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An automated biomolecular interaction analysis instrument (BI-Acore) based on surface plasmon resonance (SPR) has been used to determine human immunoglobulin G (IgG) in real time. Polyclonal anti-human IgG antibody was covalently immobilized to a carboxymethyldextran modified gold film surface. The samples of human IgG prepared in HBS buffer were poured over the immobilized surface. The signal amplification antibody was applied to amplify the response signal. After each measurement, the surface was regenerated with 0.1 mol/L H3PO4. The assay was rapid, requiring only 30 min for antibody immobilization and 20 min for each subsequent process of immune binding, antibody amplification and regeneration. The antibody immobilized surface had good response to human IgG in the range of 0.12-60 nmol/L with a detection limit of 60 pmol/L. The same antibody immobilized surface could be used for more than 110 cycles of binding, amplification and regeneration. The results demonstrate that the sensitivity, specificity and reproducibility of amplified immunoassay using real-time BIA technology are satisfactory.


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Layer-by-layer assembly of multilayer films of streptavidin and biotinylated antibody was completed on the streptavidin coated surface. Real-time biomolecular interaction analysis (BIA) based on surface plasmon resonance technique was used to monitor the multilayer assembly in solution continuously. The results indicate that the uniform multilayer film can be fabricated successfully based on the strong interaction between streptavidin and biotin. The mean surface mass concentration of each adsorption layer is 1. 32 ng/mm(2) for biotinylated antibody, 2. 93 ng/mm(2) for streptavidin, according to the correlation of SPR response with surface concentration.


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The kinetic analysis of the interaction between tumor necrosis factor(TNF) and its monoclonal antibody was performed by surface plasmon resonance(SPR) technique. The monoclonal antibody was immobilized to the surface of CM5 sensor chip by amine coupling. TNF at different concentrations was injected across the mAb immobilized surface. The interaction was recorded in real time and could be seen on the sensorgram. One cycle, including association, dissociation and regeneration, lasted no more than 15 min. The interaction results was evaluated using 1 : 1 Langmuir binding model. The kinetic rate constants were calculated to be: k =1.68 X 10(3) L (.) mol(-1) (.) s(-1), k(d) = 1.73 X 10(-4) s(-1), and the affinity constants K-A = 9. 7 X 10(3) L (.) mol(-1), K-r)= 1. 03 X 10(-7) Mol (.) L-1. The X-2 was 3.47, which showed that the interaction is consistent with the 1 : I model. We can see from the results that although there are two binding sites in one mAb molecule, TNF reacts with each site in an independent and noncooperative manner.


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Protein multilayers composed of avidin and biotin-labeled antibody (bio-Ab) were prepared on gold surface by layer-by-layer assembly technology using the high specific binding constant (K-a: approximate to 10(15) M-1) between avidin and biotin. The assembly process of the multilayer films was monitored by using real-time BIA technique based on surface plasmon resonance (SPR). The multilayer films were also characterized by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and reflection absorption Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The results indicate that the growth of the multilayer is uniform. From response of SPR for each layer, the stoichiometry S for the interaction between avidin and bio-Ab is calculated to be 0.37 in the multilayer whereas 0.82 in the first layer. The protein mass concentration for each layer was also obtained. The schematic figure for the multilayer assembly was proposed according to the layer mass, concentration and S value. The utility of the mutilayer films for immunosensing has been investigated via their subsequent interaction with hIgG. The binding ability of the multilayer increased for one to three layers of antibody, and then reach saturation after the fourth layer. These layer-by-layer constructed antibody multilayers enhance the binding ability than covalently immobilized monolayer antibody. This technology can be also used for construction of other thin films for immunosensing and biosensor.


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A surface plasmon resonance (SPR) biosensor was used for the first time to determine the concentration of ferritin in both HBS-EP buffer and serum. The monoclonal antibody was immobilized on the carboxymethyl dextran-modified gold surface by an amine coupling method. The interaction of antibody with antigen was monitored in real-time. The signal was enhanced by sandwich amplification strategy to improve the sensitivity and specificity of the immunoassay, especially in serum. The linear range of the assay in serum is over 30-200 ng ml with the detection limit of 28 ng ml(-1). The sensitivity, specificity, and reproducibility of the assay are satisfactory. The analyte and enhancement antibody-binding surface could be regenerated by pH 2.0 glycine-HCl buffer and the same antibody-immobilized surface could be used for more than 50 cycles of ferritin binding and regeneration.


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The combination of in situ surface plasmon resonance (SPR) with electrochemistry was used to investigate the electrochemical doping/dedoping processes of anions on a polyaniline (PAn)-modified electrode. Electrochemical SPR characteristics of the PAn film before and after doping/dedoping were revealed. The redox transformation between the insulating leucoemeraldine, and the conductive emeraldine, corresponding to the doping/dedoping of anion, can lead to very distinct changes in both the resonance minimum angle and the shape of SPR curve. This is ascribed to the swelling/shrinking effect, and the change of the PAn film in the imaginary part of the dielectric constant resulted from the transition of the film conductivity. In situ recording the time evolution of reflectance change at a fixed angle permits the continuous monitoring of the kinetic processes of doping/dedoping anions. The size and the charge of anions, the film thickness, as well as the concentration of anions are shown to strongly influence the rate of ingress/egress of anions. The time differential of SPR kinetic curves can be well applied in the detecting electroinactive anion by flow injection analysis. The approach has higher sensitivity and reproducibility compared with other kinetic measurements, such as those obtained by amperometry.


