10 resultados para Transferir - Transfers


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Revised 2008-08.-- Published as an article in: Journal of Public Economic Theory (2008), 10(4), 563-594.


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This paper analyzes whether a minimum wage can be an optimal redistribution policy when distorting taxes and lump-sum transfers are also available in a competitive economy. We build a static general equilibrium model with a Ramsey planner making decisions on taxes, transfers, and minimum wage levels. Workers are assumed to differ only in their productivity. We find that optimal redistribution may imply the use of a minimum wage. The key factor driving our results is the reaction of the demand for low skilled labor to the minimum wage law. Hence, an optimal minimum wage appears to be most likely when low skilled households are scarce, the complementarity between the two types of workers is large or the difference in productivity is small. The main contribution of the paper is a modelling approach that allows us to adopt analysis and solution techniques widely used in recent public finance research. Moreover, this modelling strategy is flexible enough to allow for potential extensions to include dynamics into the model.


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[ES] A pesar de que los economistas han dedicado enorme esfuerzo a examinar la racionalidad de los contratos en agricultura, pocos estudios se han llevado a cabo en viticultura. Sin embargo, se observan diferencias contractuales en la producción de uva y vino. En el presente trabajo se analizan las estructuras contractuales actualmente utilizadas en varias regiones vitivinícolas. Independientemente de las características inherentes en los contratos, se obtiene que estos mecanismos permiten a las bodegas articular sus requisitos con respecto a la calidad de las uvas producidas por los agricultores.


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[ES] En los últimos años se ha producido en las universidades de todo el mundo una tendencia creciente a proteger sus invenciones a través de derechos de patentes. Este hecho refleja la mayor aplicabilidad de la investigación universitaria y la intención de transferir estos resultados al mundo empresarial.


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This paper studies the macroeconomic effects of a permanent increase in foreign aid in a model that takes into account environmental quality. We develop a dynamic equilibrium model in which both public investment in infrastructure and environmental protection can be financed using domestic resources and international aid programs. The framework considers four scenarios for international aid: untied aid,aid fully tied to infrastructure, aid fully tied to abatement, and aid equally tied to both types of expenditures. We find that the effects of the transfers may depend on (i) the structural characteristics of the recipient country (the elasticity of substitution in production and its dependence on environment and natural resources) and on (ii) how recipient countries distribute their public expenditure. These results underscore the importance of these factors when deciding how and to what extent to tie aid to infrastructure and/or pollution abatement.


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96 p. : il.


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[EU]Lan honen helburua, sentsorizatutako panpina kontrolatzeko software bat garatzea da, bihotz biriketako berpiztearen inguruko ikerkuntza sustatzeko helburuarekin. Kontrol hau aurrera eramateko bihotz biriketako berpiztearen inguruko kalitate parametro garrantzitsuenak jasotzen dituzten sentsoreekin hornitutako panpina bat erabili da, softwarearen eta panpinaren sentsoreen arteko interfaze gisa NI-DAQ National Instruments-eko txartela erabili delarik. Eskema honi jarraituz, software honek eskaintzen dituen funtzionalitate garrantzitsuenak hurrengoak dira: panpinaren bihotza simulatuko duen elektrokardiograma seinale bat panpinara transferitzea, sentsoreetatik lortutako informazioa biltegiratzea eta denbora errealean bistaratzea eta aurretiaz grabatutako erregistroen erreprodukzioa. Software hau garatzearen arrazoi nagusiak, bihotz biriketako berpiztearen kalitatea hobetzea eta elektrodoen eta pazientearen azalaren arteko kontaktuak elektrokardiograman sortzen duen interferentzia ezaugarritzea dira, bihotz-geldiunea pairatzen duen pazientearen bizi-iraupena handituko duten tresnen garapena sustatuz. Izan ere, bihotz-heriotza da herrialde garatuenen lehen heriotza-arrazoia.