3 resultados para intérieur

em Archivo Digital para la Docencia y la Investigación - Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad del País Vasco


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[ES]A finales de la Edad Media la nobleza rural del País Vasco desarrolló actividades violentas y delictivas como medio para superar los efectos de la crisis. Dentro de este contexto las torres y casas fuertes desempeñaron un papel capital. Todo ello se analiza a través del ejemplo de la torre del señor de Berna, en la Vizcaya del siglo XV.


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[EN]Most of the information indicating ageing improves tenderness has been collected on the loin and rib-eye muscles over relatively short ageing times, assuming that all muscles will react similarly. In the present study, the effect of extended ageing times on instrumental texture (56 d) and sensory characteristics (42 d) of six different beef sub-primals [striploin (SL), inside round (IR), outside round (OR), eye of round (ER), blade eye (BE) and chuck tender (CT)] was studied. The effects of two ageing temperatures (1and 58C) were also compared. In general, ageing increased tenderness (P<0.05) of SL, BE, ER and CT sub-primals, although BE shear force increased after 42 d of ageing. On the other hand, ageing had no effect on IR tenderness (P<0.05) and resulted in a decrease in tenderness of OR (P<0.05) until day 35, with a later increase after 42 d of ageing. Increasing ageing temperature (58C) had limited effect on tenderness, but ageing time and temperature increases led to lower flavour and higher off-flavour intensity (P<0.05) of the studied sub-primals. These results suggest that cutspecific maximum ageing times and rigid adherence to temperature maximums would be of benefit to optimize postslaughter processes and meat quality


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[EU]Europar Batasunak, zerbitzuen barne merkatua garatzeko xedez, araubide berria onartzeari ekin dio. Orain artekoan, Batasunak bere barne merkatua osatzeko estatuetako protekzionismoa mugatzeko helburua ardatz hartuta jardun badu ere (berdintasun printzipioa bermatze aldera), azken aldian jauzi kualitatiboa eman nahi izan du, estatu-kideei esku-hartzeko ahalmenak errotik mugatuz. Lan honek araubide europarraren norabidea eta hedapena aztertzea du helburu, arauen menpeko zerbitzu merkatua edo, aldiz, araurik gabekoa ezarri ote den galderari erantzun nahian.