13 resultados para 163-989


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"The Role of Latin in the Early Modern World: Linguistic identity and nationalism 1350-1800". Contributions from the conference held at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Casa Convalescència, 5-6 May 2010. Edited by Alejandro Coroleu, Carlo Caruso & Andrew Laird


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Enactive approaches foreground the role of interpersonal interaction in explanations of social understanding. This motivates, in combination with a recent interest in neuroscientific studies involving actual interactions, the question of how interactive processes relate to neural mechanisms involved in social understanding. We introduce the Interactive Brain Hypothesis (IBH) in order to help map the spectrum of possible relations between social interaction and neural processes. The hypothesis states that interactive experience and skills play enabling roles in both the development and current function of social brain mechanisms, even in cases where social understanding happens in the absence of immediate interaction. We examine the plausibility of this hypothesis against developmental and neurobiological evidence and contrast it with the widespread assumption that mindreading is crucial to all social cognition. We describe the elements of social interaction that bear most directly on this hypothesis and discuss the empirical possibilities open to social neuroscience. We propose that the link between coordination dynamics and social understanding can be best grasped by studying transitions between states of coordination. These transitions form part of the self-organization of interaction processes that characterize the dynamics of social engagement. The patterns and synergies of this self-organization help explain how individuals understand each other. Various possibilities for role-taking emerge during interaction, determining a spectrum of participation. This view contrasts sharply with the observational stance that has guided research in social neuroscience until recently. We also introduce the concept of readiness to interact to describe the practices and dispositions that are summoned in situations of social significance (even if not interactive). This latter idea links interactive factors to more classical observational scenarios.


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Antonio Duplá Ansuategui, Piedad Frías Nogales e Iban Zaldúa (editores)


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[EN] The objective of this study was to determine whether a short training program, using real foods, would decreased their portion-size estimation errors after training. 90 student volunteers (20.18±0.44 y old) of the University of the Basque Country (Spain) were trained in observational techniques and tested in food-weight estimation during and after a 3-hour training period. The program included 57 commonly consumed foods that represent a variety of forms (125 different shapes). Estimates of food weight were compared with actual weights. Effectiveness of training was determined by examining change in the absolute percentage error for all observers and over all foods over time. Data were analyzed using SPSS vs. 13.0. The portion-size errors decreased after training for most of the foods. Additionally, the accuracy of their estimates clearly varies by food group and forms. Amorphous was the food type estimated least accurately both before and after training. Our findings suggest that future dietitians can be trained to estimate quantities by direct observation across a wide range of foods. However this training may have been too brief for participants to fully assimilate the application.


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[EN]For a good development of elastic optical networks, the design of flexible optical switching nodes is required. This work analyses the previously proposed flexible architectures and, based on the most appropriate, which is the Architecture on Demand (AoD), proposes a specific configuration of the node that includes spatial and spectral switching and the wavelength conversion functionality with a low blocking probability and the minimum amount of modules; the characteristics of the traffic that the designed node is able to cope with are specified in the last chapter. An evaluation of the designed node is also done, and, compared to the other architectures, it is shown that the Architecture on Demand gives better results than others and that it has a higher potential for future developments.


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[ES]IV Congreso Internacional de Comunicación Audiovisual y Publicidad El 28 de noviembre de 2014 se celebró en Bilbao, en el Bizkaia Aretoa de la UPV/EHU, el IV Congreso Internacional del Departamento de Comunicación Audiovisual y Publicidad de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y de la Comunicación de la Universidad del País Vasco, al tiempo que el V Congreso Nacional de Unión Latina de Economía Política de la Información, la Comunicación y la Cultura (ULEPICC). Versó sobre la situación de los medios de comunicación públicos, privados o sociales de proximidad que, hoy, afrontan un panorama muy incierto y lleno de retos a causa, entre otros, del sistema normativo decidido por las autoridades políticas que penaliza a los medios locales y especialmente a los comunitarios, los cambios tecnológicos, los nuevos usos de la comunicación audiovisual y en Internet, los recortes de los presupuestos, las privatizaciones, externalizaciones, o incluso cierres y desapariciones de algunos canales autonómicos y locales, junto a las graves dificultades de financiación en el mercado publicitario de todos ellos.


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[ES]Se presenta el siguiente proyecto de desarrollo, enfocado en el contexto de suplir las necesidades de los equipos de emergencias. Actualmente los equipos de emergencias, hacen uso de walkie talkies para comunicarse entre sí, es decir, hacen uso de la tecnología PTT (Push-to-talk). Es una comunicación unidireccional de un usuario a muchos, de manera que pueden transmitir la información necesaria a varios usuarios simultáneamente. Por otra parte, la comunicación mediante esta tecnología hace posible que sea en tiempo real sin prácticamente ningún retraso. Sin embargo el uso de esta forma de comunicación trae consigo algunos inconvenientes. Por ejemplo, los dispositivos tienen un rango de alcance de transmisión-recepción limitado. Además la banda de frecuencia para poder comunicarse debe ser reservada a fin de evitar posibles problemas de comunicación debido a que el canal estuviera ocupado por otros usuarios, posibles interferencias, etc. La reserva de este rango de frecuencia, supone un coste añadido para el uso de esta tecnología. Con el desarrollo de las redes móviles que ofrecen grandes velocidades de transmisión, se hace posible el uso de la tecnología PTT mediante la red móvil existente. De esta manera, surge el siguiente proyecto de desarrollo de una aplicación móvil Android, como cliente que haga uso de la tecnología PTT sobre la red móvil PoC (Push-to-talk Over Cellular).


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