6 resultados para Fremiot, Juana Francisca


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In this thesis we propose a new approach to deduction methods for temporal logic. Our proposal is based on an inductive definition of eventualities that is different from the usual one. On the basis of this non-customary inductive definition for eventualities, we first provide dual systems of tableaux and sequents for Propositional Linear-time Temporal Logic (PLTL). Then, we adapt the deductive approach introduced by means of these dual tableau and sequent systems to the resolution framework and we present a clausal temporal resolution method for PLTL. Finally, we make use of this new clausal temporal resolution method for establishing logical foundations for declarative temporal logic programming languages. The key element in the deduction systems for temporal logic is to deal with eventualities and hidden invariants that may prevent the fulfillment of eventualities. Different ways of addressing this issue can be found in the works on deduction systems for temporal logic. Traditional tableau systems for temporal logic generate an auxiliary graph in a first pass.Then, in a second pass, unsatisfiable nodes are pruned. In particular, the second pass must check whether the eventualities are fulfilled. The one-pass tableau calculus introduced by S. Schwendimann requires an additional handling of information in order to detect cyclic branches that contain unfulfilled eventualities. Regarding traditional sequent calculi for temporal logic, the issue of eventualities and hidden invariants is tackled by making use of a kind of inference rules (mainly, invariant-based rules or infinitary rules) that complicates their automation. A remarkable consequence of using either a two-pass approach based on auxiliary graphs or aone-pass approach that requires an additional handling of information in the tableau framework, and either invariant-based rules or infinitary rules in the sequent framework, is that temporal logic fails to carry out the classical correspondence between tableaux and sequents. In this thesis, we first provide a one-pass tableau method TTM that instead of a graph obtains a cyclic tree to decide whether a set of PLTL-formulas is satisfiable. In TTM tableaux are classical-like. For unsatisfiable sets of formulas, TTM produces tableaux whose leaves contain a formula and its negation. In the case of satisfiable sets of formulas, TTM builds tableaux where each fully expanded open branch characterizes a collection of models for the set of formulas in the root. The tableau method TTM is complete and yields a decision procedure for PLTL. This tableau method is directly associated to a one-sided sequent calculus called TTC. Since TTM is free from all the structural rules that hinder the mechanization of deduction, e.g. weakening and contraction, then the resulting sequent calculus TTC is also free from this kind of structural rules. In particular, TTC is free of any kind of cut, including invariant-based cut. From the deduction system TTC, we obtain a two-sided sequent calculus GTC that preserves all these good freeness properties and is finitary, sound and complete for PLTL. Therefore, we show that the classical correspondence between tableaux and sequent calculi can be extended to temporal logic. The most fruitful approach in the literature on resolution methods for temporal logic, which was started with the seminal paper of M. Fisher, deals with PLTL and requires to generate invariants for performing resolution on eventualities. In this thesis, we present a new approach to resolution for PLTL. The main novelty of our approach is that we do not generate invariants for performing resolution on eventualities. Our method is based on the dual methods of tableaux and sequents for PLTL mentioned above. Our resolution method involves translation into a clausal normal form that is a direct extension of classical CNF. We first show that any PLTL-formula can be transformed into this clausal normal form. Then, we present our temporal resolution method, called TRS-resolution, that extends classical propositional resolution. Finally, we prove that TRS-resolution is sound and complete. In fact, it finishes for any input formula deciding its satisfiability, hence it gives rise to a new decision procedure for PLTL. In the field of temporal logic programming, the declarative proposals that provide a completeness result do not allow eventualities, whereas the proposals that follow the imperative future approach either restrict the use of eventualities or deal with them by calculating an upper bound based on the small model property for PLTL. In the latter, when the length of a derivation reaches the upper bound, the derivation is given up and backtracking is used to try another possible derivation. In this thesis we present a declarative propositional temporal logic programming language, called TeDiLog, that is a combination of the temporal and disjunctive paradigms in Logic Programming. We establish the logical foundations of our proposal by formally defining operational and logical semantics for TeDiLog and by proving their equivalence. Since TeDiLog is, syntactically, a sublanguage of PLTL, the logical semantics of TeDiLog is supported by PLTL logical consequence. The operational semantics of TeDiLog is based on TRS-resolution. TeDiLog allows both eventualities and always-formulas to occur in clause heads and also in clause bodies. To the best of our knowledge, TeDiLog is the first declarative temporal logic programming language that achieves this high degree of expressiveness. Since the tableau method presented in this thesis is able to detect that the fulfillment of an eventuality is prevented by a hidden invariant without checking for it by means of an extra process, since our finitary sequent calculi do not include invariant-based rules and since our resolution method dispenses with invariant generation, we say that our deduction methods are invariant-free.


