12 resultados para Kinect simulink UDP C gesture UAV

em Biblioteca Digital de la Universidad Católica Argentina


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El objetivo principal es analizar las diferentes concepciones en torno al cambio en el mbito local y regional de San Carlos de Bariloche durante la dcada considerada paradigmtica por la historiografa general, esto es la de la dcada de 1930, perodo que contiene la llegada de la institucin que se erige como marca de identidad local, la Direccin de Parques Nacionales (en adelante, DPN). Para esto se plantean los siguientes objetivos especficos: a) Disear una indagacin desde tres perspectivas: la del Estado Nacional, materializada en la presencia de Parques Nacionales1 y su primer presidente Exequiel Bustillo; la de la localidad barilochense, encarnada en la figura del Ingeniero Emilio Frey; y la del coronel Jos Mara Sarobe, quien trae a colacin una visin regional patagnica integral a la luz de proyectos de desarrollo precedentes. b) Realizar un relevamiento de fuentes vinculadas a estas tres perspectivas que abrevan en: memorias personales, publicaciones oficiales, documentacin local, prensa y publicaciones especficas en torno a la regin. c) Analizar cada conjunto de fuentes. d) Integrar las distintas perspectivas a fin de avanzar hacia un anlisis complejo de la problemtica.


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Resumen: En un contexto comparativo se van a analizar los motivos que dieron inicio a la aparicin de estados monrquicos de gran territorialidad a finales del perodo arcaico en la periferia de la ecumene, Sicilia y bsporo cimrico. Sobre estas apariciones se va a tratar de presentar algunos argumentos que expliquen, por lo menos en parte, qu condujo a que estas polis se sometan en forma aparentemente voluntaria a un estado monrquico. Como hiptesis se plantea que los cimientos para este desarrollo van a manifestarse a fines del perodo arcaico como reaccin contra procesos externos y/o de tensin social interna. En ese marco, se van a presentar en este trabajo el contexto y los motivos, que puedan arrojar luz sobre las razones que dieron origen y llevaron a la estabilizacin de estas construcciones polticas.


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Resumen: Del mismo modo como hace no muchos aos la ciudadana europea se conmovi frente al planteo sobre las races cristianas en el momento de redactar la Constitucin de la Unin Europea, dando lugar a numerosos discursos sobre la necesidad de no olvidar la verdadera cultura y enseanza que haba ennoblecido al Viejo Mundo, hace casi un ao una sentencia proveniente de la Corte de Estrasburgo aplicable al Estado italiano, el caso Lautsi c. Italy, ha generado numerosas reacciones en diferentes sectores intelectuales permitiendo el desarrollo de notables argumentos que han intentado desenmascarar los verdaderos rostros que se encontraban velados detrs de los lugares comunes de la argumentacin jurdico-poltica de los ltimos dos siglos, especialmente los de laicidad, neutralidad, igualdad y libertad. De este modo la radicalizacin y desarrollo llevado al extremo de las premisas de la Ilustracin ha mostrado su real fisonoma y consecuencia. Para tal propsito el anlisis se concentra en la apelacin a la Grande Chambre presentada por el Estado italiano y los sucesivos aportes provenientes de la doctrina europea, especialmente a travs de valiosos Congresos y Jornadas dedicados a la problemtica.


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Abstract: The Museum of Natural History, La Plata, Argentina, houses a ceramic collection of the A-Group and C-Group cultures from Nubian tombs at Serra West (AA and ACS cemeteries), on the west bank of the Nile in Lower Nubia. It has been originated from the division after the excavations made by the Franco-Argentine Archaeological Expedition in Sudan between 1961 and 1963, as part of the UNESCO campaigns to save the Nubian monuments.


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Resumen: Este trabajo aborda la posibilidad de analizar las relaciones entre diferentes sociedades del noreste de frica y el Levante a travs del anlisis de los sistemas-mundo c. 19851640 a.C.


