4 resultados para Social workers
Gizarte Hezkuntzako Gradu Amaierako Lanaren barruan kokatzen den lan teoriko honek, Ikasketa eta Zerbitzu Solidarioaren gaineko informazio iturri esanguratsuenetarikoak kontuan harturik, bere izaera inklusiboa berrestea du helburu. Horretarako, metodo berritzaile honen argibide kontzeptualak azaltzeaz batera, prozesu demokratizatzaile eta inklusibo bat ematea posible egiten duten gakoak argitu eta bazterketari aurre egitea ahalbidetzen duen jabekuntza prozesuaz eta kapital soziala bereganatzeko moduaz idatzi da. Jendarte eraldaketa gizarte hezitzaileen lanbidearen eginbeharretako bat izanik, asmo hau lortzeko bide berrien emariak jaso beharko liratezke. Arrazoi horregatik, zerbitzu solidario bat eskaintzearen bitartez, ezagutzak areagotzea eta transformazio prozesu bat abian jartzen duen metodologia honen garrantziaz ohartarazten da.
Revised: 2006-11.-- Published as an article in: Journal of Public Economics 90(12), December, 2006, pp. 2323-2349.
[ES] Emaús Bilbao Sociedad Cooperativa, es una entidad de Economía Social y Solidaria para la inserción sociolaboral, dedicada a la gestión integral de residuos sólidos urbanos (RSU), con sede en Bilbao y que desarrolla esta actividad en Bizkaia.
In the recent evolution of contemporary social movements three phases can be identified. The first phase is marked by the labour movement and the systemic importance attributed to the labour conflict in industrial societies. This conflict has been interpreted as a consequence of the shortcoming of social integration mechanisms by Emile Durkheim, as a rational conflict by entrepreneurs’ and workers’ interests by Max Wener, and as a central class struggle for the transformation of society by Karl Marx. The second phase in this development was led by the new social movements of the post-industrial society of the 1960s and 1970s’ students, women and environmentalist movements. Two new analytical perspectives have explained these movements’ meaning and actions. Resource mobilization theory (McAdam and Tilly) has focuses on rational attitudes and conflicts. Actionalist sociology, in turn, has identified the new protagonists of social conflicts that replaced the labour movement in postindustrial societies. The third phase emerges in a world characterized by the ascendance of markets, the increasingly prominent role of financial capital flows, the closure of communities, and fundamentalism. In this context, human rights and pro-democratization movements constitute alternatives to global domination and the systemic conditioning of individual and groups.