3 resultados para 2003-07-BS
In this article an index decomposition methodology is used to estimate the effect of intersectorial and intrasectorial changes in explaining the 38% reduction in industrial energy intensity in the Basque Autonomous Community from 1982 to 2001. Period-wise additive decomposition results show that (1) the decline is fully explained by intrasectorial changes and that (2) intersectorial changes have not contributed to reduce but to increase the energy intensity of the Basque industrial sector. However, timeseries decomposition analysis shows that (1) four different phases can be distinguished in the evolution of energy intensity of the Basque industry from 1982 to 2001 and (2) that the evolution of the “Iron and Steel” sector is determinant when explaining those phases. Moreover, the analysis stresses the necessity to disaggregate the “Iron and Steel” sector in order to be able to distinguish purely technological effects from the rest of intrasectorial changes.
Los sistemas de pensiones públicas de reparto con prestación definida a lo largo del mundo se están convirtiendo a planes de aportación definida capitalizados, donde los agentes eligen sus carteras de acciones y bonos. A fin de hacer más atractivas al público estas reformas, los gobiernos típicamente han proporcionado garantías que reducen la exposición de los individuos a los riesgos de inversión, por ejemplo, una garantía de prestación mínima. En este trabajo se analiza una conversión hipotética del actual sistema español de reparto a un modelo de estas características. El valor de la garantía de prestación mínima se aproxima utilizando datos representativos de la situación española. Con objeto de controlar el coste de esta garantía, se exploran algunas técnicas de gestión de riesgos. La práctica más común, a saber, la sobrecapitalización, es bastante ineficaz. Precisamente por ello, después se presentan dos alternativas: (a) una garantía sobre una cartera estandarizada, y (b) un impuesto contingente (dependiente del estado de la naturaleza) sobre los rendimientos. Los cálculos indican que los compromisos no capitalizados pueden reducirse significativamente, e incluso por completo, bajo ambos enfoques, con tasas de aportación relativamente modestas.
Using US data for the period 1967:5-2002:4, this paper empirically investigates the performance of an augmented version of the Taylor rule (ATR) that (i) allows for the presence of switching regimes, (ii) considers the long-short term spread in addition to the typical variables, (iii) uses an alternative monthly indicator of general economic activity suggested by Stock and Watson (1999), and (iv) considers interest rate smoothing. The estimation results show the existence of switching regimes, one characterized by low volatility and the other by high volatility. Moreover, the scale of the responses of the Federal funds rate to movements in the term spread, inflation and the economic activity index depend on the regime. The estimation results also show robust empirical evidence that the ATR has been more stable during the term of office of Chairman Greenspan than in the pre-Greenspan period. However, a closer look at the Greenspan period shows the existence of two alternative regimes and that the response of the Fed funds rate to inflation has not been significant during this period once the term spread is considered.