57 resultados para CYTOCHROME BC(1) COMPLEX


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A novel organotin complex, EtPhSnCl(2) . 2HOC(10)H(6)CH = NC6H1OCH3 was synthesized, and its crystal structure was determined by X-ray diffraction method. The crystal is triclinic, belonging to space group, with unit cell parameters a = 1.150 8(5) nm, b = 1. 153 1(5) gm, c = 1. 004 6 (3) nm, alpha = 94. 15 (3)degrees, beta = 115.47 (3)degrees, r = 85. 94 (4)degrees, V = 1199 7(1) nm(3), Z=2, D-c=1.68 g/cm(3), mu=13. 20 cm(-1), F(000)=618 for 4 131 reflections tions. R=0. 047, R(w)=0. 047. The ligand coordinates to tin atom via phenolic oxygen atom. The complex has a distored trigonal bipyramidal structure, the phenolic oxygen atom of the ligand and one of two chlorine atoms occupy the axial position. The distance between noncoodinated nitrogen atom with phenolic oxygen atom is 0. 257 4 nm, which indicates that the intramolecular hydrogen bond of Schiff base ligand is retained in the complex.


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In this paper, we construct (d, r) networks from sequences of different irrational numbers. In detail, segment an irrational number sequence of length M into groups of d digits which represent the nodes while two consecutive groups overlap by r digits (r = 0,1,...,d-1), and the undirected edges indicate the adjacency between two consecutive groups. (3, r) and (4, r) networks are respectively constructed from 14 different irrational numbers and their topological properties are examined. By observation, we find that network topologies change with different values of d, r and even sequence length M instead of the types of irrational numbers, although they share some similar features with traditional random graphs. We make a further investigation to explain these interesting phenomena and propose the identical-degree random graph model. The results presented in this paper provide some insight into distributions of irrational number digits that may help better understanding of the nature of irrational numbers.


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The transient state (as the defined point where no enantioseparation is obtained in a dual chiral selector system) of chiral recognition of aminoglutethimide in a binary mixture of neutral cyclodextrins (CDs) was studied by capillary electrophoresis (CE). The following three dual selector systems were used: alpha-cyclodextrin (alpha-CD) and beta-cyclodextrin (beta-CD); alpha-CD and heptakis(di-O-methyl-beta-cyclodextrin) (DM-beta-CD); alpha-CD and heptakis(tri-O-methyl-beta-cyclodextrin) (TM-beta-CD). The S-(-) enantiomer of the analyte was more strongly retained in the presence of either alpha-CD or TM-beta-CD at pH 2.5, 100 mM phosphate buffer, while the R-(+) enantiomer was more strongly retained in the presence of either P-CD or DM-P-CD. In the more simple case, the elution order is invariably kept if the enantiomers have the same elution order in either one of the two hosts of the binary mixture. In contrast, the elution order may be switched by varying the concentration ratio of two hosts that produce opposite elution order for this particular analyte. In such a dual selector system, the enantioselectivity will disappear at the transient state at a certain ratio of host,:host, Moreover, the migration times of the two enantiomers with host, alone (diluted in buffer) is approximately equal to the migration times at the corresponding concentration of host, alone (diluted in buffer), where the ratio of concentrations of host,:host, is the same as in the binary mixture at the transient state. As found by nuclear magnetic resonance experiments, the analyte is forming a 1:1 complex with either one of the CDs applied. From this finding, a theoretical model based on the mobility difference of the two enantiomers was derived that was used to simulate the transient state. