10 resultados para sanitary inspection


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Background Protein inference from peptide identifications in shotgun proteomics must deal with ambiguities that arise due to the presence of peptides shared between different proteins, which is common in higher eukaryotes. Recently data independent acquisition (DIA) approaches have emerged as an alternative to the traditional data dependent acquisition (DDA) in shotgun proteomics experiments. MSE is the term used to name one of the DIA approaches used in QTOF instruments. MSE data require specialized software to process acquired spectra and to perform peptide and protein identifications. However the software available at the moment does not group the identified proteins in a transparent way by taking into account peptide evidence categories. Furthermore the inspection, comparison and report of the obtained results require tedious manual intervention. Here we report a software tool to address these limitations for MSE data. Results In this paper we present PAnalyzer, a software tool focused on the protein inference process of shotgun proteomics. Our approach considers all the identified proteins and groups them when necessary indicating their confidence using different evidence categories. PAnalyzer can read protein identification files in the XML output format of the ProteinLynx Global Server (PLGS) software provided by Waters Corporation for their MSE data, and also in the mzIdentML format recently standardized by HUPO-PSI. Multiple files can also be read simultaneously and are considered as technical replicates. Results are saved to CSV, HTML and mzIdentML (in the case of a single mzIdentML input file) files. An MSE analysis of a real sample is presented to compare the results of PAnalyzer and ProteinLynx Global Server. Conclusions We present a software tool to deal with the ambiguities that arise in the protein inference process. Key contributions are support for MSE data analysis by ProteinLynx Global Server and technical replicates integration. PAnalyzer is an easy to use multiplatform and free software tool.


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[EN]Fundación Zain is developing new built heritage assessment protocols. The goal is to objectivize and standardize the analysis and decision process that leads to determining the degree of protection of built heritage in the Basque Country. The ultimate step in this objectivization and standardization effort will be the development of an information and communication technology (ICT) tool for the assessment of built heritage. This paper presents the ground work carried out to make this tool possible: the automatic, image-based delineation of stone masonry. This is a necessary first step in the development of the tool, as the built heritage that will be assessed consists of stone masonry construction, and many of the features analyzed can be characterized according to the geometry and arrangement of the stones. Much of the assessment is carried out through visual inspection. Thus, this process will be automated by applying image processing on digital images of the elements under inspection. The principal contribution of this paper is the automatic delineation the framework proposed. The other contribution is the performance evaluation of this delineation as the input to a classifier for a geometrically characterized feature of a built heritage object. The element chosen to perform this evaluation is the stone arrangement of masonry walls. The validity of the proposed framework is assessed on real images of masonry walls.


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215 p.


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La revista permite a los autores reutilizar su fichero para depositarlo en su web o repositorio institucional, sin ánimo de lucro y mencionando la fuente original.


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[ES]En el mundo de la aeronáutica cada vez más se utilizan materiales de alta dureza y baja maquinabilidad. Por ello la necesidad de utilización de métodos de fabricación no convencionales de mecanizado. Para la fabricación de los Blisks, la electroerosión resulta un proceso ventajoso frente a otros procesos. En este trabajo se va llevar a cabo las etapas de puesta a punto de utillajes, mecanizado y control dimensional de los álabes mecanizados.


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[ES]El presente trabajo consiste en el análisis exergético de una planta experimental con microcogeneración diseñada para satisfacer la demanda de agua caliente sanitaria de un bloque de viviendas. El ACS la generan una caldera con producción de energía térmica variable y una unidad de microcogneración que produce 5 kW eléctricos y 12 kW térmicos. El análisis exergético que se realiza en el trabajo permite determinar la eficiencia del uso que se hace del combustible, y compararla con la de una planta convencional.