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Abstract: Although he is the most prolific writer of the Greek Anthology, Palladas life is almost unknown. But, in spite of the limited biographical data, his work has fortunately been preserved in the GA. Because of his literary creation, the old times rewarded him with the nickname , high, since the literary merits of a hundred poems of his authorship was recognized (others are discussed by critics). A dozen of them contains invaluable information about the political, religious and social situation in Alexandria immediately after the victory of the bishop Theophilus, Cyrils predecessor and uncle, during the conflict between Christians and Gentiles, each sector backed up by an Alexandrian population segment (cfr. 9.528, 10.82, 10.85) . Resigned at times, constantly demanding, Palladas complains about the decline of the belief professed by him due to the increasing penetration of the new faith. Therefore, four epigrams record the conversion of the temple of Tyche into a tavern (9.180-183) and 10.90 seems to attack the doctrine of the Resurrection. When religion and politics go hand-in-hand, when religious conspiracies link up with palace intrigues, consequences are predictable: a man called Doroteo denounced him for his negative response to the new dogma, which caused him the loss of his teacher paid work. His annoyance was even greater with further sufferings, chiefly economic, and he had to sell his books (9.171 and 9.175) among other desperate decisions Forewarned about his radical bitterness against Church, it is just to make clear that he is not fully acquiescent with ancient gods and heroes. Thus, in 5.257 he questions Zeus ars amandi, in 9.377 refutes Tantalus possibility of thirst and hunger in Hades and 9.773 mischievously points out that Eros has been changed into a pan. The work begins with the selection, personal translation and comprehensive analysis of twenty two epigrams. Through such philological aid, we attempt to verify the frictions and the main perceptible factors in his poetic creation to justify his worldview, according to the pagan sentiment widespread in that time before the twilight already overwhelming of its ailing traditions


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Resumen: Esta ocasin me brinda la oportunidad de realizar algo ms que un mero comentario a la Sentencia del Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos (TEDH), Costa y Pavan c/ Italia. Es decir, voy a esbozar una toma de postura prescriptiva contraria a la filosofa individualista de fondo del TEDH respecto al presente caso, en base a un discurso jurdico-filosfico. La frivolidad del TEDH a la hora de tratar algunos temas de biotica y bioderecho se enmarca en el uso de un lenguaje polticamente correcto y de cierto consenso pragmtico, recubierto en ocasiones de ropajes jurdico-formales, en lo concerniente al amplio artculo 8 del CEDH. Cuestiones vitales en la configuracin de la realidad humana que deben tratarse desde una ptica comprometida con uno mismo y con el tiempo que le ha tocado vivir. Con semejante punto de vista resulta clave otorgar a las palabras un contenido, pero sobre ello siempre subyace el miedo a que las palabras acaben diciendo lo que nosotros queramos que digan. En el mbito jurdico, en ocasiones, ese nosotros puede ser asumido por algn alto tribunal.


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Abstract: Focusing on Obadiah and Psalm 137, this article provides biblical evidence for an Edomite treaty betrayal of Judah during the Babylonian crisis ca. 588586 B.C.E. After setting a context that includes the use of treaties in the ancient Near East to establish expectations for political relationships and the likelihood that Edom could operate as a political entity in the Judahite Negev during the Babylonian assault, this article demonstrates that Obadiahs poetics include a density of inverted form and content (a reversal motif) pointing to treaty betrayal. Obadiahs modifications of Jeremiah 49, a text with close thematic and terminological parallels, evidence an Edomite treaty betrayal of Judah. Moreover, the study shows that Obadiah is replete with treaty allusions. A study of Psalm 137 in comparison with Aramaic treaty texts from Sefire reveals that this difficult psalm also evidences a treaty betrayal by Edom and includes elements appropriate for treaty curses. The article closes with a discussion of piecemeal data from a few other biblical texts, a criticism of the view that Edom was innocent during the Babylonian crisis, and a suggestion that this treaty betrayal may have contributed to the production of some anti-Edom biblical material.


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Abstract: In this article I want to show the negotiations of the Emperor Julian about recruitment and Anonna Militaris. I'm trying to develop some ideas on Julian's Military History during his time as a Cesar of Constantius II and as an Emperor. We are joying some arguments to understand his preparation for the military life


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Women and men are subjects defined both by their physical-natural reality and their socio-cultural environment. In this way they are reified, and many such examples can be found throughout history. We are interested in the situation of women in Ancient Mesopotamia, particularly the daughters of Zimr-Lm, king of the city of Mari, the archaeological site of Tell Hariri, modern Syria, during the 18th century BC. Zimr- Lm made marriages a policy of the state. He himself married foreign women and married their joint daughters to other important kings as well. This marital policy was another, more extended, way of dominion where women were a nexus between Mari and other states. In this paper, we will analyze the roles which were assigned and developed by royal women from a political level via a comprehensive approach. These women are presented generally as political objects, though, in extreme cases also they were taking forward actions as subjects and by it they were visualized as the other, the foreigner and, in some cases, the enemy.