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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角蟾科(Megophryidae)是以角蟾属(Megophrys Kuhl and Van Hasselt, 1822)为模式属而建立的,隶于无尾目(Anura),变凹型亚目(Anomocoela)。角蟾科包括2 亚科11 属142 种,分布于东洋界,从巴基斯坦、中国西部向东直到菲律宾和苏达群岛;中国有9 属75 种分布于华中和华南地区。角蟾科被认为是原始的两栖动物之一,其分类学、系统学、生态学、动物地理学的研究均深受中外科学家的瞩目。近年来,通过形态学、古生物学、细胞学、生态学、支序系统学的研究,角蟾科的分类与系统学研究取得了较大进展。与成体形态和分子系统学研究结果相比较,蝌蚪的研究存在更多的问题和挑战,尚需深入研究:(1)角蟾科蝌蚪的形态多样性分析;(2)角蟾科的系统发育关系与蝌蚪的演化,以及口漏斗的起源;(3)角蟾科蝌蚪表型分化与栖息环境和觅食行为的适应演化。针对上述问题,本文对角蟾科9 属30 种蝌蚪的形态特征,包括外部宏观形态和口器外部结构特征、口器内部显微结构、唇齿和角质颌的亚显微结构作了深入细致、多层次的比较研究;通过12s rRNA 和cytochrome b 基因构建最大简约树,采用贝叶斯系统发育进行分析,蝌蚪型的演化采用祖先性状的重建方法分析;得到如下结论:1)初步将角蟾科蝌蚪分为4 种类型;并且建立了2 种新的角蟾科蝌蚪类型。A 型:拟髭蟾型蝌蚪,该型蝌蚪包括拟髭蟾属、髭蟾属、齿蟾属和齿突蟾属的物种;B 型:新类型,掌突蟾型蝌蚪,该型蝌蚪在本文中包括掌突蟾属、小臂蟾属的物种;C 型:新类型,短腿蟾型蝌蚪,一种特化类型,该型蝌蚪在本文中仅包括短腿蟾属的物种;D 型:角蟾型蝌蚪,该型蝌蚪在本文中包括无耳蟾属、小口拟角蟾属和异角蟾属的物种。2)对角蟾科的分类进行了修订:(1)支持角蟾科两个亚科的分类系统;(2)角蟾亚科包括拟角蟾属、异角蟾属、无耳蟾属和短腿蟾属;该亚科形态差异小,系统学关系比较复杂,暂不作族级分类的再划分;(3)拟髭蟾亚科分为2 个族:拟髭蟾族,该族物种具有类型A 的蝌蚪,包括4 个属:拟髭蟾属、髭蟾属、齿蟾属、齿突蟾属;掌突蟾族,该族物种具有类型B 的蝌蚪,包括2 个属:掌突蟾属和小臂蟾属。3)结合分子系统进化关系探讨了4 种蝌蚪类型的演化。(1)角蟾科蝌蚪的最近共同祖先来自于一类具有拟髭蟾型蝌蚪性状的蝌蚪;(2)掌突蟾型蝌蚪和角蟾亚科的蝌蚪是由具有拟髭蟾型蝌蚪性状的祖先蝌蚪分别演化而来;(3)短腿蟾型蝌蚪是角蟾型蝌蚪的一种特化类型;(4)外群蝌蚪具有与拟髭蟾型蝌蚪相似的性状,进一步印证了类拟髭蟾型蝌蚪是角蟾科蝌蚪的最近共同祖先的假说;(5)具有口漏斗的蝌蚪类型是由不具口漏斗的蝌蚪类型演化而来,在角蟾科中口漏斗是一种衍生性状。4)分析了角蟾科四种蝌蚪类型与栖息环境的适应演化。(1)角蟾科蝌蚪的口部和体形的变化反映了该科蝌蚪由缓流向类似静水生境的回水凼的渐变式适应,角蟾科蝌蚪的形态显示了多方面的适应变化;(2)随着蝌蚪类型由A 向D的演化,当水速较大时,拟髭蟾型的蝌蚪营流水攀吸型生活方式;当水速递减时,掌突蟾型蝌蚪营流水附着型生活方式;当水速进一步递减时,具有较小口漏斗的短腿蟾型蝌蚪和具有大漏斗的角蟾型蝌蚪营流水浮泳型生活。角蟾科蝌蚪对于水流递减的适应演化说明蝌蚪的生态学适应是具有进化意义的;(3)蝌蚪口器内部结构的分化揭示了蝌蚪和食性的适应关系,蝌蚪以口部的唇齿与角质颌刮取或吞吸水中的物质,然后,通过口乳突有选择地过滤进入口腔中食物。拟髭蟾亚科蝌蚪的唇齿多而窄,唇齿间距宽,颌鞘粗而稀,反映了其植食性为主的特点;它们的舌前乳突一般为指状,在口腔入口处所占面积小,其机械过滤的作用很多被唇齿和角质颌分担了;而角蟾亚科的蝌蚪,其角质颌弱,其舌前乳突一般为匙状,几乎填满了口腔入口处,因此舌前乳突起了主要的机械过滤作用。The family Megophryidae is the largest and most diverse families inArchaeobatrachia, and most of its species occur in India, Pakistan, and eastward intoChina, Southeast Asia, Borneo and the Philippines to the Sunda Islands. Currently thefamily includes 142 species have been grouped into two subfamilies, Megophryinaeand Leptobrachiinae. The mountains of central and southern China are rich in speciesof Megophryidae, 75 species belong to 9 genera and two subfamilies.The family was supposed to be ideal materials of studies in many fields of biology,such as taxonomy, evolution, systematics, ecology, and biogeography. Recently, therehave a great development in taxonomy and systematics of megophryids throughstudied by morphology, paleontology, cytology, ecology, and cladistics. However,larvae of megophryids were generally unknown, although the tadpoles might be veryimportant for above studies.In this paper, we examined the evolutionary scenario of the tadpoles’ morphologyin the context of a phylogenetic framework. Our objectives are (1) to evaluate thedivergence of larval body shape and oral discs in the family Megophryidae, (2) toexplore the evolutionary trends of the larvae in megophryidae, and test if thefunnel-shaped oral disc is apomorphic, and (3) to explore the relationship of the larvalstructure, diet and microhabitat.We examined larval morphology of 30 megophryid species, the larval body shape,oral discs, the buccopharyngeal cavity, and jaw sheaths and denticles of the Chinesemegophryid frogs were re-examined. We constructed a phylogeny of the species on thebasis of published mitochondrial cytochrome b and 16S rRNA gene segments usingpartitioned Bayesian analyses. Furthermore, hypothetical changes of larval morphologywere inferred using parsimony principle on the