17 resultados para Suffering.
[Es] Existen numerosas investigaciones y testimonios que destacan el papel de la educación formal y de los maestros en la construcción de la resiliencia de alumnos procedentes de entornos desfavorecidos y en riesgo de exclusión social. En todas las personas, en los alumnos y en los educadores, hay aspectos de resiliencia a partir de los cuales es posible ayudar a superar las dificultades y afrontar el futuro con confianza y optimismo. La escuela recibe a alumnos que están en situación de desventaja social, familiar o personal y que son sujetos de riesgo de exclusión educativa: fracaso escolar, inadaptación y conflictividad. Ante estas realidades no se puede permanecer expectante. En consecuencia, es necesario que todos los que forman parte de la comunidad escolar, y en particular los docentes, afronten decididamente los nuevos retos de la educación actual y desarrollen dinámicas educativas que contribuyan a formar personas capaces de participar activamente en la sociedad, sujetos preparados para afrontar con posibilidades reales de éxito las inevitables dificultades de la vida.
Cardiovascular diseases are nowadays the first cause of mortality worldwide, causing around the 30% of global deaths each year. The risk of suffering from cardiovascular illnesses is strongly related to some factors such as hypertension, high cholesterol levels, diabetes, obesity The combination of these different risk factors is known as metabolic syndrome and it is considered a pandemic due to the high prevalence worldwide. The pathology of the disorders implies a combined cardiovascular therapy with drugs which have different targets and mechanisms of action, to regulate each factor separately. The simultaneous analysis of these drugs turns interesting but it is a complex task since the determination of multiple substances with different physicochemical properties and physiological behavior is always a challenge for the analytical chemist. The complexity of the biological matrices and the difference in the expected concentrations of some analytes require the development of extremely sensitive and selective determination methods. The aim of this work is to fill the gap existing in this field of the drug analysis, developing analytical methods capable of quantifying the different drugs prescribed in combined cardiovascular therapy simultaneously. Liquid chromatography andem mass spectrometry (LCMS/MS) has been the technique of choice throughout the main part of this work, due to the high sensitivity and selectivity requirements.
[ES]Israel es un país marcado por la excepcionalidad. Con esto quiero referirme a que su forma de nacer, el contexto regional donde está ubicado y su propio desarrollo, han hecho de este país un verdadero laboratorio social. El estado hebreo se ha constituido desde el concepto de judeidad y mediante la inmigración judía masiva, lo que ha hecho que en su seno se den numerosas opciones identitarias. Todo ello casi en constantes guerras con sus vecinos árabes y sufriendo el zarpazo del terrorismo. Esto ha hecho que en Israel aspectos como la seguridad, el ejército y los Derechos Humanos hayan sido variables que este país ha tenido y tiene que gestionar. Esta realidad ha determinado de manera decisiva su articulación como sociedad y su propio desarrollo político tanto nacional como internacional. Este artículo pretende dar algunas claves para entender la complejidad de una sociedad, la israelí, en tensión constante.
[EN] Kerstin Hensel’s literary universe is haunted by fallen heroes, outsiders and gregarious figures with no success. They experience the German Wende in a very peculiar constellation, they perceive Post-Unification Germany at times from a fantastic perspective, always from a painful experience. In this context the analysis of the representations of the body in Hensel’s narrative before and after 1989 offers a rich insight on Hensel’s critical view of Post-Unification Germany. By analysing her texts such as Hallimasch and Lärchenau this article shows that the suffering grotesque bodies in both works stand for a political metaphor of a social body with hardly a cure.
6 p.
