10 resultados para Playing cards.

em Cambridge University Engineering Department Publications Database


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The plastic collapse response of aluminium egg-box panels subjected to out-of-plane compression has been measured and modelled. It is observed that the collapse strength and energy absorption are sensitive to the level of in-plane constraint, with collapse dictated either by plastic buckling or by a travelling plastic knuckle mechanism. Drop weight tests have been performed at speeds of up to 6 m s-1, and an elevation in strength with impact velocity is noted. A 3D finite element shell model is needed in order to reproduce the observed behaviours. Additional calculations using an axisymmetric finite element model give the correct collapse modes but are less accurate than the more sophisticated 3D model. The finite element simulations suggest that the observed velocity dependence of strength is primarily due to strain-rate sensitivity of the aluminium sheet, with material inertia playing a negligible role. Finally, it is shown that the energy absorption capacity of the egg-box material is comparable to that of metallic foams. © 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Social interactions in classic cognitive games like the ultimatum game or the prisoner's dilemma typically lead to Nash equilibria when multiple competitive decision makers with perfect knowledge select optimal strategies. However, in evolutionary game theory it has been shown that Nash equilibria can also arise as attractors in dynamical systems that can describe, for example, the population dynamics of microorganisms. Similar to such evolutionary dynamics, we find that Nash equilibria arise naturally in motor interactions in which players vie for control and try to minimize effort. When confronted with sensorimotor interaction tasks that correspond to the classical prisoner's dilemma and the rope-pulling game, two-player motor interactions led predominantly to Nash solutions. In contrast, when a single player took both roles, playing the sensorimotor game bimanually, cooperative solutions were found. Our methodology opens up a new avenue for the study of human motor interactions within a game theoretic framework, suggesting that the coupling of motor systems can lead to game theoretic solutions.


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High-throughput DNA sequencing (HTS) instruments today are capable of generating millions of sequencing reads in a short period of time, and this represents a serious challenge to current bioinformatics pipeline in processing such an enormous amount of data in a fast and economical fashion. Modern graphics cards are powerful processing units that consist of hundreds of scalar processors in parallel in order to handle the rendering of high-definition graphics in real-time. It is this computational capability that we propose to harness in order to accelerate some of the time-consuming steps in analyzing data generated by the HTS instruments. We have developed BarraCUDA, a novel sequence mapping software that utilizes the parallelism of NVIDIA CUDA graphics cards to map sequencing reads to a particular location on a reference genome. While delivering a similar mapping fidelity as other mainstream programs , BarraCUDA is a magnitude faster in mapping throughput compared to its CPU counterparts. The software is also capable of supporting multiple CUDA devices in parallel to further accelerate the mapping throughput. BarraCUDA is designed to take advantage of the parallelism of GPU to accelerate the mapping of millions of sequencing reads generated by HTS instruments. By doing this, we could, at least in part streamline the current bioinformatics pipeline such that the wider scientific community could benefit from the sequencing technology. BarraCUDA is currently available at http://seqbarracuda.sf.net


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In application of the Balancing Domain Decomposition by Constraints (BDDC) to a case with many substructures, solving the coarse problem exactly becomes the bottleneck which spoils scalability of the solver. However, it is straightforward for BDDC to substitute the exact solution of the coarse problem by another step of BDDC method with subdomains playing the role of elements. In this way, the algorithm of three-level BDDC method is obtained. If this approach is applied recursively, multilevel BDDC method is derived. We present a detailed description of a recently developed parallel implementation of this algorithm. The implementation is applied to an engineering problem of linear elasticity and a benchmark problem of Stokes flow in a cavity. Results by the multilevel approach are compared to those by the standard (two-level) BDDC method.


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A scalable multi-channel optical regenerative bus architecture based on the use of polymer waveguides is presented for the first time. The architecture offers high-speed interconnection between electrical cards allowing regenerative bus extension with multiple segments and therefore connection of an arbitrary number of cards onto the bus. In a proof-ofprinciple demonstration, a 4-channel 3-card polymeric bus module is designed and fabricated on standard FR4 substrates. Low insertion losses (≤ -15 dB) and low crosstalk values (< -30 dB) are achieved for the fabricated samples while better than ± 6 μm -1 dB alignment tolerances are obtained. 10 Gb/s data communication with a bit-error-rate (BER) lower than 10-12 is demonstrated for the first time between card interfaces on two different bus modules using a prototype 3R regenerator. © 2012 Optical Society of America.