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Using an enhanced surface plasmon resonance (SPR) immunosensor, we have determined the concentration of human complement factor 4 (C4). Antibody protein was concentrated into a carboxymethyldextran-modified gold surface by electrostatic attraction force and a simultaneous covalent immobilization of antibody based on amine coupling reaction took place. The sandwich method was applied to enhance the response signal and the specificity of antigen binding assay. The antibody immobilized surface had good response to C4 in the range of 0.02-20 mug/ml by this enhanced immunoassay. The regeneration effect by pH 2 glycine-HC1 buffer was also investigated. The same antibody immobilized surface could be used more than 80 cycles of C4 binding and regeneration. In addition, the ability to determinate C4 directly from serum sample without any purification was investigated. The sensitivity, specificity and reproducibility of the enhanced immunoassay are satisfactory. The results clearly demonstrate the advantages of the enhanced SPR technique for C4 immunoassay.


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A surface plasmon resonance biosensor has been used to determine antibody activity in serum. As a model system, the interaction of mouse IgG and sheep anti-mouse IgG polyclonal antibody was investigated in real time. The factors, including pH value, ionic strength, protein concentration, influencing electrostatic adsorption of mouse IgG protein onto carboxylated dextran-coated sensor chip surface, were studied. The procedures of mouse IgG protein immobilization and immune reaction were monitored in real time. The regeneration effect using the different elution reagents was also investigated. The same mouse IgG immobilized surface can be used for 100 cycles of binding and elution with only 0.38% loss per regeneration in reactivity. The results show that the surface plasmon resonance biosensor is a rapid, simple, sensitive, accurate and reliable detection technique for real-time immunoassay of antibody activity. The assay allows antibodies to be detected and studied in their native form without any purification. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The assembly of alternating DNA and positively charged poly(dimethyldiallylammonium chloride) (PDDA) multilayer films by electrostatic layer-by-layer adsorption has been studied. The real-time surface plasmon resonance (BIAcore) technique was used to characterize and monitor the formation of multilayer films in solution in real time continuously. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and UV-vis absorbance measurements were also used to study the film assembly, and linear film growth was observed. All the results indicate that the uniform multilayer can be obtained on the poly(ethylenimine)- (PEI-) coated substrate surface. The kinetics of the adsorption of DNA on PDDA surface was also studied by the real-time BIAcore technique; the observed rate constant was calculated using a Langmuir model (k(obs) = (1.28 +/- 0.08) x 10(-2) s(-1).


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本论文利用表面等离子体共振技术(sPR)进行了生物分子间相互作用的研究。主要包括可免疫识别、免疫分析、生物分子相互作用动力学以及层层组装生物分子功能膜等方面的研究。1.利用表面等离子体共振生物传感器对血清中HSA抗体的活性进行了检测。结果表明表面等离子体共振(SPR)生物传感器能快速实时检测anti-HSA抗体的活性,且传感片能够重复使用100次以上。2.应用表面等离子体共振生物传感器实现了对铁蛋白的实时免疫分析。实验中采用"三明治"放大法提高了分析的灵敏度和选择性。结果表明,在血清中分析铁蛋白的线性区间为30-200ng/ml,检测限为28ng/ml。应用pH2.0 glycine-HCl溶液进行再生,传感片可重复使用50次以上。3.通过溶液竞争法实现了S尸R技术对小分子化合物吗啡的检测。结果表明,溶液竞争法大大优于表面竞争法。同时求得了吗啡、mBSA与单抗及多抗之间相互作用的结合常数,并进行了比较。对实验现象给出了动力学上的合理解释。4.研究了通过静电吸附作用,DNA和PDDA交替组装多层膜。实时表面等离子体共振技术实时监测了DNA/PDDA多层膜的形成,研究了DNA在PDDA表面的吸附动力学。电化学阻抗谱和紫外可见光谱的研究结果也表明了这种层层组装多层膜的均一性。5.应用亲合素和生物素之间的强亲和作用,在金表面层层组装了由亲合素/生物素化抗体组成的蛋白质多层膜。使用实时BIA技术监测了多层膜的成膜过程,同时用电化学阻抗和傅立叶红外光谱对多层膜的成膜过程进行了表征。结果都表明了多层膜的均匀生长。同时,我们用亲和素生物素化抗体层层组装所制备的抗体多层膜对hlgG进行了灵敏检测。6.应用实时BIA技术研究了组蛋白与DNA之间的相互作用。发展了新的固定DNA传感片表面,消除了组蛋白与商品化传感片之间的非特异吸附。用Langmuir和Two State Reaction(Coormation change)模型对所得的动力学传感图进行了拟合,初步得到了动力学常数,直观的比较了组蛋白各亚组分与DNA相互作用之间的动力学差异。


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使用生物分子相互作用分析 ( Biomolecular interaction analysis,BIA)技术实时监测了在链霉亲和素表面层层组装亲和素 -生物素化抗体多层膜的过程 ,结果表明 ,通过链霉亲和素与生物素之间的强亲和作用 ,能够在表面形成均一的多层膜 ,并用实时 BIA技术求得了每层蛋白质的表面浓度 .对于生物素化抗体 ,单层吸附表面浓度为 1 .32 ng/mm2 ;对于链霉亲和素 ,单层吸附表面浓度为 2 .93ng/mm2 .同时对蛋白质在表面的排列状态进行了探讨


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Turbulence and aeroacoustic noise high-order accurate schemes are required, and preferred, for solving complex flow fields with multi-scale structures. In this paper a super compact finite difference method (SCFDM) is presented, the accuracy is analysed and the method is compared with a sixth-order traditional and compact finite difference approximation. The comparison shows that the sixth-order accurate super compact method has higher resolving efficiency. The sixth-order super compact method, with a three-stage Runge-Kutta method for approximation of the compressible Navier-Stokes equations, is used to solve the complex flow structures induced by vortex-shock interactions. The basic nature of the near-field sound generated by interaction is studied.


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