After stroke, white matter integrity can be affected both locally and distally to the primary lesion location. It has been shown that tract disruption in mirror's regions of the contralateral hemisphere is associated with degree of functional impairment. Fourteen patients suffering right hemispheric focal stroke (S) and eighteen healthy controls (HC) underwent Diffusion Weighted Imaging (DWI) and neuropsychological assessment. The stroke patient group was divided into poor (SP; n = 8) and good (SG; n = 6) cognitive recovery groups according to their cognitive improvement from the acute phase (72 hours after stroke) to the subacute phase (3 months post-stroke). Whole-brain DWI data analysis was performed by computing Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) followed by Tract Based Spatial Statistics (TBSS). Assessment of effects was obtained computing the correlation of the projections on TBSS skeleton of Fractional Anisotropy (FA) and Radial Diffusivity (RD) with cognitive test results. Significant decrease of FA was found only in right brain anatomical areas for the S group when compared to the HC group. Analyzed separately, stroke patients with poor cognitive recovery showed additional significant FA decrease in several left hemisphere regions; whereas SG patients showed significant decrease only in the left genu of corpus callosum when compared to the HC. For the SG group, whole brain analysis revealed significant correlation between the performance in the Semantic Fluency test and the FA in the right hemisphere as well as between the performance in the Grooved Pegboard Test (GPT) and theTrail Making Test-part A and the FA in the left hemisphere. For the SP group, correlation analysis revealed significant correlation between the performance in the GPT and the FA in the right hemisphere. Palabras clave
Background: A new intervention aimed at managing patients with medically unexplained symptoms (MUS) based on a specific set of communication techniques was developed, and tested in a cluster randomised clinical trial. Due to the modest results obtained and in order to improve our intervention we need to know the GPs' attitudes towards patients with MUS, their experience, expectations and the utility of the communication techniques we proposed and the feasibility of implementing them. Physicians who took part in 2 different training programs and in a randomised controlled trial (RCT) for patients with MUS were questioned to ascertain the reasons for the doctors' participation in the trial and the attitudes, experiences and expectations of GPs about the intervention. Methods: A qualitative study based on four focus groups with GPs who took part in a RCT. A content analysis was carried out. Results: Following the RCT patients are perceived as true suffering persons, and the relationship with them has improved in GPs of both groups. GPs mostly valued the fact that it is highly structured, that it made possible a more comfortable relationship and that it could be applied to a broad spectrum of patients with psychosocial problems. Nevertheless, all participants consider that change in patients is necessary; GPs in the intervention group remarked that that is extremely difficult to achieve. Conclusion: GPs positively evaluate the communication techniques and the interventions that help in understanding patient suffering, and express the enormous difficulties in handling change in patients. These findings provide information on the direction in which efforts for improving intervention should be directed.
4 p.
[ES] La crisis económica ha agravado la situación de pobreza y precariedad en las familias españolas y vascas. Ejemplo de ello es el aumento de las familias que han sufrido o están sufriendo un proceso de desahucio. Con esta investigación, además de contextualizar este fenómeno de la pérdida de vivienda, queremos analizar los derechos de la infancia que se vulneran; cómo actúan los distintos agentes encargados de salvaguardar los derechos humanos de las/os menores cuando éstos están inmersos en un proceso de desahucio. En el marco teórico exponemos el fenómeno del desahucio de los derechos de la infancia. La metodología utilizada es cualitativa, y para ello nos basaremos en entrevistas en profundidad y semi-estructuradas a diferentes agentes implicados (dos familias que están viviendo un proceso de desahucio, dos abogadas y una trabajadora social). A partir de las conclusiones del estudio, hemos elaborado unas propuestas de mejora de la situación de las y los menores y la defensa de sus derechos.
[EUS]Helburuak: Berrikuspen bibliografiko honen helburu orokorra edoskitzea opioideekiko abstinentzia sindrome neonatalaren sintomak arintzeko eraginkorra den aztertzea izango da, eta baita honek tratamendu farmakologikoaren beharra gutxitzen duen. Bestalde, metadona hartzen duten emakume hauen esneko metadona kontzentrazioa nolakoa den eta esne honen bitartez jaioberriari heltzen zaion kantitatea nolakoa den identifikatu nahi da. Metodologia: Artikuluen bilaketa egiteko, datu base desberdinak erabili dira, baina erabilitako azken 8 artikuluak Pubmed eta Ovid-sp-ekoak dira. Artikulu guztiak bat izan ezik, ingelesezkoak dira, gaztelaniaz aurkitutako artikulu kantitate eskasa dela eta. “Edoskitzea” , “abstinentzia sindrome neonatala” eta “metadona terapia" terminoak erabili dira bilaketa prozesuan. Ondorioak: Edoskitzea opioideekiko abstinentzia sindrome neonatala jasaten duten jaioberrientzat gomendagarria dela esan daiteke, ikerketa hauen arabera, abstinentziaren sintomak eta tratamendu farmakologikoaren beharra gutxitzen baititu. Gainera, esneko metadona kontzentrazioa eta jaioberriari honen bitartez heltzen zaion kantitatea oso txikiak dira. Hala ere, lanak limitazioa garrantzitsu bat du, ikerketetako laginak txikiak izatea.
