41 resultados para 12-18 mois
We analyze the effects of capital income taxation on long-run growth in a stochastic, two-period overlapping generations economy. Endogenous growth is driven by a positive externality of physical capital in the production sector that makes firms exhibit an aggregate technology in equilibrium. We distinguish between capital income and labor income, and between attitudes towards risk and intertemporal substitution of consumption. We show necessary and sufficient conditions such that i) increments in the capital income taxation lead to higher equilibrium growth rates, and ii) the effect of changes in the capital income tax rate on the equilibrium growth may be of opposite signs in stochastic and in deterministic economies. Such a sign reversal is shown to be more likely depending on i) how the intertemporal elasticity of substitution compares to one, and ii) the size of second- period labor supply. Numerical simulations show that for reasonable values of the intertemporal elasticity of substitution, a sign reversal shows up only for implausibly high values of the second- period’s labor supply. The conclusion is that deterministic OLG economies are a good approximation of the effect of taxes on the equilibrium growth rate as in Smith (1996).
7 p.
348 p.: gráf. Nota: tesis impresa en español y portugués, defendida en ambos idiomas
XXXIV, 581 p.
Nivel educativo: Grado. Duración (en horas): Más de 50 horas
Nivel educativo: Grado. Duración (en horas): Más de 50 horas
Nivel educativo: Grado. Duración (en horas): Más de 50 horas
Nivel educativo: Grado. Duración (en horas): De 21 a 30 horas
Nivel educativo: Grado. Duración (en horas): Más de 50 horas
Nivel educativo: Grado. Duración (en horas): De 41 a 50 horas
Nivel educativo: Grado. Duración (en horas): De 41 a 50 horas
Esta tesis presenta el diseño y desarrollo del Asistente Conversacional del Automóvil, Voice User Help en inglés, un sistema conversacional basado en el paradigma pregunta-respuesta y diseñado para consultar documentación del vehículo duartne la conducción. Este trabajo recoge investigaciones realizadas en los campos de la documentación técnica, recuperación de información, procesamineto de lenguaje natural, diseñode interfaces de usuario para vehículos, experiencia del usuario y computación afectiva con el fin de crear un asistente adaptativo y dinámico que modifica su comportamiento conversacional dependiendo del estado emocional del usuario.
Viral infections remain a serious global health issue. Metagenomic approaches are increasingly used in the detection of novel viral pathogens but also to generate complete genomes of uncultivated viruses. In silico identification of complete viral genomes from sequence data would allow rapid phylogenetic characterization of these new viruses. Often, however, complete viral genomes are not recovered, but rather several distinct contigs derived from a single entity are, some of which have no sequence homology to any known proteins. De novo assembly of single viruses from a metagenome is challenging, not only because of the lack of a reference genome, but also because of intrapopulation variation and uneven or insufficient coverage. Here we explored different assembly algorithms, remote homology searches, genome-specific sequence motifs, k-mer frequency ranking, and coverage profile binning to detect and obtain viral target genomes from metagenomes. All methods were tested on 454-generated sequencing datasets containing three recently described RNA viruses with a relatively large genome which were divergent to previously known viruses from the viral families Rhabdoviridae and Coronaviridae. Depending on specific characteristics of the target virus and the metagenomic community, different assembly and in silico gap closure strategies were successful in obtaining near complete viral genomes.
Sex workers are traditionally considered important vectors of transmission of sexually transmitted infections (STI). The role of clients is commonly overlooked, partially due to the lack of evidence on clients' position in the sexual network created by commercial sex. Contrasting the diffusion importance of sex workers and their clients in the map of their sexual encounters in two Web-mediated communities, we find that from diffusion perspective, clients are as important as sex workers. Their diffusion importance is closely linked to the geography of the sexual encounters: as a result of different movement patterns, travelling clients shorten network distances between distant network neighborhoods and thus facilitate contagion among them more than sex workers, and find themselves more often in the core of the network by which they could contribute to the persistence of STIs in the community. These findings position clients into the set of the key actors and highlight the role of human mobility in the transmission of STIs in commercial sexual networks.
Esta investigación pretende visibilizar las principales reivindicaciones del Movimiento Feminista de Hego Euskal Herria (desde 1960 hasta el verano de 2015), así como sus logros y sus retos actuales tanto en la vida social como política del territorio. Para ello, se centra en las demandas a través de los carteles, las camisetas, las pintadas en los muros, las pegatinas y los eslóganes, mostrando la expresión gráfica urbana como forma de incidencia, al igual que la experiencia vivida y compartida de los colectivos feministas implicados. El objetivo es poner en común los aprendizajes generados con el fin de contribuir al debate sobre cómo conseguir cambios estructurales desde la calle, las organizaciones sociales y los puestos de poder político, poniendo en valor las prácticas feministas y a las feministas como hacedoras de otras formas de organización política.