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[ES] En este artículo analizaremos el devenir del universo de mujeres de Gioconda Belli, a través de la mirada de tres personajes protagonistas femeninos que se pronuncian de forma contundente sobre la vida y la estética literaria de la autora. Partiremos del análisis de Lavinia, protagonista femenina de La mujer habitada (1988) la primera novela de la autora, a continuación analizaremos el perfil de Sofia protagonista de Sofía de los presagios (1990), su segunda novela. Y por último, escudriñaremos las características de un personaje femenino que propone una nueva lectura de la mítica Juana de Castilla, protagonista de El Pergamino de la seducción (2005). Las tres figuras femeninas literarias nacen de sus propias experiencias simultaneadas por la memoria, compañera inseparable en el afianzamiento del yo y son heroínas de su propia historia


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[ES] Los recursos de naturaleza intangible se han convertido en los bienes más importantes que poseen las empresas para generar riqueza de manera sostenible, en concreto el Capital Humano. Sin embargo, el éxito y supervivencia de la empresa se encuentra sometida a la aprobación de sus grupos de interés (stakeholders). Por ello, las empresas deben adoptar medidas para garantizar que sus actuaciones sean percibidas por sus stakeholders como legítimas; una manera para legitimarse es mediante el suministro de información voluntaria. Por tanto, bajo el marco de la Teoría de la Legitimidad y de los Stakeholders, nuestro objetivo es analizar cómo las empresas españolas están informando de manera voluntaria sobre su Capital Humano en los informes anuales, desde una doble perspectiva informativa: la generación de intangibles (conocimiento) y la responsabilidad social. Así, usando la metodología del análisis de contenido, la evidencia empírica muestra que las empresas españolas suministran escasa información acerca de su Capital Humano, siendo los temas relacionados con la formación y el desarrollo de los empleados los más divulgados. No obstante, y con respecto a la responsabilidad social, hay que destacar la tendencia alcista por parte de las empresas a suministrar información relativa a la política de igualdad y diversidad, la prevención de riesgos laborales y las relaciones entre empleadores y empleados.


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[ES]En el trabajo que presentamos se revisan los nuevos enfoques de dirección de empresas basados en gestión de procesos y gestión de riesgos, y su influencia en el futuro de la información económica-financiera, lo que dará lugar a cambios acelerados por las más avanzadas aplicaciones informáticas de la contabilidad y las prácticas de auditoría, puesto que en la práctica diaria de las empresas, tanto la auditoría como la información contable y los sistemas de información, contemplan ya dicho enfoque de la contabilidad por procesos. En consecuencia, la evolución de los sistemas de información favorece, cuando no obliga, a que el profesional de la contabilidad empresarial adopte una visión de la misma según los nuevos puntos de vista basados en procesos, provocando nuevas aplicaciones informáticas a la contabilidad.


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The health status of premature infants born 32(1)-35(0) weeks' gestational age (wGA) hospitalized for RSV infection in the first year of life (cases; n = 125) was compared to that of premature infants not hospitalized for RSV (controls; n = 362) through 6 years. The primary endpoints were the percentage of children with wheezing between 2-6 years and lung function at 6 years of age. Secondary endpoints included quality of life, healthcare resource use, and allergic sensitization. A significantly higher proportion of cases than controls experienced recurrent wheezing through 6 years of age (46.7% vs. 27.4%; p = 0.001). The vast majority of lung function tests appeared normal at 6 years of age in both cohorts. In children with pulmonary function in the lower limit of normality (FEV1 Z-score [-2; -1]), wheezing was increased, particularly for cases vs. controls (72.7% vs. 18.9%, p = 0.002). Multivariate analysis revealed the most important factor for wheezing was RSV hospitalization. Quality of life on the respiratory subscale of the TAPQOL was significantly lower (p = 0.001) and healthcare resource utilization was significantly higher (p<0.001) in cases than controls. This study confirms RSV disease is associated with wheezing in 32-35 wGA infants through 6 years of age.