33 resultados para Fredonian Insurrection, 1826-1827.


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Two species of aspidogastreans, namely Aspidogaster ijimai and A. conchicola, were studied by scanning electron microscopy. In nine lakes and an old river course, the Tian'ezhou oxbow, investigated in the flood plain of the Yangtze River, A. ijimai was obtained from the common carp (Cyprinus carpio) in three lakes, and A. conchicola from the black carp Mylopharyngodon piceus in three lakes and the oxbow. In none of the localities, however, were the two species found together. It is suggested that A. ijimai may be considered as a specialist parasite for the common carp, at least in the flood-plain lakes of the Yangtze River. The two parasites were similar in many aspects of their morphology. Their bodies can both be separated into a dorsal part and a ventral disc, with the body surface of the dorsal part elevated by transverse folds, and the disc subdivided into alveoli by transverse and longitudinal septa, although the number of alveoli was different in the two species. The depression on the ventral surface of the neck region was prominent for both species, and their ventral disc was covered densely with non-ciliated bulbous papillae. The position of mouth, osmo-regulatory pore and marginal organ was also similar for A. ijimai and A. conchicola. However, microridges in the trough of the folds in the neck region and numerous small pits on the upper part of the septa were found exclusively in A. ijimai, but uniciliated sensory papillae in A. conchicola.


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Short fatigue crack behaviour in a weld metal has been further investigated. The Schmid factor and the fractal dimension of short cracks on iso-stress specimens subjected to reversed bending have been determined and then applied to account for the distribution and orientation characteristics of short fatigue cracks. The result indicates that the orientation preference of short cracks is attributed to the large values of Schmid factor at relevant grains. The Schmid factors of most slip systems, which produced short cracks, are less than or equal to 0.4. Crack length measurements reveal that short crack path, compared to that of long crack, possesses a more stable and relatively larger value of fractal dimension. This is regarded as one of the typical features of short cracks.


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Self-compression of femtosecond pulses in noble gases with an input power close to the self-focusing threshold has been investigated experimentally and theoretically. It is demonstrated that either multiphoton ionization (MPI) or space time focusing and self-steepening effects can induce pulse shortening, but they predominate at different beam intensities during the propagation. The latter effects play a key role in the final pulse self-compression. By choosing an appropriate focusing parameter, action distance of the space time focusing and self-steepening effects can be lengthened, which can promote a shock pulse structure with a duration as short as two optical cycles. It is also found that, for our calculation cases in which an input pulse power is close to the self-focusing threshold, either group velocity dispersion (GVD) or multiphoton absorption (MPA) has a negligible influence on pulse characteristics in the propagation process.


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用体布拉格光栅(VBG)作为反馈元件与瓦级半导体激光器(LD)以及快轴准直柱透镜构成一个可以将半导体激光器的工作波长稳定在体布拉格光栅布拉格波长处的外腔激光器。测量了体布拉格光栅外腔激光器的波长稳定性与其工作电流、热汇温度、激光束准直装置等因素的关系。分析了波长稳定效果与半导体激光器增益谱特性、外腔结构参量等因素的关系。研究表明,在相同的工作电流、热汇温度下,当准直柱透镜直径为0.4 mm时的波长稳定效果较好;在此情况下,当热汇温度控制在30 ℃,工作电流从0.5 A增加到1.5 A的测量范围内,以及当工


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The polarization characteristics of electro-optical (EO) switches using fiber Sagnac interferometer (FSI) structures are theoretically investigated. Analytical solutions of output fields are presented when the twists and birefringence in a Sagnac loop are considered. Numerical calculations show that the twists of fiber, the orientation of the inserted phase retarder, and the splitting ratio of the coupler will influence both the output intensity and the output polarization properties of the proposed switch. A polarization-independent EO switch based on a Sagnac interferometer and a PUT bar was experimentally implemented, which showed good coincidence with the analytical results. The experiment showed a switch with 22 dB extinction ratio and less than 31.1 ns switching time. (c) 2006 Optical Society of America.


