14 resultados para attori, concorrenza, COOP, Akka, benchmark
[ES] El incremento del consumo de ropa provoca que año a año aumente el volumen de ropa desechada, y con éste, la conciencia sobre la necesidad de reutilizar dicho recurso. Berohi S. Coop. es una de las empresas dedicadas a la recuperación y reciclaje del textil usado, con origen en Bizkaia. La concepción inicial y desarrollo del proyecto empresarial Berohi S. Coop. constituyen el eje central del caso.
LABURPENA: Lan honetan Burdinola S.Coop.-ko pertsonen kudeaketa aztertuko da, giza baliabideen zuzendaritzaren ikuspuntutik, alegia. Horrela, organizazioetan giza baliabideek zenbaterainoko garrantzia daukaten erakutsi nahi da. Izan ere, alor horretan ezarritako helburu nahiz estrategiek erakundeko helburu orokorrak lortzea errazten dute. Hasteko lanean murgiltzeko balio duen sarrera labur bat, helburuak eta erabilitako metodologiaren zehaztapena egingo da. Ondoren, Burdinola kooperatiba aurkeztuko da eta segidan giza baliabideen ikuspuntutik kanpo zein barne analisia burutuko dira, azkenean AMIA matrize batean ideiak islatuz. Ildo beretik, giza baliabideen helburuak eta estrategiak diseinatuko dira, estrategien ikuskaritza eta ebaluazioa dakartenak loturik. Amaitzeko ondorio nagusienak planteatuko dira, erreferentzi bibliografiko eta eranskinez gain.
[ES]Este estudio trata de responder a las siguientes preguntas de investigación: ¿Es la innovación una variable estratégica en el sector de la automoción?, ¿Qué tipo de innovación es la más apropiada para este sector?
[EU] Gradu Amaierako Lan honetan SAKANA kooperatiba da aztertzeko erabili dudan enpresa. 1975. Urtean sortu zen fundizio enpresa industrial bat da. Enpresa hau Lakuntzan dago kokatuta (Nafarroa) eta gaur egun 290 langile ditu. SAKANAK krisi ekonomikoarekin batera etorri zen eskariaren jaitsiera sufritu zuen. Hala ere, gaur egungo egoera ona da, lehiakide batzuen porrota ikusita, krisiari aurre egitea lortu duen enpresa bat izan da. Egungo egoera honen erantzulerik nagusiena 2007. urtean egin zuten aldaketa estrategikoa da. Aldaketa hau integrazio bertikalean oinarritu zen. SAKANAK pieza eolikoak funditzeaz gain, mekanizazioa eta margotzea gehitu zituen bere balio katera. Aldaketa honek kooperatiba honen etorkizunerako norabide bat markatu zuen. Estrategia aldaketa horren kudeaketari dagozkion atal nagusiei egingo zaie aipamena lan honetan, hau da, estrategia horren ezarpena aztertuz eta balorazioa eginez.
Revised: 2006-11.-- Published as an article in: Journal of Public Economics 90(12), December, 2006, pp. 2323-2349.
Published as an article in: Journal of Regulatory Economics, 2010, vol. 37, issue 1, pages 42-69.
This paper provides a new model of network formation that bridges the gap between the two benchmark models by Bala and Goyal, the one-way flow model, and the two-way flow model, and includes both as particular extreme cases. As in both benchmark models, in what we call an "asymmetric flow" network a link can be initiated unilaterally by any player with any other, and the flow through a link towards the player who supports it is perfect. Unlike those models, in the opposite direction there is friction or decay. When this decay is complete there is no flow and this corresponds to the one-way flow model. The limit case when the decay in the opposite direction (and asymmetry) disappears, corresponds to the two-way flow model. We characterize stable and strictly stable architectures for the whole range of parameters of this "intermediate" and more general model. We also prove the convergence of Bala and Goyal's dynamic model in this context.
Recently, probability models on rankings have been proposed in the field of estimation of distribution algorithms in order to solve permutation-based combinatorial optimisation problems. Particularly, distance-based ranking models, such as Mallows and Generalized Mallows under the Kendall’s-t distance, have demonstrated their validity when solving this type of problems. Nevertheless, there are still many trends that deserve further study. In this paper, we extend the use of distance-based ranking models in the framework of EDAs by introducing new distance metrics such as Cayley and Ulam. In order to analyse the performance of the Mallows and Generalized Mallows EDAs under the Kendall, Cayley and Ulam distances, we run them on a benchmark of 120 instances from four well known permutation problems. The conducted experiments showed that there is not just one metric that performs the best in all the problems. However, the statistical test pointed out that Mallows-Ulam EDA is the most stable algorithm among the studied proposals.
We provide a model that bridges the gap between two benchmark models of strategic network formation: Jackson and Wolinsky' s model based on bilateral formation of links, and Bala and Goyal's two-way fl ow model, where links can be unilaterally formed. In the model introduced and studied here a link can be created unilaterally. When it is only supported by one of the two players the fl ow through the link suffers a certain decay, but when it is supported by both the fl ow runs without friction. When the decay in links supported by only one player is maximal (i.e. there is no flow) we have Jackson and Wolinsky 's connections model without decay, while when flow in such links is perfect we have Bala and Goyal' s two-way flow model. We study Nash, strict Nash and pairwise stability for the intermediate models. Efficiency and dynamics are also examined.