phylogeny. The results showed that:1) Four tadpole types in Megophryidae. The larval morphological charactersseries in Chinese megophryids fall into four general categories according to the bodyshape and oral discs: (A) Leptobrachiini type, species from genera Leptobrachium,Oreolalax, Scutiger and, Vibrissaphora share this type of tadpoles. (B) Leptolalax type,species of genus Leptolalax have this type of tadpoles. (C) Brachytarsophrys type,species of the genus Brachytarsophrys have this type of tadpoles. (D) Megophryinitype, species of the genera Atympanophrys, Ophryophryne, and Xenophrys share this type of tadpoles. Of which B and C are two novel types.2)Taxonomic implications. The present study leads us to reconsider the generalclassification of tribes attributed to members of Megophryidae. More specifically,concerning the phylogenetic relationships and the two novel tadpole types describedherein, we propose a provisional taxonomy for the family but suggest that further taxasampling of other megophryids be performed to confirm this taxonomic change. TheMegophryidae is composed of two subfamilies (Leptobrachiinae and Megophryinae).The Leptobrachiinae was recogonized the two tribes: (1) tribe Leptobrachiini sensuDubois, corresponding to the tadpole of type A, including four genera, i.e.,Leptobrachium, Oreolalax, Scutiger and, Vibrissaphora; (2) tribe Leptolalaxini,corresponding to the tadpole of novel type B, including two genera, i.e., Leptolalaxand Leptobrachella. However, the relationships among the genera of Megophryinaewere largely unresolved, they recognized no monophyletic groups above the generalevel. A more thorough sampling will likely foster a better taxonomic solution.3) The larval evolutionary scenario in Megophryidae.Type A is characteristicof normal-mouthed with multiple tooth rows, representing the tadpole type of theMRCA of Chinese megophryids. Type B is characteristic of normal-mouthed withreduced tooth rows, prolonging labium, and integumetary glands. Type C ischaracteristic of no labial teeth and smaller umbeliform oral disc. Type D ischaracteristic of no labial teeth, enlarged umbeliform oral disc, representing the tadpoleof the MRCA of subfamily Megophryinae. A previous hypothesis, referring tofunnel-shaped oral discs as an apomorphy, is supported.4) The larval adaptation to habitats in Megophryidae. Tadpoles generallyadhere to substrates using their mouths, and the microhabitat that the tadpoles occupyreflects the degree of adhesion and oral complexity. The morphological changes inmegophryid tadpoles virtually allow a progressive adaptation to a changing habitatfrom faster water to slower water. Within the tadpoles of Type A to type D, the TOTbecomes smaller and smaller, and the oral disc orientates from anteroventral toumbelliform upturned, and eye position orientates from dorsal to lateral, and the trunkis more and more depressed and tail becomes relatively longer and slender. Within therunning water, the normal-mouthed with multiple tooth rows of Leptobrachiini tadpoles are correlated with lotic-suctorial, benthic feeders with anteroventral oraldisc and the largest body. With the water’s velocity decreasing, the lotic-adherentfeeders of Leptolalax tadpoles have tube-shaped labium with reduced tooth rows andintegumetary glands. And then, the smaller umbeliform in Brachytarsophrys tadpolesand the enlarged umbeliform oral disc in the Megophryini tadpoles are inhabitmicrohabitats of non-flowing backwaters of rivers, indicative of adaptive traits oflotic-neustonic surface feeders. The scheme of megophryid tadpoles andmicrohabitats provided the first clear evidence which congruent with the hypothesis ofAltig and Johnston (1989). The