17 resultados para Geiger-Müller counters.


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<正> 1.引言自六十年代初Coleman-Noll 的开创性工作以来,连续介质热力学蓬勃发展,其中一项重要进展就是冷度(coldness,中译见文,郭仲衡译)概念的引入.西德学者I.Müller 首先提出,人们通常广泛采用(包括Coleman-Noll 的工作)的经典熵流表达式(?)=(?)/T(θ) (1)其中(?)为热流向量,θ为经验温度,T(θ)为绝对温度,可能只适用于热静力学或最简单物质.在热动力学情形,对更一般的介质,熵流(?)应设为待定本构量,因而应当与其他本构函数一样由本构限制(特别是熵不等式)来导出其可能的形式,而没有任何特殊理由先验地


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A Geiger mode planar InGaAs/InP avalanche photodiode (APD) with a cascade peripheral junction structure to suppress edge breakdowns is designed by finite-element analysis. The photodiode breakdown voltage is reduced to 54.3V by controlling the central junction depth, while the electric field distribution along the device central axis is controlled by adjusting doping level and thickness of the lnP field control layer. Using a cascade junction structure at the periphery of the active area, premature edge breakdowns are effectively suppressed. The simulations show that the quadra-cascade structure is a good trade-off between suppression performance and fabrication complexity, with a reduced peak electric field of 5.2 × 10~5 kV/cm and a maximum hole ionization integral of 1. 201. Work presented in this paper provides an effective way to design high performance photon counting InGaAs/InP avalanche photodiodes.


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We report on the upconversion luminescence of a pure YVO4 single crystal excited by an infrared femtosecond laser. The luminescent spectra show that the upconversion luminescence comes from the transitions from the lowest excited states T-3(1), T-3(2) to the ground state (1)A(1) of the VO43-. The dependence of the fluorescence intensity on the pump power density of laser indicates that the conversion of infrared irradiation to visible emission is dominated by three-photon excitation process. We suggest that the simultaneous absorption of three infrared photons promotes the VO43- to excited states, which quickly cascade down to lowest excited states, and radiatively relax to ground states, resulting in the broad characteristic fluorescence of VO43-. (c) 2005 Optical Society of America.


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Visible upconversion luminescence was observed in Cr3+: Al2O3 crystal under focused femtosecond laser irradiation. The luminescence spectra show that the upconversion luminescence originates from the E-2-(4)A(2) transition of Cr3+. The dependence of the fluorescence intensity of Cr3+ on the pump power reveals that a two-photon absorption process dominates in the conversion of infrared radiation to the visible emission. It is suggested that the simultaneous absorption of two infrared photons produces the population of upper excited states, which leads to the characteristic visible emission from E-2 state of Cr3+.


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Infrared to ultraviolet and visible upconversion luminescence was demonstrated in trivalent cerium doped YAlO3 crystal (Ce3+: YAP) under focused infrared femtosecond laser irradiation. The fluorescence spectra show that the upconverted luminescence comes from the 5d-4f transitions of trivalent cerium ions. The dependence of luminescence intensity of trivalent cerium on infrared pumping power reveals that the conversion of infrared radiation is dominated by three-photon excitation process. It is suggested that the simultaneous absorption of three infrared photons pumps the Ce3+ ion into upper 5d level, which quickly nonradiatively relax to lowest 5d level. Thereafter, the ions radiatively return to the ground states, leading to the characteristic emission of Ce3+. (c) 2005 Optical Society of America.


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A near-infrared single-photon detection system is established by using pigtailed InGaAs/InP avalanche photodiodes. With a 50GHz digital sampling oscilloscope, the function and process of gated-mode (Geiger-mode) single-photon detection are intuitionally demonstrated for the first time. The performance of the detector as a gated-mode single-photon counter at wavelengths of 1310 and 1550nm is investigated. At the operation temperature of 203K,a quantum efficiency of 52% with a dark count probability per gate of 2. 4 * 10~(-3), and a gate pulse repetition rate of 50kHz are obtained at 1550nm. The corresponding parameters are 43% , 8. 5 * 10~(-3), and 200kHz at 238K.


