16 resultados para Basilio Bessarión, cardenal
Fecha: 19-2-1940 / Unidad de instalación: Carpeta 45 - Expediente 2-12 / Nº de pág.: 2 (mecanografiadas)
Duración (en horas): Más de 50 horas. Destinatario: Estudiante y Docente
This project introduces an improvement of the vision capacity of the robot Robotino operating under ROS platform. A method for recognizing object class using binary features has been developed. The proposed method performs a binary classification of the descriptors of each training image to characterize the appearance of the object class. It presents the use of the binary descriptor based on the difference of gray intensity of the pixels in the image. It shows that binary features are suitable to represent object class in spite of the low resolution and the weak information concerning details of the object in the image. It also introduces the use of a boosting method (Adaboost) of feature selection al- lowing to eliminate redundancies and noise in order to improve the performance of the classifier. Finally, a kernel classifier SVM (Support Vector Machine) is trained with the available database and applied for predictions on new images. One possible future work is to establish a visual servo-control that is to say the reac- tion of the robot to the detection of the object.
Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) is a technique that consists on applying electrical current pulses to artificially activate motor nerve fibers and produce muscle contractions to achieve functional movements. The main applications of FES are within the rehabilitation field, in which this technique is used to aid recovery or to restore lost motor functions. People that benefit of FES are usually patients with neurological disorders which result in motor dysfunctions; most common patients include stroke and spinal cord injury (SCI). Neuroprosthesis are devices that have their basis in FES technique, and their aim is to bridge interrupted or damaged neural paths between the brain and upper or lower limbs. One of the aims of neuroprosthesis is to artificially generate muscle contractions that produce functional movements, and therefore, assist impaired people by making them able to perform activities of daily living (ADL). FES applies current pulses and stimulates nerve fibers by means of electrodes, which can be either implanted or surface electrodes. Both of them have advantages and disadvantages. Implanted electrodes need open surgery to place them next to the nerve root, so these electrodes carry many disadvantages that are produced by the use of invasive techniques. In return, as the electrodes are attached to the nerve, they make it easier to achieve selective functional movements. On the contrary, surface electrodes are not invasive and are easily attached or detached on the skin. Main disadvantages of surface electrodes are the difficulty of selectively stimulating nerve fibers and uncomfortable feeling perceived by users due to sensory nerves located in the skin. Electrical stimulation surface electrode technology has improved significantly through the years and recently, multi-field electrodes have been suggested. This multi-field or matrix electrode approach brings many advantages to FES; among them it is the possibility of easily applying different stimulation methods and techniques. The main goal of this thesis is therefore, to test two stimulation methods, which are asynchronous and synchronous stimulation, in the upper limb with multi-field electrodes. To this end, a purpose-built wrist torque measuring system and a graphic user interface were developed to measure wrist torque produced with each of the methods and to efficiently carry out the experiments. Then, both methods were tested on 15 healthy subjects and sensitivity results were analyzed for different cases. Results show that there are significant differences between methods regarding sensation in some cases, which can affect effectiveness or success of FES.
Background: Gene expression technologies have opened up new ways to diagnose and treat cancer and other diseases. Clustering algorithms are a useful approach with which to analyze genome expression data. They attempt to partition the genes into groups exhibiting similar patterns of variation in expression level. An important problem associated with gene classification is to discern whether the clustering process can find a relevant partition as well as the identification of new genes classes. There are two key aspects to classification: the estimation of the number of clusters, and the decision as to whether a new unit (gene, tumor sample ... ) belongs to one of these previously identified clusters or to a new group. Results: ICGE is a user-friendly R package which provides many functions related to this problem: identify the number of clusters using mixed variables, usually found by applied biomedical researchers; detect whether the data have a cluster structure; identify whether a new unit belongs to one of the pre-identified clusters or to a novel group, and classify new units into the corresponding cluster. The functions in the ICGE package are accompanied by help files and easy examples to facilitate its use. Conclusions: We demonstrate the utility of ICGE by analyzing simulated and real data sets. The results show that ICGE could be very useful to a broad research community.
215 p.
En este proyecto se ha realizado el procesamiento de una imagen satelital multiespectral de México concretamente centrada en la región del Lago de Chapala. Este proceso tiene como objetivo la distinción de tierra y agua mediante un proceso semi-automático utilizando distintos software o herramientas informáticas. Dentro del proyecto podemos destacar ciertas fases u operaciones como el preprocesado realizado a la imagen satelital donde se han aplicado una serie de transformaciones, la aplicación de técnicas de clasificación supervisada mediante la realización de entrenamiento y testeo con regiones de interés extraídas de la imagen satelital para la obtención de clasificadores o la aplicación de estos clasificadores en la binarización de la imagen, obteniendo una imagen binaria donde un valor representa agua y otro tierra. También podemos destacar el empleo de índices de agua y vegetación como una herramienta fundamental en la detección y en el análisis de cuerpos de agua. Éstos han marcado la calidad de los resultados obtenidos en el proyecto.