Background: There has been a significant growth in the prevalence of allergy, mainly associated to IgE-mediated disorders such as asthma and rhinitis. The identification of atopy in asthmatic patients through the measurement of specific IgE can help to identify risk factors that cause asthmatic symptoms in patients. The development and use of individualized allergen-based tests by the Component Resolved Diagnosis has been a crucial advance in the accurate diagnosis and control of allergic patients. The objective of this work was to assess the usefulness of molecular diagnosis to identify environmental allergens as possible factors influencing the development and manifestation of asthma in a group of asthmatic patients from Iran. Methods: Studied population: 202 adult asthmatic patients treated at the Loghman Hakim Hospital and Pasteur Institute of Teheran (Iran) from 2011 to 2012. Specific IgE determined by the ImmunoCAP system were used to both evaluate the patients' atopic condition and the molecules involved in the allergic sensitization. SDS-PAGE IgE-immunoblotting associated with mass spectrometry was carried out to study the cockroach IgE-binding sensitizing proteins. Results: Forty-five percent of all patients could be considered atopic individuals. Eighty-two percent of atopic patients were sensitized to pollen allergens. The Salsola kali (Sal k 1) and the Phleum pratense (rPhl p 1 and/or rPhl p 5) major allergens were the most common sensitizers among pollens (71% and 18%, respectively). Thirty-five percent of the atopic population was sensitized to cockroach. Four different allergens, including a previously unknown alpha-amylase, were identified in the cockroach extract. No significant associations could be demonstrated between the severity of asthma and the specific IgE levels in the atopic population. Statistical analysis identified the Sal k 1 as the main protein allergen influencing the development and expression of asthma in the studied population. Conclusions: Pollen and cockroach were the most relevant allergen sources in the asthmatic population. The Salsola kali major allergen was the main cause for sensitization in the atopic patients suffering asthma. Using the Component Resolved Diagnosis, it was possible to identify a new Blattella germanica cockroach allergen (Blattella alpha amylase 53 kDa) that could sensitize a relevant percentage of this population.
[EUS] Lan honen helburua egoera posturala eta bizkarreko minaren pertzepzioaren azterketa sakonagoa egitea da. Bizkarreko min zein desoreka posturalek gaur egun duten nagusitasuna ikusita, egoera azaleratu eta honen kausak zeintzuk diren ezagutu nahi dira. Honetarako UPV-EHUko Jarduera Fisikoaren eta Kirolaren Zientzien Fakultateko ikasleen (n=25) postura-aldaketak zein bizkarreko minaren magnitudea eta pertzepzioa nolakoak diren aztertuko ditugu. Egindako analisia longitudinala izan da. Ikasketetan sartu zirenean lehenengo neurketa egin zitzaien eta ikasketen azkeneko urtean azken neurketa. QPS-200 Shekel Posture Analyzer erremintari esker pisuaren banaketaren datu numerikoak lortu ditugu. Bizkarreko mina eta pertzepzioari dagozkienez, NASS osasun galdetegia erabili izan da. Posturaren neurketek erakutsi dutenez, bariazio handiena pertsonen artekoa da. Hetereogeneotasun handiena aurre-atze banaketak azaleratu duelarik, gehienbat lehenengo neurketan (2012: DS=9,33 begiak zabalik eta DS=9,99 begiak itxita; 2014: DS=7,37 begiak zabalik eta DS=7,94 begiak itxita). Aurkitu den efektu signifikatibo bakarra (p<0.05), bestalde, neurketa data da. Bizkarreko minaren pertzepzioak gora egin du urteak aurrera joan ahala (subjektuen %64 2012an; subjektuen %72 2014an) baina egunerokotasunean minak sortzen dituen zailtasunak behera egin du (%28 2012an; %20 2014an).
