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采用相位多普勒粒子分析仪(phase Doppler particle analyzer,PDPA)测量了风沙两相流动中沙床面上沙粒碰撞和起跳速度概率分布以及不同高度处沙粒速度概率分布.结果表明,沙床面上沙粒碰撞和起跳速度概率分布均可用对数正态分布函数描述,碰撞和起跳角度均可用指数分布函数描述.沙粒平均碰撞角度为28°~39°,平均起跳角度为30°~44°,平均起跳速度为平均碰撞速度的0.81~0.9倍,向后碰撞沙粒占总碰撞沙粒的比例为0.05~0.11,向后起跳沙粒占总起跳沙粒的比例为0.04~0.13.沙粒水平速度概率分布在4mm高度处表现为正偏斜类型,在20mm高度处沙粒水平速度的变化范围更加广泛,在80mm高度处沙粒水平速度变化范围小于20mm高度处的变化范围.沙粒垂直速度概率分布在不同高度处均可表示为正态分布函数.
The single-sided and dual-sided high reflective mirrors were deposited with ion-beam sputtering (IBS). When the incident light entered with 45 degrees, the reflectance of p-polarized light at 1064 nm exceeded 99.5%. Spectrum was gained by spectrometer and weak absorption of coatings was measured by surface thermal lensing (STL) technique. Laser-induced damage threshold (LIDT) was determined and the damage morphology was observed with Lecia-DMRXE microscope simultaneously. The profile of coatings was measured with Mark III-GPI digital interferometer. It was found that the reflectivity of mirror exceeded 99.9% and its absorption was as low as 14 ppm. The reflective bandwidth of the dual-sided sample was about 43 nm wider than that of single-sided sample, and its LIDT was as high as 28 J/cm2, which was 5 J/cm2 higher than that of single-sided sample. Moreover, the profile of dual-sided sample was better than that of substrate without coatings.
患儿男,10岁,因"双侧隐睾"就诊.患儿系足月、顺产、5岁时发现头颅大,经医院诊断为脑积水.几岁时做双侧隐睾手术.患儿身高120 cm.头颅发育不规则,颜面不对称,自小严重的智力低下,说话不清.