8 resultados para GEOGRAFIA DEL TURISMO,02726,Economia - Sede di Rimini,0057,Economia del turismo,0032,,,,,,,2007,8

em Biblioteca Digital de la Universidad Católica Argentina


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Sumario -- Colaboraciones -- Iron Age Complex, Radiocarbon Dates and Edom: Working with the Data and Debates / Thomas E. Levy ; Mohammad Najjar ; Thomas Higham -- Some Notes on Inscriptional Genres and the Siloam Tunnel Inscription / Rochelle I. Altman -- Redistribution and Markets in the Economy of Ancient Mesopotamia: Updating Polanyi / Morris Silver -- De la evocación del pasado: la narrative bíblica y la historiografía clásica en comparación / Emanuel Pfoh -- Réalité et importance de la chasse dans les communautés halafiennes en Mésopotamie du Nord et au Levant Nord au VI millénaire avant J.-C. / Alain Gaulon -- “Lo que nuestros padres nos contaron” (Sal 78,3): el Antiguo Testamento y la Historia de Israel / Gabriel M. Nápole -- Mummy 61074: a Strange Case of Mistaken Identity / Shawn McAvoy -- The Pig´s Testimony / Gidi Yahalom -- Centro y Periferia en el Antiguo Israel: Nuevas aproximaciones a las prácticas funerarias del Calcolítico en la Planicie Costera / Amir Gorzalczany -- El Moderno Sistema-Mundo y la Evolución / Immanuel Wallerstein -- Reportes de excavación -- The Rope Cave at Mersa Gawasis: A Preliminary Report / André J. Veldmeijer & Chiara Zazzaro -- Reseñas bibliográficas


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Resumen: Los objetivos de este trabajo fueron: i) determinar el efecto de la salinidad y la alcalinidad sobre la germinación final y el tiempo al 50% de germinación (T50) de 4 cultivares de C. gayana y ii) estudiar las respuestas de plantas de C. gayana cv. Finecut a la salinidad y alcalinidad. Las semillas se incubaron durante 21 días en soluciones que contenían (mM) 0, 100 y 200 de NaCl combinadas con dos niveles de pH: 5,8 y 9,5. Las plantas se cultivaron en soluciones nutritivas que contenían (mM) 0 y 200 de NaCl y dos niveles de pH: 5,8 y 8,5. La combinación 0 mM de NaClpH= 5,8 se consideró el control en ambos experimentos. La germinación final y el T50 de todos los cultivares mostraron valores similares a los del control con 100 mM de NaCl y pH 9,5. Todos los cultivares cuadriplicaron el T50 en 200 mM de NaCl respecto del control, excepto Tolgar que sólo lo duplicó. En las mismas condiciones, el incremento del pH de 5,8 a 9,5 incrementó aún más el T50 de los cultivares Finecut, Tolgar y Katambora. El cultivo de plantas de C. gayana en una solución nutritiva con 200 mM de NaCl indujo la disminución del peso seco del vástago (29 %) y la raíz (49%), del contenido relativo de agua (6%), del contenido de K+ y Ca2+ y de la relación [K+] / [Na+] y el aumento de la relación V/R y del contenido de Na+ y Cl-, en relación a los valores de las plantas control. En cambio, el incremento del pH de 5,8 a 8,5 solamente indujo el aumento de la MFE (24%) y del contenido de Na+ del vástago de las plantas cultivadas en las soluciones sin agregado de NaCl. En conclusión, para condiciones similares a las existentes en las zonas marginales de la Cuenca del Salado (10 dSm-1 y pH  8,5), todos los cultivares de C. gayana evaluados mostraron porcentajes de germinación similares al control. La alcalinidad tuvo poco efecto sobre el crecimiento de las plantas de C. gayana cv. Finecut, ya sea en ausencia o presencia de NaCl en la solución nutritiva (0 y 200 mM, respectivamente). Por lo tanto, desde el punto de vista de la tolerancia a la alcalinidad, C. gayana podría mostrar un nivel de crecimiento adecuado en los suelos salino/alcalinos de la Cuenca del Salado.