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用多种快重离子辐照高定向石墨 (HOPG) ,借助扫描隧道显微镜 (STM )系统地研究了表面及体内缺陷。结果表明 ,离子在表面及解理面上都形成了小丘状的缺陷 ,且在表面较容易形成 ,可以用非连续损伤径迹结构来对其进行解释


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尽管多金属氧酸盐 (POMs)的研究已有180多年的历史,但大量的POMs结构在最近几十年才被陆续解析出来[1~4].其中 ,同多钒酸盐由于钒配位几何形状的多样性,结构最为丰富 ,例如:[V4 O12 ]4-[5],[V5O14 ]3-[6],[V10 O2 8]6-[7] ,[V15O4 2 ]9-[8],[V13 O3 4 ]3-[9].值得注意的是,在这些化合物中,钒的化合价均处于最高氧化态+5价.由于+4价钒不易在溶液中(尤其是水中)稳定存在,因此在以往的常压溶液合成中具有混合价态的同多钒酸盐报道很少.与饱和价态的同多钒酸盐相比,混价多钒酸盐具有更为新奇的电荷分布和拓扑学几何构型,并且在 POMs的理论研究和抗病毒药物、电存储材料以及磁性材料等应用领域有特殊的研究和开发价值[1,10,11].因此,制备具有混价的新型同多钒酸盐一直倍受关注.近年来,水热合成技术的引入使同多钒酸盐合成化学迅速发展.水热体系提供了一个特殊的反应环境 [12 ],使制备各种具有混合价态的同多钒酸盐成为可能.Müller等[13]对这一领域开...


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[1] The evolution of freshwater plumes and the associated salinity fronts in the northern Bay of Bengal ( henceforth the bay) is studied using rotated empirical orthogonal function (REOF) analysis and extended associate pattern analysis (EAPA). The results show that sea surface salinity distribution is featured by eastern-bay and western-bay plumes in the northern bay during different seasons. The western-bay plume begins in early July, peaks in late August, and then turns into a bay-shaped plume with the two plumes in either side of the bay, which peaks in late October. The southward extension of the western-bay plume can be explained by the southwestward geostrophic flow associated with the cyclonic gyre in the northern bay, which counters the northeastward Ekman drift driven by wind stress. The offshore expansion of the western-bay plume is induced by the offshore Ekman drift which also produces a salinity front near the east coast of India. The bay-shaped plume appears when the cyclonic gyre shifts westward and a weak anticyclonic gyre occupies the northeastern bay. As the season advances, the western part of the bay-shaped plume decays while the eastern part persists until the following June, which is believed to be associated with the anticyclonic gyre in the northern bay. The evolution of the plumes except the eastern part of the bay-shaped plume in fall can be partly explained by the seasonal variation of mass transport associated with the Sverdrup balance. The fact that the western-bay (eastern-bay) plume appears when surface freshwater flux in the northeastern bay increases ( decreases) dramatically suggests that the plumes are not produced directly by surface freshwater flux. River discharge seems to be the freshwater source for the plumes and has little to do with the evolution of the plumes.


