24 resultados para wind power plants
Coal-fired power plants may enjoy a significant advantage relative to gas plants in terms of cheaper fuel cost. Still, this advantage may erode or even turn into disadvantage depending on CO2 emission allowance price. This price will presumably rise in both the Kyoto Protocol commitment period (2008-2012) and the first post-Kyoto years. Thus, in a carbon-constrained environment, coal plants face financial risks arising in their profit margins, which in turn hinge on their so-called "clean dark spread". These risks are further reinforced when the price of the output electricity is determined by natural gas-fired plants' marginal costs, which differ from coal plants' costs. We aim to assess the risks in coal plants' margins. We adopt parameter values estimated from empirical data. These in turn are derived from natural gas and electricity markets alongside the EU ETS market where emission allowances are traded. Monte Carlo simulation allows to compute the expected value and risk profile of coal-based electricity generation. We focus on the clean dark spread in both time periods under different future scenarios in the allowance market. Specifically, bottom 5% and 10% percentiles are derived. According to our results, certain future paths of the allowance price may impose significant risks on the clean dark spread obtained by coal plants.
EuroPES 2009
The efficiency of the wind power conversions systems can be greatly improved using an appropriate control algorithm. In this work, a sliding mode control for variable speed wind turbine that incorporates a doubly fed induction generator is described. The electrical system incorporates a wound rotor induction machine with back-to-back three phase power converter bridges between its rotor and the grid. In the presented design the so-called vector control theory is applied, in order to simplify the electrical equations. The proposed control scheme uses stator flux-oriented vector control for the rotor side converter bridge control and grid voltage vector control for the grid side converter bridge control. The stability analysis of the proposed sliding mode controller under disturbances and parameter uncertainties is provided using the Lyapunov stability theory. Finally simulated results show, on the one hand, that the proposed controller provides high-performance dynamic characteristics, and on the other hand, that this scheme is robust with respect to the uncertainties that usually appear in the real systems.
In this paper we analyze the valuation of options stemming from the flexibility in an Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) Power Plant. First we use as a base case the opportunity to invest in a Natural Gas Combined Cycle (NGCC) Power Plant, deriving the optimal investment rule as a function of fuel price and the remaining life of the right to invest. Additionally, the analytical solution for a perpetual option is obtained. Second, the valuation of an operating IGCC Power Plant is studied, with switching costs between states and a choice of the best operation mode. The valuation of this plant serves as a base to obtain the value of the option to delay an investment of this type. Finally, we derive the value of an opportunity to invest either in a NGCC or IGCC Power Plant, that is, to choose between an inflexible and a flexible technology, respectively. Numerical computations involve the use of one- and two-dimensional binomial lattices that support a mean-reverting process for the fuel prices. Basic parameter values refer to an actual IGCC power plant currently in operation.
Modern wind turbines are designed in order to work in variable speed opera-tions. To perform this task, these turbines are provided with adjustable speed generators, like the double feed induction generator (DFIG). One of the main advantages of adjustable speed generators is improving the system efficiency compared with _xed speed generators, because turbine speed can be adjusted as a function of wind speed in order to maximize the output power. However, this system requires a suitable speed controller in order to track the optimal reference speed of the wind turbine. In this work, a sliding mode control for variable speed wind turbines is proposed. The proposed design also uses the vector oriented control theory in order to simplify the DFIG dynamical equations. The stability analysis of the proposed controller has been carried out under wind variations and pa-rameter uncertainties using the Lyapunov stability theory. Finally, the simulated results show on the one hand that the proposed controller provides a high-performance dynamic behavior, and on the other hand that this scheme is robust with respect to parameter uncertainties and wind speed variations, which usually appear in real systems.
Presentado en el 13th WSEAS International Conference on Automatic Control, Modelling and Simulation, ACMOS'11
EFTA 2009
(EuroPES 2009)
4 p.
23 p.
261 p.
[ES]Este trabajo de fin de grado (TFG) pretende analizar la evolución de la demanda en el sistema eléctrico peninsular y la potencia disponible para decidir si, en el medio plazo, será necesario incorporar nueva potencia o prescindir de alguna de las centrales existentes. El estudio considerará tanto fuentes de energía renovables como no renovables, centrándose en la necesidad, o no, de incorporar nueva potencia eólica. El TFG considerará los siguientes aspectos: el contexto energético de la península española, el análisis de la situación actual y previsiones. Este TFG responde a la necesidad de realizar una buena gestión energética con el objetivo reducir las emisiones de CO2 mejorando el uso de la energía eólica y optimizando el mix energético.
[ES]El proyecto consiste en el estudio de las necesidades energéticas de las bombas de una central hidráulica y la construcción de un parque eólico para satisfacer dichas necesidades. Para ello será necesario llevar a cabo un estudio del área y así encontrar el lugar más adecuado para ubicar los aerogeneradores, teniendo en cuenta la frecuencia, velocidad y dirección de los vientos predominantes del lugar. Después habrá que estudiar el mercado y elegir el aerogenerador adecuado para las condiciones del lugar y del viento, atendiendo también a otras cuestiones de relevancia. Se estudiará, además, la posibilidad de inyectar un posible exceso de electricidad a la red general. Una vez hecho esto, habrá que calcular el coste del proyecto.
[ES]de generación convencional basada en grandes centrales de generación térmica por lo que es necesaria la contribución de este tipo de generación en el mantenimiento de las magnitudes básicas del sistema. El objetivo del T.F.G, será analizar el impacto de la generación eólica en la frecuencia del sistema, así como las diferentes propuestas para que este tipo de generación participe en el control de frecuencia. En primer lugar se describen los aspectos técnicos de la generación eólica. A continuación se analiza el control de frecuencia y se examinan diferentes mecanismos de contribución de la generación eólica al control de frecuencia. Finalmente se realizará un ejemplo práctico mediante el programa de simulación Matlab/Simulink con objeto de analizar de forma simplificada el comportamiento de control de frecuencia en sistemas eléctricos con generación eólica.