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寄生振荡的存在使得放大器在信号光到达之前消耗了大量的反转粒子数,降低了放大器的激光增益和储能效率,严重地影响了激光放大器的性能,尤其对高功率激光放大器。在理论分析和实验研究的基础上,以Nd∶YAG晶体板条为例,用8条半导体激光阵列对晶体进行双侧抽运,研究了高功率激光放大器的寄生振荡现象,分析了板条晶体寄生振荡产生的原因,并详细比较了晶体在不同的抽运功率和表面处理下的放大效果,得到了2倍的单程放大,当输入能量为140 mJ时,获得了278 mJ的激光输出。


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最近的一系列分子系统发育分析一致认定睡莲目为3 个最早的被子植物谱系( 即包括Amborellaceae 、睡莲目和一个由八角目、Trimeniaceae 、 Austrobaileyaceae 组成的分支在内的ANITA)之一,这些研究结果和新近发现的早白垩世时期的睡莲类植物花化石的记录,支持过去长期认为睡莲目代表原始类群的观点。作为睡莲目组成之一的睡莲科,虽然在被子植物分类系统中一直处于关键的核心的系统发育位置,但对于这个科的生殖生物学和生殖形态学的研究还没有得到足够的重视。本文对睡莲科的王莲属、萍蓬草属和睡莲属的花的生物学、 Nuphar microphylla 的胚胎学、睡莲科的花粉形态学、睡莲科的胚珠和种子的发育形态学、以及睡莲科的柱头的形态解剖学开展了深入细致的研究工作。 本文所研究的睡莲科植物的花都具有开花生物钟的特性,在开花时期花器官的开放和闭合呈现有规律的运动。睡莲科的有些种植物(如睡莲属的一些种)的花是白天开放晚上闭合,而另外一些种(如王莲属)的花却是晚上开放白天闭合。睡莲科的不同物种的花的开花天数不同,一般是2 到数天。花大多是雌性先熟的,通常从开花的第二天开始释放花粉。睡莲科的不同属植物在开花时间,花的气味,花的颜色,各种花器官的形状和功能,以及传粉者方面存在很大差异。克鲁兹王莲的花具有大型的,单生的,多数花器官,花器官呈现有规律的开放和闭合运动,雌性先熟,能散发强烈气味,能够改变颜色,温度发生变化等特征。作者认为这些特征是高度特化的,它们适应于昆虫传粉。对Nuphar microphylla 的花的生物学研究支持Lippok 等人的观点:在任何居群,蝇、蜜蜂和甲虫对传粉贡献的相对大小更多地取决于这些昆虫的相对丰富度和可替换食物的多少,而不是取决于旧世界与新世界的萍蓬草属植物之间的雄蕊长度的差异。 本研究首次在Nuphar microphylla 中发现了一种新的4 细胞5 核雌配子体(具有1 个卵细胞,2 个助细胞和1 个具有2 个单倍体核的中央细胞)类型,这种雌配子体通过受精作用将产生三倍体的胚乳。作者认为这种雌配子体可能是最小的性功能单位,代表着被子植物的祖征。 睡莲科是一个具有多形态花粉的科,花粉沟有远极单槽和环槽两种类型。当前研究建议萍蓬草属的远极单槽花粉在睡莲科中是最原始类型。花粉形态学研究支持睡莲科是一个原始类群的观点。在所观察的睡莲科植物中,内珠被都作为一圈圆形的突起被产生,而外珠被是半圆形的,稍后形成兜状,在珠柄的凹面侧没有外珠被。在印度红睡莲、埃及白睡莲、墨西哥黄睡莲、芡实、以及克鲁兹王莲的胚珠的发育后期,珠柄的凹面侧产生不同长度的外珠被,所以它们成熟胚珠的外珠被为杯状。作者认为睡莲科的兜状的外珠被是原始的,杯状的外珠被是进化的。睡莲科的柱头形态高度多样化。睡莲属的柱头表面分布有许多拥挤的多细胞的乳头,萍蓬草属和芡实属的柱头是分泌性的,柱头表面具有单细胞乳突。王莲属柱头表面形成许多不规则的隆起。柱头形态学研究支持睡莲属和Ondinea 具有密切的亲缘关系的观点。