71 resultados para Civilización antigua
Abstract: Focusing on Obadiah and Psalm 137, this article provides biblical evidence for an Edomite treaty betrayal of Judah during the Babylonian crisis ca. 588–586 B.C.E. After setting a context that includes the use of treaties in the ancient Near East to establish expectations for political relationships and the likelihood that Edom could operate as a political entity in the Judahite Negev during the Babylonian assault, this article demonstrates that Obadiah’s poetics include a density of inverted form and content (a reversal motif) pointing to treaty betrayal. Obadiah’s modifications of Jeremiah 49, a text with close thematic and terminological parallels, evidence an Edomite treaty betrayal of Judah. Moreover, the study shows that Obadiah is replete with treaty allusions. A study of Psalm 137 in comparison with Aramaic treaty texts from Sefire reveals that this difficult psalm also evidences a treaty betrayal by Edom and includes elements appropriate for treaty curses. The article closes with a discussion of piecemeal data from a few other biblical texts, a criticism of the view that Edom was innocent during the Babylonian crisis, and a suggestion that this treaty betrayal may have contributed to the production of some anti-Edom biblical material.
An unpublished tablet from the archive of Šumā descendant of Nappāu contains a possible Arabic personal name. The treatment of non-Babylonian personal names in this tablet and CTMMA 3 6 from the same archive differs from the treatment of Babylonian names suggesting that the scribe distinguished between the kin-groupaffiliated Babylonians and the non-Babylonians who lacked such affiliations.
El siglo segundo de nuestra época se caracterizó por una cierta complacencia en la grandeza de la civilización romana, en su poder y la seguridad que ofrecía. Era un tiempo de prosperidad; se fundaron escuelas en diversas ciudades de las provincias del imperio. El emperador Marco Aurelio estableció en Atenas una universidad internacional con cuatro cátedras, una para cada una de las cuatro grandes escuelas de filosofía. Hubo también un renacimiento de los estudios de medicina, de astronomía y de óptica. Pero, por otra parte, los estudios no se caracterizaban por su originalidad. Apenas se produjeron ideas verdaderamente nuevas. Pero, en cuanto a la vida religiosa se podía observar un interés mayor en la religión, sobre todo en el deseo de hacer una experiencia personal de lo que se pensaba que era lo divino. La religión imperial exigía solamente una cierta lealtad y presentaba una mezcla de dioses de los que no se sabía bien qué eran y, mientras que los filósofos no daban explicaciones satisfactorias de las cuestiones sobre la naturaleza de la divinidad, la gente iba a buscar respuestas en otra parte y estaba deseosa de revelaciones...
Women and men are subjects defined both by their physical-natural reality and their socio-cultural environment. In this way they are reified, and many such examples can be found throughout history. We are interested in the situation of women in Ancient Mesopotamia, particularly the daughters of Zimrî-Lîm, king of the city of Mari, the archaeological site of Tell Hariri, modern Syria, during the 18th century BC. Zimrî- Lîm made marriages a policy of the state. He himself married foreign women and married their joint daughters to other important kings as well. This marital policy was another, more extended, way of dominion where women were a nexus between Mari and other states. In this paper, we will analyze the roles which were assigned and developed by royal women from a political level via a comprehensive approach. These women are presented generally as political objects, though, in extreme cases also they were taking forward actions as subjects and by it they were visualized as “the other,” the foreigner and, in some cases, the enemy.
Abstract: I will focus on the Roman Empire during the final years of the 2nd century A.D., which are considered by Classical Historiography as critical. This epithet is based on the detection of estructural and circumstancial changes linked to state power’s concept. Emperor Pertinax’s murder in 193 can be understood as the trigger of the civil war extended up to the year 197. During those years the tutelary of state power was jeopardized, when four Emperors were crowned at the same time. By the time this struggle ended, Lucius Septimius Severus was recognized as the victorious general and the first of his name in the new dynastic line. Considering these facts, it is the purpose of my work to analize the rising figure of Septimius Severus, from civil war’s clashing context through which the Emperial legitimacy had to be set.
Presentación / La Dirección -- Tomás de Aquino, maestro de vida social / Eduardo Briancesco -- “Fidei infusio” y revelación den Santo Tomás de Aquino / Ricardo Ferrara -- La Ley eterna en la teología de Santo Tomás / Domingo M. Basso -- Ley antigua y culto. Los preceptos ceremoniales de la Ley Antigua en la Suma Teológica de Santo Tomás de Aquino / Osvaldo D. Santagada -- La religión y el actuar humano en la Suma Teológica de Santo Tomás de Aquino / Román Bustinza -- El arte del bien pensar. Discurso en el Congreso Internacional Tomista / Pablo VI -- Santo Tomás de Aquino y los problemas fundamentales de nuestro tiempo. Congreso Internacional en el VII Centenario de su muerte / Ricardo Ferrara -- El acontecimiento, lugar teológico / Juan Carlos Scannone -- Notas bibliográficas -- Libros recibidos -- Índice del Tomo XI
Resumen: Este artículo explora aspectos de la vida cotidiana en la colonia judía de Elefantina (siglo V AEC) en la frontera sureste de Egipto. Centrado en la historia de su descubrimiento y publicación, son considerados los orígenes de la colonia, el estatus de sus miembros así como las prácticas religiosas y legales de los colonos judíos tal como lo reflejan sus documentos.
Resumen: Luego de exponer las posibilidades filosóficas que las geometrías abren a las orientaciones de nuevos espacios, el artículo considera los procedimientos euclidianos y la conexión con las geometrías no-euclidianas. Hay muchas posiciones acerca de las bases filosóficas de las distintas geometrías. Hay además formulaciones muy importantes, desde la gnoseología a la ontología, respecto de las extensiones métricas de la alta geometría.