16 resultados para Masking


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Global information is considered the primitive of visual perception in Gestalt psychology. Further, L. Chen ( 2005) proposed a new theory of topological visual perception. According to this theory, the perception of topological difference is faster than o


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Thematic Mapper (TM) and Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM)+ data have been successfully employed in the field of mineral exploration to identify key minerals over arid and semi-arid terrains. However, redundant vegetation and cloud may seriously interfere with the discrimination of the minerals with diagnostic features. Therefore, in this study, we use masking technique to eliminate the negative influence of vegetation and cloud and Crosta technique to identify the diagnostic features of hydroxyl-minerals, carbonate-minerals and iron oxides. Then the anomalies were endowed with special colours and overlapped with the remote-sensing and geochemical data, overlaying images as remote-sensing anomalies. The mineral exploration work was carried through by synthetic analysis of the remote-sensing images, geochemical data and structures. Finally, areas with high correlation between the occurrence of hydrothermal alteration and presence of main faults and geochemical anomalies were considered as mineral exploration targets worthy of further detailed exploration programmes.


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The nonlinear behavior varying with the instantaneous response was analyzed through the joint time-frequency analysis method for a class of S. D. O. F nonlinear system. A masking operator an definite regions is defined and two theorems are presented. Based on these, the nonlinear system is modeled with a special time-varying linear one, called the generalized skeleton linear system (GSLS). The frequency skeleton curve and the damping skeleton curve are defined to describe the main feature of the non-linearity as well. Moreover, an identification method is proposed through the skeleton curves and the time-frequency filtering technique.


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The joint time-frequency analysis method is adopted to study the nonlinear behavior varying with the instantaneous response for a class of S.D.O.F nonlinear system. A time-frequency masking operator, together with the conception of effective time-frequency region of the asymptotic signal are defined here. Based on these mathematical foundations, a so-called skeleton linear model (SLM) is constructed which has similar nonlinear characteristics with the nonlinear system. Two skeleton curves are deduced which can indicate the stiffness and damping in the nonlinear system. The relationship between the SLM and the nonlinear system, both parameters and solutions, is clarified. Based on this work a new identification technique of nonlinear systems using the nonstationary vibration data will be proposed through time-frequency filtering technique and wavelet transform in the following paper.


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A novel spatiotemporal segmentation technique is further developed for extracting uncovered background and moving objects from the image sequences, then the following motion estimation is performed only on the regions corresponding to moving objects. The frame difference contrast (FCON) and local variance contrast (LCON), which are related to the temporal and spatial homogeneity of the image sequence, are selected to form the 2-D spatiotemporal entropy. Then the spatial segmentation threshold is determined by maximizing the 2-D spatiotemporal entropy, and the temporal segmentation point is selected to minimize the complexity measure for image sequence coding. Since both temporal and spatial correlation of an image sequence are exploited, this proposed spatiotemporal segmentation technique can further be used to determine the positions of reference frames adaptively, hence resulting in a low bit rate. Experimental results show that this segmentation-based coding scheme is more efficient than usual fixed-size coding algorithms. (C) 1997 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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用热舟蒸发法结合修正挡板技术制备了355 nm LaF3/MgF2增透膜,并对部分样品进行了真空退火。采用Lambda 900光谱仪测试了增透膜的低反光谱和透射光谱,并考察了其光谱稳定性;使用脉冲8 ns的355 nm激光测试了增透膜的激光损伤阈值(LIDT);采用Normarski显微镜对增透膜的表面缺陷密度和破斑形貌进行了观察。实验结果表明,制备得到的增透膜的剩余反射率较低,光谱稳定性好;真空退火对增透膜的激光损伤阈值没有改善;增透膜的破环形貌为散点形式,结合破斑深度测试表明薄膜的破坏源于薄膜和基底界面的缺陷点。JGS1熔石英基底由于有好的表面状况、固有的高激光损伤阈值和以其为基底的增透膜具有更低的表面场强,使得其上的增透膜有更高的抗激光损伤能力。