ecological divergence plays a general role in thedivergence and evolution of megophrid larvae. There is a definite correlation amongthe buccopharyngeal cavity, diet and feeding mechanisms, the tadpole graze orswallow the food particles, then through papillae which like a sieve and sort out foodparticles to the oesophagus. The tadpole of Leptobrachiinae possess multiple toothrows, wide intertooth distance as well as thick and sparse jaw sheath, these tadpolesinhabit bottom of the streams and graze on epiphyton or major detritus of organicmatter on the substrates, their prelingual papillae like single finger, the mechanicalpurpose of papillae served share in by tooth and jaw. The tadpoles of Megophryinaeoccur near the water surface of small streams and are the filter feeder, their dietincludes plankton and organic debris floating on the water surface, those tadpolepossess weak jaw, their prelingual papillae like spoon, the mechanical purpose ofpapillae served mostly for sieve.


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Triplex helical formation has been the focus of considerable interest because of possible applications in developing new molecular biology tools as well as therapeutic agents and the possible relevance of H-DNA structures in biology system. We report here that a small-molecule anticancer agent, coralyne, has binding preference to the less stable protonated triplex d(C+-T)(6):d(A-G)(6).d(C-T)(6) over duplex d(A-G)(6).d(C-T)(6) and shows different spectral and electrochemical characteristics when binding to triplex and duplex DNA, indicating that electrochemical technique can detect the less stable protonated triplex formation.


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The selective extraction of yttrium front heavy lanthanide by liquid-liquid extraction using CA-100 in the presence of the complexing agent, such as EDTA, DTPA, and HEDTA was investigated. The extraction of heavy lanthanide in the present of the complexing agent was Suppressed when compared to that of Y because of the masking effect, but the selective extraction of Y was enhanced. All complexing agents formed 1: 1 complex with rare earth elements (RE), and only free rare earth ions could take part in the extraction. The condition for separation was obtained by exploring the effects of the complexing agent concentration, the extractant concentration, pH and the equilibration time on the extraction of the heavy rare earth elements.


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LnCl(3) (Ln = Nd, Gd) reacts with C5H9C5H4Na (or K2C8H8) in THF (C5H9C5H4 = cyclopentylcyclopentadienyl) in the ratio of 1:1 to give (C5H9C5H4)LnCl(2)(THF)(n) (or (C8H8)LnCl(2)(THF)(n)], which further reacts with K2C8H8 (or C5H9C5H4Na) in THF to form the title complexes. If Ln = Nd the complex (C8H8)Nd(C5H9C5H4)(THF)(2) (a) was obtained: when Ln = Gd the 1:1 complex [(C8H8)Gd(C5H9C5H4)(THF)][(C5H8)Gd(C5H9C5H4)(THF)(2)] (b) was obtained in crystalline form. The crystal structure analysis shows that in (C8H8)Ln(C5H9C5H4)(THF)(2) (Ln = Nd or Gd), the Cyclopentylcyclopentadienyl (eta(5)), cyclooctatetraenyl (eta(8)) and two oxygen atoms from THF are coordinated to Nd3+ (or Gd3+) with coordination number 10. The centroid of the cyclopentadienyl ring (Cp') in C5H9C5H4 group, cyclooctatetraenyl centroid (COT) and two oxygens (THF) form a twisted tetrahedron around Nd3+ (or Gd3+). In (C8H8)Gd(C5H9C5H4)(THF), the cyclopentyl-cyclopentadienyl (eta(5)), cyclooctatetraenyl (eta(8)) and one oxygen atom are coordinated to Gd3+ with the coordination number of 9 and Cp', COT and oxygen atom form a triangular plane around Gd3+, which is almost in the plane (dev. - 0.0144 Angstrom).