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Abstract: Three early West Semitic inscriptions from the Arabah valley are studied here, all of them apparently connected with the Egyptian copper-mining activity in the region, notably at Timna, in the period of the Ramessides. The most striking detail in these texts is a sign corresponding to an Egyptian hieroglyph (N6B ) which depicts two serpents guarding the sun-disc, and another with one serpent (N6 , ); these never appear on conventional tables of early alphabetic letters; this leads to a critical reappraisal of current identifications of the original picture-signs, and elaboration of a new system of interpreting early Canaanite inscriptions, involving recognition that the signs could sometimes stand for whole words and could also be used as rebuses.


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Abstract: The Museum of Natural History, La Plata, Argentina, houses a ceramic collection of the A-Group and C-Group cultures from Nubian tombs at Serra West (AA and ACS cemeteries), on the west bank of the Nile in Lower Nubia. It has been originated from the division after the excavations made by the Franco-Argentine Archaeological Expedition in Sudan between 1961 and 1963, as part of the UNESCO campaigns to save the Nubian monuments.


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Abstract: Research on the Telepinu Myth (CTH 324) has shown that it is an inexhaustibly rich document and that therefore the different, and sometimes conflicting, lines of analysis need to be pursued further. In the light of the symbolic evidence presented by this mythological tradition, we propose to focus on the privileged position granted to spatial symbols and to hypothesize the function this Myth served in specific contexts of the Hittite history, characterized by the increase and reduction of lands under Hittite jurisdiction. In this regard, we propose to evaluate the symbolic function that the Telepinu Myth displayed in order to rebuild the sacred space of the territories governed by the Hittites, when they were undergoing changes brought about by increased political and military contact with neighboring societies.


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Abstract: Recent scholarship has shown that there is no solid archaeological or epigraphic evidence to deem the narratives about the rise to kingship of David and his son Solomon as reflecting the rise and consolidation of Israel as a Nation-State during the 10th century BCE. It is rather during the 9th century in the Palestinian highlands that we can find the emergence of a socio-political entity named Bīt Humri/ya or Israel in the contemporary archaeological and epigraphic records, but with an ambiguous character as a state. In this paper, it is suggested the possibility that the rise of such a polity and the constitution of an ethnogenesis are notably and directly related to the appearance of the Arabian network of exchanges in the early first millennium BCE in the Near East. Furthermore, from a critical point of view, one may suggest that there is no direct ethnic connection between the kingdoms of Israel and Judah and the later Jewish cults of Yahweh in Palestine.


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Abstract: During extensive salvage excavations carried out during the years 2004-2008 in a large Early Islamic industrial area at the vicinities of Ramla, in Central Israel, an unparalleled industrial device was unearthed. The star-shaped, soil embedded installation, whose lower part was preserved, consisted of a central pottery jar surrounded by five minor jars, linked by ceramic pipes. Evidence of heat was observed mainly around the central vessel, and metal hollow cones perforated in the tip were found inside the surrounding jars. Although the manufacturing procedures and operation techniques of the installation are not completely clear, it is proposed that the installation is part of an industrial workshop or an alchemy laboratory. Both industry and alchemy were well-developed during the Early Islamic period and very often closely related, to the point that sometimes it is difficult to distinguish between them. The identification proposed is based on comparisons with tools described in literary sources, and somewhat later drawings and etchings. Circumstantial ceramic evidence was found, as well as the proximity of a bathhouse whose guests could have been the consumers of perfumes and unguents seem to reinforce this possibility. Due to the poor state of preservation of the device and the lack of available comparisons, the identification proposed here is tentative, and future research coupled with eventual new discoveries is needed in order to clarify this matter.


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Abstract: When Qohelet declares “there is nothing new under the sun,” his own words are no exception. It has been known for a century now that not all of Qohelet’s material is original to his own genius, and the idea that Qohelet is directly dependent on a literary source(s) is standard fare. The hallmark example continues to be Siduri the alewife’s advice to Gilgamesh which displays remarkable correspondence with Ecclesiastes 9: 7-9. However, what may have been construed as an instance of clear literary dependency a century ago cannot be maintained in light of the data that continues to emerge from the ancient Near East. New sources have risen that contend with the Gilgamesh Epic, and there has yet to emerge a definitive victor. This paper calls into question the very idea that Qohelet was directly dependent on a literary precursor and joins with a few select voices both past and present in suggesting an alternate interpretation of the data.