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异毛虫科(Paraonidae)和海稚虫科(Spionidae)是环节动物门(Annelida),多毛纲(Polychaeta)中两个常见的科,其成体在海洋生态系统尤其是海洋底栖动物群落中占有重要地位。中国近海异毛虫科和海稚虫科种类极为常见,在潮间带和潮下带均有分布。但由于此两科种类个体小,采集和鉴定困难,在中国一直没有系统的分类学研究。 本论文选择异毛虫科和海稚虫科为研究对象,以中国科学院海洋研究所海洋生物标本馆馆藏的3000余号成体标本为主要研究材料,结合攻读博士学位期间对全国各海域的补充采集标本和从其它单位借用的标本,在认真阅读相关文献和比对某些种类模式标本的基础上,首次对此两科的中国种类进行了全面系统的分类学和地理分布研究。结果如下: 1. 本文记述了中国海域异毛虫科4属18种,其中包括3新纪录种;海稚虫科16属39种,包括7新种,10新纪录种。各鉴定种类均进行了详细的分类学特征描述,并附有形态学结构图。对罕见种类的标本和保存状况较差、光学显微镜无法获得可靠分类学信息的标本进行了扫描电镜观察,并拍摄有电镜照片。 2. 对中国海域有关异毛虫科和海稚虫科种类记录进行了系统的分类学修订,澄清了部分种类特别是一些常见种类分类学研究中存在的错误和混淆。(1)通过大量阅读文献和反复比较检查标本,认为以前我国文献记录的海稚虫科奇异稚齿虫属的奇异稚齿虫Paraprionospio pinnata (Ehlers, 1901)实际包括3种,即扭鳃奇异稚齿虫Paraprionospio inaequibranchia (Caullery, 1914)、枫香树奇异稚齿虫Paraprionospio coora Wilson, 1990和冠奇异稚齿虫Paraprionospio cristata sp. nov.,其中扭鳃奇异稚齿虫和枫香树奇异稚齿虫在中国海属首次记录,冠奇异稚齿虫为一新种。枫香树奇异稚齿虫主要分布于黄海,其分布南界为121°30′ E, 34°30′ N, 扭鳃奇异稚齿虫分布于南海,其分布北界为114°00′ E, 21°45′ N,冠奇异稚齿虫分布区域较广,从长江口到南海的沿岸水域均有分布。奇异稚齿虫是分布在智利、南加利福尼亚、西墨西哥(可能还有安哥拉)的种,在我国海域未见分布。(2)将在我国北方沿海非常常见但长期被记录为鳞腹钩虫Scolelepis (Scolelepis) squamata (Müller, 1806)(海稚虫科)的标本重新鉴定为一个新种,即红纹腹钩虫Scolelepis (Scolelepis) daphoinos sp. nov.;鳞腹钩虫分布于北大西洋和地中海沿岸水域,在我国海域未见分布。(3)明确了中国海Prionospio steenstrupi复合体种类。此复合体所包含的种类在形态上十分相似,分类学研究时极易混淆。在已有的文献记录中,该复合体中国种类包括两种,玛氏稚齿虫Prionospio (Prionospio) malmgreni Claparède, 1870和西沙稚齿虫Prionospio (Prionospio) sishaensis Wu & Chen, 1964。本文将该复合体中国种类修正为5种,分别是包氏稚齿虫Prionospio (Prionospio) bocki Söderström, 1920、开普敦稚齿虫Prionospio (Prionospio) dubia Maciolek, 1985、太平洋稚齿虫Prionospio (Prionospio) pacifica sp. nov.、欢乐稚齿虫Prionospio (Prionospio) paradisea Imajima, 1990和西沙稚齿虫Prionospio (Prionospio) sishaensis Wu & Chen, 1964。现在大多数分类学者认为玛氏稚齿虫是一个不可鉴定种,该种的原始描述可能包括数种,且模式标本已丢失。(4)将中国海记录的矮小离稚齿虫Apoprionospio pygmaea (Hartman, 1961)更正为卡米拉离稚齿虫Apoprionospio kirrae Wilson, 1990;将中国海记录的科氏光稚虫Spiophane kroyeri Grube, 1860更正为深蓝光稚虫Spiophanes fuscatus sp. nov.。 3. 比较研究了中国海域异毛虫科和海稚虫科的区系特点,详细分析了两科中国海种类的组成。认为中国种类在区系组成上属于印度-马来区系,异毛虫科中国海特有种较少,仅2种,占该科中国种数的11%;而海稚虫科中国海特有种较多,共9种,占该科中国种数的23%。中国海异毛虫科种类组成和日本、俄罗斯附近水域的组成较为相似,中国海海稚虫科种类组成和日本、澳大利亚附近水域的组成较为相似。


