10 resultados para Anticipatory postural adjustments


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The main objective of this paper is to analyse the value of information contained in prices of options on the IBEX 35 index at the Spanish Stock Exchange Market. The forward looking information is extracted using implied risk-neutral density functions estimated by a mixture of two-lognormals and three alternative risk-adjustments: the classic power and exponential utility functions and a habit-based specification that allows for a counter-cyclical variation of risk aversion. Our results show that at four-week horizon we can reject the hypothesis that between October 1996 and March 2000 the risk-neutral densities provide accurate predictions of the distributions of future realisations of the IBEX 35 index at a four-week horizon. When forecasting through risk-adjusted densities the performance of this period is statistically improved and we no longer reject that hypothesis. All risk-adjusted densities generate similar forecasting statistics. Then, at least for a horizon of four-weeks, the actual risk adjustment does not seem to be the issue. By contrast, at the one-week horizon risk-adjusted densities do not improve the forecasting ability of the risk-neutral counterparts.


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Presentado en el III Workshop F.E.R.C.A.N (Fontes Epigraphici Religionum Celticarum Aantiquarum)


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[ES]Durante mucho tiempo la historiografía ha considerado que la actividad siderometalúrgica vasca y guipuzcoana sufrió una manifiesta crisis durante el siglo XVII. Sin embargo, un análisis profundo de la documentación, más allá de los meros testimonios e indicios, demuestra que el XVII fue un período dinámico para la industria del hierro, en el que se produjeron innovaciones, transformaciones y reajustes continuos que permitieron al sector seguir manteniendo su prestigio en los mercados mundiales.


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En este trabajo se propone mediante dos sesiones de Educación Física, la inclusión educativa de un alumno con parálisis cerebral mediante actividades y juegos. Previa a esta programación, se destaca la relevancia que tiene la inclusión a nivel social y el eco que está logrando en la comunidad educativa. Centrándonos en su análisis conceptual y haciendo referencia al alumnado con necesidades educativas especiales, se numeran la infinidad de beneficios existentes para todo el grupo. Analizados sus beneficios y teniendo en cuenta las adaptaciones necesarias, se presentan las actividades mencionadas con anterioridad y se resaltan las conclusiones extraídas.


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El trabajo analiza los precios de la electricidad del mercado diario español. En el mismo se realiza un estudio del mercado eléctrico español y sus componentes junto con un análisis de los cambios regulatorios más significativos durante el periodo muestral. A partir de allí, se analiza la muestra a través de los estadísticos descriptivos principales. Luego se presenta un modelo general que es analizado a partir de los resultados empíricos principales obtenidos con su estimación. Finalmente, se realizan ajustes al mismo para obtener un modelo simplificado que se ajuste mejor a lo que se quiere conseguir, que es analizar la evolución de los precios de la electricidad. Los resultados del ajuste arrojan que los precios horarios dependen en su mayor parte de los precios de las horas anteriores. También que el modelo recoge muy bien la estacionalidad mensual y horaria que presenta la muestra. Por otro lado, características de la serie de precios como son la volatilidad y los saltos no quedan bien recogidos por el modelo, lo que lleva a plantearse la búsqueda de modelos alternativos.


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El trabajo analiza los precios de la electricidad del mercado diario español. En el mismo se realiza un estudio del mercado eléctrico español y sus componentes junto con un análisis de los cambios regulatorios más significativos durante el periodo muestral. A partir de allí, se analiza la muestra a través de los estadísticos descriptivos principales. Luego se presenta un modelo general que es analizado a partir de los resultados empíricos principales obtenidos con su estimación. Finalmente, se realizan ajustes al mismo para obtener un modelo simplificado que se ajuste mejor a lo que se quiere conseguir, que es analizar la evolución de los precios de la electricidad. Los resultados del ajuste arrojan que los precios horarios dependen en su mayor parte de los precios de las horas anteriores. También que el modelo recoge muy bien la estacionalidad mensual y horaria que presenta la muestra. Por otro lado, características de la serie de precios como son la volatilidad y los saltos no quedan bien recogidos por el modelo, lo que lleva a plantearse la búsqueda de modelos alternativos.


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The dynamic interaction of limb segments during movements that involve multiple joints creates torques in one joint due to motion about another. Evidence shows that such interaction torques are taken into account during the planning or control of movement in humans. Two alternative hypotheses could explain the compensation of these dynamic torques. One involves the use of internal models to centrally compute predicted interaction torques and their explicit compensation through anticipatory adjustment of descending motor commands. The alternative, based on the equilibrium-point hypothesis, claims that descending signals can be simple and related to the desired movement kinematics only, while spinal feedback mechanisms are responsible for the appropriate creation and coordination of dynamic muscle forces. Partial supporting evidence exists in each case. However, until now no model has explicitly shown, in the case of the second hypothesis, whether peripheral feedback is really sufficient on its own for coordinating the motion of several joints while at the same time accommodating intersegmental interaction torques. Here we propose a minimal computational model to examine this question. Using a biomechanics simulation of a two-joint arm controlled by spinal neural circuitry, we show for the first time that it is indeed possible for the neuromusculoskeletal system to transform simple descending control signals into muscle activation patterns that accommodate interaction forces depending on their direction and magnitude. This is achieved without the aid of any central predictive signal. Even though the model makes various simplifications and abstractions compared to the complexities involved in the control of human arm movements, the finding lends plausibility to the hypothesis that some multijoint movements can in principle be controlled even in the absence of internal models of intersegmental dynamics or learned compensatory motor signals.


