16 resultados para machine tool


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[ES]Los objetivos del siguiente trabajo consisten en analizar e optimizar el proceso del torneado en duro del acero ASP-23 indagando de especial manera en la realización de diferentes soluciones para brochas. En este caso, este proyecto nace de la importancia de reducir así como los costes económicos y los costes temporales de fabricación de elementos basados en el acero ASP-23 mediante el torneado en duro; proceso de mecanizado, cuya importancia cada vez es mayor como en las industrias de automoción o aeronáutica. El desarrollo del proyecto es fruto de la necesidad de EKIN S. Coop, uno de los líderes en los procesos de máquina-herramienta de alta precisión para el brochado, de desarrollar un proceso de mecanizado más eficaz de las brochas que produce. Así en el aula máquina-herramienta (ETSIB) se han intentado demostrar los beneficios que tiene el torneado en duro en el mecanizado del ASP-23. Hoy en día, con el rápido desarrollo de nuevos materiales, los procesos de fabricación se están haciendo cada vez más complejos, por la amplia variedad de maquinas con las que se realizan los procesos, por la variedad de geometría/material de las herramientas empleadas, por las propiedades del material de la pieza a mecanizar, por los parámetros de corte tan variados con los que podemos implementar el proceso (profundidad de corte, velocidad, alimentación...) y por la diversidad de elementos de sujeción utilizados. Además debemos ser conscientes de que tal variedad implica grandes magnitudes de deformaciones, velocidades y temperaturas. He aquí la justificación y el gran interés en el proyecto a realizar. Por ello, en este proyecto intentamos dar un pequeño paso en el conocimiento del proceso del torneado en duro de aceros con poca maquinabilidad, siendo conscientes de la amplia variedad y dificultad del avance en la ingeniería de fabricación y del mucho trabajo que queda por hacer.


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[ES]El objetivo de este proyecto es validar experimentalmente una serie de modelos que caracterizan el comportamiento de un accionamiento de máquina herramienta de husillo a bolas. El proyecto aparece como respuesta a un problema de precisión que se percibe en máquinas herramienta con pórticos y columnas verticales de varios metros. Para ello, es necesario diseñar un prototipo de esta máquina herramienta y un modelo de 3 grados de libertad (con un programa numérico y un simulador). Este modelo debe ser validado por medidas internas y externas para predecir como una columna real actuaria bajo condiciones predeterminadas.


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Castellano: La Máquina-herramienta es el bien de equipo por excelencia y en ello radica el origen de la industria moderna tal y como la conocemos. El presente trabajo trata de identificar ideas clave y datos que ayuden a comprender qué es el sector, cuál ha sido su evolución, qué tipo de ayudas recibe y el papel que ocupa en la economía internacional. Además, se plantea cómo evolucionará el sector en un futuro próximo y qué medidas se están tomando para hacerle frente.


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Euskal makina erreminta enpresen nazioartekotze estrategien azterketa da ikergai nagusia, arloaren alderdi orokorrak eta etorkizunerako aurreikuspenak gauzatzen badira ere. Globalizazio eta mundu interkonektatu honetan enpresa hazteko irtenbide desberdinak aztertu dira, merkatuaren eskakizunetara egokituz. Kasu praktiko gisa hazkunde eredutzat nazioartekotzearen aldeko apustua egin duen DanobatGroup enpresa talde kooperatiboa ikertu da. Enpresa eredugarria da garai zail hauetan, egindako lanaren erakusgarri eta atzerrirako urrats sendoekin, pertsonen trebetasunari eta konpromisoei esker, erronkak gainditu dituelako. Ikerketa burututa, sektorearen barne eskaria urria denez, Euskal enpresek nazioartekotu beharra dutela ikusi da.


