6 resultados para Knowledge based system
The 2009/28/EC Directive requires Member States of the European Union to adopt a National Action Plan for Renewable Energy. In this context, the Basque Energy Board, EVE, is committed to research activities such as the Mutriku Oscillating Water Column plant, OWC. This is an experimental facility whose concept consists of a turbine located in a pneumatic energy collection chamber and a doubly fed induction generator that converts energy extracted by the turbine into a form that can be returned to the network. The turbo-generator control requires a precise knowledge of system parameters and of the rotor angular velocity in particular. Thus, to remove the rotor speed sensor implies a simplification of the hardware that is always convenient in rough working conditions. In this particular case, a Luenberger based observer is considered and the effectiveness of the proposed control is shown by numerical simulations. Comparing these results with those obtained using a traditional speed sensor, it is shown that the proposed solution provides better performance since it increases power extraction in the sense that it allows a more reliable and robust performance of the plant, which is even more relevant in a hostile environment as the ocean.
[ES] En el actual contexto de la Sociedad del Conocimiento las instituciones de educación superior deben prestar una atención preferente a las nuevas demandas informativas de sus stakeholders. El objetivo de este trabajo será evidenciar la necesidad de que las universidades incorporen información sobre capital intelectual en su actual sistema de información contable.
In this work the state of the art of the automatic dialogue strategy management using Markov decision processes (MDP) with reinforcement learning (RL) is described. Partially observable Markov decision processes (POMDP) are also described. To test the validity of these methods, two spoken dialogue systems have been developed. The first one is a spoken dialogue system for weather forecast providing, and the second one is a more complex system for train information. With the first system, comparisons between a rule-based system and an automatically trained system have been done, using a real corpus to train the automatic strategy. In the second system, the scalability of these methods when used in larger systems has been tested.
[EU]Ezagutzaren gizartean aurkitzen gara eta informazioak enpresa munduan hartu duen garrantziak garapen berriak ekarri ditu bai ikerketan bai informazio eta komunikazio teknologietan (IKT). Beraz, enpresek informazioa era sistematiko batean kudeatu beharra dute ez badute lehiakortasuna galdu nahi. Egoera honetan, zaintza teknologikoak paper garrantzitsu bat betetzen du informazioa lortzeaz, gordetzeaz eta transmititzeaz arduratzen den sistema baita. Baina sistema honen irispena mugatuta egongo da erabiltzen diren baliabideengatik. Gainera, muga hori garrantzi handiagoa hartzen du ETEtan, Euskal Herriko ekonomia-ehunaren oinarria, non baliabideak minimoak diren eta enpresa handiagoekin lehiatu behar diren. Egoera honi aurre egiteko, 2.0 tresnak aurkezten dira, zaintza teknologikorako baliagarriak diren tresnak, kostu eta denbora minimoak eskatzen dituztenak. Horrela, lan hau Euskal Herriko ETEtan zaintza teknologikoaren egoera aztertzera eta bere beharretara egokitzen diren soluzio teknologikoak planteatzera zuzenduta joango da, 2.0 tresnak oinarri moduan daudela.
[EU]Lan honetan Ebaluatoia aurkezten da, eskala handiko ingelesa-euskara itzulpen automatikoko ebaluazio kanpaina, komunitate-elkarlanean oinarritua. Bost sistemaren itzulpen kalitatea konparatzea izan da kanpainaren helburua, zehazki, bi sistema estatistiko, erregeletan oinarritutako bat eta sistema hibrido bat (IXA taldean garatuak) eta Google Translate. Emaitzetan oinarrituta, sistemen sailkapen bat egin dugu, baita etorkizuneko ikerkuntza bideratuko duten zenbait analisi kualitatibo ere, hain zuzen, ebaluazio-bildumako azpi-multzoen analisia, iturburuko esaldien analisi estrukturala eta itzulpenen errore-analisia. Lanak analisi hauen hastapenak aurkezten ditu, etorkizunean zein motatako analisietan sakondu erakutsiko digutenak.