This project analyzes the role that marketing plays at present.It is a distinctive in the film industry because of the emergence of new patterns of production, distribution and exhibition due to the unstoppable progress of digital technologies, the expansion of the internet and consumer changes in the spectator. To perform this analysis, a description of the situation of the film industry in the competitive market, Hollywood, and the evolution of digital technology in general are included. It is also essential in the project, to observe, the marketing applied to the different phases of the globalized cinema. And then introduce the potential Spanish marketing strategies.
Proyecto de Fin de Grado, especialidad en Computación. Se ha desarrollado un software en ROS para detectar posturas y movimientos de personas. Para ello, se utiliza la información del esqueleto proporcionada por el sensor Kinect y la biblioteca OpenNI. Se ha realizado un enfoque basado en técnicas de aprendizaje supervisado para generar modelos que clasifiquen posturas estáticas. En el caso de los movimientos, el enfoque se ha basado en clustering. Estos modelos, una vez generados, se incluyen como parte del software, que reacciona ante las posturas y gestos que realice un usuario.
179 p.
Study of emotions in human-computer interaction is a growing research area. This paper shows an attempt to select the most significant features for emotion recognition in spoken Basque and Spanish Languages using different methods for feature selection. RekEmozio database was used as the experimental data set. Several Machine Learning paradigms were used for the emotion classification task. Experiments were executed in three phases, using different sets of features as classification variables in each phase. Moreover, feature subset selection was applied at each phase in order to seek for the most relevant feature subset. The three phases approach was selected to check the validity of the proposed approach. Achieved results show that an instance-based learning algorithm using feature subset selection techniques based on evolutionary algorithms is the best Machine Learning paradigm in automatic emotion recognition, with all different feature sets, obtaining a mean of 80,05% emotion recognition rate in Basque and a 74,82% in Spanish. In order to check the goodness of the proposed process, a greedy searching approach (FSS-Forward) has been applied and a comparison between them is provided. Based on achieved results, a set of most relevant non-speaker dependent features is proposed for both languages and new perspectives are suggested.
La incorporación de la Responsabilidad Penal de las Personas Jurídicas a nuestro ordenamiento jurídico se produce con la publicación de la LO 5/2010, pero no ha sido hasta la nueva Ley Orgánica 1/2015 del pasado 31 de marzo en la que el legislador ha esclarecido los requisitos que la Persona Jurídica debe cumplir para poder eximir su responsabilidad. Se llevará a cabo un exhaustivo estudio en Castellano de los dos pilares fundamentales de la nueva reforma legislativa; los programas de prevención de delitos penales y el encargado de los mismos.
Non-Conventional ways of advertising TV Networks and advertisers have come up with in order to tackle proliferation of the media and discretion of the viewer from the TV experience.
[ES] El presente trabajo examina los principales procedimientos de que se sirve san Ambrosio en la homilía de su «Hexameron» dedicada a los animales acuáticos. Se destacan aquellos desarrollos originales con respecto de su principal modelo, Basilio de Cesarea, en especial las ampliaciones de las caracterizaciones de algunos animales, y se proponen ejemplos de su pervivencia en otros tratadistas medievales. El público diverso a quien se dirigía este sermón de cuaresma explica tanto esas digresiones muchas veces pintorescas como otras más conceptuales, en las que el simbolismo cristiano se apropia de las bases de los naturalistas clásicos, desde Aristóteles a Plinio.
In the problem of one-class classification (OCC) one of the classes, the target class, has to be distinguished from all other possible objects, considered as nontargets. In many biomedical problems this situation arises, for example, in diagnosis, image based tumor recognition or analysis of electrocardiogram data. In this paper an approach to OCC based on a typicality test is experimentally compared with reference state-of-the-art OCC techniques-Gaussian, mixture of Gaussians, naive Parzen, Parzen, and support vector data description-using biomedical data sets. We evaluate the ability of the procedures using twelve experimental data sets with not necessarily continuous data. As there are few benchmark data sets for one-class classification, all data sets considered in the evaluation have multiple classes. Each class in turn is considered as the target class and the units in the other classes are considered as new units to be classified. The results of the comparison show the good performance of the typicality approach, which is available for high dimensional data; it is worth mentioning that it can be used for any kind of data (continuous, discrete, or nominal), whereas state-of-the-art approaches application is not straightforward when nominal variables are present.