47 resultados para Fission yeast


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  小G蛋白作为信号转导中重要的分子开关, 进化相当保守,与许多不同的调控因子和效应器分子相互作用,产生细胞功能的多样性。近年来,人们不断发现植物中小G蛋白家族的新成员,也不断揭示小G蛋白的新功能,许多植物特有的信号途径和功能需要小G蛋白这个重要的分子开关来完成,使它越来越成为人们研究的热点问题。但是,有关植物中Ran GTPase及其编码基因的研究工作报道很少,对与之相互作用的调控蛋白研究进展也刚刚开始。   TaRAN1 (AF488730) 是小麦来源的Ran同源蛋白编码基因,全长1055 bp, 编码221个氨基酸,它在植物发育过程中的功能还没有任何报道。本论文在验证了它是小G蛋白Ran家族的成员后,从分子水平上还发现它在植物细胞周期调控、对生长素以及胁迫应答信号转导过程中都起着重要作用,这也说明了它可能作为信号转导过程中重要的转换因子,参与了很多细胞的基本生理过程。   利用原核表达系统及亲和色谱的方法纯化了TaRAN1融合蛋白,并用放射性标记的GTP和竞争实验证实了它具有特异的GTP结合活性。TaRAN1的转录产物在小麦幼茎和花芽等分生组织活动旺盛的器官表达较多,而在老叶中表达较少。利用洋葱表皮瞬时表达系统分析表现,TaRAN1蛋白主要定位于细胞核,但其没有典型的核定位信号。   细胞周期一直是生物学领域中的热门问题,人们虽然在动物细胞中取得了很大进展,但在植物细胞中的研究远落后于动物。裂殖酵母(Schizosaccharomyces pombe)是研究细胞形态和细胞周期的良好系统,利用此系统发现超表达TaRAN1的酵母细胞表现出许多新的细胞学表型,例如G2细胞周期延滞、染色体对紫外线敏感、细胞超长或多隔细胞的出现等;反义表达TaRAN1的酵母细胞呈近圆型、具有高度凝集的核并且生长速度缓慢、核质混合和无核细胞的数目明显增加。流式细胞仪检测实验也证实其细胞周期的异常。这些结果推测TaRAN1蛋白可能参与细胞周期的有丝分裂过程和发育的调控机制,并且在维持染色体结构稳定和完整性方面起着重要的作用。通过免疫荧光实验观察表明,超表达转基因酵母的微管多呈异常的狭小扇形结构,反义表达TaRAN1的酵母微管不能形成丝状结构,推测TaRAN1还可能参与微管(包括纺锤体)的结构形成过程。最后,我们用超表达TaRAN1的转基因拟南芥和水稻也证实了它的功能,其生长点表现出分生组织增多的原基、根生长点的有丝分裂指数有所改变、出现异常的细胞分裂时相等有关细胞周期异常的现象,更进一步说明了TaRAN1确实参与着细胞周期的调控过程,推测其与细胞周期从G2期进入M期的过程有关。   TaRAN1基因受IAA的诱导表达,且随着浓度的增加表达量增强。超表达的TaRAN1植株(包括拟南芥和水稻)的根表现出对外源生长素异常敏感,侧根显著变少,地上部分表现出生长素过量的表现型,顶端优势减弱,分蘖增多,生长周期延长等。HPLC测定转基因植物的IAA含量,明显高于对照。所以,TaRAN1可能还参与了复杂的生长素信号转导过程。TaRAN1基因还受各种胁迫处理的诱导表达,并且超表达植株对胁迫的忍受能力有明显提高,这说明TaRAN1还参与了胁迫信号应答的相应机制。Ran蛋白这些新功能目前还未见到其它报道。


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Small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles (snRNPs) and non-snRNP splicing factors containing a serine/arginine-rich domain (SR proteins) concentrate in 'speckles' in the nucleus of interphase cells(1). It is believed that nuclear speckles act as storage sites for splicing factors while splicing occurs on nascent transcripts(2). Splicing factors redistribute in response to transcription inhibition(3,4) or viral infection(5), and nuclear speckles break down and reform as cells progress through mitosis(6). We have now identified and cloned a kinase, SRPK1, which is regulated by the cell cycle and is specific for SR proteins; this kinase is related to a Caenorhabditis elegans kinase and to the fission yeast kinase Dsk1 (ref. 7). SRPK1 specifically induces the disassembly of nuclear speckles, and a high level of SRPK1 inhibits splicing in vitro. Our results indicate that SRPK1 mag have a central role in the regulatory network for splicing, controlling the intranuclear distribution of splicing factors in interphase cells, and the reorganization of nuclear speckles during mitosis.