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[EN] Purpose of the paper - This research analyzes the impact of three types of embedded ties, namely, specialized complementary resources, idiosyncratic investments, and knowledge sharing, on the innovation capacity of the firms. We also study the particularities of the Machine-Tool industry. Theoretical background – Our evaluation of the embedded buyer-supplier ties is based on the potential sources of relational rents proposed by Dyer and Sing (1998). We also draw on Uzzi and Lancaster (2003), Noordhoff et al. (2011), among others, to discuss the positive and negative aspects of embedded ties. Design/Methodology/Approach ‐ Using data from a survey of 202 European machine-tool firms acting as buyers and sellers, we propose and evaluate a Structural Equation model. Findings ‐ Only knowledge-sharing routines exert a significant positive effect on product innovation performance. Neither an increase in the idiosyncratic investments nor in complementary resources and capabilities enhance innovation performance. Also, knowledge-sharing routines mediate in the effect from idiosyncratic investments on innovation performance. Research Limitations. ‐ The machine tool industry has unique characteristics that make this generalization difficult. Also, there is considerable difficulty associated with testing more deeply the interrelations among these embedded ties in the long run. It is plausible to understand that these interrelations operate within a gradual process. Originality/Value/Contribution of Paper ‐ This research contributes to a better understanding of the role of embedded ties on innovativeness. To the best of our knowledge, there is no previous international empirical research analyzing the mediation effects among specialized complementary resources, idiosyncratic investments and knowledge sharing, and their effects on the innovation capacity of firms.


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[EN] The purpose of this paper is to present a theoretical overview of innovation management and the tools that can aid in this endeavour. The paper adopts a user-oriented description, aiming at making SMEs familiar with the possibilities opened by innovation management tools in general and technology outlook in particular.


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Background Protein inference from peptide identifications in shotgun proteomics must deal with ambiguities that arise due to the presence of peptides shared between different proteins, which is common in higher eukaryotes. Recently data independent acquisition (DIA) approaches have emerged as an alternative to the traditional data dependent acquisition (DDA) in shotgun proteomics experiments. MSE is the term used to name one of the DIA approaches used in QTOF instruments. MSE data require specialized software to process acquired spectra and to perform peptide and protein identifications. However the software available at the moment does not group the identified proteins in a transparent way by taking into account peptide evidence categories. Furthermore the inspection, comparison and report of the obtained results require tedious manual intervention. Here we report a software tool to address these limitations for MSE data. Results In this paper we present PAnalyzer, a software tool focused on the protein inference process of shotgun proteomics. Our approach considers all the identified proteins and groups them when necessary indicating their confidence using different evidence categories. PAnalyzer can read protein identification files in the XML output format of the ProteinLynx Global Server (PLGS) software provided by Waters Corporation for their MSE data, and also in the mzIdentML format recently standardized by HUPO-PSI. Multiple files can also be read simultaneously and are considered as technical replicates. Results are saved to CSV, HTML and mzIdentML (in the case of a single mzIdentML input file) files. An MSE analysis of a real sample is presented to compare the results of PAnalyzer and ProteinLynx Global Server. Conclusions We present a software tool to deal with the ambiguities that arise in the protein inference process. Key contributions are support for MSE data analysis by ProteinLynx Global Server and technical replicates integration. PAnalyzer is an easy to use multiplatform and free software tool.


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[EN] The purpose of this review article is to illustrate synthetic aspects of functionalized phosphorus derivatives containing an oximo moiety at the beta-position. First section will be focused on the synthesis of phosphine oxides, phosphonates or phosphonium salts containing an oxime group. The synthesis of these derivatives comprises the carbon–phosphorus single bond construction by reaction of haloximes with phosphorus derivatives, nucleophilic addition of phosphorus reagents to carbonyl compounds, or nucleophilic addition of phosphorus reagents to nitro olefins. This section will also concentrate on the most practical routes for the synthesis of the target compounds, through carbon–nitrogen double bond formation, which are as follows: condensation processes of carbonyl compounds and hydroxylamine derivatives or addition of hydroxylamines to allenes or alkynes. The preparative use of beta-oximo phosphorus derivatives as synthetic intermediates will be discussed in a second section, comprising olefination reaction, oxidation of oximes to nitrile oxides by reaction at the C-N double bond of the oxime moiety, oxidation of these substrates to nitrosoalkenes, reduction to the corresponding hydroxylamines and some reactions at the hydroxyl group of the hydroxyimino moiety.