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Several insectivorous bats have included fish in their diet, yet little is known about the processes underlying this trophic shift. We performed three field experiments with wild fishing bats to address how they manage to discern fish from insects and adapt their hunting technique to capture fish. We show that bats react only to targets protruding above the water and discern fish from insects based on prey disappearance patterns. Stationary fish trigger short and shallow dips and a terminal echolocation pattern with an important component of the narrowband and low frequency calls. When the fish disappears during the attack process, bats regulate their attack increasing the number of broadband and high frequency calls in the last phase of the echolocation as well as by lengthening and deepening their dips. These adjustments may allow bats to obtain more valuable sensorial information and to perform dips adjusted to the level of uncertainty on the location of the submerged prey. The observed ultrafast regulation may be essential for enabling fishing to become cost-effective in bats, and demonstrates the ability of bats to rapidly modify and synchronise their sensorial and motor features as a response to last minute stimulus variations.


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[EUS] Lan honen helburua egoera posturala eta bizkarreko minaren pertzepzioaren azterketa sakonagoa egitea da. Bizkarreko min zein desoreka posturalek gaur egun duten nagusitasuna ikusita, egoera azaleratu eta honen kausak zeintzuk diren ezagutu nahi dira. Honetarako UPV-EHUko Jarduera Fisikoaren eta Kirolaren Zientzien Fakultateko ikasleen (n=25) postura-aldaketak zein bizkarreko minaren magnitudea eta pertzepzioa nolakoak diren aztertuko ditugu. Egindako analisia longitudinala izan da. Ikasketetan sartu zirenean lehenengo neurketa egin zitzaien eta ikasketen azkeneko urtean azken neurketa. QPS-200 Shekel Posture Analyzer erremintari esker pisuaren banaketaren datu numerikoak lortu ditugu. Bizkarreko mina eta pertzepzioari dagozkienez, NASS osasun galdetegia erabili izan da. Posturaren neurketek erakutsi dutenez, bariazio handiena pertsonen artekoa da. Hetereogeneotasun handiena aurre-atze banaketak azaleratu duelarik, gehienbat lehenengo neurketan (2012: DS=9,33 begiak zabalik eta DS=9,99 begiak itxita; 2014: DS=7,37 begiak zabalik eta DS=7,94 begiak itxita). Aurkitu den efektu signifikatibo bakarra (p<0.05), bestalde, neurketa data da. Bizkarreko minaren pertzepzioak gora egin du urteak aurrera joan ahala (subjektuen %64 2012an; subjektuen %72 2014an) baina egunerokotasunean minak sortzen dituen zailtasunak behera egin du (%28 2012an; %20 2014an).


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Background: Previous studies suggest that dietary protein might play a beneficial role in combating obesity and its related chronic diseases. Total, animal and plant protein intakes and their associations with anthropometry and serum biomarkers in European adolescents using one standardised methodology across European countries are not well documented. Objectives: To evaluate total, animal and plant protein intakes in European adolescents stratified by gender and age, and to investigate their associations with cardio-metabolic indicators (anthropometry and biomarkers). Methods: The current analysis included 1804 randomly selected adolescents participating in the HELENA study (conducted in 2006-2007) aged 12.5-17.5 y (47% males) who completed two non-consecutive computerised 24-h dietary recalls. Associations between animal and plant protein intakes, and anthropometry and serum biomarkers were examined with General linear Model multivariate analysis. Results: Average total protein intake exceeded the recommendations of World Health Organization and European Food Safety Authority. Mean total protein intake was 96 g/d (59% derived from animal protein). Total, animal and plant protein intakes (g/d) were significantly lower in females than in males and total and plant protein intakes were lower in younger participants (12.5-14.9 y). Protein intake was significantly lower in underweight subjects and higher in obese ones; the direction of the relationship was reversed after adjustments for body weight (g/(kg.d)). The inverse association of plant protein intakes was stronger with BMI z-score and body fat percentage (BF%) compared to animal protein intakes. Additionally, BMI and BF% were positively associated with energy percentage of animal protein. Conclusions: This sample of European adolescents appeared to have adequate total protein intake. Our findings suggest that plant protein intakes may play a role in preventing obesity among European adolescents. Further longitudinal studies are needed to investigate the potential beneficial effects observed in this study in the prevention of obesity and related chronic diseases.