59 resultados para Spatially


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We present a novel method to perform an accurate registration of 3-D nonrigid bodies by using phase-shift properties of the dual-tree complex wavelet transform (DT-CWT). Since the phases of DT-\BBCWT coefficients change approximately linearly with the amount of feature displacement in the spatial domain, motion can be estimated using the phase information from these coefficients. The motion estimation is performed iteratively: first by using coarser level complex coefficients to determine large motion components and then by employing finer level coefficients to refine the motion field. We use a parametric affine model to describe the motion, where the affine parameters are found locally by substituting into an optical flow model and by solving the resulting overdetermined set of equations. From the estimated affine parameters, the motion field between the sensed and the reference data sets can be generated, and the sensed data set then can be shifted and interpolated spatially to align with the reference data set. © 2011 IEEE.


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We demonstrate that surface stresses in epitaxially grown VO₂ nanowires (NWs) have a strong effect on the appearance and stability of intermediate insulating M₂ phases, as well as the spatial distribution of insulating and metallic domains during structural phase transitions. During the transition from an insulating M1 phase to a metallic R phase, the coexistence of insulating M₁ and M₂ phases with the absence of a metallic R phase was observed at atmospheric pressure. In addition, we show that, for a VO₂ NW without the presence of an epitaxial interface, surface stresses dominantly lead to spatially inhomogeneous phase transitions between insulating and metallic phases. In contrast, for a VO₂ NW with the presence of an epitaxial interface, the strong epitaxial interface interaction leads to additional stresses resulting in uniformly alternating insulating and metallic domains along the NW length.


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Detailed experimental investigations of the amplitude dependence of flame describing functions (FDF) were performed using a stratified swirl-stabilized combustor, in order to understand the combustion-acoustic interactions of CH4/air flames propagating into nonhomogeneous reactant stoichiometry. Phase-synchronized OH planar laser induced fluorescence (OH PLIF) measurements were used to investigate local reaction zone structures of forced flames. To determine the amplitude-and frequency-dependent forced flame response, simultaneous measurements of inlet velocity and heat release rate oscillations were made using a constant temperature anemometer and photomultiplier tubes with narrow-band OH*/CH* interference filters. The measurements were made over a wide range of stratification ratios, including inner stream enrichment ( θ o>θ i) and outer stream enrichment ( θ o>θ i)) conditions, and compared to the baseline condition of spatially and temporally homogeneous cases ( θ o=θ i)). Results show that for the inlet conditions investigated, fuel stratification has a significant influence on local and global flame structures of unforced and forced flames. Under stratified conditions, length scales of local contours were found to be much larger than the homogeneous case due to high kinematic viscosities associated with high temperature. Stratification has a remarkable effect on flame-vortex interactions when the flame is subjected to high-amplitude acoustic forcing, leading to different evolution patterns of FDF (amplitude and disturbance convective time) in response to the amplitude of the imposed inlet velocity oscillation. The present experimental investigation reveals that intentional stratification has the potential to eliminate or suppress the occurrence of detrimental combustion instability problems in lean-premixed gas turbine combustion systems. © 2012 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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This paper reports an extensive analysis of the defect-related localized emission processes occurring in InGaN/GaN-based light-emitting diodes (LEDs) at low reverse- and forward-bias conditions. The analysis is based on combined electrical characterization and spectrally and spatially resolved electroluminescence (EL) measurements. Results of this analysis show that: (i) under reverse bias, LEDs can emit a weak luminescence signal, which is directly proportional to the injected reverse current. Reverse-bias emission is localized in submicrometer-size spots; the intensity of the signal is strongly correlated to the threading dislocation (TD) density, since TDs are preferential paths for leakage current conduction. (ii) Under low forward-bias conditions, the intensity of the EL signal is not uniform over the device area. Spectrally resolved EL analysis of green LEDs identifies the presence of localized spots emitting at 600 nm (i.e., in the yellow spectral region), whose origin is ascribed to localized tunneling occurring between the quantum wells and the barrier layers of the diodes, with subsequent defect-assisted radiative recombination. The role of defects in determining yellow luminescence is confirmed by the high activation energy of the thermal quenching of yellow emission (Ea =0.64&eV). © 2012 IEEE.


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Globally unstable wakes with co-flow at intermediate Reynolds numbers are studied, to quantify important spatial regions for the development and control of the global instability. One region of high structural sensitivity is found close to the inlet for all wakes, in agreement with previous findings for cylinder wakes. A second, elongated region of high structural sensitivity is seen downstream of the first one for unconfined wakes at Re = 400. When base flow modifications are considered, a spatially oscillating sensitivity pattern is found inside the downstream high structural sensitivity region. This implies that the same change in the base flow can either destabilize or stabilize the flow, depending on the exact position where it is applied. It is shown that the sensitivity pattern remains unchanged for different choices of streamwise boundary conditions and numerical resolution. Actual base flow modifications are applied in selected configurations, and the linear global modes recomputed. It is confirmed that the linear global eigenvalues move according to the predicted sensitivity pattern for small amplitude base flow modifications, for which the theory applies. We also look at the implications of a small control cylinder on the flow. Only the upstream high sensitivity region proves to be robust in terms of control, but one should be careful not to disturb the flow in the downstream high sensitivity region, in order to achieve control. The findings can have direct implications on the numerical resolution requirements for wakes at higher Reynolds numbers. Furthermore, they provide one more possible explanation to why confined wakes have a more narrow frequency spectrum than unconfined wakes.