Many social relationships are a locus of struggle and suffering, either at the individual or interactional level. In this paper we explore why this is the case and suggest a modeling approach for dyadic interactions and the well-being of the participants. To this end we bring together an enactive approach to self with dynamical systems theory. Our basic assumption is that the quality of any social interaction or relationship fundamentally depends on the nature and constitution of the individuals engaged in these interactions. From an enactive perspective the self is conceived as an embodied and socially enacted autonomous system striving to maintain an identity. This striving involves a basic two-fold goal: the ability to exist as an individual in one's own right, while also being open to and affected by others. In terms of dynamical systems theory one can thus consider the individual self as a self-other organized system represented by a phase space spanned by the dimensions of distinction and participation, where attractors can be defined. Based on two everyday examples of dyadic relationship we propose a simple model of relationship dynamics, in which struggle or well-being in the dyad is analyzed in terms of movements of dyadic states that are in tension or in harmony with individually developed attractors. Our model predicts that relationships can be sustained when the dyad develops a new joint attractor toward which dyadic states tend to move, and well-being when this attractor is in balance with the individuals' attractors. We outline how this can inspire research on psychotherapy. The psychotherapy process itself provides a setting that supports clients to become aware how they fare with regards to the two-fold norm of distinction and participation and develop, through active engagement between client (or couple) and therapist, strategies to co-negotiate their self-organization.
Resumen (Castellano): El acceso a los medicamentos ha sido en las últimas décadas un tema a debatir tanto en los países del Sur como en los países del Norte. Los precios impuestos por la industria farmacéutica para enfermedades tan graves como el VIH-SIDA han sido excesivos y consecuentemente inalcanzables para los países más pobres. Sin embargo, actualmente los países más ricos del Norte están sufriendo estas mismas consecuencias a causa del nuevo tratamiento contra la hepatitis C, cuyos precios astronómicos han excluido a numerosos enfermos del acceso al mismo. El derecho humano a la salud está siendo vulnerado, y las principales responsables son las empresas farmacéuticas, las cuales han corrompido los sistemas de salud. La fijación de precios monopólicos, tras el fortalecimiento de las patentes farmacéuticas con la firma del Acuerdo sobre Derechos de Propiedad Intelectual relacionados con el Comercio (ADPIC), ha constituido un obstáculo para la realización del mismo, agrandado por las disposiciones ADPIC-plus incluidas en los tratados de libre comercio . No obstante, la consolidación de la industria de medicamentos genéricos ha logrado competir contra ellas, suministrando medicamentos asequibles y promoviendo los intereses de los más necesitados.
After stroke, white matter integrity can be affected both locally and distally to the primary lesion location. It has been shown that tract disruption in mirror's regions of the contralateral hemisphere is associated with degree of functional impairment. Fourteen patients suffering right hemispheric focal stroke (S) and eighteen healthy controls (HC) underwent Diffusion Weighted Imaging (DWI) and neuropsychological assessment. The stroke patient group was divided into poor (SP; n = 8) and good (SG; n = 6) cognitive recovery groups according to their cognitive improvement from the acute phase (72 hours after stroke) to the subacute phase (3 months post-stroke). Whole-brain DWI data analysis was performed by computing Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) followed by Tract Based Spatial Statistics (TBSS). Assessment of effects was obtained computing the correlation of the projections on TBSS skeleton of Fractional Anisotropy (FA) and Radial Diffusivity (RD) with cognitive test results. Significant decrease of FA was found only in right brain anatomical areas for the S group when compared to the HC group. Analyzed separately, stroke patients with poor cognitive recovery showed additional significant FA decrease in several left hemisphere regions; whereas SG patients showed significant decrease only in the left genu of corpus callosum when compared to the HC. For the SG group, whole brain analysis revealed significant correlation between the performance in the Semantic Fluency test and the FA in the right hemisphere as well as between the performance in the Grooved Pegboard Test (GPT) and theTrail Making Test-part A and the FA in the left hemisphere. For the SP group, correlation analysis revealed significant correlation between the performance in the GPT and the FA in the right hemisphere.