9 resultados para (1889)


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Impreso por la Diputación Foral de Álava, D.L. VI-430/99.


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[ES] El interés de los estudiosos modernos por el léxico especializado en latín empezó ya en las primeras décadas del siglo xx. Sin embargo, el tratamiento sistemático de los términos científico-técnicos tanto desde el punto de vista teórico como práctico tardó más de medio siglo en alcanzar un cierto grado de desarrollo porque no disponían de instrumentos adecuados para progresar adecuadamente. La llegada de las modernas tecnologías electrónicas para el tratamiento masivo de la información, así como el desarrollo teórico de una ciencia cognitiva de la comunicación han proporcionado a los investigadores los medios para elaborar potentes instrumentos lexicográficos que son capaces de dar satisfacción en buena medida a las necesidades que tenía el gran desarrollo alcanzado por la investigación a lo largo de las últimas décadas en todos los campos de la ciencia. El decotgrel, en tanto que diccionario concordado, es un buen ejemplo de las posibilidades y retos que tiene ante sí la lexicografía y la terminología del siglo XXI.


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Due to the recent implantation of the Bologna process, the definition of competences in Higher Education is an important matter that deserves special attention and requires a detailed analysis. For that reason, we study the importance given to severa! competences for the professional activity and the degree to which these competences have been achieved through the received education. The answers include also competences observed in two periods of time given by individuals of multiple characteristics. In this context and in order to obtain synthesized results, we propose the use of Multiple Table Factor Analysis. Through this analysis, individuals are described by severa! groups, showing the most important variability factors of the individuals and allowing the analysis of the common structure ofthe different data tables. The obtained results will allow us finding out the existence or absence of a common structure in the answers of the various data tables, knowing which competences have similar answer structure in the groups of variables, as well as characterizing those answers through the individuals.


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[EU]Bada etxe handiek eskain ditzaketen baino esperientzi aberats eta biziagoak eskaintzen dituen etxe txikirik. Hori dela-eta, badira nahita tamaina murriztean pentsatu eta eraiki izan diren adibideak ere. Etxearen kalitatea bertan egiten den bizimoduaren arabera neurtuko da. Transzenditze beharra gizadiaren funtsezko beharra bada, betikotasuna izango da etxeak biztanleari eskain diezaiokeen gehiena. Etxe txikietan behar hau nabariagoa egingo da, mingarriagoa, sakonagoa.


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[EN]Fundación Zain is developing new built heritage assessment protocols. The goal is to objectivize and standardize the analysis and decision process that leads to determining the degree of protection of built heritage in the Basque Country. The ultimate step in this objectivization and standardization effort will be the development of an information and communication technology (ICT) tool for the assessment of built heritage. This paper presents the ground work carried out to make this tool possible: the automatic, image-based delineation of stone masonry. This is a necessary first step in the development of the tool, as the built heritage that will be assessed consists of stone masonry construction, and many of the features analyzed can be characterized according to the geometry and arrangement of the stones. Much of the assessment is carried out through visual inspection. Thus, this process will be automated by applying image processing on digital images of the elements under inspection. The principal contribution of this paper is the automatic delineation the framework proposed. The other contribution is the performance evaluation of this delineation as the input to a classifier for a geometrically characterized feature of a built heritage object. The element chosen to perform this evaluation is the stone arrangement of masonry walls. The validity of the proposed framework is assessed on real images of masonry walls.


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Entrevista realizada al historietista asturiano Alfonso Zapico


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Kike Infameri (Infame & Co) Euskal irudigileen elkarteari buruzko lekarrizketa


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Dani Fanori egindako elkarrizketa, Ikastolen Elkarteak argitaratzen duen Xabiroi aldizkariaren parte-hartzaileetako bat


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Fundacion Zain is developing new built heritage assessment protocols. The goal is to objectivize and standardize the analysis and decision process that leads to determining the degree of protection of built heritage in the Basque Country. The ultimate step in this objectivization and standardization effort will be the development of an information and communication technology (ICT) tool for the assessment of built heritage. This paper presents the ground work carried out to make this tool possible: the automatic, image-based delineation of stone masonry. This is a necessary first step in the development of the tool, as the built heritage that will be assessed consists of stone masonry construction, and many of the features analyzed can be characterized according to the geometry and arrangement of the stones. Much of the assessment is carried out through visual inspection. Thus, this process will be automated by applying image processing on digital images of the elements under inspection. The principal contribution of this paper is the automatic delineation the framework proposed. The other contribution is the performance evaluation of this delineation as the input to a classifier for a geometrically characterized feature of a built heritage object. The element chosen to perform this evaluation is the stone arrangement of masonry walls. The validity of the proposed framework is assessed on real images of masonry walls.