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Trichosanthin (TCS) was the first ribosome inactivating protein found to possess anti-HIV-1 activity. Phase I/II clinical trial of this compound had been done. Antigenicity and short plasma half-life were the major side effects preventing further clinical trial. Modification of TCS is therefore necessary to revive the interest to develop this compound as an anti-HIV agent. Three potential antigenic sites (Ser-7, Lys-173, and Gln-219) were identified by computer modeling. Through site-directed mutagenesis, these three antigenic amino acids were mutated to a cysteine residue resulting in 3 TCS mutants, namely S7C, K173C, and Q219C. These mutants were further coupled to polyethylene glycol with a molecular size of 20 kDa (PEG) via the cysteine residue. This produced another three TCS derivatives, namely PEG(20)k-S7C, PEG(20)k-K173C, and PEG(20)k-Q219C. PEGylation had been widely used recently to decrease immunogenicity by masking the antigenic sites and prolong plasma half-life by expanding the molecular size. The in vitro anti-HIV-1 activity of these mutants and derivatives was tested. Results showed that the anti-HIV-1 activity of S7C, K173C, and Q219C was decreased by about 1.5- to 5.5-fold with slightly lower cytotoxicity. On the other hand, PEGylation produced larger decrease (20- to 30-fold) in anti-HIV activity. Cytotoxicity was, however, weakened only slightly by about 3-fold. The in vitro study showed that the anti-HIV activity of PEGylated TCS was retained with reduced potency. The in vivo activity is expected to have only slightly changed due to other beneficial effects like prolonged half-life. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Simultaneous tone-tone masking in conjunction with the envelope-following response (EFR) recording was used to obtain tuning curves in porpoises Phocoena phocoena and Neophocaena phocaenoides asiaeorientalis. The EFR was evoked by amplitude-modulated probes with a modulation rate of 1000 Hz and carrier frequencies from 22.5 to 140 kHz. Equivalent rectangular quality Q(ERB) of the obtained tuning curves varied from 8.3-8.6 at lower (22.5-32 kHz) probe frequencies to 44.8-47.4 at high (128-140 kHz) frequencies. The QERB dependence on probe frequency could be approximated by regression lines with a slope of 0.83 to 0.86 in log-log scale., which corresponded to almost frequency-proportional quality and almost constant bandwidth of 34 kHz. Thus, the frequency representation in the porpoise auditory system is much closer to a constant-bandwidth rather that to a constant-quality manner. (c) 2006 Acoustical Society of America.


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Multicolored optical active planes have been fabricated with magnetron sputter method coupled with selective masking technique. The plane is multilayer structured with Ag nanoparticles and TiO2 thin layer as the building blocks. It was found that the formed multilayer can be readily wavelength multiplexed by simply overlapping several nano-Ag/TiO2 layered structures, each of which may have different surface plasmon resonance wavelength. Unlike high order multiple resonances of large particles each of the multiplexing wavelengths in such a system is separately tunable. Importantly, it reveals that modification of the TiO2 layer thickness generates a fine tuning of the resonance wavelength.


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Multicolored optical active planes have been fabricated with magnetron sputter method coupled with selective masking technique. The plane is multilayer structured with Ag nanoparticles and TiO2 thin layer as the building blocks. It was found that the formed multilayer can be readily wavelength multiplexed by simply overlapping several nano-Ag/TiO2 layered structures, each of which may have different surface plasmon resonance wavelength. Unlike high order multiple resonances of large particles each of the multiplexing wavelengths in such a system is separately tunable. Importantly, it reveals that modification of the TiO2 layer thickness generates a fine tuning of the resonance wavelength.