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Optical interconnects are increasingly considered for use in high-performance electronic systems. Multimode polymer waveguides are a promising technology for the formation of optical backplane as they enable cost-effective integration of optical links onto standard printed circuit boards. In this paper, two different types of polymer waveguide-based optical backplanes are presented. The first one implements a passive shuffle architecture enabling non-blocking on-board optical interconnection between different cards/modules, while the second one deploys a regenerative bus architecture allowing the interconnection of an arbitrary number of electrical cards over a common optical bus. The polymer materials and the multimode waveguide components used to form the optical backplanes are presented, while details of the interconnection architectures and design of the backplanes are described. Proof-of-principle demonstrators fabricated onto low-cost FR4 substrates, including a 10-card 1 Tb/s-capacity passive shuffle router and 4-channel 3-card polymeric bus modules, are reported and their optical performance characteristics are presented. Low-loss, low-crosstalk on-board interconnection is achieved and error-free (BER10 12) 10 Gb/s communication between different card/module interfaces is demonstrated in both polymeric backplane systems. © 2012 IEEE.


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The development of MEMS actuators is rapidly evolving and continuously new progress in terms of efficiency, power and force output is reported. Pneumatic and hydraulic are an interesting class of microactuators that are easily overlooked. Despite the 20 years of research, and hundreds of publications on this topic, these actuators are only popular in microfluidic systems. In other MEMS applications, pneumatic and hydraulic actuators are rare in comparison with electrostatic, thermal or piezo-electric actuators. However, several studies have shown that hydraulic and pneumatic actuators deliver among the highest force and power densities at microscale. It is believed that this asset is particularly important in modern industrial and medical microsystems, and therefore, pneumatic and hydraulic actuators could start playing an increasingly important role. This paper shows an in-depth overview of the developments in this field ranging from the classic inflatable membrane actuators to more complex piston-cylinder and drag-based microdevices. © 2010 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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Optical interconnects are increasingly considered for use in high-performance electronic systems. Multimode polymer waveguides are a promising technology for the formation of optical backplanes as they enable cost-effective integration of optical links onto standard printed circuit boards. In this paper, we present a 40 Gb/s optical backplane demonstrator based on the use of polymer multimode waveguides and a regenerative shared bus architecture. The system allows bus extension by cascading multiple polymeric bus modules through 3R regenerator units enabling the connection of an arbitrary number of electrical cards onto the bus. The proof-ofprinciple demonstrator reported here is formed with low-cost, commercially-available active devices and electronic components mounted on conventional FR4 substrates and achieves error-free 4×10 Gb/s optical interconnection between any two card interfaces on the bus. © 2013 IEEE.


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Optical technologies have received large interest in recent years for use in board-level interconnects. Polymer multimode waveguides in particular, constitute a promising technology for high-capacity optical backplanes as they can be cost-effectively integrated onto conventional printed circuit boards (PCBs). This paper presents the first optical backplane demonstrator based on the use of PCB-integrated polymer multimode waveguides and a regenerative shared bus architecture. The backplane demonstrator is formed with commercially-available low-cost electronic and photonic components onto conventional FR4 substrates and comprises two opto-electronic (OE) bus modules interconnected via a prototype regenerator unit. The system enables interconnection between the connected cards over four optical channels, each operating at 10 Gb/s. Bus extension is achieved by cascading OE bus modules via 3R regenerator units, overcoming therefore the inherent limitation of optical bus topologies in the maximum number of cards that can be connected to the bus. Details of the design, fabrication, and assembly of the different parts of this optical bus backplane are presented and related optical and data transmission characterisation studies are reported. The optical layer of the OE bus modules comprises a four-channel three-card waveguide layout that is compatible with VCSEL/PD arrays and ribbon fibres. All on-board optical paths exhibit insertion losses below 13 dB and intra-channel crosstalk lower than -29 dB. The robustness of the signal distribution from the bus inputs to all respective bus output ports in the presence of input misalignment is demonstrated, while 1 dB input alignment tolerances of approximately ±10 μm are obtained. The electrical layer of the OE bus modules comprises the essential driving circuitry for 1×4 VCSEL and PD arrays and the corresponding control and power regulation circuits. The interface between the optical and electrical layers of the bus modules is achieved with simple OE connectors that enable end-fired optical coupling into and out of the on-board polymer waveguides. The backplane demonstrator achieves error-free (BER < 10-12) 10 Gb/s data transmission over each optical channel, enabling therefore, an aggregate interconnection capacity of 40 Gb/s between any connected cards. © 1983-2012 IEEE.