condition. The result shows that the flow bifurcates to periodic motion as the Reynolds number or the eccentricity of the spheres increases. (C) 1997 American Institute of Physics.


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In this paper the symmetries of coupled map lattices (CMLs) and their attractors are investigated by group and dynamical system theory, as well as numerical simulation, by means of which the kink-antikink patterns of CMLs in space-amplitude plots are discussed.


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An analysis of the time-dependent resistive voltage and power deposition during the breakdown phase of pseudo-spark is presented. The voltage and current were measured by specially designed low-inductance capacitive voltage divider and current measuring resistor. The measured waveforms of voltage and current are digitized and processed by a computer program to remove the inductive component, so as to obtain resistive voltage and power deposition. The influence of pressure, cathode geometry and charging voltage of storage capacitors on the electrical properties in the breakdown phase are investigated. The results suggest that the breakdown phase of pseudo-spark consists of three stages. The first stage is mainly hollow cathode discharge. In the second stage, field-enhanced thermionic emission takes place, resulting in a fast voltage drop and sharp rise of discharge current. The third stage of discharge depends simply on the parameters of the discharge circuit.


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The thermal conductivity of periodic composite media with spherical inclusions embedded in a homogeneous matrix is discussed. Using Green's function, we show that the Rayleigh identity can be generalized to deal with the thermal properties of these systems. A technique for calculating effective thermal conductivities is proposed. Systems with cubic symmetries (including simple cubic, body centered cubic and face centered cubic symmetry) are investigated in detail, and useful formulae for evaluating effective thermal conductivities are derived.


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Two important issues in electron beam physical vapor deposition (EBPVD) are addressed. The first issue is a validity condition of the classical cosine law widely used in the engineering context. This requires a breakdown criterion of the free molecular assumption on which the cosine law is established. Using the analytical solution of free molecular effusion flow, the number of collisions (N-c) for a particle moving from an evaporative source to a substrate is estimated that is proven inversely proportional to the local Knudsen number at the evaporation surface. N-c = 1 is adopted as a breakdown criterion of the free molecular assumption, and it is verified by experimental data and DSMC results. The second issue is how to realize the uniform distributions of thickness and component over a large-area thin film. Our analysis shows that at relatively low evaporation rates the goal is easy achieved through arranging the evaporative source positions properly and rotating the substrate.


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Based on high-order compact upwind scheme, a high-order shock-fitting finite difference scheme is studied to simulate the generation of boundary layer disturbance waves due to free-stream waves. Both steady and unsteady flow solutions of the receptivity problem are obtained by resolving the full Navier-Stokes equations. The interactions of bow-shock and free-stream disturbance are researched. Direct numerical simulation (DNS) of receptivity to free-stream disturbances for blunt cone hypersonic boundary layers is performed.


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Single-shot laser damage threshold of MgO for 40-986 fs, 800 nm laser pulses is reported. The pump-probe measurements with femtosecond pulses were carried out to investigate the time-resolved electronic excitation processes. A theoretical model including conduction band electrons (CBE) production and laser energy deposition was applied to discuss the roles of multiphoton ionization (MPI) and avalanche ionization in femtosecond laser-induced dielectric breakdown. The results indicate that avalanche ionization plays the dominant role in the femtosecond laser-induced breakdown in MgO near the damage threshold. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We address the influence of the orbital symmetry and the molecular alignment with respect to the laser-field polarization on laser-induced nonsequential double ionization of diatomic molecules, in the length and velocity gauges. We work within the strong-field approximation and assume that the second electron is dislodged by electron-impact ionization, and also consider the classical limit of this model. We show that the electron-momentum distributions exhibit interference maxima and minima due to electron emission at spatially separated centers. The interference patterns survive integration over the transverse momenta for a small range of alignment angles, and are sharpest for parallel-aligned molecules. Due to the contributions of the transverse-momentum components, these patterns become less defined as the alignment angle increases, until they disappear for perpendicular alignment. This behavior influences the shapes and the peaks of the electron-momentum distributions.


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unavailable<br>H. Sun's e-mail address is shy780327@siom.ac.cn.


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The damage mechanisms and micromachining of 6H SiC are studied by using femtosecond laser pulses at wavelengths between near infrared (NIR) and near ultraviolet (NUV) delivered from an optical parametric amplifier (OPA). Our experimental results indicate that high quality microstructures can be fabricated in SiC crystals. On the basis of the dependence of the ablated area and the laser pulse energy, the threshold fluence of SiC is found to increase with the incident laser wavelength in the visible region, while it remains almost constant for the NIR laser. For the NIR laser pulses, both photoionization and impact ionization play important roles in electronic excitation, while for visible lasers, photoionization plays a more important role.


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The Talbot effect is one of the most basic optical phenomena that has received extensive investigations both because its new results provide us more understanding of the fundamental Fresnel diffraction and also because of its wide applications. We summarize our recent results on this subject. Symmetry of the Talbot effect, which was reported in Optics Communications in 1995, is now realized as the key to reveal other rules for explanation of the Talbot effect for array illumination. The regularly rearranged-neighboring-phase-differences (RRNPD) rule, a completely new set of analytic phase equations (Applied Optics, 1999), and the prime-number decomposing rule (Applied Optics, 2001) are the newly obtained results that reflect the symmetry of the Talbot effect in essence. We also reported our results on the applications of the Talbot effect. Talbot phase codes are the orthogonal codes that can be used for phase coding of holographic storage. A new optical scanner based on the phase codes for Talbot array illumination has unique advantages. Furthermore, a novel two-layered multifunctional computer-generated hologram based on the fractional Talbot effect was proposed and implemented (Optics Letters, 2003). We believe that these new results should bring us more new understanding of the Talbot effect and help us to design novel optical devices that should benefit practical applications. (C) 2004 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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A novel method for measuring the coma of a lithographic projection system is proposed and the principle of the method is described. By utilizing mirror-symmetry marks, the adverse effects of axial aberrations on the coma measurement are avoided. Experimental results demonstrated that the method has high accuracy. Compared with TAMIS, the conventional technique used for coma measurement, the method is more reliable because the influences of the process factors on the lateral displacements have been considered. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.