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LABURPENA: Lan honetan Burdinola S.Coop.-ko pertsonen kudeaketa aztertuko da, giza baliabideen zuzendaritzaren ikuspuntutik, alegia. Horrela, organizazioetan giza baliabideek zenbaterainoko garrantzia daukaten erakutsi nahi da. Izan ere, alor horretan ezarritako helburu nahiz estrategiek erakundeko helburu orokorrak lortzea errazten dute. Hasteko lanean murgiltzeko balio duen sarrera labur bat, helburuak eta erabilitako metodologiaren zehaztapena egingo da. Ondoren, Burdinola kooperatiba aurkeztuko da eta segidan giza baliabideen ikuspuntutik kanpo zein barne analisia burutuko dira, azkenean AMIA matrize batean ideiak islatuz. Ildo beretik, giza baliabideen helburuak eta estrategiak diseinatuko dira, estrategien ikuskaritza eta ebaluazioa dakartenak loturik. Amaitzeko ondorio nagusienak planteatuko dira, erreferentzi bibliografiko eta eranskinez gain.


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[ES]Este trabajo consiste en el análisis y dimensionamiento de una planta de biomasa que utiliza cardo procedente de cultivo energético para la generación de 3 MWe y la energía térmica suficiente para garantizar ACS (agua caliente sanitaria) y calefacción, mediante un sistema de district heating, a unos pocos miles de habitantes.


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[EN]Hyperventilation, which is common both in-hospital and out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, decreases coronary and cerebral perfusion contributing to poorer survival rates in both animals and humans. Current resucitation guidelines recommend continuous monitoring of exhaled carbon dioxide (CO2) during cardiopulmonary resucitation (CPR) and emphasize good quality of CPR, including ventilations at 8-10 min1. Most of commercial monitors/de- brilators incorporate methods to compute the respiratory rate based on capnography since it shows uctuations caused by ventilations. Chest compressions may induce artifacts in this signal making the calculation of the respiratory rate di cult. Nevertheless, the accuracy of these methods during CPR has not been documented yet. The aim of this project is to analyze whether the capnogram is reliable to compute ventilation rate during CPR. A total of 91 episodes, 63 out-of-hospital cardiac arrest episodes ( rst database) and 28 in-hospital cardiac arrest episodes (second database) were used to develop an algorithm to detect ventilations in the capnogram, and the nal aim is to provide an accurate ventilation rate for feedback purposes during CPR. Two graphic user interfaces were developed to make the analysis easier and another two were adapted to carry out this project. The use of this interfaces facilitates the managment of the databases and the calculation of the algorithm accuracy. In the rst database, as gold standard every ventilation was marked by visual inspection of both the impedance, which shows uctuations with every ventilation, and the capnography signal. In the second database, volume of the respiratory ow signal was used as gold standard to mark ventilation instants since it is not a ected by chest compressions. The capnogram was preprocessed to remove high frequency noise, and the rst di erence was computed to de ne the onset of inspiration and expiration. Then, morphological features were extracted and a decission algorithm built based on the extracted features to detect ventilation instants. Finally, ventilation rate was calculated using the detected instants of ventilation. According to the results obtained in this project, the capnogram can be reliably used to give feedback ventilation rate, and therefore, on hyperventilation in a resucitation scenario.


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Fundacion Zain is developing new built heritage assessment protocols. The goal is to objectivize and standardize the analysis and decision process that leads to determining the degree of protection of built heritage in the Basque Country. The ultimate step in this objectivization and standardization effort will be the development of an information and communication technology (ICT) tool for the assessment of built heritage. This paper presents the ground work carried out to make this tool possible: the automatic, image-based delineation of stone masonry. This is a necessary first step in the development of the tool, as the built heritage that will be assessed consists of stone masonry construction, and many of the features analyzed can be characterized according to the geometry and arrangement of the stones. Much of the assessment is carried out through visual inspection. Thus, this process will be automated by applying image processing on digital images of the elements under inspection. The principal contribution of this paper is the automatic delineation the framework proposed. The other contribution is the performance evaluation of this delineation as the input to a classifier for a geometrically characterized feature of a built heritage object. The element chosen to perform this evaluation is the stone arrangement of masonry walls. The validity of the proposed framework is assessed on real images of masonry walls.