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A wide area and error free ultra high frequency (UHF) radio frequency identification (RFID) interrogation system based on the use of multiple antennas used in cooperation to provide high quality ubiquitous coverage, is presented. The system uses an intelligent distributed antenna system (DAS) whereby two or more spatially separated transmit and receive antenna pairs are used to allow greatly improved multiple tag identification performance over wide areas. The system is shown to increase the read accuracy of 115 passive UHF RFID tags to 100% from <60% over a 10m × 8m open plan office area. The returned signal strength of the tag backscatter signals is also increased by an average of 10dB and 17dB over an area of 10m 8m and 10m × 4m respectively. Furthermore, it is shown that the DAS RFID system has improved immunity to tag orientation. Finally, the new system is also shown to increase the tag read speed/rate of a population of tags compared with a conventional RFID system. © 2012 IEEE.


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The interaction between unsteady heat release and acoustic pressure oscillations in gas turbines results in self-excited combustion oscillations which can potentially be strong enough to cause significant structural damage to the combustor. Correctly predicting the interaction of these processes, and anticipating the onset of these oscillations can be difficult. In recent years much research effort has focused on the response of premixed flames to velocity and equivalence ratio perturbations. In this paper, we develop a flame model based on the socalled G-Equation, which captures the kinematic evolution of the flame surfaces, under the assumptions of axisymmetry, and ignoring vorticity and compressibility. This builds on previous work by Dowling [1], Schuller et al. [2], Cho & Lieuwen [3], among many others, and extends the model to a realistic geometry, with two intersecting flame surfaces within a non-uniform velocity field. The inputs to the model are the free-stream velocity perturbations, and the associated equivalence ratio perturbations. The model also proposes a time-delay calculation wherein the time delay for the fuel convection varies both spatially and temporally. The flame response from this model was compared with experiments conducted by Balachandran [4, 5], and found to show promising agreement with experimental forced case. To address the primary industrial interest of predicting self-excited limit cycles, the model has then been linked with an acoustic network model to simulate the closed-loop interaction between the combustion and acoustic processes. This has been done both linearly and nonlinearly. The nonlinear analysis is achieved by applying a describing function analysis in the frequency domain to predict the limit cycle, and also through a time domain simulation. In the latter case, the acoustic field is assumed to remain linear, with the nonlinearity in the response of the combustion to flow and equivalence ratio perturbations. A transfer function from unsteady heat release to unsteady pressure is obtained from a linear acoustic network model, and the corresponding Green function is used to provide the input to the flame model as it evolves in the time domain. The predicted unstable frequency and limit cycle are in good agreement with experiment, demonstrating the potential of this approach to predict instabilities, and as a test bench for developing control strategies. Copyright © 2011 by ASME.


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The numerical solution of problems in unbounded physical space requires a truncation of the computational domain to a reasonable size. As a result, the conditions on the artificial boundaries are generally unknown. Assumptions like constant pressure or velocities are only valid in the far field and lead to spurious reflections if applied on the boundaries of the truncated domain. A number of attempts have been made over the past decades to design conditions that prevent such reflections. One approach is based on characteristics. The standard analysis assumes a spatially uniform mean flow field but this is often impractical. In the present paper we show how to extend the formulation to the more general case of a non-uniform mean velocity field. A number of test cases are provided and our results compare favourably with other boundary conditions. In principle the present approach can be extended to include non-uniformities in all variables.


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This paper presents a long range and effectively error-free ultra high frequency (UHF) radio frequency identification (RFID) interrogation system. The system is based on a novel technique whereby two or more spatially separated transmit and receive antennas are used to enable greatly enhanced tag detection performance over longer distances using antenna diversity combined with frequency and phase hopping. The novel technique is first theoretically modelled using a Rician fading channel. It is shown that conventional RFID systems suffer from multi-path fading resulting in nulls in radio environments. We, for the first time, demonstrate that the nulls can be moved around by varying the phase and frequency of the interrogation signals in a multi-antenna system. As a result, much enhanced coverage can be achieved. A proof of principle prototype RFID system is built based on an Impinj R2000 transceiver. The demonstrator system shows that the new approach improves the tag detection accuracy from <50% to 100% and the tag backscatter signal strength by 10dB over a 20 m x 9 m area, compared with a conventional switched multi-antenna RFID system.


