8 resultados para Nankai Trough
The text presented below analyses the variation of the performance of a parabolic trough solar collector, when some of the parameters that govern its operation vary due to dirty mirror, degradation etc. In order to reach that point, it will be seen how the human has made use of solar energy with different purposes, through history until it has been reached the point where solar technology has the widespread use and in such a variety of technologies as it has today. As in this project, the technology analysed is the solar collectors, it is going to make more emphasis on solar thermal technology. They will be explained in detail how the parabolic trough collectors are, analysing from its different components, to its thermal performance. Once acquainted with this technology, it will be seen which tests will be carried out. Finally it is going to be explained how the model, used for the simulation and implementation of the relevant tests, has been developed. It will also be explained how the model has been validated, for once validated, proceed to the sensitivity analysis of the collectors.
[ES] A lo largo de la última década, se ha originado un importante debate acerca de lo que debe entenderse por valor de marca. En la delimitación de este concepto se han utilizado varias perspectivas de análisis y criterios de estimación muy diferentes, de ahí que aún exista sobre este tema una excesiva ambigüedad. En este trabajo se presenta un marco teórico donde se contemplan distintas perspectivas de estudio y varios criterios de estimación del valor de marca. A partir de este marco, se analizan empíricamente siete criterios de estimación de acuerdo con la información recogida de una muestra de usuarios sobre seis marcas de zapatillas de deporte. Con ello se pretende contribuir a un mejor conocimiento del concepto de valor de marca.
283 p. : graf., map.
[ES]Este proyecto comprende la realización de un estudio de optimización mediante análisis técnico-económico del sistema de refrigeración de una planta termosolar de colectores cilindroparabólicos. Se incluye una exposición descriptiva de la planta y el sistema de agua de circulación y condensado. El estudio técnico-económico se apoya en la realización de los balances térmicos variando los parámetros dimensionantes relativos a dicho sistema mediante el software Thermoflex, partiendo del valor de estos que proporciona la potencia nominal de la planta. Se calcula la producción eléctrica diferencial e inversión diferencial de cada alternativa de dimensionamiento del sistema, calculándose la rentabilidad económica para cada caso. Se refleja también el cambio legislativo sucedido en cuanto al precio de venta de la electricidad y como afecta éste en la rentabilidad de cada caso. De esta forma se seleccionará la solución óptima y se extraerán las conclusiones.
E2F1 and E2F2 transcription factors have an important role during the regulation of cell cycle. In experiments done with E2F1/E2F2 knockout mice, it has been described that bone-marrow-derived macrophages (BMDM) undergo an early rapid proliferation event related to DNA hyper-replication. As a consequence, DNA damage response (DDR) pathway is triggered and E2F1/E2F2 knockout macrophages enter premature senescence related to G2/M phase arrest. The exact mechanism trough which DNA hyper-replication leads to DDR in absence of E2F1 and E2F2 remains undiscovered. To determine whether the ATR/ATM pathway, the master regulator of G2/M checkpoint, might be the surveillance mechanism in order to regulate uncontrolled proliferation in the DKO model, we monitored and analysis biochemical properties of BMDM cultures in the presence of caffeine, a potent inhibitor of ATM/ATR activity. Our results show that the addition of caffeine abolishes premature senescence in DKO BMDM, stimulates γ-H2AX accumulation and decreases Mcm2 expression.
[EN] This paper reports an innovative technique for reagents storage in microfluidic devices by means of a one-step UV-photoprintable ionogel-based microarray on non-modified polymeric substrates. Although the ionogel and the ink-jet printing technology are well published, this is the first study where both are used for long-term reagent storage in lab-on-a-chip devices. This technology for reagent storage is perfectly compatible with mass production fabrication processes since pre-treatment of the device substrate is not necessary and inkjet printing allows for an efficient reagent deposition process. The functionality of this microarray is demonstrated by testing the release of biotin-647 after being stored for 1 month at room temperature. Analysis of the fluorescence of the ionogel-based microarray that contains biotin-647 demonstrated that 90% of the biotin-647 present was released from the ionogel-based microarray after pumping PBS 0.1% Tween at 37 °C. Moreover, the activity of biotin-647 after being released from the ionogel-based microarray was investigated trough the binding capability of this biotin to a microcontact printed chip surface with avidin. These findings pave the way for a novel, one-step, cheap and mass production on-chip reagents storage method applicable to other reagents such as antibodies and proteins and enzymes.
[EU]Gradu Amaierako Lan honetan Lego Mindstorms NXT-an Ada Programazio Lengoaian Oinarritutako Aplikazioaren ikasketa burutuko da. Robot hauek aplikazio desberdinetan erabiltzen dira eta irakaskuntza eta ikerketa mundurako oso baliagarriak dira. Konkretuki, Ada lengoaiak eta bere Ravenscar profil azpimultzoak dituen erreminta, pakete, driver... baliabide desberdinak erabilita, liburuz diseinatutako labirinto batetik ateratzeko gai den robotaren aplikazioa burutuko da. Programazioa egiteko, GPS programan Ada lengoaiak eskainitako bitartekoak egokituko dira posible den bitartean eta era honetan, lengoaiaren ulermen sakonagoa bereganatzea espero da, aurkezten dituen indar eta ahuleziekin batera.
[eus] Azken urteetako teknologia berrien iraultza dela eta, haur eta gazte literaturak bere forma aldatu du, ikus-entzunezko euskarrietara moldatuz, hartzaile haurrei erakargarriago eta ulergarriago suertatzearren. Adibide moduan Momo eleberria hartuta, bere moldaketa zinematografikorako erabili diren estrategiak aztertu dira eta bi adierazpen-euskarrien tramak konparatu dira. Analisi honen bidez frogatu ahal izan da moldaketa mota hauek, hain zuzen, jatorrizko lanaren sinplifikazioa inplikatzen dutela; hala ere, ez da arrazoi nahikoa hauek alde batera uzteko edo mesprezatzeko eta hezkuntza-baliabide posible gisa baztertzeko.