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In this paper, we study the fission of a solitary wave in the stratified fluid with a free surface. It has been discovered that there is no difference between the fissions of the internal solitary waves in odd or even modes, and the effect of the stratification on the fission of a surface solitary wave can almost be neglected


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Gene fission and fusion, the processes by which a single gene is split into two separate genes and two adjacent genes are fused into a single gene, respectively, are among the primary processes that generate new genes(1-4). Despite their seeming reversibi


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Mitochondria are essential for cellular energy production in most eukaryotic organisms. However, when glucose is abundant, yeast species that underwent whole-genome duplication (WGD) mostly conduct fermentation even under aerobic conditions, and most can


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Recent transcription profiling studies have revealed an unexpectedly large proportion of antisense transcripts in eukaryotic genomes. These antisense genes seem to regulate gene expression by interacting with sense genes. Previous studies have focused on the non-coding antisense genes, but the possible regulatory role of the antisense protein is poorly understood. In this study, we found that a protein encoded by the antisense gene ADF1 acts as a transcription suppressor, regulating the expression of sense gene MDF1 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Based on the evolutionary, genetic, cytological and biochemical evidence, we show that the protein-coding sense gene MDF1 most likely originated de novo from a previously non-coding sequence and can significantly suppress the mating efficiency of baker's yeast in rich medium by binding MAT alpha 2 and thus promote vegetative growth. These results shed new light on several important issues, including a new sense-antisense interaction mechanism, the de novo origination of a functional gene, and the regulation of yeast mating pathway.


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形成真核生物mRNA 3^末端的多聚腺苷(poly (A))作用涉及前体mRNA下游的三个元件:效率元件(EE)、定位元件(PE)以及实际的剪切和poly(A)作用位点,实验研究提出了一些EE和PE的碱基序列组成。对180个Yeast基因下游(终止密码子后200个碱基)二级结构进行的详细分析显示,约86%的EE、89%的PE与二级结构中碱基非配对的环(发夹环、膨胀环、内环或多分支环)区或连接单链区有关。这个结果提示,反式因子对EE和PE的识别和作用在一定程度上有赖于EE和PE的二级结构特征。借助mRNA二级结构可以提高对EE和PE位点预测的准确性。


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We have cloned a mouse homologue (designated Myak) of the yeast protein kinase YAK1. The 1210 aa open reading frame contains a putative protein kinase domain, nuclear localization sequences and PEST sequences. Myak appears to be a member of a growing family of YAK1-related genes that include Drosophila and human Minibrain as well as a recently identified rat gene ANPK that encode a steroid hormone receptor interacting protein. RNA blot analysis revealed that Myak is expressed at low levels ubiquitously but at high levels in reproductive tissues, including testis, epididymis, ovary, uterus, and mammary gland, as well as in brain and kidney. In situ hybridization analysis on selected tissues revealed that Myak is particularly abundant in the hormonally modulated epithelia of the epididymis, mammary gland, and uterus, in round spermatids in the testis, and in the corpora lutea in the ovary, Myak is also highly expressed in the aqueduct of the adult brain and in the brain and spinal cord of day 12.5 embryos, Mol. Reprod. Dev. 55:372-378, 2000. (C) 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Polyadenylation of 3 ' -forming in eukaryote concerns three elements located in precursor mRNA downstream region: efficiency element (EE), position element (PE) and the actual site for cleavage and polyadenylation. Several base sequences of EE and PE have


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A comparative analysis on the intron sequence oligonucleotide usages in two sets of yeast genes with higher and lower transcription frequencies, respectively, has shown that the intron sequence structures of the two sets of genes are different. There are more potential binding sites for transcription factors in the introns of the genes with high transcription frequencies. So it is speculated that introns regulate the transcription of genes. But more evidences are needed to favor this speculation. The detailed comparative analyses on the distribution ( length and position) of introns and exons in the two sets of gene sequences also show that there is an obvious boundary between the lengths of the two sets of introns. There is no boundary between the lengths of the two sets of exons, although the means of their lengths are of discrepancy. The situation of the gene lengths ( length of intron and exon) is similar to exon lengths. As far as the relative position, the introns in two sets of genes all have a bias toward the 5' ends of genes. But as the actual position is considered, more introns in high transcription genes have a tendency to be located toward the 5' ends of genes, some even located at 5'-UTR. These results suggest that the gene transcription rates are related to the length of intron, but not to the lengths of exons and genes sequences. The positions of introns may also influence the transcription rates. The transcriptional regulation of introns may be correlative with the transcriptional regulation of the upstream of genes, or be its continuous action.