5 resultados para Bicycle commuting
[ES]El objetivo de este proyecto es llevar a cabo el diseño conceptual, modelado y análisis estructural de un cuadro de bicicleta de geometría de carretera, empleando herramientas de Diseño Asistido por Ordenador y software de Análisis con Elementos Finitos. El modelo inicial será analizado y optimizado de cara a que cumpla los requerimientos resitentes del escenario de cargas asumido. El propósito de este proyecto es completar la primera fase de un hipotético caso de producción.
[EU]Lan honek bizikletako aurreko gurpileko abatz baten CAM edo CNC programazioa egitean datza, honen bidez erremintaren ibilbidea deskribatuz piezaren CAD eredutik abiatuz. Hasteko, zenbakizko kontrolak izan duen eboluzioa eta garrantzia azaltzen da. Ondoren, abatzaren funtzionamenduaren deskribapena egin da, bere osagaiak eta izan behar dituen ezaugarriak aztertuz. Gainera, fabrikazio prozesu ezberdinen analisia egin da, bakoitzaren abantaila eta desabantailak azpimarratuz. Azkenik, zenbakizko kontrolaren inguruan bereganatutako ezagutzak aplikatu dira CAM programa batean abatz baten mekanizazioa programatuz. Honez gain, erabilitako CAM programaren erabilera azaltzen da.
Coincidence and common fixed point theorems for a class of Suzuki hybrid contractions involving two pairs of single-valued and multivalued maps in a metric space are obtained. In addition, the existence of a common solution for a certain class of functional equations arising in a dynamic programming is also discussed.
We propose a bio-inspired sequential quantum protocol for the cloning and preservation of the statistics associated to quantum observables of a given system. It combines the cloning of a set of commuting observables, permitted by the no-cloning and no-broadcasting theorems, with a controllable propagation of the initial state coherences to the subsequent generations. The protocol mimics the scenario in which an individual in an unknown quantum state copies and propagates its quantum information into an environment of blank qubits Finally, we propose a realistic experimental implementation of this protocol in trapped ions.
We show that dynamics in the spin-orbit coupling field simulate the von Neumann measurement of a particle spin. We demonstrate how the measurement influences the spin and coordinate evolution of a particle by comparing two examples of such a procedure. The first example is a simultaneous measurement of spin components, sigma(x) and sigma(y), corresponding to non-commuting operators, which cannot be accurately obtained together at a given time instant due to the Heisenberg uncertainty ratio. By mapping spin dynamics onto a spatial walk, such a procedure determines measurement-time averages of sigma(x) and sigma(y), which can already be precisely evaluated in a single short-time measurement. The other, qualitatively different, example is the spin of a one-dimensional particle in a magnetic field. Here, the measurement outcome depends on the angle between the spin-orbit coupling and magnetic fields. These results can be applied to studies of spin-orbit coupled cold atoms and electrons in solids.