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A new supervised burned area mapping software named BAMS (Burned Area Mapping Software) is presented in this paper. The tool was built from standard ArcGIS (TM) libraries. It computes several of the spectral indexes most commonly used in burned area detection and implements a two-phase supervised strategy to map areas burned between two Landsat multitemporal images. The only input required from the user is the visual delimitation of a few burned areas, from which burned perimeters are extracted. After the discrimination of burned patches, the user can visually assess the results, and iteratively select additional sampling burned areas to improve the extent of the burned patches. The final result of the BAMS program is a polygon vector layer containing three categories: (a) burned perimeters, (b) unburned areas, and (c) non-observed areas. The latter refer to clouds or sensor observation errors. Outputs of the BAMS code meet the requirements of file formats and structure of standard validation protocols. This paper presents the tool's structure and technical basis. The program has been tested in six areas located in the United States, for various ecosystems and land covers, and then compared against the National Monitoring Trends in Burn Severity (MTBS) Burned Area Boundaries Dataset.


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Study of emotions in human-computer interaction is a growing research area. This paper shows an attempt to select the most significant features for emotion recognition in spoken Basque and Spanish Languages using different methods for feature selection. RekEmozio database was used as the experimental data set. Several Machine Learning paradigms were used for the emotion classification task. Experiments were executed in three phases, using different sets of features as classification variables in each phase. Moreover, feature subset selection was applied at each phase in order to seek for the most relevant feature subset. The three phases approach was selected to check the validity of the proposed approach. Achieved results show that an instance-based learning algorithm using feature subset selection techniques based on evolutionary algorithms is the best Machine Learning paradigm in automatic emotion recognition, with all different feature sets, obtaining a mean of 80,05% emotion recognition rate in Basque and a 74,82% in Spanish. In order to check the goodness of the proposed process, a greedy searching approach (FSS-Forward) has been applied and a comparison between them is provided. Based on achieved results, a set of most relevant non-speaker dependent features is proposed for both languages and new perspectives are suggested.


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Migrating to cloud computing is one of the current enterprise challenges. This technology provides a new paradigm based on "on-demand payment" for information and communication technologies. In this sense, the small and medium enterprise is supposed to be the most interested, since initial investments are avoided and the technology allows gradual implementation. However, even if the characteristics and capacities have been widely discussed, entry into the cloud is still lacking in terms of practical, real frameworks. This paper aims at filling this gap, presenting a real tool already implemented and tested, which can be used as a cloud computing adoption decision tool. This tool uses diagnosis based on specific questions to gather the required information and subsequently provide the user with valuable information to deploy the business within the cloud, specifically in the form of Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions. This information allows the decision makers to generate their particular Cloud Road. A pilot study has been carried out with enterprises at a local level with a two-fold objective: To ascertain the degree of knowledge on cloud computing and to identify the most interesting business areas and their related tools for this technology. As expected, the results show high interest and low knowledge on this subject and the tool presented aims to readdress this mismatch, insofar as possible. Copyright: © 2015 Bildosola et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


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[ES]Este proyecto se concibe como respuesta a la creciente demanda de piezas de turbomaquinaria y a la problemática que entraña su fabricación. En los procesos de mecanizado de tales piezas de geometrías complejas, las colisiones entre herramienta-máquina-utillaje son un problema real que puede ocasionar serias pérdidas económicas. Se implementará una metodología de simulación con Siemens NX9 previa a la fabricación para evitar tales colisiones.


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[ES]El objetivo de este trabajo es programar y mecanizar un molde de inyección de aluminio, con el objetivo de obtener un pedal de batería. Para ello, previamente se necesitará diseñar en CAD el molde, para posteriormente exportarlo al programa Surfcam V4.0, donde se definirán las trayectorias de las herramientas teniendo en cuenta su geometría. Una vez definidas en el programa, éste se ejecutará en un centro de mecanizado sobre un tocho de aluminio.


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[ES]Este documento pretende describir de manera clara y concisa la creacion de un dispositivo detector de impactos para estructuras de avion durante su transporte de muy bajo consumo, desde su concepcion como idea hasta su montaje, programacion y posterior comprobacion. El objetivo sera la culminacion exitosa del producto para mas adelante exponerlo ante posibles compradores y/o investigadores. Este dispositivo esta compuesto de tres partes, una unidad de adquisicion y adecuacion de la señal, que ser a recogida por un piezoelectrico; la unidad de inteligencia, que sera un microcontrolador programado en ensamblador mediante la herramienta MPLAB y un chip de radio, que se encargara de transmitir los datos a una unidad mas potente, lease un PC, tablet, movil...