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A wide area and error free ultra high frequency (UHF) radio frequency identification (RFID) interrogation system based on the use of multiple antennas used in cooperation to provide high quality ubiquitous coverage, is presented. The system uses an intelligent distributed antenna system (DAS) whereby two or more spatially separated transmit and receive antenna pairs are used to allow greatly improved multiple tag identification performance over wide areas. The system is shown to increase the read accuracy of 115 passive UHF RFID tags to 100% from <60% over a 10m x 8m open plan office area. The returned signal strength of the tag backscatter signals is also increased by an average of 10dB and 17dB over an area of 10m x 8m and 10m x 4m respectively. Furthermore, it is shown that the DAS RFID system has improved immunity to tag orientation. Finally, the new system is also shown to increase the tag read speed/rate of a population of tags compared with a conventional RFID system.


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We report the remarkable diffraction effects produced from circular patterned arrays of multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs). Highly ordered circular arrays of multiwalled carbon nanotubes (with inter-nanotube spacings of 633 nm) display optical dispersion effects similar to compact discs. These arrays display remarkable diffraction patterns in the far field which are spatially continuous. High quality diffraction patterns were obtained experimentally which are in excellent agreement with the theoretical calculations. The achieved continuous diffraction patterns pave the way towards the utilization of engineered carbon nanotube arrays in applications like three dimensional holograms.


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Light metal sandwich panel structures with cellular cores have attracted interest for multifunctional applications which exploit their high bend strength and impact energy absorption. This concept has been explored here using a model 6061-T6 aluminum alloy system fabricated by friction stir weld joining extruded sandwich panels with a triangular corrugated core. Micro-hardness and miniature tensile coupon testing revealed that friction stir welding reduced the strength and ductility in the welds and a narrow heat affected zone on either side of the weld by approximately 30%. Square, edge clamped sandwich panels and solid plates of equal mass per unit area were subjected to localized impulsive loading by the impact of explosively accelerated, water saturated, sand shells. The hydrodynamic load and impulse applied by the sand were gradually increased by reducing the stand-off distance between the test charge and panel surfaces. The sandwich panels suffered global bending and stretching, and localized core crushing. As the pressure applied by the sand increased, face sheet fracture by a combination of tensile stretching and shear-off occurred first at the two clamped edges of the panels that were parallel with the corrugation and weld direction. The plane of these fractures always lay within the heat affected zone of the longitudinal welds. For the most intensively loaded panels additional cracks occurred at the other clamped boundaries and in the center of the panel. To investigate the dynamic deformation and fracture processes, a particle-based method has been used to simulate the impulsive loading of the panels. This has been combined with a finite element analysis utilizing a modified Johnson-Cook constitutive relation and a Cockcroft-Latham fracture criterion that accounted for local variation in material properties. The fully coupled simulation approach enabled the relationships between the soil-explosive test charge design, panel geometry, spatially varying material properties and the panel's deformation and dynamic failure responses to be explored. This comprehensive study reveals the existence of a strong instability in the loading that results from changes in sand particle reflection during dynamic evolution of the panel's surface topology. Significant fluid-structure interaction effects are also discovered at the sample sides and corners due to changes of the sand reflection angle by the edge clamping system. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We demonstrate the fabrication of horizontally aligned carbon nanotube (HA-CNT) networks by spatially programmable folding, which is induced by self-directed liquid infiltration of vertical CNTs. Folding is caused by a capillary buckling instability and is predicted by the elastocapillary buckling height, which scales with the wall thickness as t(3/2). The folding direction is controlled by incorporating folding initiators at the ends of the CNT walls, and the initiators cause a tilt during densification which precedes buckling. By patterning these initiators and specifying the wall geometry, we control the dimensions of HA-CNT patches over 2 orders of magnitude and realize multilayered and multidirectional assemblies. Multidirectional HA-CNT patterns are building blocks for custom design of nanotextured surfaces and flexible circuits.


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Restoring a scene distorted by atmospheric turbulence is a challenging problem in video surveillance. The effect, caused by random, spatially varying, perturbations, makes a model-based solution difficult and in most cases, impractical. In this paper, we propose a novel method for mitigating the effects of atmospheric distortion on observed images, particularly airborne turbulence which can severely degrade a region of interest (ROI). In order to extract accurate detail about objects behind the distorting layer, a simple and efficient frame selection method is proposed to select informative ROIs only from good-quality frames. The ROIs in each frame are then registered to further reduce offsets and distortions. We solve the space-varying distortion problem using region-level fusion based on the dual tree complex wavelet transform. Finally, contrast enhancement is applied. We further propose a learning-based metric specifically for image quality assessment in the presence of atmospheric distortion. This is capable of estimating quality in both full-and no-reference scenarios. The proposed method is shown to significantly outperform existing methods, providing enhanced situational awareness in a range of surveillance scenarios. © 1992-2012 IEEE.


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We perform polarization-resolved Raman spectroscopy on graphene in magnetic fields up to 45 T. This reveals a filling-factor-dependent, multicomponent anticrossing structure of the Raman G peak, resulting from magnetophonon resonances between magnetoexcitons and E2g phonons. This is explained with a model of Raman scattering taking into account the effects of spatially inhomogeneous carrier densities and strain. Random fluctuations of strain-induced pseudomagnetic fields lead to increased scattering intensity inside the anticrossing gap, consistent with the experiments. © 2013 American Physical Society.