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Methacrylate-based monolithic columns with electroosmotic flow (EOF) or very weak EOF are prepared by in situ copolymerization in the presence of a porogen in fused-silica capillaries pretreated with a bifunctional reagent. Satisfactory separations of acidic and basic compounds on the column with EOF at either low or high pH are achieved, respectively. With sulfonic groups as dissociation functionalities, sufficient EOF mobility still remains as high as 1.74 x 10(-4) cm(2) s(-1) V-1 at low pH. Under this condition, seven acidic compounds are readily separated within 5.7 min. Moreover, at high pH, the peak shape of basic compounds is satisfactory without addition of any masking amines into running mobile phase since the secondary interaction between the basic compounds and the monolithic stationary phase are minimized at high pH. Reversed-phase mechanism for both acidic and basic compounds is observed under investigated separation conditions. In addition, possibilities of acidic and basic compound separations on a monolithic column with extremely low EOF are discussed. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The copolymerizations of ethylene with polar hydroxyl monomers such as 10-undecen-1-ol, 5-hexen-1-ol and 3-buten-1-ol were investigated by the vanadium(III) catalysts bearing bidentate [N,O] ligands (1, [PhN=C(CH3)CHC(Ph)O]VCl2(THF)(2): 2, [PhN=CHC6H4O]VCl2(THF)(2); 3, [PhN=CHC(Ph)CHO]VCl2(THF)(2)). The polar monomers were pretreated by alkylaluminum before the polymerization. High catalytic activities and efficient comonomer incorporations can be easily obtained by changing monomer masking reagents and polymerization conditions in the presence of diethylaluminium chloride as a cocatalyst. The longer the spacer group, the higher the incorporation of the monomer. Under the mild conditions, the incorporation level of 10-undecen-1-ol reached 13.9 mol% in the resultant copolymers was obtained. The reactivity ratios of copolymerization (r(1) = 41.4, r(2) = 0.02, r(1)r(2) = 0.83) were evaluated by Fineman-Ross method. According to C-13 NMR spectra, polar units were located both on the main chain and at the chain end.


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The selective extraction of yttrium front heavy lanthanide by liquid-liquid extraction using CA-100 in the presence of the complexing agent, such as EDTA, DTPA, and HEDTA was investigated. The extraction of heavy lanthanide in the present of the complexing agent was Suppressed when compared to that of Y because of the masking effect, but the selective extraction of Y was enhanced. All complexing agents formed 1: 1 complex with rare earth elements (RE), and only free rare earth ions could take part in the extraction. The condition for separation was obtained by exploring the effects of the complexing agent concentration, the extractant concentration, pH and the equilibration time on the extraction of the heavy rare earth elements.


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The selective separation of Y from yttrium solution containing small heavy rare earth (HRE) impurities (Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, Lu) by liquid-liquid extraction using CA-100 in the presence of a water-soluble complexing agent of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) was experimentally studied at 298K. Experiments were carried Out in two feeds, Feed-I: [RE](f) = 4.94 x 10(-3) M, Y = 98.5%, HRE (Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, Lu) = 1.5%; Feed-II: [RE](f) = 4.94 x 10(-3) M, Y = 99.9%, HRE (Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, Lu) = 0.1%, as a function of equilibrium pH (pH(eq)), the concentration ratio of [EDTA]:[HRE impurities]. It was shown that the extraction of HRE in the presence of EDTA was suppressed when compared to that of Y because of the masking effect, while the selective extraction of Y was enhanced and the separation factors increased to maximum at appropriate condition for Feed-I: Y/Ho = 1.53, Y/Er = 3.09, Y/Tm = 5.61, Y/Yb = 12.04, Y/Lu = 27.51 at pH 4.37 and [EDTA]:[HRE impurities] = 4: 1, for Feed-II: Y/Ho = 1.32, Y/Er = 1.91, Y/Tm = 2.00, Y/Yb = 3.05, Y/Lu = 3.33 at pH 4.42 and [EDTA]: [HRE impurities] = 8:1. The separation and purification of Y by this method was discussed.


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