Documento de trabajo
[ES]Los objetivos del siguiente trabajo consisten en analizar e optimizar el proceso del torneado en duro del acero ASP-23 indagando de especial manera en la realización de diferentes soluciones para brochas. En este caso, este proyecto nace de la importancia de reducir así como los costes económicos y los costes temporales de fabricación de elementos basados en el acero ASP-23 mediante el torneado en duro; proceso de mecanizado, cuya importancia cada vez es mayor como en las industrias de automoción o aeronáutica. El desarrollo del proyecto es fruto de la necesidad de EKIN S. Coop, uno de los líderes en los procesos de máquina-herramienta de alta precisión para el brochado, de desarrollar un proceso de mecanizado más eficaz de las brochas que produce. Así en el aula máquina-herramienta (ETSIB) se han intentado demostrar los beneficios que tiene el torneado en duro en el mecanizado del ASP-23. Hoy en día, con el rápido desarrollo de nuevos materiales, los procesos de fabricación se están haciendo cada vez más complejos, por la amplia variedad de maquinas con las que se realizan los procesos, por la variedad de geometría/material de las herramientas empleadas, por las propiedades del material de la pieza a mecanizar, por los parámetros de corte tan variados con los que podemos implementar el proceso (profundidad de corte, velocidad, alimentación...) y por la diversidad de elementos de sujeción utilizados. Además debemos ser conscientes de que tal variedad implica grandes magnitudes de deformaciones, velocidades y temperaturas. He aquí la justificación y el gran interés en el proyecto a realizar. Por ello, en este proyecto intentamos dar un pequeño paso en el conocimiento del proceso del torneado en duro de aceros con poca maquinabilidad, siendo conscientes de la amplia variedad y dificultad del avance en la ingeniería de fabricación y del mucho trabajo que queda por hacer.
Hurrengo lanean, Mondragon Korporazio Kooperatiboaren parte diren BATZ, S.Coop. eta DANOBAT S.Coop. enpresak aztertuko dira, batez ere hazkunde prozesuan zentratuz. Azterketa hau burutu ahal izateko, lehendabizi sarrera labur bat egingo da gaian kokatzeko eta lan honen bidez lortu nahi diren helburuak finkatuko dira bertan. Era berean, enpresen azterketa hasi baino lehen hauek kokatuta dauden ingurunearen azterketa burutuko da, jardueran eragina izango duten faktore ekonomikoak, politikoak eta abar identifikatzeko. Lanean zehar analizatuko diren bi enpresek azterketa puntu berdinak izango dituzte. Lehendabizi enpresaren ezaugarriak eta historia laburra aztertuko dira. Aurkezpen orokor honen ondoren, ingurune bereziaren azterketa gauzatuko da, enpresak sektore konkretu batean kokatuz eta sektore honen ezaugarriak identifikatuz. Kanpo analisiarekin bukatuz, enpresaren barne analisian aurkitzen diren arlo funtzionala eta baliabide eta gaitasunen azterketa burutuko da eta AMIA analisia gauzatuko da enpresaren ezaugarri espezifikoak ezagutzeko. Enpresaren ezaugarrien analisiarekin bukatu ondoren, hazkunde estrategia izango da aztergai, bertan korporazio estrategia, kanpo hazkundea, barne hazkundea eta lankidetza akordioak ikertuko dira. Azkenik, enpresa bakoitzaren azterketa burutu ondoren ondorio nagusiak aurkituko dira, bertan hasiera batean finkatutako helburuak bete diren ikusi ahal izango da, eta analisiaren ondorioz enpresen hazkundeari buruzko ideia nagusiak aurkituko dira. Erabilitako informazio guztiaren iturriak bibliografia apartatuan ikusi ahal izango dira.
[EN] This study analyzes the relationship between board size and economic-financial performance in a sample of European firms that constitute the EUROSTOXX50 Index. Based on previous literature, resource dependency and agency theories, and considering regulation developed by the OECD and European Union on the normative of corporate governance for each country in the sample, the authors propose the hypotheses of both positive linear and quadratic relationships between the researched parameters. Using ROA as a benchmark of financial performance and the number of members of the board as measurement of the board size, two OLS estimations are performed. To confirm the robustness of the results the empirical study is tested with two other similar financial ratios, ROE and Tobin s Q. Due to the absence of significant results, an additional factor, firm size, is employed in order to check if it affects firm performance. Delving further into the nature of this relationship, it is revealed that there exists a strong and negative relation between firm size and financial performance. Consequently, it can be asseverated that the generic recommendation one size fits all cannot be applied in this case; which conforms to the Recommendations of the European Union that dissuade using generic models for all countries.
In the problem of one-class classification (OCC) one of the classes, the target class, has to be distinguished from all other possible objects, considered as nontargets. In many biomedical problems this situation arises, for example, in diagnosis, image based tumor recognition or analysis of electrocardiogram data. In this paper an approach to OCC based on a typicality test is experimentally compared with reference state-of-the-art OCC techniques-Gaussian, mixture of Gaussians, naive Parzen, Parzen, and support vector data description-using biomedical data sets. We evaluate the ability of the procedures using twelve experimental data sets with not necessarily continuous data. As there are few benchmark data sets for one-class classification, all data sets considered in the evaluation have multiple classes. Each class in turn is considered as the target class and the units in the other classes are considered as new units to be classified. The results of the comparison show the good performance of the typicality approach, which is available for high dimensional data; it is worth mentioning that it can be used for any kind of data (continuous, discrete, or nominal), whereas state-of-the-art approaches application is not straightforward when nominal variables are present.