7 resultados para SUBSTITUTE
Command and control regulation programs, particularly input constraints, typically fail to achieve stated objectives, because fishermen may substitute unregulated for regulated inputs. It is, thus, essential to have an understanding of the internal structure of production technology. A primal formulation is used to estimate a translog production function at the vessels level that includes fishing effort and fisherman’s skill. The flexibility of the selected functional permits the analysis of the substitution possibilities among inputs by estimating the elasticity of substitution with no prior constraints. Particular attention is paid to the empirical validation of fishing effort as an aggregate input, which implies either, the acceptation of the joint hypothesis that inputs making up effort are weakly separable from the inputs out of the subgroup or considering that effort is an intermediate input produced by a non-separable two stage technology. Cross sectional data from the Spanish purse seine fleet operating in the VIII Division European anchovy fishery provide evidence of limited input substitution possibilities among the inputs making up the empirically validated fishing effort translog micro-production function.
[ES] Este proyecto genera productos adicionales de trabajos también disponibles en el repositori, en concreto:
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[EU]Proiektu honek automobilen antzinako direkzio sistemak ordezkatuko dituen steer-by-wire-ren inplementazioa deskribatuko du, software-aren garapena, hain zuzen. Lan hau garatzeko, ezinbestekoa izango da orain arte egindako lanen bilketa eta azterketa egitea, baita nolako zailtasunak, arriskuak egongo diren eta posiblea izango litzatekeen etorkizun batean teknologia hau instalatzea. Programazio, mekanika eta automatika ezagutzaren bidez teknologia berri hau ordenagailu batean simulatuko da eta orain arte erabili izan diren teknologiekin alderatuko dira, ateratako emaitzekin ondorio nabarmenak ezarriz. Programazio eta simulaziorako “Labview” eta “Matlab-Simulink” software-ak erabiliko dira, beharrezkoak diren tresnen ezagutzak aurretik lortuz.
Ante el reciente aumento del dinamismo y la globalización en los mercados, los análisis, estrategias y planes de acción están adquiriendo una mayor importancia para todas las empresas. En una economía cambiante, anticiparse a los cambios y estar preparados para nuevas realidades es un objetivo prioritario de las empresas. El plan de marketing es un medio más para conseguir anticiparse a las nuevas características de los mercados. Cada empresa tiene características diferentes, por lo que es necesario que el plan se adapte a la organización y no al revés. Por ejemplo, en las grandes empresas se ha mostrado como un arma comercial determinante, pero en las PYMES puede convertirse incluso en un sustitutivo de la planificación estratégica. En éste trabajo se realizará un plan de marketing en la práctica para “Abereen Klinikak”, una PYME del sector veterinario, aplicando el método analítico sintético. Se realizará un análisis previo del mercado y un diagnóstico de la situación de la empresa, se marcarán los objetivos, estrategias y acciones a seguir, y se implantará un plan de control y seguimiento de ellos. Todo ello desde una forma estructurada y sistematizada, con el fin de seguir la mejor estrategia comercial posible para la empresa. Abstract Due to the recent increase of dynamism and market globalization, analyzes, strategies and action plans are becoming increasingly important for all businesses. In a changing economy, to anticipate changes and be prepared for new realities is a priority for companies. The marketing plan is another way of being able to anticipate the new market characteristics. Each company has different characteristics, so it is necessary that the marketing plan suits the organization and not vice versa. For example, in large companies it has been shown as a key commercial weapon, but for SMEs it could even become a substitute for strategic planning. In this project a marketing plan for "Abereen Klinikak", an enterprise which belongs to the SME sector, will be implemented. The marketing plan will be put into practice using the synthetic analytical method. To do so, preliminary market analysis and an assessment of the company’s situation will be done. Furthermore, goals, strategies and action steps will be scored, and a control and monitoring plan will be implemented. The plan will be put into practice in a structured and systematic way, in order to follow the best business strategy for the company.
Purpose. To review the proposed pathogenic mechanisms of age macular degeneration (AMD), as well as the role of antioxidants (AOX) and omega-3 fatty acids (omega-3) supplements in AMD prevention. Materials and Methods. Current knowledge on the cellular/molecular mechanisms of AMD and the epidemiologic/experimental studies on the effects of AOX and omega-3 were addressed all together with the scientific evidence and the personal opinion of professionals involved in the Retina Group of the OFTARED (Spain). Results. High dietary intakes of omega-3 and macular pigments lutein/zeaxanthin are associated with lower risk of prevalence and incidence in AMD. The Age-Related Eye Disease study (AREDS) showed a beneficial effect of high doses of vitamins C, E, beta-carotene, and zinc/copper in reducing the rate of progression to advanced AMD in patients with intermediate AMD or with one-sided late AMD. The AREDS-2 study has shown that lutein and zeaxanthin may substitute beta-carotene because of its potential relationship with increased lung cancer incidence. Conclusion. Research has proved that elder people with poor diets, especially with low AOX and omega-3 micronutrients intake and subsequently having low plasmatic levels, are more prone to developing AMD. Micronutrient supplementation enhances antioxidant defense and healthy eyes and might prevent/retard/modify AMD.