8 resultados para Âge du bronze

em Biblioteca Digital de la Universidad Católica Argentina


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Résumé: Le travail collaboratif s’invite à présent partout, et est identifié dans des domaines aussi multiples que variés. Dans le monde de l’entreprise, de la prise en charge médico-sociale, de l’éducation / formation, de la recherche, de l’économie, de la politique, de la gestion de carrière… etc. Ce travail vise dans un premier temps à décliner ce qu’est la collaboration, ses caractéristiques, ses contextes d’utilisation, et la façon dont elle se différencie des autres formes d’organisation (coopération et compétition notamment). Dans un deuxième temps, il réexamine la question de la nouveauté du travail collaboratif à la lumière des résultats obtenus. S’il est assez évident que les « ingrédients », les attributs du travail collaboratif ne sont pas nouveaux (le développement informatique mis à part), il semble en revanche que les combinaisons rencontrées et les domaines d’application génèrent de nouvelles questions. Pour finir, en s’inspirant des termes associés à collaboration, il considère quelques-uns des nouveaux enjeux dans la sphère professionnelle.


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The 30,000 km2 province of Luristan is situated in western Iran and encompasses the upper valleys of the Zagros Mountains. Even today, local tribesmen inhabit Luristan with their settlement patterns similar to ancient times. Several scientific excavations in the Luristan region have uncovered evidence that this particular region was a major attraction for human settlements from the Paleolithic era onwards. In Ancient Iran, the existence of rich mines together with discoveries made by innovative and inventive artisans spurred the growth of the metalworking culture as an art and a skill among early human communities in Ancient Iran. The art of Luristan can be described as the art of nomadic herdsmen and horsemen with an emphasis on the crafting of small, easily portable objects, among these a number of bronze daggers, swords and other weapons. Throughout its history, Luristan was never an ethnic or political entity because Luristan has been occupied by various tribes and races, throughout its history. Next to Elamites, other tribes who inhabited Luristan were the Hurrians, Lullubians, Kutians, and Kassites. As local tribesmen of Luristan were illiterate, information about their history can only be partially reconstructed from the literature of their southern neighbors: the Elamites and Babylonians. Luristan smiths made weapons for both civilizations. The region was later invaded by Assyrians and finally the Iranians settled the area and absorbed the local tribes. Following an accidental find by the local inhabitants in Luristan in 1928 CE, a number of unlawful diggings reveal a number of metal objects made of bronze and iron that showed a high level of craftsmanship. These objects were offered for sale on the art market with fancy names to hide their origin. The subsequent scientific excavations several decades after the initial discovery provided fascinating information about the culture of Luristan. The metalworking art of Luristan spans a time period from the third millennium BC to the Iron Age. The artifacts from Luristan seem to possess many unique and distinctive qualities, and are especially noteworthy for the apparently endless, intricate diversity and detail that they characteristically depict. The bronze artifacts found in or attributed to Luristan can be each be classed under five separate heads: a) arms and armor, including swords, dirks, daggers, axes, mace heads, spearheads, shields, quiver plaques, protective bronze girdles, helmets; b) implements related to horsemanship, including decorative or ornamental objects for horses as well as bits and snaffles; c) items for personal adornment and hygiene, including anklets, bangles, bracelets, finger rings, earrings and tweezers; d) ceremonial and ritual objects, including talismans, idols, pins, anthropomorphic and zoomorphic figurines; and e) utilitarian objects comprising various vessels and tools, including beakers, bowls and jugs. The scope of this article is limited to a discussion of the bronze and iron weapons made in Luristan. The techniques used for making bronze weapons in Luristan included: casting with open molds, casting with close molds, and casting with lost wax process. For metal sheets used for quiver plaques and bronze protective belts, the hammering technique was used. Edged weapons made in Luristan can be classified into: a) daggers, dirks, and swords with tangs; b) daggers, dirks, and swords with flanges; and c) daggers, dirks, and swords with cast-on hilts. Next to bronze, iron was also used for making weapons such as the characteristic weapon from this area, the iron mask sword.


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Abstract: The Mittanian zoomorphic vessels from Nuzi, Tell Brak, Tell al-Rimah and other sites allow the creation of a significant database for analysis based on typological criteria as well as spatial distribution. This class of materials is attested in several areas of the ancient Near East from the Late Calcholitic and still produced until the Mittanian age and thereafter. Most of the finds come from temples or domestic contexts and they can be now securely dated, while their spatial distribution can be properly investigated. Lion representations seem to predominate, but pigs and other animals appear as well. The exact function and meaning of these vessels are difficult to ascertain, nevertheless, in most cases, they are probably related to cultic practices performed throughout the Mittanian Empire.


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Résumé: A l’heure où l’on évoque une “génération précaire” il est intéressant de s’interroger sur l’accroissement de la précarité de l’emploi en France et d’étudier ses éventuels effets sur les salariés. L’objectif de la présente recherche était d’observer les impacts causés par la précarité de l’emploi sur une population de référence et voir si ces effets différaient selon le sexe du salarié soumis à la précarité. Pour ce faire, nous avons soumis un questionnaire à deux groupes de travailleurs. Ce dernier portait sur la précarité de l’emploi et ses impacts en termes de stress, consommation de substances et impacts sur la sphère privée. Les résultats font apparaître des effets significatifs et des tendances qui existent sur certaines des dimensions interrogées (stress et consommation) entre le groupe de travailleurs précaires et non précaires. De plus, des effets entre hommes et femmes ont également été relevés. Par contre, nous n’avons pas d’effets observés sur la sphère privée de l’individu. Suite à l’absence d’effet constaté nous interrogeons la spécificité de la population. Aussi, nous envisageons de prolonger cette étude sur la recherche d’indicateurs concernant la précarité enseignante. Mots clés: précarité professionnelle, précarité du travail, précarité de l’emploi, travailleurs précaires, inégalités hommes femmes, stress, substances addictives, impact vie hors travail


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Resumen: La prolongación de la edad y el aumento de la expectativa de vida han hecho surgir nuevas necesidades de atención para las personas ancianas y ello ha inducido a la ampliación de las prestaciones de servicios a domicilio. En este sentido, el trabajo de estos profesionales de intervención a domicilio, así como sus misiones, están en plena mutación. Es un sector con dificultades, debido a la dificultad de reclutar un personal especializado y al absentismo inquietante. Después de un análisis sobre el estado de este sector de la profesión en el que se establece la diferencia entre el enfoque físico y el psicológico sobre la salud, nuestra reflexión se centra en los riesgos psicosociales de esta población de profesionales. Se presentan los resultados preliminares de la investigación realizada con una muestra de 38 personas que ejercían laboralmente en este sector. Emerge la expresión de un sufrimiento emocional, en la que el aislamiento de los participantes es uno de los factores que caracterizan los oficios identificados con una fuerte dimensión relacional con personas vulnerables. La dimensión asistencial del trabajo se presenta como fuente de satisfacción del oficio pero, a su vez, puede conducir a una dificultad de gestionar acontecimientos no previstos


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Trade and relations between the southern Levant and other regions of the Near East (mainly Egypt) during the Early Bronze Age (ca. 3,600–2,300 BC) have been the subject of many studies. Research concerning the exchange of local commodities was almost ignored or was discussed in parochial studies, focusing on specific archaeological finds. It is the intention of this paper to present the results of recent research of the exchange of commodities provided by archaeological data from excavations in the Southern Levant with regard to economic theories on the exchange-value of goods and exchange networks. Conclusions regarding the type of society and the forms of government in the Southern Levant during the Early Bronze Age are also presented.