6 resultados para Games of chance (Mathematics)
p(>= 2)-cyclic and contractive self-mappings on a set of subsets of a metric space which are simultaneously accretive on the whole metric space are investigated. The joint fulfilment of the p-cyclic contractiveness and accretive properties is formulated as well as potential relationships with cyclic self-mappings in order to be Kannan self-mappings. The existence and uniqueness of best proximity points and fixed points is also investigated as well as some related properties of composed self-mappings from the union of any two adjacent subsets, belonging to the initial set of subsets, to themselves.
This paper investigates the presence of limit oscillations in an adaptive sampling system. The basic sampling criterion operates in the sense that each next sampling occurs when the absolute difference of the signal amplitude with respect to its currently sampled signal equalizes a prescribed threshold amplitude. The sampling criterion is extended involving a prescribed set of amplitudes. The limit oscillations might be interpreted through the equivalence of the adaptive sampling and hold device with a nonlinear one consisting of a relay with multiple hysteresis whose parameterization is, in general, dependent on the initial conditions of the dynamic system. The performed study is performed on the time domain.
Some results on fixed points related to the contractive compositions of bounded operators in a class of complete metric spaces which can be also considered as Banach's spaces are discussed through the paper. The class of composite operators under study can include, in particular, sequences of projection operators under, in general, oblique projective operators. In this paper we are concerned with composite operators which include sequences of pairs of contractive operators involving, in general, oblique projection operators. The results are generalized to sequences of, in general, nonconstant bounded closed operators which can have bounded, closed, and compact limit operators, such that the relevant composite sequences are also compact operators. It is proven that in both cases, Banach contraction principle guarantees the existence of unique fixed points under contractive conditions.
12 p.
[ES] Desde que el 24 de abril de 1966 Madrid perdiera frente a Munich la votación para ser elegida como ciudad organizadora de los Juegos Olímpicos de 1972, la ciudad nunca había estado tan cerca de la organización de unas Olimpiadas.
[EUS] Matematikaren irakaskuntzaren helburuenetako bat hezkuntza maila guztietan ikasleen ahalmen intelektualen garapena da. Ahalmen espazialaren trataera eskolan urria izan da, bereziki zenbakizko ahalmenak edota arrazonamenduzko ahalmenak izan duten trataerarekin konparatzen badugu. Hezkuntza Matematikoan egindako berrikusketek ahalmen espazialaren azterketaren garrantzia azpimarratzen dute nahiz eta erreferentzi marko baten ezak sakabanatzen eta zailtzen dituen emaitzen lorpena, behin betikoak izateko erreplikagarriak izan behar dutela jakinik. Ondoren proposatzen den ikerketa-lerroak ahalmen espaziala alderdi hirukoitz batetik abiaturik aztertu nahi du: egitura, garapena eta hobetze-proposamenak kontutan harturik. Hiru arlo horietan proposaturiko ereduek bermatuko dute diagnostiko zuzen bat, ikasleen ahalmen espaziala hobetuko duena.