15 resultados para Rosenblatt Landa, Esther , 1912-
[EUS] Artikulu honetan, (UPV/EHU) Geografia Lizenziaturako ikasleek burututako Landa Garapen Aurreproiektu batzuetatik ondorioztatzen diren emaitza nagusiak plazaratzen dira. Nahiz eta lan horien hasierako helburua erabat akademikoa izan, kanpo lanaren bidez lortutako datuen interesak sintesi txiki hau bultzatzen du.
[EUS] Landa-garapeneko politikek, eremu horietako ohiko jardueren sustapena eta berregituratze sozioekonomikoa bultzatzeaz gain, lurralde-antolaketa zein ingurumen-esparru gero eta garrantzitsuagoak barneratu dituzte beren proposamenetan. Artikulu honek horixe aztertzen du, zein izan den landa-garapen politikaren ingurumentze prozesua Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoan, alegia. Basogintza eta nekazaritza-ingurumen neurriez gain, prozesu honetan arreta berezia merezi du Natura Eremu Babestuen politikak, zeina neurri handian landa-garapenekoarekin uztartu egiten den funtzionalki zein kronologikoki.
[ES] Este artículo aborda los resultados de un estudio sobre la obra de Mariasun Landa, llevado a cabo en la Escuela Universitaria de Vitoria-Gasteiz, con el objetivo de detectar la presencia del género en la obra de la autora vasca a través de los estudiantes de la asignatura de Didáctica de la Lengua y la Literatura y profesores expertos en dicha autora. Nuestra investigación trata de determinar hasta qué punto se subsume en las lecturas realizadas por los estudiantes investigados, la presencia de la autora y su imaginario femenino.
XX. mendearen amaierako “Teknologia berrien” agerpena da “Iraultza Digitala” deritzonaren jatorria. Hezkuntza sistema ez da honetatik kanpo egon, geletan erantsi dituelarik, landa eskoletan aipagarri suertatzen den modura. IKTek elementu berriak txertatu dituzte hezkuntzan, transformazio sakon bat eraginez, bai ikuspuntu teknologikotik, eta baita pedagogikotik ere. Nafarroako herri txiki ezberdinetako testuinguari erreferentzia eginez, landa eskoletan egiten den IKTen erabileran oinarritzen da ikerketa hau. Ikasleek teknologia berriak modu eraginkor eta esanguratsuan erabiltzen dituzte, auto-ikaskuntza bultzatuz; modu honetan, IKTak baliabide praktiko, erabilgarri eta baliogarriak bihurtzen dira irakaslearentzat. Horrela, IKTek eskola hauetako ikas-irakas prozesua errazten dutela eta, gainera, honen kalitatea hobetzen dutela egiaztatzen da.
[EN] The following study aims at analyzing which variable changes the average price of cottages in the Basque Autonomous Community. Historically, there have been more cottages in Gipuzkoa and nowadays it remains the same, even if the number of cottages in the other two provinces has raised. Geographically, the fact of having a coast, lakes, reservoirs and mountains in Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa has lead to having more cottages in the two provinces as well as a growing tourism. For this reason, this study analyzes if that is caused by the same variable in the three provinces or if there is a difference between them, and also in which province lies the biggest difference. For achieving the mentioned goals, the information of 2012 taken from the web page of Nekatur Nekazalturismo Elkartea has been a very useful source.
Buena parte de lo expuesto en este artículo fue presentado por el autor en las IV Jornadas de Lingüística Vasco-Románica (Universidad de Deusto, Bilbao, 29 de noviembre de 2013)
Fecha: 26-2-1985 / Unidad de instalación: Carpeta 48 - Expediente 7-8 / Nº de pág.: 4 (mecanografiadas)
[EN] Data contained in this record come from the following accademic activity (from which it is possible to locate additional records related with the Monastery):
[ES] Los datos de este registro provienen de la una actividad académica que también aparece descrita en el repositorio y desde donde se puede acceder a otros trabajos relacionados con el Monasterio:
Background: Congenital insensitivity to pain with anhidrosis (CIPA) is a rare autosomal recessive genetic disease characterized by the lack of reaction to noxious stimuli and anhidrosis. It is caused by mutations in the NTRK1 gene, which encodes the high affinity tyrosine kinase receptor I for Neurotrophic Growth Factor (NGF). -- Case Presentation: We present the case of a female patient diagnosed with CIPA at the age of 8 months. The patient is currently 6 years old and her psychomotor development conforms to her age (RMN, SPECT and psychological study are in the range of normality). PCR amplification of DNA, followed by direct sequencing, was used to investigate the presence of NTRK1 gene mutations. Reverse transcriptase (RT)-PCR amplification of RNA, followed by cloning and sequencing of isolated RT-PCR products was used to characterize the effect of the mutations on NTRK1 mRNA splicing. The clinical diagnosis of CIPA was confirmed by the detection of two splice-site mutations in NTRK1, revealing that the patient was a compound heterozygote at this gene. One of these alterations, c.574+1G > A, is located at the splice donor site of intron 5. We also found a second mutation, c.2206-2 A > G, not previously reported in the literature, which is located at the splice acceptor site of intron 16. Each parent was confirmed to be a carrier for one of the mutations by DNA sequencing analysis. It has been proposed that the c.574+1G > A mutation would cause exon 5 skipping during NTRK1 mRNA splicing. We could confirm this prediction and, more importantly, we provide evidence that the novel c.2206-2A > G mutation also disrupts normal NTRK1 splicing, leading to the use of an alternative splice acceptor site within exon 17. As a consequence, this mutation would result in the production of a mutant NTRK1 protein with a seven aminoacid in-frame deletion in its tyrosine kinase domain. --Conclusions: We present the first description of a CIPA-associated NTRK1 mutation causing a short interstitial deletion in the tyrosine kinase domain of the receptor. The possible phenotypical implications of this mutation are discussed.
[ES] La mayor parte de enfoques teóricos de internacionalización han surgido en el marco del sector industrial y, por tanto, algunas explicaciones podrían no ser generalizables al sector servicios en su globalidad. Por ello, las características sectoriales deben ser tenidas en cuenta en el análisis de los modos de entrada de las empresas de servicios, ya que es posible encontrar patrones de comportamiento muy diferentes no sólo con respecto a las empresas industriales sino también entre las propias empresas de servicios.
361 p.
284 p. : graf.
Real time monitoring allows the determination of the line state and the calculation of the actual rating value. The real time monitoring systems measure sag, conductor tension, conductor temperature or weather related magnitudes. In this paper, a new ampacity monitoring system for overhead lines, based on the conductor tension, the ambient temperature, the solar radiation and the current intensity, is presented. The measurements are transmitted via GPRS to a control center where a software program calculates the ampacity value. The system takes into account the creep deformation experienced by the conductors during their lifetime and calibrates the tension-temperature reference and the maximum allowable temperature in order to obtain the ampacity. The system includes both hardware implementation and remote control software.
[EN] This paper focuses on how to initiate discussions of the regulatory gaze in primary school classrooms through the study of characters in literature. It specifically focuses on two renowned characters in Spanish literature: Xola (Bernardo Atxaga) and Iholdi (Mariasun Landa). These characters are composed of a chorus of looks which in turn also look. We shall carefully reflect upon these looks and discuss how we see others, how others see us, and how we would like others to see us.