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The main research projects reported in this paper are the establishment of a luminescence (OSL/TL) dating laboratory in The Institute of Geology and Geophysics, CAS, and studies on OSL dating technique and protocol of sediments from North China. These projects have been suggested in order to fit in with the needs of research developments in environmental changes, in particular the aridity and desertification in North China. A new luminescence dating laboratory in which there are a Rise TL/OSL-DA-15B/C reader with Sr-90 beta source, a set of Little More Tape 9022 alpha and beta irradiators, three set of Daybreak 583 intelligent alpha counters and sample preparation system has been set up in the Institute in June 2001. The courses of the establishment of a new laboratory involved a series of technical works, besides making a suitable choice of the equipment, as follows: installing and testing TL/OSL reader, calibrating the dose rate of the beta and alpha sources in the irradiators with the standard sources, testing and calibrating the count rates of the thick source alpha counting in the alpha counters with a standard sample, and then dating of the know age samples to check and examine the OSL/TL dating system. All data obtained from above calibrations and tests show that the established OSL/TL system, including the used equipment in it, can be used to determine age of the geological and archaeological samples with an error of equivalent dose (De) of less than 5%. The OSL dates of several sediment samples obtained from the system are good agreement with those from the OSL dating laboratory in Hong Kong University and ~(14)C dates within 1 - 2 standard deviations. The studies on OSL dating technique and protocol of sediment samples being in progress involve the De determinations with single aliquot regeneration (SAR) (Murray and Wintle, 2000) of the coarse grain quartz from sand dune samples and comparison of the De determinations obtained from SAR with those measured by using multiple aliquot regeneration of loess fine grains. The preliminary results from these research works are shown as follows. The very low natural equivalent dose (De) of about 0.012 - 0.03 Gy, corresponding age of less than 10 years, for BLSL (blue light stimulated luminescence) of the coarse grain quartz from modern sand dune samples in Horqin sand fields has been determined with both the SAR and multiple aliquot regeneration (MAR) techniques. This imply that the BLSL signal zeroing of the quartz could be reached before burying of the sand in Horqin sand fields. The De values and ages of the coarse grain quartz measured with SAR protocol are in good agreement with those obtained from multiple aliquot technique for the modern sand dune samples, but the errors of De from the MAR is greater than those from the SAR. This may imply that the higher precision of age determination for younger sand dune samples could be achieved with the SAR of coarse grain quartz. The MAR combining with "Australian Slide method" may be a perfect choice for De measurements of loess fine grain samples on the basis of analysis of De values obtained from the SAR and from the MAR. The former can be employed to obtain a reliable age estimate of loess sample as older as approximately SO ka BR There is a great difference between De determinations from the (post-IR) OSL of the SAR (Roberts and Wintle, 2001) and those from independent or expected estimates for the older samples. However, the age estimates obtained from the (post-IR) OSL of the SAR are mostly closed to the independent age determinations for the younger (age less than 10 ka) fine grain samples. It may be suggested that the (post-IR) OSL of the SAR protocol of the fine grain fraction would be a suitable choice to dating of the younger samples, but may be unsuitable for the older samples.


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河蚬(Corbicula fluminea Müller,1774)是原产自我国及东南亚地区的一种淡水双壳类生物,后随船只的往来传遍了世界各地,是许多江河和湖泊生态系统中的关键物种之一,也是欧美等地河湖中数量最多的外来物种[1-4].河蚬具有惊人的气候和环境适应能力,对外界环境的变化,河蚬不像其他一些水生生物那样从一个生态系统中消失,而是改变自己去适应外界的变化,从而继续生存下去.为此,许多学者对它的地理分布、生态环境、形态结构及生长繁殖等方面做过专门研究.