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The jinjiang oyster Crassostrea rivularis [Gould, 1861. Descriptions of Shells collected in the North Pacific Exploring Expedition under Captains Ringgold and Rodgers. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 8 (April) 33-40] is one of the most important and best-known oysters in China. Based on the color of its flesh, two forms of C rivularis are recognized and referred to as the "white meat" and 11 red meat" oysters. The classification of white and red forms of this species has been a subject of confusion and debate in China. To clarify the taxonomic status of the two forms of C. rivularis, we collected and analyzed oysters from five locations along China's coast using both morphological characters and DNA sequences from mitochondrial 16S rRNA and cytochrome oxidase 1, and the nuclear 28S rRNA genes. Oysters were classified as white or red forms according to their morphological characteristics and then subjected to DNA sequencing. Both morphological and DNA sequence data suggest that the red and white oysters are two separate species. Phylogenetic analysis of DNA sequences obtained in this study and existing sequences of reference species show that the red oyster is the same species as C. ariakensis Wakiya [1929. Japanese food oysters. Jpn. J. Zool. 2, 359-367.], albeit the red oysters from north and south China are genetically distinctive. The white oyster is the same species as a newly described species from Hong Kong, C. hongkongensis Lam and Morton [2003. Mitochondrial DNA and identification of a new species of Crassostrea (Bivalvia: Ostreidae) cultured for centuries in the Pearl River Delta, Hong Kong, China. Aqua. 228, 1-13]. Although the name C. rivularis has seniority over C. ariakensis and C. hongkongensis, the original description of Ostrea rivularis by Gould [1861] does not fit shell characteristics of either the red or the white oysters. We propose that the name of C. rivularis Gould [1861] should be suspended, the red oyster should take the name C. ariakensis, and the white oyster should take the name C. hongkongensis. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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AIM: To investigate the interaction between human CCR5 receptors (CCR5) and HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein gp120 (HIV-1 gp120) and HIV-1 receptor CD4 antigens (CD4). METHODS: The structurally con served regions (SCR) of human CCR5 was built by the SYBYL/Biopolymer module using the corresponding transmembrane (TM) domain of bacteriorhodopsin (bR) as the template. The coordinates for amino-ter minal residue sequence, and carboxyl-terminal residue sequence, extracellular and cytoplasmic loops were generated using LOOP SEARCH algorithm. Subsequently the structural model was merged into the complex with HIV-1 gp120 and CD4. RESULTS: Human CCR5 interacted with both an HIV-1 gp120 and CD4. The N-terminal residues (especially Met1 and Gln4) of human CCR5, contacted with CD4 residues, mainly 7Nith one span (56 - 59) of CD4 in electrostatic interaction and hydrogen-bonds. The binding sites of human CCR5 were buried in a hydrophobic center surrounded by a highly basic periphery. On the other hand, direct interatomic contacts were made between ? CCR5 residues and 6 gp120 amino-acid residues, which included van der Waals contacts, hydrophobic interaction, and hydrogen bonds. CONCLUSION: The interaction model should be helpful for rational design of novel anti-HIV drugs.


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A new algorithm, representing an important advance in determination of the functional relationship, is first reported here. The algorithm is very useful and convenient for analyzing the incorporation of impurities. To show how the algorithm works, two early and well-known vapor phase epitaxy (VPE) experiments-Ashen's (Ashen, D. J.; Dean, P. J.; Hurle, D. T. J.; Mullin, J. B.; Royle, A.; White, A. M. Gallium Arsenide and Related Compounds, Institute of Physics Conference Series 24, 1974; Institute of Physics: London, 1975; p 229.), involving the doping of silicon and DiLorenzo's (DiLorenzo, J. V. J. Cryst. Growth 1972, 17, 189.), involving the mole fraction effect-are calculated to find the functional relationship between the Si contamination and the partial pressure of HCl. The calculated curves agree with the experimental results. A conclusion that the calculated values are greater than the true values has been drawn.